Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 606 I have to teach them how to be human

Chapter 606 I have to teach them how to be human
Chapter 611 I have to teach them how to be human
Regardless of the gentry or the common people, they have an incomparable love for cement.This cement is not only strong, but also not afraid of being easily burned by fire, which has great advantages over the original wooden structure houses.

At this time, the effect of Ran Ming's wooing the gentry into business began to show. Even if Ran Ming didn't come forward to promote it, the merchants still affected the gentry officials.At the court meeting in mid-October, the imperial censor Du Kai wrote to Ran Min that the governments around the country set up checkpoints to seize the passing goods layer by layer, which was extremely inconvenient for the transfer of grain and grass, which was also the reason why the price of grain in Yecheng remained high.

In fact, all the ministers in the court knew what was in it.Since Ran Ming cooperates with the various powerful people, they have tasted the benefits of doing business. Half of the officials have more or less certain business shares. The exploitation of these checkpoints has already affected their real interests.

Following Du Kai's remonstrance, these ministers began to come forward one after another, stating the crimes of lawless and evil officials. In the end, these remarks became more and more violent, reaching a height that almost threatened the status of the Wei State. Ran Min was finally moved when he heard this , He asked Liu Qun and the officials in the court for advice.

Eventually a resolution was formed.It is a one-ticket pass system, that is, no matter where the tax is paid, the tax bill is issued, and the subsequent checkpoints are checked to verify the authenticity, they will be released unconditionally.

The second is to collect taxes on goods by grade. For small goods, such as the materialization of the value of less than [-] yuan, no tax will be collected.In fact, this is also a strategy to benefit the people. For example, some people grow some vegetables or melons and fruits in front of and behind their houses, and also have woven coarse cloth or cloth shoes. Professional businessmen don't have business acumen, and they often transport a cart of cabbage into the city. After taxation, they can't sell for much money, and instead suffer.This has created a phenomenon, that is, the people outside the city would rather rot or feed the pigs than sell the food after eating, which not only caused waste, but also brought a burden to the lives of urban residents.

The third is to restrain tax collectors with severe punishments and strict laws. Whether it is taking bribes lightly, underestimating the value of goods, or intentionally making things difficult or extorting, once they are found out, they can be killed by marching law.If the businessman who has passed the card has any grievances, he is allowed to appeal to the government at all levels.The government should not shirk, and the fourth is to increase the regular money of the tax collectors, and raise a little in proportion to the tax collected by each card, as a reward for them, taking the meaning of "excellent salary to support honesty".

These four policies are implemented in the form of law, thus better promoting the development of business.It was almost like throwing peaches in return for plums, and the merchants returned to Ran Min with 25 stones of righteous food, which was donated to Ran Min free of charge.Moreover, the price of grain in Yecheng has dropped to [-] qian per dou for rice, [-] qian for a dou of wheat, only [-] qian for a dou of grain, and [-] qian for a dou of millet.

Not only the price of food has been reduced, but even the price of cloth has been reduced on a large scale. The price of ordinary hemp and cloth has been reduced by [-]%.Reducing sales will actually not reduce the profits of merchants, because the corresponding sales volume will definitely increase due to the price reduction. After careful calculation, their earnings have not decreased, but have increased.

Due to the prosperity of commerce, the life of the common people is more affordable.The new year has not yet come, and Ran Min can see people wearing new clothes appearing everywhere in the streets.Seeing the happiness on the faces of the people, Ran Min felt even happier.

Different from the prosperous scene of Wei State, the whole Hexi Corridor has encountered a severe snowstorm that is rare in a century. The biggest feature of the Hexi Corridor is the desert and Gobi Desert, and there are very few places suitable for farming or grazing.The blizzard continued for the second half of the month, and the shallowest snow did not reach knees.

The heavy snow not only covered up the few camel thorns in the land of Hexi, but countless cattle and sheep froze to death due to the cold, causing countless tribes to mourn.When the news reached Yecheng, Ran Min couldn't help feeling worried.

