Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 738 The Orphan Club Comes With Profit

Chapter 738

Chapter 743
Ran Zhi was right. No matter Ran Ming or Ran Min, they tried their best to avoid civil war.

Of course, the most important thing is that both Ran Ming and Ran Min wanted to see what step Ran Zhi could make.

If he really only wanted to enjoy himself, or acted recklessly, even if he was fighting a civil war, Ran Min would not tolerate Ran Zhi for a day.However, Ran Zhi's current performance is not bad.

He first changed the bloody rule that had just usurped the throne, and changed it to grace when he had enough power.

Because he knew what Ran Min and Ran Ming were thinking, Ran Zhi dared to act freely. For three years, Ran Ming made a gentleman's contract with him for only three years. If he can't lead Wei to prosperity and prosperity, and can't let the people live and work in peace and contentment, then Ran Zhi Ming will replace him and take charge of this country.

Ran Zhi couldn't wait to express himself.As long as he does better and Wei Guo is stronger than before, he will be able to secure his position in this country.

In late November, Ran Zhi promulgated the imperial edict of Emperor Hongzhi.

In the imperial edict, Ran Zhi made his ruling strategy for the Hongzhi Dynasty.Both light corvee and thin Fu.

The agricultural tax is based on the one-thirty tax, and there is no need to bear any corvee service other than military service.Military shirt farms and military job farms do not need to pay taxes at the rate of [-] per [-] taxes.

Ran Zhi is using this policy to win the hearts of the people. As for whether the national treasury is enough, it is not in Ran Zhi's temporary consideration.Anyway, he has Wang Cheng's money bag, so he doesn't have to worry about not having enough money.

Ran Zhi's life is actually the same as Ran Min's, still very simple.It is nothing like the luxury of the gentry and nobles in this period.

In order to play a better leading role, Ran Zhi ordered the reduction of palace expenses and the abolition of unnecessary institutions in the first step. More than [-] maids and eunuchs were dismissed, and the entire palace was almost emptied.

Not only that, Ran Zhi also stipulated that the buildings and palaces in the palace should not be carved, and the cars and clothes should be as simple as possible, and no waste should be allowed.

In fact, Ran Zhi did this just to learn from Emperor Wen of Han.

"Historical Records? Filial Piety Text Ji": "Using regular clothes and clothes, fortunately, Mrs. Shen, the clothes are not allowed to drag the floor, and the curtains are not allowed to be embroidered, so as to show simplicity and be the first in the world." Jian Tai Chang, ten out of two, nine Ren dragging the ground."

Ran Zhi even issued an edict to build water conservancy and encourage farming and mulberry.In fact, this is also the fruit that Ran Ming planted.

Ran Ming encouraged business, and with the influx of cheap grain from Champa to Wei, Wei's grain prices continued to drop.Even if the Heluo area was flooded, the price of grain still did not exceed [-] renminbi per shi. During the Shihu and Huidi periods, as long as natural disasters occurred, the price of grain was as high as [-] renminbi per shi.

It is precisely because of this that the price of grain has not exceeded the range that the people can bear, so the people of Wei State have no troubles.After all, Shengdou people only care about their own livelihood, and they don't care much about who will be the emperor.Because they all know that no matter how hard it is their turn, it will never be their turn.

With the rise of business, the benefits are obvious, but the disadvantages are relative.Many people are not willing to farm the land anymore, they would rather work.Although it is a bit hard and tiring, but working hard to ensure the harvest in drought and flood, I can get more than farming.A working man in his prime can feed and clothe a family of five.This is something that farming simply cannot do.

Therefore, the work of reclamation of wasteland in Wei State is progressing slowly. Correspondingly, many cultivated lands also lack effective management.Wei's food production can only maintain the minimum self-sufficiency risk line, and the ability to use large-scale troops or withstand greater famines is very low.

Ran Zhi's policy is actually similar to that of Emperor Han Wen, even if it is not plagiarism, it is imitation.

It is an inevitable trend to raise the price of grain to ensure the income of farmers and to protect the price of grain.Driven by interests, farmers attach importance to agricultural production.

