Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 718 I want to leave him with a bad reputation forever

Chapter 718 I want to leave him with a bad reputation forever
Chapter 723 Solitary Let Him Reign For Thousands Of Years
She took it and put it in front of Guo Jing, seductively: "If you call me mother, I will give you this bowl of meat!"

Guo Jing swallowed hard, then looked at Ran Ming pitifully.

After seeing Ran Ming rushing down to signal, little Guo Jing, like a little tiger, snatched the braised pork in the bowl at once, grabbed a piece with his hand and stuffed it into his mouth, and said in a vague voice while eating: "Thank you mother, thank you father!"

By nature, it is easy for women to win the favor of children. Under the attack of Wang Zhi's sugar-coated shells, the hearts of these children were captured by Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi wasn't greedy either, she only had seven sons and four daughters.

After completing the adoption ceremony, Ran Ming returned to Linze.

He wanted to watch Ling Chi and Zhao Zhen with his own eyes.

For the late type.Although Europe regards the punishment of lingchi as the representative of the criminal law in the feudal era of China, in fact, the punishment of lingchi was not invented by the Chinese.

Flogging, staff, imprisonment, exile, and death are the main representatives of ancient Chinese criminal law.The real Lingchi began in the Yuan Dynasty and is the earliest record of execution in Chinese history.

It was the Qing Dynasty when the punishment of Ling Chi really shined.

Those who resisted the Qing Dynasty and the peasants who did not pay taxes on time were punished by delay.

Although Ran Ming did not come from a law school, looking around the world, there is no country that punishes tax resistance with lingering punishment.However, the Lingchi type was added to those poor people.

China has been a country that values ​​labor since ancient times. The idea of ​​"no pain, no gain" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people. If it is not really impossible to survive, no one will resist taxes.

Ran Ming was on his way to Linze to imprison Zhao Zhen. Wang Meng took the Hexi area and frowned and said, "Your Highness, if Hexi wants to rule the country and make the country rich and the people strong, it won't work just relying on the local people to give birth, or relocating the people from the Central Plains." .”

After a pause, Wang Meng continued: "Let's talk about childbirth first. Hexi is bitterly cold, and the products are scarce compared to the Central Plains. Coupled with the local conditions of the people, no one is willing to come to Hexi to settle unless it is absolutely necessary. Officials and garrison troops will inevitably cause immigrants and the imperial court to separate themselves from virtue."

Ran Ming also has a headache about this point. Since ancient times, China has had a tradition of demotion and distribution.It would be better if it was those corrupt officials who deserved what they deserved, but once talented and ambitious officials were dispatched to the border areas, they might go to extremes.Whether it is Hexi or Lingnan, they basically follow this system of assigning and demoting officials.

Ran Ming said: "Why can't you immigrate? Hasn't Gu already moved over [-] households, with a population of over [-]?"

"Your Highness!" Wang Meng touched his nose subconsciously after listening to Ran Ming's words, "But didn't your Highness notice it? These Han people who migrated here either lived in a fortress or refused to defend the city, forming an independent closed The circle, not only cannot prosper Hexi, but intensifies the confrontation between Han and Hu!"

Wang Meng said again: "His Highness wants to move the people to Hexi, the original intention is good, it is to balance the proportion of Han and Hu, and firmly control Hexi. However, in fact, it may backfire!"

"In my opinion, how should I deal with Gu?" Ran Ming laughed.

Wang Meng said: "If people's hearts don't gather together, great things can't be accomplished. If you can't accumulate drops of water, you can't form rivers. If you don't gather rivers, you can't form an ocean. It is great to be tolerant to all rivers. Your Highness should show the mind of a great country at this time, and accommodate people from all sides. Whether it is human beings, Xianbei people, Di, Qiang, Lite people, Lushuihu people, why don't His Highness order them to live together and slowly blend together?"

"Assimilation is good, but if they get together, if something happens, it may be difficult to deal with!" Ran Ming said.

