Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 601 Nothing That Can Be Solved With Money

Chapter 601 Nothing That Can Be Solved With Money Is A Problem (Part [-])
Chapter 606 Nothing Can Be Solved With Money
Some early merchants have already started to do it. They have shipped here the beautifully dyed and printed rainbow brocade from the Central Plains. Of course, people who have only seen three-color monotonous silk have never seen this before.It turns out that in the mainland, a foot of rainbow can be sold for about 130 yuan, but here, even if it is sold for [-] yuan a foot, there is no market.

Although it is not realistic to build a workshop here to produce silk printing and dyeing, there are also people who are more thieves. They actually buy the useless wool from the nomads, and at the same time mix fine linen with wool to weave exquisite woolen sweaters and sell them to the nomads.You should know that these woolen sweaters are not only thick and strong, but also have excellent cold protection effect, and they have been snapped up since they were launched.

There are also people who brought the furniture that Ran Ming plagiarized from later generations here to start building. The wood was cut down nearby, the labor was recruited locally, and the design concept was bought. As long as it is painted, the pile of almost Rotten wood that can be used as firewood sells for a sky-high price.

Shangyu City is simply a paradise. Due to the small competition, facing the nomads directly, not only can they get the moon first, but also buy the colored glaze, jewelry and valuables from the Western Regions from the Hu merchants, and they can also get cheap horses. , cattle and sheep, and fur and other special products.Almost every merchant who comes here is like a duck to water.

At this time, Ran Ming's Prince Qin's Mansion also began to break ground. This inner city with an area of ​​about 700 square meters was expropriated by Ran Ming at a high price with a wave of his hand. He will build a [-]-meter-long inner city , a palace nearly [-] meters wide.This place, which is a circle higher than Tiananmen Square, will be Ran Ming's future palace, and it will also be a relatively famous building in the northwest and even in the whole world.

Ran Ming is a generous person, and he will not be harsh on himself. From the beginning of construction, the palace was designed according to the construction of the city wall. Not only the tall city wall was strictly built, but also the world's first building with reinforced concrete Complete the complex of the sewer system.

The entire palace faces south from the north, with a tall gate, a mighty and domineering palace, and of course various defensive facilities are essential. Ran Ming not only perfectly integrated the palace with the most distinctive Wubao of this era, but also devoted himself to creating a magnificent palace. It is called a perverted defensive tower.

Wearing a four-claw python robe, Ran Ming pointed at the construction site of Prince Qin's Mansion, and from time to time put forward his own suggestions for revision.Wang Zhi, who was dressed up, said: "My husband's house doesn't need a garden. It's really meaningless to grow flowers and plants. It also saves money for my husband. Except for the main palace, all the other places in Shangchun Garden where I live are flattened and the ground is paved with blue bricks." , and then build a stable here, a warehouse here, and here, here, and here, build an arrow tower in each of the four corners, and that’s enough.”

Ran Ming smiled and said, "Are you building a military camp? Return the arrow tower, do you want to dig a moat for you and build a suspension bridge?"

"This idea is really good. Why don't we dig a moat two feet wide around Shangchun Garden, and then bring in the water from the Ji River." Wang Zhi's eyes flickered, she looked at Ran Ming and said, "By the way, Xiangyang Pao will bring another ten Come on stage!"

Ran Ming stretched out his hand and patted Wang Zhi's head and said, "Don't worry about it, what will happen to the Qin Palace if you let you do it like this. Return the Xiangyang Cannon, and move Zhentianlei into the Palace. Do you want to do it again?" Get a hot air balloon?"

"Isn't it possible?"

"Who told you that the palace can mess around?" Ran Ming said, "There must be a rule in everything, what would it be like to do whatever you want?"

"I'm going to mess around." Wang Zhi muttered, stretched out her hand and pulled Bai Feng fiercely and said, "Bai Feng and I are sisters in love, and we don't want to be separated. Why don't my husband open up my Shangchun Garden and Baimei's younger sister Yicui Garden."

"Get through" Ran Ming was taken aback, staring at Bai Feng and Wang Zhi, muttering in his heart, "Do you want to play and fly?"

Seeing Ran Ming's hesitation, Wang Zhi took Ran Ming's hand, shook it non-stop, and said coquettishly, "Husband, don't you even agree to this small request?"

"Agreed, how could you disagree?" The image of two people in the same room, one dragon and two phoenixes, flying side by side suddenly appeared in Ran Ming's head, and Ran Ming's face couldn't help but heat up, "This can be possible."

There may be several women in this world who do not eat, but there is not even one woman who is not jealous.Xie Daoyun saw that Wang Zhi, who was nearly [-] years old, could act cute and coquettish in front of Ran Ming better than her, and felt very uncomfortable.Although she is one of Ran Ming's regular wives, as a woman, she naturally knows that jealousy is a rule of thumb, but if she is left indifferent, she really can't do it.

Xie Daoyun quietly said to Liu Wei: "Sister, look at that Hu Yizi, he is so shameless."

Liu Wei is not a fuel-efficient lamp, Xie Daoyun's provocation, how could she fall into the trap lightly, said lightly: "Is there any way, I can't see it, but I can't beat him."

"It's easy to beat her!" Xie Daoyun laughed and said, "Sister Tiao and I grabbed her hand, and you claw her face."

Liu Wei was speechless for a while.At this time, Wang Meng said quietly: "Your Highness, something happened."