At the same time, for the construction of Changping warehouses, farmers are asked to donate food, and Changping warehouses are released in times of famine for relief.

In fact, when Ran Ming saw this policy, he couldn't help laughing.

From Ran Ming's point of view, Ran Zhi's intentions are good, but the following will definitely not be able to carry it out.

Grain storage is actually lossy, and this loss will definitely fall on the farmers.If officials become corrupt again, this policy of benefiting the people is likely to turn into a policy of harming the people.

Just like Wang Anshi's reforms in the Northern Song Dynasty, in fact, Wang Anshi's various new laws are very targeted, and they are also a good way to heal the current situation in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The last policy is government loans.

In fact, this is also Ran Ming's established policy. Ran Ming's method is to guarantee the government and supervise the specific implementation of Huaxia Bank.These small people in Shengdou have no savings at all, especially in the Heluo area where there is no harvest, and the houses are washed away by the flood, and there is no way to live in them.Just this one flood left hundreds of thousands of households in the Heluo area bankrupt and destitute.

In this case, they are faced with two choices.

Either borrow money to buy food seeds and farming implements, or sell land to beg for food.Unless there is nothing to do, these people will not choose to stay away from their homeland and beg for their lives.

But borrowing, at this time the interest rate is very high.

Usually it is revolving interest, such as five cents per month, sixty cents per year.Some usury loans are more lenient and only roll over the principal, while others are even darker, adding interest to the principal, which is the so-called rolling interest.

However, food production capacity is very low.

Twenty or thirty catties of seeds need to be sown per mu, but the income can only be more than two stones. Occasionally, the weather is good, barely more than two stones.Even the lowest [-]% interest is unaffordable for the common people.

If it is stained with usury, it must be ruined and ruined.For this reason, Ran Zhi also used Wang Cheng to strictly order his Huaxia Business Alliance to lend at [-]% interest to those people in need.

Although the [-]% interest rate is high, it is much lower than those usury loans.Moreover, Wang Cheng actually earned more by doing so.He is not directly lending money, but the discount of real objects such as farming tools or seeds. In fact, the business alliance has made a lot of money since then.

If it wasn't for Ran Zhi's actions, it would have interrupted Ran Ming's plan to deal with the Huaxia Business Alliance.Ran Ming has a hundred methods to make Wang Cheng of the Huaxia Business Alliance lose all his money, and he can also bankrupt him. However, in this way, those poor people have to sell their children and daughters, and the whole family borrows usury with an interest rate of more than [-]%.

However, even so, Ran Ming did not intend to let Wang Cheng go.

Ran Ming did not carry out such drastic reforms as Ran Zhi.

Because Ran Ming doesn't need it, Ran Ming just wants to build a country that is dominated by business and supplemented by agriculture.Only by taking advantage of merchants' greedy thirst for resources, this country will not stop its conquest.

If a high-yield crop seed can change an era.So whether a country is strong or not is not because of this seed, but because of the person who planted it.

The long-term feudal family-country ideology, from the bottom to the bottom, has a kind of ideological evil.That is, the gentry thought that no matter who won the country, the country always needs to be governed by people, and they cannot do without them.The common people believed that no matter who became the emperor, they had to pay the emperor's rations and serve corvee.

Therefore, under such ideological imprisonment, our nation is the least cohesive nation, and it is also the only one that has no centripetal force, no common values, no blood and responsibility.

Whenever a strong leader emerges, they can always usher in a great era.The most terrifying thing for a country is not whether it is developed or not, but the human heart, which has been verified by countless conquerors.

The United States is the well-deserved leader in the world. Regardless of military technology or civilian technology, it has left China without a trace.When the U.S. Air Force bombed Dandong, the Zhiyuan army crossed the Yalu River and let them do it.

Fight if you can beat it, and fight if you can't beat it.The big bear of the Soviet Union is the world's second child after the United States. When it invaded Zhenbao Island, it refused to give up an inch of ground and resolutely fought back.And Vietnam, which once considered itself the third in the world.

Despite the poverty in the past, we still have ambition.

Even though we were backward in the past, we still have confidence.

To this day, nothing but speechlessness remains.