Ran Min is not as optimistic as the ministers, this is not God's way of life for barbarians.Once the Hu people outside the Great Wall suffered a disaster, they would pass on the conflict and take the losses caused by the natural disaster from the Han people.Not only the land of Hexi, but also the city of Ye in the Central Plains is also extremely cold. Thousands of households have burned coal stoves to keep warm. There are more than a dozen braziers in the imperial study room, and Ran Min can still feel the obvious cold. One can only imagine how cold it is beyond the Great Wall in the north.

The envoys from the Northern Han Kingdom have been in Yecheng for half a month, and Ran Min has not seen them.Although he didn't see him, Ran Min knew what they were up to, and he opened his mouth to buy food. Not to mention that Wei Guo only had a slight surplus of food, even if there was too much to eat, Ran Min would rather feed the pigs than sell them .Selling it to them to let the Northern Han Kingdom survive this severe winter, they may not be grateful to the Wei Kingdom, or they will increase their profits and send troops south to plunder.

Ran Min understands the pissing nature of Hu people too well.Fortunately, Ran Ming invented the down jacket. Otherwise, Han soldiers would not be able to fight in this kind of weather. The small leather gloves can help the Han people who were unable to stretch their hands and feet in the ice and snow to draw a bow and shoot arrows like a barbarian.

It seemed that war was inevitable again.Just when Ran Ming was feeling emotional, Chang Wei, Minister of Taichang Temple, suddenly asked to see him.

Ran Min said: "Biography"

"Your Majesty is not well, the envoys of the Northern Han Kingdom are making trouble again." Chang Wei complained after presenting to Ran Min: "Those envoys are clamoring, if the Wei State doesn't sell them food, their Han State should starve to death The brave warriors will die in Wei Guo."

Ran Min's face changed, this was a naked provocation.

If it was any Taiping emperor, he would definitely accept the threat of the Hu people and obediently send food and money, but who is Ran Min, how could he be threatened by the Hu people.

After a while, Ran Min said: "Even if they want to die, I will fulfill them, You Yi."

"The old slave is here!"

Ran Min said: "I passed on my oral decree, ordering all civil and military officials of the fifth rank and above in Yecheng to attend the palace meeting immediately to discuss state affairs."

Chang Wei said: "Your Majesty, what should I do?"

Ran Min smiled and said: "Without him, soldiers come to generals, water comes to earth to garrison. Trees want to be quiet, but not stop, what a plan."

After more than a month of preparations in Shangyu, China, the Huaxia Business Alliance, the bank meeting was successfully held.On the first day, a formal decision was made to establish a bank, which was named Tongli Bank.Of course, before the anti-counterfeiting technology was completed, Ran Ming did not immediately launch his banknote plan.

However, Ran Ming played the same roundabout tactic, adopting a different place to exchange.Now that you have deposited money in the branch of the bank in Yecheng, you can withdraw money at any branch of Tongli Bank with the deposit receipt.In fact, this is also the promotion of banknotes transformed.

The implementation of this policy has attracted many merchants who are suffering from the trouble of transporting money.

Before the highway was built, the cost of cargo transportation, especially land transportation, was extremely high, and so was the money.Almost [-]% of the coins will be lost. The larger the amount of coins transported, the greater the relative input loss cost.If you transport a lot of money, you are naturally afraid of taking risks, so you need to hire an escort. In this way, guys, the guards have to eat and drink along the way, and of course there are wages, which are a lot of expenses.

But once it is possible to deposit and withdraw from other places, it will greatly facilitate the transactions of merchants. Even if Ran Ming doesn't explain it, they will use money tickets to conduct transactions in private.

