Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 705 Brother-in-law Makes Another Great Contribution

Chapter 705 Brother-in-law Makes Another Great Contribution

Chapter 710 Brother-in-law Makes Another Great Contribution
After putting on the armor, it was time to distribute the ring-shoulders and crossbows.The control of weapons in ancient times was not as strict as that of later generations, but there is a clear difference. People can own personal knives, guns, bows and arrows, but they cannot own crossbows. Otherwise, they will violate the system and be punished with a felony.Fortunately, the shooting method of the ballista adopts a direct shooting method, as long as the eye is in line with the mountain and the target, it can hit the target.For an ordinary farmer, he can learn to launch a crossbow in just one hour, and he can become an excellent shooter after a few months of training.

When the sky was about to dawn, Wang Shuo came back. He did not come back alone, but brought more than 200 elite Wei Jun, more than 200 Wei Jun and more than 400 hostages from the secret road. Sharp, sharpen the knife.

However, in Linze City, Amoguai didn't realize at all that he was in a catastrophe.

Golden Beach, camp of the Ministry of Baldness.On May [-]th of the second year of Kaiyuan in the Great Wei Dynasty, Wugu with bald hair mobilized his ten commanders at Jinshuitan.

After the swearing-in, the bald Wugu joined the army with Zhao Zhen as the marching officer, and was in charge of military affairs.With Commander-in-Chief Lin Bi as the forward to lead the headquarters, and a commander-in-chief of Utangji, a total of 3 soldiers and horses attacked the Qin army camp at Guduntai first.Lin Bi was in charge, and Wu Tangji was in charge.And Su Li was the commander of the army, commanding six commanders including him to attack the main force with [-] troops.And the bald-haired Wugu led the Shanyu Guards and the other three commanders as the reserve force of the whole army!
Lin Bi took the lead, and led the leading army out of the gate, rushing towards the Qin army camp at Guduntai.

The terrain of Huacheng Lake is very special. The entire lake is bigger than the size, and Ran Ming stands the handsome flag at the bottom of the size, and uses the shape of the lake to form a formation.

In history, Han Xin was the first to fight to the death, and then Liu Yu, the founding emperor of the Southern Dynasties, carried forward this strategy.Creating the moon formation, taking advantage of the terrain and the convenience of the sailors, successfully defeated more than [-] cavalry with [-] infantry.Ran Ming couldn't figure it out, but although the moon formation was one of the ancient tactics, it was only a flash in the pan.After Liu Yu, there is no record of the use of Queyue Formation.

Because the "Queyue formation" is arc-shaped, from a physical point of view, the arc can disperse the force of the force point and has good impact resistance; because the soldiers in the formation have weapons such as sticks, crossbows, and lances, so The lethality is very strong; at the same time, the soldiers in the formation stand with their backs against the water, which can have the effect of "surviving after falling into the dead".

Without the unique terrain of Huacheng Lake, Ran Ming would not be able to adopt this formation.When he was in Mufu Mountain, Ran Ming used this battle formation, and it had a good effect against Huan Wen, but Ran Ming still wanted to try again, whether this formation was as powerful as it was said in the legend against pure cavalry attacking troops.

What's more, Ran Ming still has a back hand. If he loses the enemy in front, he can directly detonate the bomb on the golden beach to defeat the enemy.

After Ran Ming heard that the bald hair department started to attack, Ran Ming shouted excitedly: "It's finally here, let Gu wait so hard!"

Li Ye and Wang Meng also breathed a sigh of relief.

Ran Ming's battle of standing power was to let the bald-haired department bump into him head-on. Who knew that Ran Ming fought so fiercely in that battle that he actually beat the bald-haired Wugu to fear.Fortunately, the bald-haired Wugu came again.

"Get ready to start!" Ran Ming said with a smile.

"Okay!" A wry smile appeared on Wang Meng's face. This master is addicted to pretending to be a ghost.

When he came to the front of the formation, Lin Bi was stunned suddenly: "What the hell is Qin Jun doing?"

Lin Bi looked at Utangji in confusion, and Utangji also showed a confused expression and said, "It looks like they are offering sacrifices to the heavens. When did the Han people start doing this?"

Lin Bi asked: "Will they use this trick to disturb our morale?"

"It's possible!" Utangi said, "We used this method before, to let the priests boost their morale, let the sons eliminate their fears, and move forward bravely!"

"Yes, it must be so!" Thinking of this, Lin Bi said ecstatically, "Warriors, the Han family is already scared, they are trembling under our iron hooves, all they can do now is to pray to their ancestors to bless them. The Han family is at the end of their skills, so they can only use this despicable method. Give me an order, and you don’t need to worry, the horses step on the ancient piers, and kill all these despicable Qin soldiers and Han families, leaving no one alive.”

"Everyone will be killed, no one will be left alive!"

The early morning wind was cold, rushing towards him, and Lin Bi's spirit suddenly lifted.Lin Bi's four fingers on his left hand were cut off, and Fang Tian's painting halberd, which he was best at, could no longer be used.Unable to lift the heavy Fang Tian painted halberd anymore, Lin Bi was not discouraged. He chose a new ring-shoulder knife made of fine steel. This knife was about five feet long and weighed about fourteen catties and four taels. Forged, there is a pattern of dragon and bird inside the box, which is called the big ring of dragon and bird.Although there is no obvious difference between the style and the Jin army's standard ring head knife.However, this is a heavy hand, which is in no way comparable to those standard ring head knives.