"Your Highness's concern is not unreasonable!" Wang Meng nodded, and said: "Speaking of it, the Sun family of the Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period in this world is still the best. After Sun Boce gained a foothold in Jiangdong, he continued to attack Jiangdong, Shanyue and other tribes. "

"In ordinary people's eyes, this is Sun Boce's intention to strengthen the Sun family's rule in the Jiangdong Six Groups. In fact, Sun Boce's real intention is to naturalize Shanyue. Especially after Sun Zhongmou succeeded to the throne, although his political views are not the same as those of Sun Boce's period. The same, but he followed Sun Boce's attitude towards Shanyue. Without the foundation laid by the Sun family in Jiangdong, the Eastern Jin Dynasty may not be able to gain a foothold in Jiangdong at this time."

At this moment, Ran Ming suddenly realized that Wang Meng's political views were consistent with the direction of the Tang Dynasty's ruling policy, which was to open his mind and tolerate everything.But this tolerance is not the same as that of the Song and Ming Dynasties.Rather, it has a very clear strategy of political assimilation.Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, iron cavalry has swept across all borders, from the Indochinese Peninsula to the Korean Peninsula, to Lake Baikal in the north, and to the Chu River Basin in Central Asia in the west.

The Li family of the Tang Dynasty was of Xianbei blood, so they were more enlightened than previous dynasties in dealing with Hu people.But this kind of enlightenment is limited. Whether they are dealing with Turks or Tuyuhun, they have the same idea, to fight first.If you are defeated, start training again, and if you are not convinced, fight again until you are defeated.

Wang Meng opened the closed heart door for Ran Ming, and at this moment Ran Ming suddenly felt enlightened.In fact, Ran Ming did the same, but he was a fan of the authorities.

For the Tuyuhun tribe, Ran Ming chose a tough policy, withstood the pressure and overthrew the Tuyuhun tribe. However, the bald tribe was exterminated. In this way, it can greatly deter the surrounding tribes.If they wanted to rebel and make trouble, the fate of the Tuyuhun and Bald Tribes would probably be the first thing they would think of.

Hu and Han are mixed in the Hexi area, so we must have a heart of acceptance and accommodate people from all walks of life.Only in this way can we assimilate the Western Regions and make the Western Regions an inseparable territory of the Great Wei.If only the Han people were allowed to build their own city, it would be the same as the practice of building a city in the inner city during the Qing Dynasty, and there is not much difference.

Despite the bloody suppression of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, which ruled China for nearly 300 years, the Manchu and Han did not truly unite, and there was no so-called Manchu and Han family.

After thinking about it, Ran Ming agreed to Wang Meng's suggestion.

Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "If you have a Tao, if you are not famous, you will not succeed. I am afraid that it will not be good for your future work. I implore you to condescend to take up the post of Qin Guodian Keling. I don't know what you want?"

Wang Meng was taken aback for a moment, but couldn't help being extremely excited in his heart.Although Qin State is only a vassal state, it has seven counties under its jurisdiction, and as the superior institution of Hexi and Western Regions, the power of this Dianke Order can be said to be quite large.

Dianke is an official position established during the Qin Dynasty, mainly in charge of minority affairs and receiving foreign guests.It is almost the same as the powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of later generations.But in this era, Diankeling is also responsible for the conquest of non-subjects of ethnic minorities, trading of commercial products, and appointment of official positions.If you want to talk about it in detail, this is a senior ministerial official with the four functions of the Organization Department, Foreign Affairs, Commerce, and National Defense.What's more, Hexi Han and Hu are mixed, and affairs are complicated, so Wang Meng has great power.

Wang Meng paid a deep obeisance to Ran Ming, and said loudly: "Your Highness values ​​Meng so much, Meng will die for His Highness!"

A scholar who pays attention to his confidant dies.Although Wang Meng was born in a poor family, he was a scholar.

Moreover, he is a very high-spirited scholar. You must know that Huan Wen treated Wang Meng in a disrespectful manner in history, but Wang Meng looked down on Huan Wen.It's not like what historians say, worrying about bearing infamy.It was Wang Meng who saw that Huan Wen lacked courage.If Huan Wen was really courageous and usurped the throne directly, the rich families of the Eastern Jin gentry would have no choice but to follow suit.

But Ran Ming is different. Ran Ming is not an indecisive person. Once Ran Ming decides something, no matter how difficult it is, he will spare no effort to complete it.At the beginning of meeting Ran Ming, Ran Ming obeyed his words and treated him with respect as a teacher.