Tongli Bank also adopts a joint-stock system, and the legal representative is naturally Ran Ming's secret staff member Wang Meng, and others do not have this qualification.The entire Tongli Bank had an initial capital of 320 million gold, of which Liu Yuan invested 70 gold, Zhang Xun and Wang Cheng invested 50 gold, Zheng Jian represented Zheng with 100 million gold, and other members of the Huaxia Business Alliance invested [-] gold. Eighty million or three to five thousand shares.Since Ran Ming didn't have the cash to invest in the shares, he used the metallurgical expressway shares as collateral to acquire [-]% of the shares and became the largest shareholder of Tongli Bank.

Tongli Bank, headquartered in Shangyu, will open branches in Yecheng, Chang'an, Luoyang, and Buqi in the second year of Kaiyuan. The business point is planned to cover all states and counties in Wei State within ten years.

The first step of Ran Ming's bank plan was a perfect success. Ran Ming and his merchants held a celebration reception. This time, Ran Ming drank very much and became drunk all at once.As soon as the sky dawned the next day, Ran Ming heard Lin Heishan's broken voice: "Your Highness, wake up quickly, wake up quickly."

As soon as Ran Ming heard the voice, he knew that Lin Heishan was very anxious. "It's like a ghost this morning, what happened?"

Ran Ming came outside the house and found Wang Meng's face was livid, "What happened, sir?"

When Wang Meng saw Ran Ming, he quickly bowed and said, "Something happened. I just received a report from Kuaima. I was attacked in Taoyang County, and the people suffered heavy casualties."

"What?" Ran Ming was not very familiar with the geographical environment of the Northwest. Taoyang County is located in the Lintan area in the south of Gansu Province in later generations, where it is the junction of the Han people and the Tuyuhun tribe.Ran Ming said, "Did Tuyuhun do it?"

Wang Meng said: "Although there is no definite news, it is about the same."

Ran Ming's face was clouded, and he said coldly: "If the tiger doesn't show its power, it will really be a sick cat."

"Lin Heishan ordered Qilin Weili to gather and set off in a quarter of an hour!" Ran Ming said to Wang Meng again: "It seems that sir is going to Taoyang County alone."

Wang Meng said: "Your Highness, we should go together, it is enough for Li Changshi to sit here."

Ran Ming nodded.

Chapter 510
Chapter 510
Ran Ming, Wang Meng, Lin Heishan, 600 Qilin Guards, and [-] Tuen Qi Yue Qi cavalry marched lightly all the way, riding fast for more than [-] miles. It took only seventeen hours for Ran Ming, Wang Meng and others to arrive at sunset the next day. Arrive at the county seat of Taoyang County at about [-]:[-].When Ran Ming entered Taoyang County, the Panqi who attacked Taoyang County had already retreated, and the east and west gates were wide open.No officials appeared to greet Ran Ming, nor did anyone stop Ran Ming.

Ran Ming led Wang Meng and other cavalry into the city without hindrance. There were still mottled bloodstains on the streets or on the city walls, and there were traces of knives and axes and burning fires everywhere.

Seeing that no one came to greet Ran Ming, Lin Heishan yelled at the numb people in the city: "Where is your county magistrate?"

With Lin Heishan's loud voice, he shouted six or seven times in a row, but no one answered.There is a strong strange atmosphere everywhere in this county.

Wang Meng knew that at this time, the county government offices were basically set up in the most prosperous places in the city, so he took Ran Ming to the central bank in the city.Just when Ran Ming was about to arrive at the county government office, suddenly a small official dressed as a pawn led the people to collect the corpses and repair the damaged homes.

Seeing that the King of Qin had arrived, the little official hurriedly brought the surviving commoners and gentry to meet the ceremony. Ran Ming got off his horse and said, "There is no need to be formal, tell me quickly, who did this, and what is the loss?"

