Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 501 The most eternal thing in the world is profit

Chapter 501 The most eternal thing in the world is profit (three more)
Chapter 505 The most eternal thing in the world is profit
Just a gold pearl or a black pearl, nothing special.

While expensive, it's not impossible to get.

However, 99 pearls that are exactly the same cannot be measured by money. Not to mention the wealthy scholars present, even in the whole world, it is difficult to find the same 99 pearls.

What is a rare treasure, what is hard to find, this is the real treasure.Although the storage time of pearls cannot exceed a hundred years, there are 99 round and crystal pearls of the same size, which are enough to cause people to fall into a scramble.

Even the well-informed gentry representing merchants felt their heart beating faster and their blood flowing faster.For a moment, in the entire Liu's Restaurant, the banquet hall on the second floor, and dozens of tables, there was only the sound of heavy breathing.

Ran Ming was very satisfied with this performance, if he had this effect.In fact, Ran Ming, who is in charge of minting the currency of Wei State, can use gold and copper mines to increase the amount of currency minting to quickly raise enough massive road construction funds.However, as a descendant, Ran Ming, a successful entrepreneur, understands the laws of the market economy. Once a large amount of money is put into the market, it will cause inflation and put the originally fragile economy of Wei into trouble.

Ran Ming clearly knows that in future generations, China's newly added currency will exceed 12 trillion a year, accounting for nearly half of the total amount of newly added currency in the entire world.This kind of irresponsible behavior of issuing currency indiscriminately is the ordinary people who suffer the most.Because the money they earned through hard work has depreciated several times invisibly. The money that could buy a cow ten years ago is only enough to buy an ordinary meal ten years later.

Ran Ming didn't want to lose the interests of the common people, so he could only stimulate consumption.The gentry family is the gathering place for all the hidden wealth in the world. If the gentry are not allowed to take out their money, Wei's economic development will still be a stagnant pool.Only by letting money flow is real economic development.Ran Ming used the method of profit induction to force those aristocrats who control a large amount of resources to consume, forcing them to make due "contributions" to economic development.

After seeing the fish taking the bait, Ran Ming announced that the official auction meeting will be held in three days, with a smile all over the country.At this time, Ran Ming was also supported by the servants of Jiaodong Palace to leave Liu's Restaurant.

Three days later, one of the properties under Ran Ming's name, the first brothel in Wei State that does not focus on prostitution.Announced the suspension of business.There are 28 merchants with certain strength in the Wei Kingdom Merchant League, and 37 merchants with gentry backgrounds. A total of 65 merchants came to the country with a smile with special invitation letters.

At this time, there is a long case half a person's height on the stage of Yixiao Qingguo.On the right side of the long case, there is a small copper hammer about one foot long, and a copper gong.Opposite the table, there are more than a dozen round tables arranged in a fan shape, on which are placed pens, inks, papers and inkstones.There are no more than two chairs placed beside each table, and merchants who receive the auction post can have two people from each household.

As all the merchants arrived one after another, the well-dressed Liu Yuan walked from the backstage to the stage. Liu Yuan arched his hands at the merchants present and said, "I am the proprietor of Zhongshan Liu's firm, and today I am specially entrusted by His Royal Highness King Jiaodong to be in charge of today's auction." meeting."

Those who didn't know Liu Yuan were also whispering among themselves, "He Liu Yuan is the uncle (father-in-law) of King Jiaodong and the father of Concubine Liu."

Then, according to Ran Ming's intention, Liu Yuan introduced the rules of this auction to the merchants.Ran Ming adopted the form of hidden bids for later generations. After all, China is a society of human feelings, especially in ancient times. If you want to get the highest price, it is impossible.Except for Qinghe Cui, who has similar strength as them, who dared to ask them for the price of what the Taiyuan Wang family liked, no one else dared to compete with them at all.

Moreover, Ran Ming also got the news that the Five Schools and Seven Schools are secretly joining forces, planning to play a cold game with Ran Ming, and each big family is responsible for taking part of it, and no one else is allowed to compete with them.After Ran Ming got the news, he broke out in a cold sweat.Who dares to underestimate the wisdom of the ancients, if the plot of the noble families of the Five Schools and Seven Schools really succeeds, Ran Ming will not even have a place to cry.

Liu Yuan had dozens of trays brought out, and each tray contained dozens of silk or linen cloths of different colors. Moonlight white, light white, yellow-white, beige, clear blue, azure blue, dark blue, etc. Dozens of colors.

China is the country of silk, as long as they are not poor and white, almost everyone has some research on silk.The merchants present are all good people, and they are also leaders in business. Even if they don't know how to dye, their eyes are very vicious, at least they can tell the good from the bad.

Ran Ming's Rainbow Brocade is actually a series.Although there are only three primary colors and seven basic colors, there are almost countless mixed colors. Ran Ming only produced 37 representative colors.