Lin Bi is a tall and heavy general, and the weight of the ordinary standard ring sword is too light.Even though he only has one right hand, it is still a bit light for him.However, due to the rush of time, he was unable to choose a suitable weapon.However, Lin Bi's steel knife was actually made by a famous master. If Helian Bobo of the Great Xia Kingdom (after the Xiongnu Youxian King went to Beibei) in a few decades, he would make it according to this style of Longque Dahuan. Come out the famous Daxia Dragon Sparrow Knife in history.

Lin Bi's right hand held the Longque Big Huan Dao, his left hand could not use force, but he asked someone to find an iron hook to set it in.The so-called hook inlay is actually a shield with a complex structure invented in the Han Dynasty.But it is not a simple defensive shield. There are iron hooks on the top and bottom of this hook, and there are raised spikes in the middle.This kind of weapon has three functions of defense, stabbing and hooking, and it is also one of the auxiliary weapons of the Han Dynasty.

Lin Bi’s left hand couldn’t hold the hook anymore, but he was smart enough to tie the hook on his left forearm with a cowhide rope, so that the hook on his left arm could also become Lin Bi’s sharp weapon to hurt the enemy. .

If it were Lin Bi from before, he would have disdain to use this kind of defensive weapon.But now that he is injured, he can only reluctantly adopt this equipment.

Lin Bi knew his own strength, and his left hand was injured, so his strength was greatly reduced. Not to mention the fierce general in the Qin army who used the hammer, even if he pulled out a general at random, he could kill him on horseback within a few rounds. Down!So Lin Bi didn't charge forward with his horse, but moved forward slowly.

Although Lin Bi's speed is not fast, the other soldiers and horses of the bald army are different.Especially Utangi, who has never suffered a loss, and his trilogy, everyone is ready to go, screaming and rushing forward, the neighing of war horses, the chaotic hooves of horses, and the howling of ghosts and wolves, All kinds of sounds mixed together.

After five hundred steps, the soldiers of the Qin army still responded silently, as motionless as a mountain.

Utangi was overjoyed to see this situation. The cavalry battle relied on the sprint speed of the horse.Now that the cavalry of the Qin Army did not charge, they lost the opportunity to accelerate their horses.Even if Qin Jun wanted to speed up again, they would not have that distance anymore.

Lin Bi looked at Qin Jun's silent black cavalry formation. Although he had a faint smile on his face, he felt uneasy in his heart.

Sure enough, when they entered the range of three hundred steps, the cavalry of the Qin army suddenly moved, and as the Qin army spread out from left to right, groups of infantry in black armor appeared.Facing the charge of the iron cavalry, these black armored men were not afraid at all compared to the three hundred steps that came in the blink of an eye. They held up their heavy shields and moved forward slowly.

This kind of large shield was nearly as tall as a person, and it could be seen from the struggling expressions of those soldiers in black that these heavy shields were extremely thick.What's even more rare is that these soldiers are extremely neatly formed. Every time they take a step forward, thousands of people are almost like one person, without a slight gap, and there is no panic between advance and retreat.Lin Bi swallowed a mouthful of smear with difficulty, this is a strong enemy and strong soldier.

At this moment, the soldiers in black formed a semi-circular formation, their shields were placed on the ground, and their spears passed through the gaps between the shields, forming a dense forest of spears.Under the sunlight, the blade of the gun, which was raised to the sky at a 45-degree angle, looked murderous.

Seeing Lin Bi's tangled expression, Wu Tangji asked, "Lin Bi is handsome, and you are the leader in this battle. What do you think we should do now?"

Utangi is not stupid either. Now that the Qin army's two wings are protected by their cavalry, they can only attack their shield formation, but is the shield formation easy to chew?The answer is yes.If thousands of people don't die, I'm afraid they won't be able to break through this large shield formation.

Lin Bi's eyes were red, and he roared loudly: "There is no turning back when you shoot the bow, and our bald-haired team has no way to retreat. Go, go up, go up for me!"

Under Lin Bi's strict order, Utangi had no choice.I had to order the trilogy to charge forward, and as the six thousand soldiers and horses galloped at high speed, thousands of cold lights flew out first.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ofAlthough there are only more than [-] arrows, the sound of piercing the air is like tearing apart the space, making people feel scalp numb.

Arrows that were densely packed like locusts crossing the border crackled and hit the shield, making a dull sound.Although some of these arrows also passed through the shield defense line and were directly behind the Qin army's formation, these arrows could not bite the Qin army's armor at all due to the weak strength of the bow and arrow of the cavalry bow and the slow initial velocity of the arrows.

"Oh, oh, I scared your father and me to death." A soldier of the Qin army hid in his eyes and shouted at the roaring enemy cavalry monster.This person is none other than Ran Ming's brother-in-law, Xie Yan, a famous historical general who lost Jingzhou carelessly in history and was beaten to death by a group of rioters.

Xie Xuan beside Xie Yan shouted coldly: "Shut up, you are the only one who talks too much."

(End of this chapter)

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