Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 736 1 Read Heaven 1 Read Hell

Chapter 736: Heaven and Hell

Chapter 741 One thought of heaven and one thought of hell

Those merchants who spent a lot of money to buy patented technology from Ran Ming suffered heavy losses. Although they can't see it now, they can imagine that in the near future, those competitors will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

They will lose huge profits, and also lose their dominant market position.

Because of Wang Cheng's rebellion, Liu Yuan was killed and Zhang Xun was seriously injured in the Huaxia Business Alliance. After the reorganization of the Huaxia Business Alliance, Wang Cheng, who was originally the third oldest, became the boss.

This made those senior members feel dissatisfied. How could Wang Chenghe De become the leader of the Huaxia Business Alliance?The point is that Wang Cheng is very greedy, and his eating habits are very ugly. In order to make up for the loss in the process of supporting Ran Zhi, he began to annex Liu Yuan's properties, and then extended his tentacles to Zhang Xun's properties.

Wang Cheng opened his mouth too wide, and Liu Yuan and Zhang Xun's properties are worth millions of gold. This cake is too sweet and delicious, and there are many people staring at it, but Wang Cheng relies on him Wang Cheng's daughter became Ran Zhi's concubine Shu, and Wang Cheng didn't have any scruples at all when she became the head of the court.

Wang Cheng's excessive behavior has already aroused great dissatisfaction among the members of the Huaxia Business Alliance.Among them, Lu Zhongmi is the most.Lu Zhong is the youngest son of Lu Chen, the secretary of Wei Guozhong.

Lu Zhongmi's biological mother was a singer from Lite bought by Liu Yuan, who was born as a slave.

Later, Liu Yuan gave Lu Zhongmi's biological mother to Lu Chen, who took Lu Chen as his concubine and gave birth to Lu Zhongmi.He is of mixed race and a bastard, so he has no chance to inherit Lu Chen's property and status. Lu Zhongmi has been managing the family business since he was a child.Later, Lu Chen died, and Lu Yan inherited the position of Patriarch.The Fan Yang Lu family began to decline.

At this time, Lu Zhongmi began to separate himself from the Lu family.If Liu Yuan hadn't gifted his mother a fortune, Lu Zhongmi would not have been able to be born, maybe he would be born a slave just like the female slave of Faulit.

Although Lu Zhongmi is a concubine of the Lu family, his status and treatment are much better.When Lu Zhongmi first started to do business independently, Liu Yuan gave him a lot of help.It's just that not many people know about this relationship.

With the destruction of Liu Yuan's family, Lu Zhongmi saw the misery of this elder who was not his father but was better than his father, and the pain in his heart can be imagined.

As a senior gold member of Huaxia Business Alliance, Lu Zhongmi also has a strong appeal.Because of Lu Zhongmi's various attitudes and comments, more than [-]% of the members of the Huaxia Business Alliance were dissatisfied with Wang Cheng.It's dissatisfaction, not jealousy.

Lu Zhongmi came from a humble background, so his attitude towards everyone is very low. He belongs to the kind of person who cuts tofu with two sides and is very good at life. Even if he earns your money, he will make you speechless.

Lu Zhongmi influenced many people in the Huaxia Business Alliance. Perhaps Lu Zhongmi could not change the trend of Wang Cheng's family continuing to dominate, but he could easily change a person's preferences and views.

Lu Zhongmi thinks that Wang Cheng must die. He betrayed Ran Ming, and Ran Ming will definitely take action against him.Since Ran Ming can easily form the Huaxia Business Alliance, he naturally has ways and means to deal with Wang Cheng.So after Ran Ming released these patented technologies, Lu Zhongmi began to respond positively.

He contacted the members of the business alliance he had made friends with and began to conspire to overthrow the king.

Lu Zhongmi said: "The king's thief relies on nothing more than his status as a relative of the state. If you want him to perish, you must first cut off his palace and domestic support!"

Cui Fangcheng, the head of Cui's firm, said: "Brother Lu said it lightly, who are we, can we intervene in the affairs of the palace?"

Cui Fangcheng's words made everyone sigh.To put it bluntly, they are just a group of poor people with money but no power. When their wealth does not have the strength to match their own wealth, they are fat sheep in the eyes of others.

Except that Ran Ming respects them, there is no noble person like Ran Ming.Not to mention the matter of the palace, an ordinary gentry official would not look at them directly.

Lu Zhongmi said with a smile: "We can't do it, but someone can do it?"


"Shangshu Chen Xun!"