As soon as Ran Ming heard about the accident, his heart suddenly became aroused. Although there was support from the natives of Qin, Ran Ming's army had still not finished recruiting, and it would take at least half a year to form a fighting force.Ran Ming frowned and said, "What's going on."

Wang Meng said: "Shaodang Qiang and Baima Qiang are fighting."

Hearing this, Ran Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "What's the reason?"

Wang Meng laughed and said, "What other reason could there be? It's not because of the ownership of the pasture. If they can't agree, they will naturally fight."

Ran Ming said: "It's okay, as long as you don't fight the city of Gu, I won't ask. When they finish fighting, I will clean up the mess."

Wang Meng said: "Your Highness, this is inappropriate."

"Oh." Ran Ming took Wang Meng's hand, came to the carriage, and said, "Sir, what's the hidden difference in being sad?"

"It's a bit hidden." Wang Meng said: "This Baima Qiang tribe is a branch of the Qiang tribe, also known as the Baima clan. Although its attitude is unknown, it is a relatively mild-mannered branch of the Qiang tribe, but this Shaodang Qiang tribe is different. The Shaodang Qiang originally lived in Dayun Valley (now Guide, Qinghai Province), north of the Yellow River, but kept attacking, first defeating the Xianling Qiang and capturing the middle of Dayu. The Shaodang Qiang began to grow stronger, and then continued to invade the Central Plains. The former leader, Yao Yizhong, was originally an idiot, and later surrendered to Han Zhao, Later Zhao, and Eastern Jin. He had no loyalty at all. The current leader, Yao Chang, is the No.20 fourth son of Yao Yizhong. Under Yao Chang's leadership, Shaodangqiang's strength has greatly increased."

Although Ran Ming is not very familiar with the history of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms during this period, and he does not know much about Shaodang Qiang, but he knows that Yao Chang is the founding emperor of the Later Qin, one of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms. After Fu Jian failed in the Battle of Feishui, he proclaimed himself King of Qin.

Ran Ming was also very surprised why the historical figures of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms period, such as Murong Chui, Murong Ke, Huan Wen, Xie An, Wang Meng, etc., had already come out, but why Yao Chang and Yao Yizhong hadn't shown up.

In fact, it was all because of Ran Ming, a butterfly from another world.In the original historical time and space, Yao Yizhong has always been Ran Min's strong enemy, and Yao Xiang, the son of Yao Yizhong, also defeated Ran Min, the 48th founding father of Wei State at that time.Like Lu Chen and Hu Kui, they were all captured and killed by Yao Xiang.

But I have to admire Yao Yizhong's strategic vision. At that time, he saw that Ran Min turned defeat into victory in the battle of Liantai, and the situation in Wei State ushered in a turning point. When he was ill, he told his disciples: "Shishi treated me well, I wanted to do my best." Help them. Today, the Shi clan is gone, and there is no one in the Central Plains; after I die, you must return to the Jin family as soon as possible, and stick to your ministers, and don't do unrighteous things."

In fact, after Yao Xiang succeeded to the throne, he acted in strict accordance with his last wish, surrendered to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was loyal to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. However, Yao Chang was dissatisfied with Xiang's director who waited for an opportunity to launch a coup to seize power. Yao Xiang and Yao Chang fought for more than two years, and finally Yao Chang won. The world situation is clear.The situation in Wei State was developing more and more favorable. Yao Chang knew that Ran Min not only had a grudge against Shaodang Qiang, but also had a grudge against his son. Ran Min's son, Taiyuan Wang Ranyin, was captured and killed after being defeated by Yao Xiang.If Ran Minqiu settles the score later, he will definitely not benefit, so Yao Chang took advantage of the war between Qin and Wei and had no time to care about him, so he moved his family back to his hometown.But when Shaodang returned to his hometown, the place had changed. The grassland in Yuzhong could not support their large population, so they took over the Baima River Valley area with Baima Qiang.

Ran Ming said, "What do you mean, sir?"

"Helping the weak and conquering the strong!" Wang Meng said, "Baima Qiang's strength is far weaker than that of Shaodang Qiang. If there is no foreign aid, Baima Qiang will be defeated. Once Shaodang Qiang is allowed to annex Baima Qiang without hindrance, the strength of Shaodang Qiang It will increase greatly, which is not conducive to His Highness's peace and stability in the northwest, so the burn should be weakened."

Ran Ming said: "Even if Baima Qiang loses to Shao Dang Qiang, there are only more than [-] elite soldiers in his hands alone, and [-] troops have just been recruited, and they haven't even completed the formation training. There is no difference between sending them to the battlefield and sending them to death. How to help the weak?"

Wang Meng laughed and said, "Actually, Your Highness doesn't need to send troops. You only need to spend some money to solve this problem."

"Problems that can be solved with money are not problems." Ran Ming said with a smile, "It's not the same as before. Back then, the Wei State was in a desperate situation. During the Battle of Liantai, Gu had to fight with his back. Untrained civilians, young and strong, relied on the blood in their hearts to fight with the Xianbei people. At that time, let alone hurting the enemy [-], and self-damage [-], even if they hurt the enemy [-], and self-damage [-], they had to fight alone , because if you didn't work hard at that time, you would die. If you worked hard, you would have a chance to survive. The thing is so ridiculous. When you are barefoot, you don't have to be afraid of wearing shoes. He dared to pull the emperor off his horse. It is too taboo to say this now, so he changed his words immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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