"Your Highness, Zheng Jian and Zhang Xun are here!"

Du Cong told Ran Ming in sign language.Ran Ming, who was in deep thought, took a while to come back to his senses.

Since Wang Cheng's rebellion, the Huaxia Business Alliance has not disbanded. On the contrary, the merchants of the Huaxia Business Alliance, especially the senior members, have sent envoys or representatives to Ran Ming to convey their sincerity.

Since Zhang Xun recovered from his serious injury, Zhang's loss has been very heavy.Basically all of Zhang Xun's properties were seized by Wang Cheng.

However, Ran Ming did not treat Zhang Xun badly, but let Zhang Xun start his old business, the horse business.

Ran Ming had no choice but to have too few talents in his hands. Fortunately, Zhang Xun and Zheng Jian were still on Ran Ming's side, otherwise Ran Ming would not be able to play at all.In desperation, Ran Ming had to hand over the horse business to Zhang Xun.

Regarding Wang Cheng's betrayal, Ran Ming would not let him go.Otherwise, how can Ran Ming convince the public like this?If you dare to touch Ran Ming's things, you must be prepared to bear Ran Ming's anger.

After Zhang Xun and Zheng Jian greeted each other, they stood aside respectfully.

Ran Ming said: "You guys came just in time, Gu was planning to send Yu to invite you. Gu has a few things in his hands that you can do for Gu!"

"The first step is to organize the establishment of the Qin State Bank!"

In fact, although modern commercial banks and ancient banks have many similarities, such as currency storage, exchange in different places, etc., ancient banks and commercial banks are two completely different in nature.

Qianzhuang is a transitional product in the process of using precious metals as currency. It only facilitates transactions and reduces the consumption, cost and risk of currency transportation.

Even Jiaozi, which appeared in the Song Dynasty, cannot be equivalent to the current currency.Although Jiaozi could purchase goods directly at that time, in people's understanding, Jiaozi was just a receipt. In fact, he was still based on gold, silver and copper.

In fact, the important purpose of commercial banks is not to facilitate circulation, but to promote the prosperity of the market economy. (Wen Wang Bingfeng is engaged in credit work, and he must know more about this than I do)
In ancient times, there was no interest on depositing money in banks, but a certain storage fee would be paid instead.It is a low-risk investment for modern people to deposit money in the bank.

For example, later generations charge various service fees under various names, which is itself a mistake in positioning.Several large state-owned banks are actually developing in this shameless direction.

Under market economy conditions, when banks are no longer insured, people will look for storage methods that they think are insured.Inevitably, there will be more and more underground black banks.

The purpose of Ran Ming's establishment of the Qin State Bank is to move from the small peasant economy in the feudal era to the market economy in the capital era.

In fact, Zheng Jian didn't feel that he fully understood Ran Ming's intentions. He simply believed that Ran Ming set up a new bank in order to suppress and support it, but in preparation for betraying his Huaxia Bank.

Therefore, Zheng Jian patted his chest to Ran Ming and promised to do this kind of thing well.

Ran Ming smiled when he heard the words, as if he had returned to the afterlife.The expression on his face when he is encouraging his subordinates in future generations.

Ran Ming tapped the table lightly with his hand, then laughed wantonly and said: "This is a big fortune, if you do well, you will have all the beauties and money, and it's not impossible to seal your wife and son, but I'm just afraid that you won't dare to do it." , or not doing well!"

Zhang Xun couldn't help blurting out, "Xun is willing to die for the Lord!"

"Master" is not something that ordinary people can say easily, and saying it means recognizing the Lord.From then on, Zhang Xun was Ran Ming's retainer, just like Du Cong, Lin Heishan, Jing Zhan and others were Ran Ming's retainers.They will share weal and woe with Ran Ming.Zhang Xun is different from Du Cong, Lin Heishan, Jing Zhan and others. They are all real proletarians and extremely poor people.But Zhang Xun is a wealthy man.Although a lot of money was robbed by Wang Cheng, the emaciated camel was bigger than a horse. No matter how hard Zhang Xun was, he was still richer than ordinary tyrants.

(End of this chapter)

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