Lu Zhongmi said: "Chen Shangshu's daughter is now the imperial concubine and the head of the dynasty, while Wang Chengzhi's Wang Shufei used Wang Cheng's money to buy people's hearts everywhere in the palace and prepare to take the position. This made Chen Guifei's status extremely difficult. It's in danger. If we can help Concubine Chen Gui, won't she thank me a lot?"

Lu Zhongmi knew the seriousness, he stopped talking and didn't speak anymore.

Cui Fangcheng said: "Brother Lu's plan is very clever!"

"Goodbye, Brother Lu!"


Led by Lu Zhongmi, members of the Huaxia Business Alliance launched a silver bullet offensive, with the focus on Chen Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs.Chen Xun's daughter became a noble concubine, and he also rose with the tide. It took Chen Xun six years from staying in Luoyang to the governor of Luozhou, and from the governor of Luozhou to the secretary of the household department, one of the nine ministers.This speed of promotion may be difficult for others to achieve in a lifetime.

But Chen Xun knew that his luck today had a lot to do with it.The most important thing is that he married the prince at the beginning.As long as his daughter's status in the palace is stable, his career path will be smooth sailing, not to mention a minister, if his daughter gives birth to a prince, the mother is more expensive than the son, maybe he can become one of the three princes.

It's just unsatisfactory things in life, nine out of ten.

While Chen Xun's official career was going well, he encountered difficulties.The imperial concubine is the first of the four concubines after the queen.

But Concubine Chen Guifei was in danger of falling out of favor soon, and Chen Xun couldn't sit still. At this moment, Lu Zhongmi sent someone to find Chen Xun, and the two hit it off.

The state of Wei split into two Weis, East and West. Ran Zhi didn't send troops to attack Ran Ming, and Ran Ming didn't intend to attack Ran Zhi either.

It seems that the two Weis have coexisted peacefully.

It's just that under this peace, there is an undercurrent.Although many people were watching, as Ran Min gradually recovered, some were angry, some were happy, some were relieved, and some were full of expectations.

Ran Ming, Ran Min and his son sat opposite each other, accompanied by Wang Meng, Li Xian, Zhang Ai, Xie Ai, Shi Yue, Jin Nu, Tie Nu, Lin Heishan, and Zhang Ping.

There is no priority, no respect, and Ran Min has become more and more fond of Ran Ming's way of life.Ran Ming asked someone to put a copper pot in the hall, which is the hot pot of later generations.

Of course, there was no hot pot at this time. It is recorded in "Su Shi's Collected Works": "Luo Fuying always cooks all kinds of food and beverages. The name is Gu Dong Geng, and the guests are all good. The poet Lu Daoshi then wrote a couplet saying: "To throw the glutinous rice glutinous rice soup In the pot, dig the cellar and swim in the rice bowl'. Dongpo was overjoyed, and it was recorded..." What is this "Gu Dong Geng"?Maybe it's hot pot.

Ran Ming picked up a thin slice of mutton, dipped it in the dipping sauce, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly, then took a sip of white wine, closed his eyes and savored the delicious taste of the mutton mixed with white wine and sauce, and then spit out With a breath of foul breath, a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Father, my son can't figure it out. Why did Chu Suanzi hold his breath this time and didn't send troops to attack Wei?"

Ran Min also likes meat, especially beef.

But after becoming emperor, the state of Wei's finances were in crisis for a while, so Ran Min dared not eat it.He is the emperor, so he must set a good example.As a result, I haven't eaten beef for seven or eight years.Ran Min was even more fearless when he came to Shangyu, Qin State, to unload the burden of government affairs.

Besides, he didn't hurt the farmers. Qin's beef mainly comes from plateau yaks traded with the Tubo people. This kind of cattle has very long hair, is not heat-resistant, and cannot be cultivated at all. There is no good way except to eat meat.

However, Ran Min doesn't like this kind of small and thin beef rolls, but prefers to eat large pieces of meat.Finally, the fist-sized chunk of beef in the hot pot was half-done, and Ran Min couldn't wait to chew it.

While biting the beef, Ran Min pointed at Zhang Ping and said, "You should ask Ping about this!"

Zhang Ping quickly put down his chopsticks, and said respectfully, "Reporting to His Royal Highness King Qin, the Eastern Jin Dynasty is too busy to take care of itself, how can it be thoughtful to attack Wei?"


Ran Ming was surprised.

In history, there were three Northern Expeditions in Huanwen, the first occurred in 354 AD, and the second was in the 12th year of Yonghe ([-] AD).