Liu Yuan smiled and said: "I declare in advance that the two dyeing techniques of yellow and purple are not for sale!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this, but in fact no one bought it.In ancient times and later generations, yellow and purple were only owned by people with special status. Yellow belonged to the royal family, while purple belonged to Jiuqing, princes and nobles. For the crimes, the light ones beheaded and ransacked the house, and the serious ones exterminated the nine clans.

Liu Yuandao: "This is a total of 37 kinds of dyeing. There are 37 different dyeing techniques. You can bid for one of them, or several of them. If you have the ability, of course you can also bid for all of them. Starting with five hundred gold, there will be no more. Restrictions, everyone can write down the price you want to bid according to the number on the cloth sample in front of you, and then put it in the envelope representing your respective identities in front of you. Then someone will take away your hidden bid, and there are three More than a dozen outstanding calculators, they will pick out the highest auction price among you within half an hour, and sign the contract with the receipt tonight! If anyone can't come up with the hidden bid within the specified time , it will be regarded as a waiver. At the same time, this bid will be invalidated and enter the next round of bidding! Of course, if you breach the contract, the thousand gold deposit you handed over when you enter the venue will be counted as liquidated damages paid to King Jiaodong!"

What does it mean for a lion to open its mouth wide? This is Ran Ming. 37 kinds of dyeing techniques, even if one of them is auctioned at the lowest price, it will cost tens of thousands of gold.

Seeing that the people below did not act for a long time, Liu Yuan was secretly anxious.He pointed to these sermons: "All of you are experts, you should be able to tell the difference. This is definitely not dyed with five-party soil. It is an absolutely new secret recipe. If you buy this secret recipe, don't worry about dyeing it yourself. Cloth. If the transaction is successful, King Jiaodong will send someone to teach your craftsmen and help you build workshops until the production goes smoothly."

Wufangtu, also known as "Fangtu", is one of the earliest dyes used in ancient China.There are five colors of blue, yellow, red, white and black, which one to dye depends on the needs.The cloth made by Ran Ming is all mixed according to the chemical formula of later generations.

The most exciting people present were those merchants who were originally engaged in the dyeing industry. Now Ran Ming is in the high-end market, and the output is not high, so they still have room for survival. If this technology is bought by other merchants in the same industry, plus Large production volume, from high to low, I am afraid that there is no living space for their kind of local method dyeing cloth.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the price of one piece of gold was ten thousand renminbi, but in the late Shihu period, you could only buy two buckets of rice.However, during the Yonghe period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the price of rice ranged from hundreds to thousands of dollars per stone, except in times of famine.Now Ran Ming's new Wei country currency, one gold coin is equivalent to 150 yuan in the old money of the Jin Dynasty. If it is used to buy rice, it can be more than 5000 stones, which is equivalent to more than 2000 catties.If it is replaced by the purchasing power of rice prices in later generations, the five hundred gold is equivalent to nearly [-] million, which is definitely a sky-high price.

However, Ran Ming opened up the dyeing technology, you are not willing to buy it, unless you are willing to close the door and give up your own business, but most of these merchants are ancestral businesses, who would want their ancestral business to be defeated by themselves?

A tall merchant in Qingzhou named Wang Rende was originally a well-known cloth merchant in Qingzhou. His ancestors made a living from dyeing, and his family had the ability to produce [-] bolts of various kinds of cloth every year.The situation is pressing, and he is also in a dilemma. To buy is to survive, and not to buy is to seek death.

Wang Rende frowned and didn't know how to write.If you write less, you will lose a chance to make a fortune in vain; if you write too much, you may have to sell your property, but whether you have the capital to dye cloth is another matter.But no matter how difficult it is, the time is limited, and the time left for him to think is less than half a stick of incense (one stick of incense) and 5 minutes. Although it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, this tall man is covered with dense beads of sweat on his forehead .Finally, biting the nib of his pen, he wrote down five numbers and five numbers with a heavy heart, and then prayed silently, hoping that he could win the bid.

Rainbow brocade is just one of them, and the seven major gentry basically own this industry.The ancient gentry were actually super big landlords. They had land, food, and also ran the business of cloth, grain and oil. In front of this super big cake, none of them was calm.The Wang family in Taiyuan has strong financial resources, and directly wrote 37 gold to buy [-] kinds of dyeing techniques.

In the face of interests, my mother and I don't even recognize it.This is the gentry, they all want to strengthen their own family, and it is the best thing to weaken each other.Although the Five Schools and Seven Hopes are a political alliance, there are also competitions.Basically, the five sects and seven wangs chose to buy all of them. The least of them also cast a hidden bid of [-] gold, and the highest was the Taiyuan Wang family. In order to compete with the Langya Wang family, they must strengthen their family strength as soon as possible. Opportunity must not be missed.

(End of this chapter)

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