Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 756 Being an Emperor Is Not My Wish

Chapter 756 Being an Emperor Is Not My Wish
Chapter 761 Being an Emperor Is Not My Wish

Cui Yue was the great-grandson of Sikong Cui Lin during the Cao Wei period. At this time, Jin Situ was, without a surprise, another prince.

Duke has two meanings in ancient times, both title and official position. Taifu, Taishi, and Taiwei are three princes. Usually, as long as an official dies in office, he will be promoted to a higher level as appropriate. If Cui Yue dies of illness or old age, he will Will be one of the three.

Ran Ming said again: "Congratulations to Cui Situ, if it were Qianhu Shiyi and the imperial father's imperial brush, which one would you choose?"

How could Cui Yue not understand what Ran Ming meant? It seemed that Ran Ming's will to descend to nobility would not be shaken.

Don't look at Qianhu Shiyi, there is a lot of income in a year, but this income is really nothing in the eyes of Cui Shi, but the imperial brush used by Ran Min is a sacred object. This is a grace!
Cui Yue said: "I choose the imperial pen!"

Ran Ming then asked several officials, and they were also without exception. They would rather choose to accept the rags used by Ran Min than to ask for food.

Ran Ming said: "Father, money is just a pile of stuff to some noble people, but to low-level soldiers or ordinary people, it is the foundation of their lives. The more noble people are, the less They care about money, they care more about honor."

Ran Ming is talking dead. In fact, as long as there is honor in this era, no one is poor.Although there is a saying in the army that the capture should be returned to the public, but it is not carried out thoroughly, and Ran Min has never stopped those generals from getting rich.

In particular, Ran Ming linked greed for money with nobility, so who wouldn't want to be a noble person?

Just like the emperor's new clothes, what you can see is a smart person, even if they are stupid, they will not admit that they are stupid, even if they are greedy villains, they will not admit that they are greedy villains in front of others , they all want to be a noble person.

Ran Ming paused, and said loudly: "Father, Zhongshu ordered Liu Qun to work hard and make great contributions to the country. My son, please discuss the former Grand Tutor Liu Qun, who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao!"

To share the Taimiao, they must be close relatives or royal relatives who have made contributions to the country.There are also courtiers and subjects who have contributed to the country, with the emperor's permission, they can also enjoy the treatment of the Taimiao after death. These courtiers will be buried with the ceremony of the county king after death.If Liu Qun was buried generously with the ceremony of a county king, then his descendants would still inherit his country's duke, which would be regarded as a kind of substantial compensation.

"Sir, seconded!"

"Sir, seconded!"


After the court was over, Wang Meng could no longer suppress his anger, and said to Ran Ming, "His Royal Highness, why did you bring up that issue? This is an enemy of the world's officials and nobles!"

Ran Ming said with a sad face: "This is not for the enemy, but for the future of Great Wei!"

Ran Ming's words immediately confused Wang Meng.

"Why did Your Highness say that!" Wang Meng said, "Don't look at them choosing to give in this time, but they will all vent their anger on His Highness!"

"Jing Lue, do you really think that the father doesn't want to be deposed? Do you think that the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty have a lot of complaints about these more than 4000 marquises?" Ran Ming said: "You have also presided over the Ministry of Civil Affairs, how can you not know, Da Wei Guang The annual salary issued to Man Xungui is as high as more than 600 million stones of grain. It is like a huge rock, pressing firmly on Wei. Do you really think that those civil and military officials are really willing to consume Wei's money with these nobles for nothing? national power?"

"Let me tell you, these old foxes have known about this shortcoming for a long time. Why didn't anyone bring it up? You really think Liu Qun can't see it. Liu Qun is the founding father of Wei and the first counselor of the father. How could Great Wei have the situation it is today?" Ran Ming said: "They all know that they are waiting, and so is the father. They are all waiting for a fool to pierce the paper on this layer of windows. I don't want to be this fool, and my father doesn't want to be this fool, and this fool can only be done by me, otherwise no one has the strength to bear this thunder!"

