Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 449 Repaying the Other in His Way

Chapter 449 Treating the other body with his own way (one more)
Chapter 453
In fact, Ran Zhi put a lot of effort into it, if he hadn't secretly informed Murong Chui, Murong Chui would not have decided to assassinate Ran Min at all.

If Ran Zhi hadn't bribed Liu Yi, who had a personal grudge with Ran Min, Ran Min would not have been poisoned, let alone lose the chance to resist.If Ran Min had the original strength, it would be impossible for Murong Chui to succeed.

Maybe he will fall short like Jing Ke assassinating Qin in history.If Ran Zhi hadn't bought Yin Jiong, Murong Chui's weapons would not have been able to be brought into the palace.

How do you know that the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes.

Not only did Ran Min not die, but he was alive and well.Ran Zhi couldn't help feeling uneasy.Ran Zhi thought that everything he did seemed flawless, and all the evidence that should be eliminated, Ran Zhi had already been destroyed.

But Ran Zhi knew that Ran Min was not a rigid person, and evidence might prove a person guilty.However, Ran Min is better at defeating ten meetings with one force.No matter how many tricks you have, they will all disappear in front of his iron fist.

Later, Li Nong, the great Sima of Zhao Yuan, was named by Ran Min as the only vassal king with a different surname in Wei, but Li Nong, who had the Shi family in mind, was not convinced.He made Ji separate the relationship between Ran Min and the begging army, and made the more than 21 begging troops of the Wei army separate from Ran Min.Li Nong did it flawlessly at the time, but Ran Min ignored Li Nong's conspiracy and directly killed Li Nong and his three sons after gaining insight into Li Nong's plot.

A lesson from the past is a guide for the future.At this time, Ran Zhi was finally in chaos.He couldn't think of a better way to pay attention, so he immediately found his confidant to discuss.Donggong Xianma Liu Jiao, Chang Shi Liu Nian, Zhan Shi Pei Bi, Zhang Gu Wang Jian, guests Zheng Zhe, Cui Qian and others were all present.

Naturally, Ran Zhi would not tell the scandal about his assassination of Ran Min, he said to his confidants heartbroken: "I don't know people well, I didn't expect Linghu Lei to be so greedy for life and afraid of death, disregarding the safety of tens of thousands of troops, The Pingbei Army suffered heavy casualties, and the situation is critical. Now that the emperor is about to return to the court, if the emperor finds out about this, what should he do if he blames him?"

"Your Highness can't be blamed for this!" Liu Jiao said with a wry smile: "It happened so suddenly, and His Highness regretting and blaming himself now is useless. There is a saying that it is difficult to draw a dragon or a tiger, and it is difficult to know the heart when it is known. The army is so cunning, fortunately Xu Yuan made a decisive decision, otherwise the situation would be even more difficult to recover. Why doesn't Your Highness declare Linghu Lei's crimes and justify General Xu's name?"

Liu Jiao's move is a typical example of losing his pawn to protect his handsome man. He abandoned Linghu Lei and minimized Ran Zhi's responsibility for negligence.

"But father, what if..." Ran Zhi showed a worried expression.

Pei Bi smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Highness, there is still room for redemption in this battle. Bi heard that Wang Meng, the Prime Minister of the Jiaodong Kingdom, has both civil and military skills, and he can support General Xu as a side of the Eastern Route Army. If Wang Meng leads the Qingzhou Army by boat, set off by sea." If Wang Meng succeeds in capturing Lulong Town to cut off Murong Ke's retreat, Murong Ke will not be able to fight with peace of mind if his retreat is cut off. In addition, General Xu has suffered a serious loss of food and grass, and His Highness must replenish it as soon as possible!"

From a strategic point of view, there is no loophole in Pei Bi's strategy. After all, at this time, sending troops to support Xu Yuan is worse than relieving his pressure. What he lacks most is not troops, but food and grass.

It is not easy for Murong Ke to capture Xu Yuan's tens of thousands of troops. If the military power of the Wei army cannot be wiped out, it will be useless for Murong Ke to occupy more cities.Even though the looting would bring the biggest loss to Wei, there was nothing Murong Ke could do about it. Wei was used to looting by the Hu clan. They will all catch fire for no apparent reason, even if they attack the city, Murong Ke will get nothing in the end.

The real reason for this phenomenon is Zhang Ping and his masterpiece of "deaf and dumb". They did not appear on the frontal battlefield, nor did they assassinate the enemy generals and destroy their food and grass as before.Because the Xianbei army can fight without food and grass. If there is no food and grass, they will rob it. If they lose food and grass, they will eat people.In order to prevent the Yan army from eating people on a large scale, Zhang Ping did not move the food and grass of the Yan army, but as long as Murong Ke attacked the city, he would burn all the food and grass before the city was broken.

Zhang Ping's tactic made Murong Ke extremely uncomfortable. Since he invaded Wei, he had nothing but seized a lot of equipment and supplies in Lulongjun Town.Even killing all these Han people is of no use, after all, Yan State needs to rule the Central Plains, not an empty Central Plains.

Relying on killing will not frighten the people of Wei at all. Even if he can kill and is willing to kill, they will not be afraid at all.Murong Ke ordered the massacre of the city when he was in Lingzhi, and as a result, even the children fought against them with bricks. In a small county with a population of less than 4000, the Yan army suffered no more than a hundred casualties in the battle to capture the city. However, during the massacre of the whole city, More than [-] people were killed or injured. What makes Murong Ke extremely depressed is that those Wei people are like crazy. Splashed on combustibles, when they saw the Yan army rushing, they set their homes on fire and died at the same time as the Yan army.

