Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 47 Strategies for Qingzhou

Chapter 47 Strategies for Qingzhou
Chapter 048

Yan State Palace in Jixian County.

Most of the civil and military officials of Yan State followed Murong Jun to the south and arrived here.Murong Juan hadn't recovered from the shock of Murong Ke's defeat in Liantai, and then the bad news came again!Murong's army had more than 8000 troops, and the entire army was wiped out. Even Murong's army was defeated and killed!

Murong Jun once betrayed Murong Hao, so Murong Jun didn't like this traitor who once betrayed his father, on the contrary, he still suppressed his little uncle everywhere!Especially hearing the news of Murong Jun's death in battle, not only was Murong Juan not at all unhappy, but a faint joy welled up in his heart.

Murong Jun's death in battle not only removed a lump in Murong Jun's heart, but more importantly, they finally learned from the rout soldiers that this Wei army was not commanded by Ran Min, but Ran Min's second son, Ran Ming.

This Wei army, like Ran Min's other Wei armies, is brave and not afraid of death. They also dare to fight and fight hard.Murong Juan had no choice but to pull himself together and treat this army with a size of only ten thousand people with caution!

At this time Murong Ke was kneeling in front of Murong Jun, not daring to lift his head!

Murong Juan turned around, and suddenly said: "You actually fled without fighting? Are you still worthy of being the general of our Great Yan Kingdom? Are you still a warrior of our Xianbei? I feel ashamed of your behavior, Murong family, When did such a scum appear!"

As he said that, Murong Juan still couldn't let go of his hatred, he kicked Murong Ke, kicking Murong Ke to the ground.

Murong Juan cursed: "The son of the Murong family can die in battle. We living people will avenge the dead warriors. This is the glory of the Murong family. But you, you, insulted our Murong family!"

Murong Ping persuaded Murong Juan to continue yelling, because he was familiar with Murong Juan's personality, if Murong Juan was very angry, he would really kill Murong Ke in a fit of anger.

Murong commented: "Ke'er, do you feel contemptuous of Ran Ming'er?"

Murong Ke hung his head on the ground and said in a low voice: "Ke really has the heart to underestimate the enemy, but Ke never thought that Ran Ming'er would use Xuan Ming (Murong De) to cut off the retreat of those Huns who surrendered, and force them to serve as Ran Ming. Ming used it to force the soldiers to fight our Yan army to the end! When Ke wakes up, the elites under Ke’s command have all suffered casualties, and they are powerless to recover!”

Murong Ping winked at Murong Ke calmly, which means that it is better to admit mistakes, and Murong Juan just takes the soft and not the tough.

Murong Ping turned around and said: "Ran Min's fierce reputation is rare in the world, and Wei Jun is brave, so it shouldn't be surprising. Although Ran Min's killing of Hu Xiwen won the hearts of the Han people in the north, it also forced all of us to put aside our past differences and shake hands. Let's deal with Ran Min together. Besides, Ran Min is only showing off his bravery, he doesn't know how to advance or retreat, he doesn't understand the general trend of the world, but he doesn't have to worry about it, but this Ran Ming knows how to choose, knows how to advance and retreat. His steel is hardened. In this way, even if Ran Min has great abilities, he will definitely be defeated under the siege of our Xianbei, Shi, Jie, Qiang, Xiongnu, Gaoche, Dingling and other tribes. But Ran Ming At such a young age, he had such a bottom line, not only used to win over the Xiongnu, Fuyu, and Goguryeo to divide our country of Yan, but at the same time, he also strictly enforced military discipline, and clearly defined rewards and punishments. , this is my Yan State's formidable enemy!"

Hearing Murong Ping's evaluation of Ran Ming, Murong Juan was very unconvinced. He said, "In this way, the Wei army under Ran Ming's army is invincible? In the future, when our warriors from the Great Yan Kingdom meet the Wei army under Ran Ming's army, will we still have to fight?" Is it impossible to take a detour? As the Prime Minister said, too much destroys one's own prestige and strengthens others' ambition!"