Wang Meng seemed to understand that everyone knew this disadvantage, if Wei was just a country that got by, this problem would not be a problem.The key is that all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty wanted to be famous ministers in the prosperous age, and they all wanted to unify the world and be listed in the biographies of famous ministers.They don't want to see Wei Guo being wasted by this tumor and wasting national power.The civil servants do not want these military officials to be on their heads. The military officials are afraid that they will be killed when there is no promotion. more disturbed.

There are too many smart people in Wei Guo, but there are also many real fools.Naturally, no one would take the risk of offending the upstarts in the world to do such a thankless thing.

"Sir, believe it or not, if I don't expose this matter, the matter will become more and more difficult as time goes on!" Ran Ming sighed: "At that time, the father will definitely hint that someone will come Poke this layer of window paper. Who is the most suitable person? Do you know?"

"It can't be the minister!" Wang Meng looked at Ran Ming anxiously, especially when he saw Ran Ming's playful expression, he was startled suddenly, and said: "Could it be that this fool is only suitable for the minister to stop?"

"Who else would it be if it wasn't you?" Ran Ming said: "Father knows that I trust you, and you are from a poor family, and there is no shadow of those big families behind you. If you do this, you will become the enemy of the civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty." , then you will not be able to form a party, you can only be a lone minister.With Mr. Yi's talent, if he is a lonely minister, pure minister, how lucky is the world, how lucky is the Great Wei? "

Wang Meng thought about it carefully, and couldn't help sweating.A poor family, a lonely minister, and Zhichun have these three characteristics, which are enough for the emperor.If Ran Ming didn't pierce this layer of window paper, he was waiting to pierce it himself.Of course those nobles dare not target Ran Ming, but they have no pressure to deal with Wang Meng.

"So, this fool can be wronged by anyone, but I can't be wronged!" Ran Ming said: "Who said this world belongs to our Ran family? Now this country belongs to the emperor, and in the near future, it will be My palace, this villain, if I don’t do it, who will do it?”

The more Wang Meng thought about it, the more startled he became, and the more he thought about it, the colder he became.This politics is really not for ordinary people to play. "Your Highness, my subject..." Wang Meng couldn't understand Ran Ming's protection, he was living in vain.

Ran Ming said again: "Sir, it doesn't have to be like this. We have to work together, the Great Wei still needs Mr. We have to work hard, and we must also unify the world and create a peaceful and prosperous world for the people of the world!"

It has always been Ran Min's dream to entrust the princes to defend the royal family, like Zhou Tianzi, and the Ran's dynasty lasted for 800 years.Ran Min has actively implemented this policy since the founding of the Wei State, but since the founding of the Wei State, there have been as many as [-] nobles above the Marquis level.During the war with so many marquises, the treasury of the State of Wei was empty, and there was no money and grain to distribute the annual salary, so the disadvantages did not appear.

But this financial crisis has just emerged, and Ran Min also feels the pressure doubled.As long as it is honorable, it needs to receive annual salary. In the past, the treasury had no money or food, and if it was in arrears, it would be in arrears.But if the treasury has money and food, you have to give it away.Not counting the liquidation and arrears, the annual salary alone is as high as 600 million shi grains, and Ran Min also feels that his head is too big.

This heavy burden will overwhelm Wei Guo.If the commercial tax is not counted, and only relying on the agricultural tax revenue, Wei’s annual tax revenue is not even enough to pay officials’ salaries, let alone repair cities and water conservancy, build armor and equipment, and provide disaster relief and peace for the people.Could it be that I was really wrong?
Ran Min is also reflecting on himself. At the beginning, the 48th Yuanxun supported him as the emperor and established the Wei Kingdom. Ran Min also pardoned the world and entrusted him with the title of duke and marquis. Officials in the state of Wei even looked down on the official titles awarded by Ran Min of Wei State, and only commoners and poor families valued Ran Min's titles.Now the demotion is an excellent opportunity for Wei to get rid of the financial burden and develop rapidly, but this demotion, Ran Min is afraid that the hearts of the meritorious soldiers will be chilled, and he is also afraid that the official historian will record that he can only share adversity and cannot share wealth.