This crazy move made Murong Ke startled.If everyone in the Han Dynasty is so staunch, and would rather be broken than broken, in this world, I am afraid that no one can conquer this nation.

Murong Ke regretted this decision a bit, but Lan Jian persuaded: "Now the Ran family is the backbone of the Han people in Wei State. If the regent uproots the Ran family, the Han people will lose their will to resist."

Murong Ke said: "It seems that we can only destroy these elite troops of the Wei army first, and then directly attack Yecheng."

In fact, Murong Ke didn't want to attack the city, not to mention the capture of the battlefield, and he would have to pay a lot of losses.He also knew that if he wiped out the tens of thousands of troops of Wei Guoping's Northern Army, Dai and Jin would surely fall into trouble.

Jiaodong is not its city and palace.

"Father, do you really want to recruit millions of troops?" Ran Ming said incredulously: "It's a little late to recruit troops now. Even if the whole country is mobilized, it will take at least more than a month for these strong people to gather, and It’s okay for untrained folks to wave flags and shout to help, but to fight with real swords and guns is simply to die!”

"I don't know these questions!"

In Ran Min's view, the situation of the Pingbei Army is quite dangerous. If the Pingbei Army fails, Jin will definitely attack Wei from three directions: Xuzhou, Jingzhou, and Yizhou. A little cheap.Now he can't get the army to support Xu Yuan at all, and Xu Yuan alone will definitely not be able to beat Murong Ke.Even if he appoints Ran Ming to go north to fight the fire, Ran Min has no idea whether Ran Ming can save the defeat.

Ran Min is also in a dilemma. It is already a cold winter. If the troops can gather together, it will be the New Year soon. If millions of people are assembled, the Wei State will definitely delay next year's spring plowing.

"Father is worried about Fan Yang's situation?" Ran Ming tried to ask.

"Except for Fan Yang and Guanzhong!" Ran Min nodded and said, "Although Fu Jian, Wang Zhuo, and Sima Xun in Guanzhong are nothing to worry about, it will take at least three months for Dong Run to quell the chaos in Guanzhong. It is not easy for the general, and I am also worried that the Liang Congress will fish in troubled waters. Even if Dong Run can quell the chaos in Guanzhong, at least he will not be able to spare troops to support the Pingbei Army in a short period of time. Zhang Wen, Ji Wei, and Jiang Gan must guard against Jin and Dai. The pressure is not light either.”

"Father, don't worry!" Ran Ming said, "I don't need a single soldier, and within ten days, I can break Yan's offensive!"

"Murong Ke is not so easy to deal with!" Ran Min said: "Last time it was just a matter of luck, and Murong Ke didn't value you at all, now he won't despise you anymore, and he won't leave any loopholes for you to take advantage of." !"

"Murong Ke is dead this time!" Ran Ming said with certainty, "Actually, Erchen ordered the Jiaodong Army and the "North Mansion Seventh Army" composed of young and strong beggars to have a total of more than [-] people. Led by General Jing Zhan of Jiaodong, they arrived at Zhanchan in Lelang County by sea! Zhanchan is a natural ice-free port, no matter how cold the weather is, the sea will not be frozen. Counting the time, they should have arrived in Liaodong in secret. No accidents. The battle of Dragon City should break out. The battle report will be sent back in the next few days!"

After being reminded by Ran Ming, Ran Min remembered that the "deaf and dumb" had received information from Jiaodong Kingdom. According to the information, Ran Ming had been secretly transferred to an army of more than [-] troops. Later, he found no sign of entering Yecheng, so he went out to sea. Go, Ran Min did not continue to pay attention.Thinking of it now, Ran Min said in surprise: "Ming'er, could it be that Yan Guo had hidden evil intentions at that time?"

"I don't guarantee that Yan will rebel!" Ran Ming explained: "So I didn't tell my father, but acted in secret. If Yan doesn't attack our Wei, the Jiaodong Army's trip is just a routine training. If they dare to attack the Yan Kingdom, the Jiaodong Army will turn nothing into reality and attack Huanglong directly!"

Ran Min felt that his brain was not enough. Ran Min would not believe Ran Ming's explanation. Could it be that Ran Ming had other intelligence means besides Sky Eye?

Is Ran Ming really as rumored?Are the gods from the sky descending to earth?Otherwise, how would Fei Tian explain Ran Ming's use of tools?Ran Ming knows too many things, Ran Min thinks about it carefully, how many teachers have taught Ran Ming?It seems that the sum is less than one percent of Ran Ming.

Ran Min said: "How does Ming'er want to solve the dangerous situation in Wei State?"

"Use one's own way to treat the other person!" Ran Ming said: "Father was assassinated, the morale of the army was unstable, and the morale was low. It takes a big victory to save the situation... Murong Ke won by sneak attack, and he must be complacent. Man. I want to seize Longcheng first, capture the princes and nobles of the Murong tribe of Yan State, and then attack the heart first. If the Yan army learns that the capital has been captured and the emperor, princes and nobles are all captured, the morale will definitely be frustrated. If our army counterattacks at that time, we must Big win!"

Ran Min nodded and said, "If Yan is nothing to worry about, the crisis of Wei will be broken. Then I will also gather the people, and then order the local people to train them to prepare for emergencies."

(End of this chapter)

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