Murong Ke said: "My Great Yan State dominates the north and surrenders all the ministries, relying on tens of thousands of elites from my Murong Ministry. Since the Battle of Liantai, the Battle of Anxi, and the Battle of Boling, our Yan army has lost 16 There are more than 9 elites, among which the young and strong of the Murong tribe lost more than [-] horses, and the young and strong in the clan lost too much, if there were no elite warriors from the Murong tribe to deter all the tribes, the tribes that surrendered to my Dayan would definitely be ready to move!"

Murong Juan said in a bad tone: "In your opinion, should our Yan army warriors just avoid the battle and preserve their strength?"

Murong Juan was very annoyed at Murong Ke's passive attitude of avoiding war. The Xianbei people are nomadic people. Although the Murong tribe established the Yan State, in fact they are still a state form transformed from a loose tribal alliance.

The Yan State is dominated by the eight tribes of the Xianbei tribe. However, the Yan State does not control all the Xianbei tribes. At least the Tuoba tribe is establishing the Dai State.The territory covers the Mongolian grasslands, to Bingzhou and Yongzhou.Shuozhou area.The Tuoba Ministry controls the three tribes of Xianbei in the west of Xianbei, while the Murong tribe controls the five tribes of Xianbei in the middle and east. They are different from the Han regime. The Han regime generally adopts a strategy of recuperation after the military strength is greatly damaged. , mainly based on stability.

But the nomads respect the strong. As long as the Murong tribe who leads the various tribes is defeated, their prestige will be greatly reduced, and then there will be infighting for the throne by force.In fact, Murong Juan knows best that if he wants to get out of the predicament now, there is only one way, to use a brilliant victory to establish the supreme prestige of the Murong Department in the hearts of all the departments.

Although Murong Juan was a little disappointed with Murong Ke, but more of it was complicated joy. Murong Ke's military achievements were too strong, and his achievements were a bit overwhelming. Now it happens that he has been defeated again and again, and his prestige has dropped to freezing point. In this way, Murong Ke no longer has the prestige to threaten his throne!

In fact, Murong Ke didn't know that he walked through the gate of hell. If it wasn't for this defeat, Murong Jun might have plotted against him!
Murong Juan commented to the Prime Minister's General Murong again: "Uncle Wang, in your opinion, how should our country of Yan deal with Ran Ming?"

Murong Ping pondered for a long time, and said: "Fighting in the wild with Ran Ming's tribe, especially the Han people are best at defense, it is difficult to find their flaws, so we can only use the strength of our Yan army knights to treat them in the same way as others. Our army's cavalry has the advantage of speed, and we will deal with them when they are exhausted after they run out of ammunition and food."

Murong Juan thought for a while, then made a final decision: "According to Uncle Wang's words, pass on my will and order all ministries in Yan Kingdom to gather all the young and strong in the tribe within one month and gather in Ji County."

"However, this is not enough. We should work together with Dai Guo, Shi Qin, Qingzhou Duan Kan, and the Jin Alliance to kill Ran Wei!" Huangfu said with a cold gaze!
"Huangfu's love for Qing is exactly what I want!"

In Gaoyang City, Ran Ming was sitting in the army tent, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

He just received a bad news, because of the appearance of Ran Ming, Duan Kan was alerted, and he began to gather troops to defend the city.In this way, Ran Ming's plan to seize Qingzhou by surprise has come to nothing!Ran Ming wanted to get a port near the coast as a base, and Qingzhou was not the only choice.

Gaoyang is only [-] miles away from Tianjin Port of later generations, and cavalry can reach it in a day.

Of course, there is no such city as Tianjin yet, and Tianjin is just a small fishing village at this time.But Tianjin has an advantage that Qingzhou does not have. Tianjin is too close to the Xianbei people and has no strategic depth. Ran Ming wants to accumulate strength in Tianjin, and this is not the best place.Yan Guo will never allow a hostile force to be under their noses!If you lie on the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly?
Just when Ran Ming was about to fall asleep in a daze, the guard suddenly reported: "Your Highness, Lu Canjun is asking to see you!"

After being disturbed by the guards, Ran Ming lost all sleepiness!
Ran Ming said: "Please come in!"