This petty official was from Taoyang, surnamed Zhao Minggui.He is the official of Taoyang County.During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the establishment of county-level government was not fixed. Although there were official establishments of magistrates, masters, and lieutenants, in most cases, there were vacancies in the establishment of officials in border counties and counties.Some are held by the county magistrate or county magistrate, and some are governed by the county magistrate.Taoyang is a county under Bianxian County. Although there is a county magistrate, there has been no post of county magistrate or county lieutenant.

Zhao Guidao: "On the morning of Daqian, just as the city gate was opened, a group of Fanqi attacked the county seat. Since Taoyang County had no garrison troops, there were only 37 arresting yamen servants. After resisting for a moment, the Fanqi broke through the city and died. After entering, the people in the county were brutally massacred, and hundreds of young men and women were snatched away. Now Taoyang is panic-stricken, and those who have connections have gone to seek refuge with relatives and friends, and those who have no connections can only stay here and wait to die."

Ran Ming asked again: "Do you know who did this?"

Zhao Guidao: "It is certain that this matter was done by the Tuyuhun people, and their banner should be the Bailan Department."

"Bai Lan Department?" Ran Ming was really confused.Ran Ming's historical knowledge is not good, and he doesn't know whether there is a Bailan tribe in Tuyuhun.

Wang Meng said: "Your Highness, Bailan is not a tribe, but a place name (in the area of ​​Bulan Mountain in the Balong River Basin of Qinghai today) and the current royal court of Tuyuhun."

"Where is the royal court?" Ran Ming muttered.

"That's right," Wang Meng said, "The area around Bailan is where the elite of the Tuyuhun tribe resides. There are about 4 Tuyuhun people who live there all the year round, and there are no less than [-] to [-] people who control strings. It is also the most core force in the entire Tuyuhun tribe." The Tuyuhun people are all good at riding and shooting, and they are ferocious by nature. The Qiang and Di people within a thousand miles of the surrounding area, as long as they hear their names, are all afraid. It seems that the intention of the Tuyuhun people is very obvious. It is to test His Highness's attitude. Once His Highness Weak eyesight, I'm afraid they will increase their profits."

Ran Ming's head was running fast, thinking about the gains and losses.Now that the Qin Kingdom was first established, except for his [-] elite troops, the other [-] troops were fresh recruits who had never seen blood. If they were used to fight the Tuyuhun people, even if they won, it would be a miserable victory.The Qin State was originally a place where Hu and Han mixed together, and the proportion of Han people was far less than that of the Central Plains.From the bottom of his heart, Ran Ming didn't want the young and strong Han people to make such a big sacrifice.

Even if they win, once the proportion of Han people in Qin is seriously out of balance, the consequences will be very serious.

Ran Ming looked at those eyes full of expectations for him around him, and Ran Ming knew that at this time, he must not be weak.Once weak, Ran Ming will lose the hearts of the people of Qin State, and even more so, the Han people here will be full of disappointment with the court of Wei State.Even if it was Pixi's deliberate temptation, Ran Ming had to accept the move, even if he broke a tooth, Ran Ming would still bite it down.He can't take half a step back, he can only deal with it toughly, once he backs off, it will be difficult for him, Ran Ming, to take a single step in Qin.

Thinking of this, Ran Ming smiled.Ran Ming said: "Tuyuhun himself is just a scum of the Murong tribe of Xianbei. He abandoned his clan and tribe and wandered here like a dog. Where is the Murong tribe of Xianbei now? His Majesty is merciful and has room for the Hus. Give them room to live, but they are not only ungrateful, but return virtue with resentment, such a rebellious, perverse generation, our duty is to educate them, teach them to behave like this, if they can't even do it, they don't deserve to live in Food is wasted in this world."

Ran Ming turned around and said to the more than [-] cavalry around him: "Soldiers, I have been ordered to conquer the Qin Kingdom alone. This is our first battle in the Qin Kingdom. Do you have the confidence to follow the lonely horse on Bailan and kill Tuyuhun? Human heads, to pay homage to the dead compatriots."

(End of this chapter)

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