In fact, the first Northern Expedition Huanwen met Ran Ming suffered a little loss, and the second Northern Expedition did not take advantage of it.

Because of his own appearance, history has gone awry, and Huan Wen's goal of establishing his prestige through the Northern Expedition has not been achieved at all. How could he be reconciled?

Ran Ming asked enthusiastically, "What's the reason?"

Zhang Ping was about to make gestures.

Wang Meng said: "Your Majesty, I was about to report this matter, and there was a disturbance in Shu. Zhang Zuo and Fu Jian turned against each other. The two sides fought in July of the second year of Kaiyuan. Zhang Zuo gradually lost to Fu Jian. In late July, Badong prefect Wang Zhuo and Zhang Zuo teamed up. Wang Zhen sent troops from Badong to attack Brazil. Fu Jian was defeated by one enemy and two. In August, Fu Jian asked Huan Wen for help. On August 27, Huan Wen urgently sent Zhou Chu and Deng Xia Two generals led [-] cavalry to enter Bashu by water and land. On the [-]th, they conquered Chengdu. Huan Wen immediately set up the Xifu Army Commander's Mansion in Chengdu. In September, Huan Wen divided the troops. The opportunity for Zhou Chu to lead the army to go north was slow, and the battle was tense for a while, and now there is no winner. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was only Huan Wen, the main force of the Northern Expedition, so why attack Wei separately?"

Ran Ming is not as optimistic as Wang Meng, he feels that history has exceeded his understanding.

Because of the appearance of him, a butterfly from another world, Huan Wen's face was swept away. Now Huan Wen has no hope for the Northern Expedition, but follows Xi Chao's plan to seek a de facto feudal town.

Huan Wen intends to use Bashu and Jingxiang as his foundations to remotely control Jiangzhou, so as to divide the world with Wei and Jin.It's just that Huan Wen didn't expect that there would also be changes in the Wei state. Ran Zhi suddenly usurped the throne and successfully drove Ran Min away. Ran Ming occupied six states in the northwest and confronted Ran Zhi across the Yellow River.

Now the world is no longer a battle between Jin and Wei, but the five heroes of Northern Han, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Eastern Jin, and Bashu coexist.

Ran Min suddenly looked at Ran Ming and said, "Why is Ming'er still worried that the Jin Dynasty will make trouble?"

Ran Ming took a big sip of wine, then blushed and said, "Father, Huan Wen entered Shu again, I'm afraid the plan is not small!"

"Father, look, it only took [-] days for Huan Wen to send troops to occupy Chengdu since he received the news of Fu Jian's rescue. Huan Wen's main force was originally gathered in Xiangyang, which is more than [-] miles away from Chengdu. It took [-] days. , an average of more than [-] miles per day, even if it is an armed march, it is not so fast, right? When did Huanwen's Xifu army react so quickly?" Ran Ming said with certainty: "It is certain that Huanwen has long been aware of this entry into Shu. It was premeditated, maybe he had prepared for this day, otherwise it would not have been so fast. Moreover, Fu Jian's self-promotion must have led the wolf into the house."

Ran Min nodded, then shook his head again.

"Zeguo Jiangshan's battle plan, what is the life of the people? Leqiaosu. With Jun Mo's words, the title of the marquis will be dead."

Wang Meng laughed and said: "If Your Highness is worried about this bureaucrat, get rid of it. How difficult is it? Your Highness doesn't need to be involved in this matter. The Emperor Sima Dan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty has long since tolerated Huan Wen. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, anyone who wants to ruin his life I don't know how, why doesn't His Highness send someone to go, even if Huan Wen cannot be killed, His Highness will not be burdened, but it can intensify the conflict between Huan Wen and Sima Dan, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Ran Ming said: "That Jing Lue thinks, who can do it?"

Wang Meng thought for a while, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said solemnly: "There are many people who want to get rid of Huan Wen, but Ruoyan fears Huan Wen the most, none other than Gu and Lu. Now the daughter of the Lu family is the queen of the Jin Kingdom, and she is the number one person in the south." The second time he entered the royal family of the Jin Dynasty, the Jiangnan gentry would never allow Huan Wen to stand in Jin's place. His Highness can secretly instigate someone to say that Huan Wen wants to proclaim himself emperor and abolish Sima Dan. Gu, Lu and other southerners will definitely be fooled. Xu Yang’s athletes from the eight counties, they all have close relations with the southern gentry, if they suddenly attack in the army, why would Huan Wen resist?”

Ran Ming said: "You mean?"

Wang Meng didn't speak, but pointed to Xie Ai.

Ran Ming suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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