In ancient times, education was highly valued, and teachers were like fathers. This courtesy made Wang Meng inexplicably grateful.At the same time, Ran Ming entrusted Wang Meng with his heavenly eyes and financial power. With this trust alone, he is unparalleled in the world.In his heart, Wang Meng silently said to himself: "Don't disappoint His Highness's trust!"

Therefore, the work of assimilating all things in Hexi naturally fell on Wang Meng.Sitting in the carriage, Wang Meng began to carefully conceive of future work arrangements.

Unknowingly, a summer rainstorm came.The rain was very heavy, the wind was howling, and the sky and plains were shrouded in rain, and visibility was very low.Even the iron army, as strong as the Qilin Guard, could not move an inch in the heavy rain.

The sixth day of June in the second year of Kaiyuan is a very important day for the people of Linze, because the traitor Zhao Zhen and his relatives from nine clans, a total of [-] people, will be executed at noon on this day.Zhao Zhen himself was delayed for three days.

There are countless people standing in the rain, some of them are powerful, some of them are nobles, they are better, they can have followers to hold umbrellas for them to avoid the rain, but more common people are drenched in the rain.

Although the rain in summer will make you sick if you get wet for a long time, but no one left.

They all wait and see.The places that could take shelter from the rain were already full of people, and it was impossible to squeeze in. Many people came from hundreds or even thousands of miles away.The places with slightly higher terrain were also crowded with people.

There is a sea of ​​people, boundless and boundless.

Deng Huan's face in the crowd was covered with water, whether it was rain or sweat.He is under a lot of pressure. As the prefect of Zhangye, he must be the supervisor and beheader.The sand in the hourglass is getting less and less, and it is about to bottom out, which means that it is three quarters in the afternoon, and the five hundred and three heads will fall to the ground.

But those tyrannical Patriarchs were so determined that even the Li family of Longxi had spoken out.All the tyrants in the entire Hexi are united, and even the emperor has to give three points of face, let alone Ran Ming?It was [-]:[-] noon, and he didn't even see a shadow of anyone. He would definitely find an excuse and step down from the stage.

Could it be that he, Ran Ming, really dared to abandon Hexi?If all the tyrants in the entire Hexi are down, what can Ran Ming do to take this Hexi by himself?No matter who is the emperor, the world is inseparable from the gentry. Without the talents of the gentry, who will take care of the country for them?
The gentry and tyrants offended Tianwei, so it is okay to punish them, kill the chief culprit, at worst copy the Guangwu Zhao family, and kill a few core members, but there is no need to kill them all.

Different from the minds of the gentry and powerful people, these ordinary people think much farther.In the era of privileged politics where the common people are not treated with courtesy and the doctor is not punished, it is the first time that so many tyrants have been executed at one time.

"So many people, have you really killed them? And that little lady, look how handsome! It's a pity to kill them!"

"Yeah, look at those old men, even if you don't kill them, they won't live for a few days. Also, look at those children, their teeth haven't even grown, what crime can they have?"

"What do you know? You know the people who were slaughtered in Linze City, this crime was made by Zhao Zhen."

"He? But isn't the bald-haired man the murderer?"

"It's true that the person who did it was a bald man, but it was Zhao Zhen who came up with this idea!" An "insider" said: "You don't know, this Zhao Zhen is the counselor of the bald head chief Shan Yu Bald Wu Gu. Marching to join the army, apart from the bald Wugu, he is the most powerful in the bald department. The prisoners of the bald department confessed that it was Zhao Zhenti who wanted Amo to take the murderer and take the Han people as hostages, forcing the Wei army not to attack the city. "

A man who looked like an official from a poor family raised a question, "Since Zhao Zhen is a bald, black and lonely counselor, these plots are core secrets, ordinary people will never know, how could those prisoners know?"

The "insider" laughed and said, "Did I say that this prisoner is an ordinary person? Because this prisoner has a very noble status in the bald department. His name is bald Li Lugu, and he is the younger brother of bald Wugu. Of course he knows." This secret!"

Shizi questioned again: "Then how do you know these news?"

"You don't know that!" The "insider" smiled inscrutably, "That's because I am His Royal Highness King Qin..."

(End of this chapter)

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