Now the atmosphere in the court is extremely strange, and Ran Min felt unbelievable that he would agree to be demoted.Fortunately, Ran Min knew that Ran Ming didn't run Yecheng, and this proposal was just a temporary idea, and he didn't even hear any rumors about it.If so many officials were to be mobilized to respond to Ran Ming's proposal, it was impossible for Ran Min not to know something.

At the same time, Ran Min is also used to Ran Ming's thoughts of Ma Xingkong tomorrow, and understands that Ran Ming is tarnishing his name so as not to fear him.Ran Min smiled wryly: "In your heart, is I so scary?"

However, Ran Min thought that Ran Ming had already given others a fickle heart and could not stand the test.When it is not a last resort, try not to test, because testing others will often hurt yourself.

Thinking of this, Ran Min suddenly felt calm.Even if he will be injured, he still has to test the hearts of Wei Guo now.

When he returned to the East Palace, Ran Ming felt uncomfortable. The East Palace was no different than the Prince Qin's Mansion. There were too many rules here, which made Ran Ming feel extremely depressed.When you drink saliva, countless people will come to remind you that you must use a cup and what posture you must use, so Ran Ming is very helpless, drinking water when he is thirsty, what does it have to do with etiquette?However, there are rules for walking, walking, sitting, and lying down. Even if you go to the toilet, people will stand aside and watch.

Although Ran Ming didn't have such a habit, he wasn't too scared to urinate.However, four beautiful and beautiful young palace maids were served on the side, and Ran Ming was so scared that he almost couldn't pee.

Ran Ming felt an indescribable disgust in his heart when he came to see the maids and eunuchs surrounding him.Ran Ming said: "I have an important interview with Wang Xima, please inform me that within thirty feet, no one is allowed to approach, and anyone who violates the order will be shot!"

Seeing the legs of those older eunuchs clamped unconsciously, Ran Ming felt unspeakable pleasure. "Also, if you bring up the food and drink, you must eat what I love the most."

After a while, the eunuch, who was trotting all the way, came quickly with three trays in his unique small steps.A plate of pork knuckle with soy sauce, cold pork ears, and Wang Meng's favorite food, vegetables and soybeans, a plate of mutton, and a five-jin pot of mellow liquor.After putting down these things, the three little eunuchs disappeared without a trace.

Ran Ming wasn't being hypocritical either, he didn't even bother to use his chopsticks, so he started directly, picked up an elbow, and gnawed on it.

"His Royal Highness, please slow down and save some for the minister!" Wang Meng knew Ran Ming's temper, he didn't like that kind of elegant way of eating, he just liked to eat such big pieces of meat and drink in big bowls.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, Congratulations to Your Highness, your wish has finally come true!" Wang Meng stuffed a piece of mutton into his mouth without poise, directly wiped a handful of oil with his hands, muttered about the meat in his mouth, and said with a smile on his face : "It is Meng's lifelong wish to assist the Ming Lord and make achievements that will last forever."

"Why do you like it?" Ran Ming frowned and said, "In the eyes of the world, this East Palace is like the one who aspires to the top of the world, but in the eyes of this palace, this East Palace is actually a cage, and this palace is the person in this cage. prisoner."

Naturally, Wang Meng understood that what Ran Ming meant was that he had lost the freedom he yearned for.

Wang Meng smiled and said: "Your Highness, this means that you can't have both the fish and the bear's paw. The so-called gains must be lost!"

"But, this lost too much!" Ran Ming drank nearly half a catty of liquor in one gulp, which is almost equivalent to drinking forty-degree liquor in later generations, and his face flushed immediately.Ran Ming gasped and said: "There are no outsiders here, and I can tell you clearly, in fact, I don't want to be a general or a prince. I just want to be loyal to the country; wise to protect myself; business to get rich. Access to the world."

"Your Highness, I do not deny that Your Highness does have the skills of Tao Zhugong!" Wang Meng said, "Eat from the sea, and get wealth from the sea. I am afraid that Tao Zhugong did not have such skills as His Highness back then. However, the common people still need His Highness, and the community is even more important." Your Highness is needed!"

(End of this chapter)

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