Ran Ming is a big man who grew up from the grassroots. He doesn't have the kind of arrogance of the rich and powerful's children. Ran Ming will treat everyone with courtesy.Just looking at Ran Ming, there is absolutely no trace of that ruffian aura on him.People who don't know the details thought he was a modest gentleman!
Since Lu Yan came in, he said respectfully: "Please refer to Your Highness for humble positions!"

"Excuse me sir!" Ran Ming said, "I don't know what is Lu Canjun's business here late at night?"

Lu Yan said: "The humble job has completed what His Highness told you, and I am here to return to Your Highness!"

With that said, Lu Yan handed over the document in his hand to Ran Ming.All the seized materials were classified and counted clearly by Lu Yan. It said how much food was seized, including how much new food and how much old food, all of which were listed one by one. How many, how many women, where are they distributed!
Ran Ming nodded while looking at it. Don't look at it, it's just a simple sorting of these numbers. Without a calculator or abacus, counting these numbers is a massive project!

Ran Ming said: "Mr. is really a great talent. If ordinary people deal with this matter, they would not be able to do it in three to five days, but Mr. only took half a day's work. It is really amazing!"

Lu Yan said modestly: "Your Highness, I'm so proud of you! Don't dare to say credit for what's in your job!"

Ran Ming looked at Lu Yan with erratic eyes, knowing that he must have other important matters to discuss, so he directly asked, "What else is there, sir?"

Lu Yan was shocked immediately, he thought he was acting calmly, but he didn't expect that at such a young age, Ran Ming could see through his own thoughts with such sharp eyesight!

Lu Yan said: "There is indeed something wrong, I wonder how His Highness plans to arrange these rescued people?"

Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "I'm going to give them some money and food so they can return home!"

"Hey!" Lu Yan sighed, "His Royal Highness originally wanted to save the lives of the people, but since this happened, these people will undoubtedly die!"

Seeing Ran Ming's incomprehensible appearance, Lu Yan boldly continued: "Now in Hebei (north of the Yellow River), almost all the cultivated land has been destroyed by the war. Even if a little field has not been destroyed, it has been more than a month this year. It hasn't rained anymore, so Yi Yan calculates that this year must be a year of severe drought. Although there is no guarantee that there will be no harvest, at least the harvest will be greatly reduced. These people can only get five liters of grain per person, how many days can they eat? How can they survive after eating them all?"

Only then did Ran Ming realize that he had made a fatal mistake. When the people returned home, the people lost their protection, and the Xianbei people would take away their money and food, because these people were powerless to protect themselves!

Lu Yan said again: "Does Your Highness know what is the most precious thing right now?"

"Food!" Ran Ming said hesitantly.

Lu Yan shook his head and said: "No, the most precious thing now is the population!"

The Central Plains has been ravaged by the Hus for decades, and the Han people have been massacred. Ten houses and nine empties. During the Gushi period, Qingzhou had 77 households and about 400 million people. Now, the entire Qingzhou has less than 16 households and a population of more than [-]. .Food can be harvested in one year at most, but it takes [-] years for a baby to grow up! "

Ran Ming said: "You mean, I want to control these common people?"

Lu Yan said: "Holding the army of people and wealth is the foundation of your highness's promotion. Your highness now has tiger and wolf divisions in his hands. He has captured a lot of money and food, but he lacks people. Only when there are more people can we grow more food and recruit people." Sergeant, to be able to..."

Ran Ming nodded, and said to Lu Yan: "Well, tell those people that they are willing to follow me, and I will take them to Qingzhou!"

"Qingzhou!" Lu Yan's eyes lit up, and he understood Ran Ming's plan!

Lu Yan asked again: "I don't know what your Highness's plan is?"

"I just want to live, live like a human being! To protect my family!"

"Alive! Is it that simple?"

"If I can't even protect my family, what nonsense are I talking about?" Ran Ming looked at Lu Yan aggressively and said, "I want to take Qingzhou, please teach me!" Lu Yan thought for a long time, and said lightly: " If His Highness chooses Qingzhou, there are three strategies for His Highness to choose from, the upper, the middle, and the lower!"

"Sir, but you are defenseless!"

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(End of this chapter)

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