Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 760 1 Hammer Buying and Selling

Chapter 760
Chapter 765
"Dhulu Tuda, do you want revenge?"

The scout said: "The king of Han is actually our great Wei's enemy. We actually came here to beat him this time, but we didn't expect that you would save him from disaster. Otherwise, we would definitely beat them to the sky. There is no way out!"

Just when Anbei returned to the south, Ran Ming, who was the prince of the East Palace, gradually entered the role of his prince.

However, Ran Ming did not enter the center to express his political views, but only kept his ears open and never expressed his own opinions.In Wang Meng's words, it is better for Ran Ming to be still than to move at this time.

Ran Ming's family members can only return to Yecheng from Shangying when the weather turns warm after the beginning of spring, so the lonely life makes Ran Ming feel boring.However, Wang Meng gave Ran Ming an opinion.

That is to let Ran Ming pay respects to Empress Dong and Ran Min every morning and evening, so he becomes a filial son and grandson.Since Ran Zhi's coup, Empress Dong's health has been getting worse and worse. With Ran Min's return, the news of Ran Zhi's death made Empress Dong, who was full of grief and joy, fell ill.In fact, Empress Dong is only in poor health, not a serious illness.The medicine is three-point poisonous, and Ran Ming feels that it is still necessary to take food supplements.

Green vegetables are almost extinct in winter, and even some out-of-season vegetables grown next to hot springs are very expensive.

One day at dinner, Empress Dong saw the lettuce. The imperial cook was skilled enough to stir-fry the lettuce until it looked delicious, and Empress Dong liked it very much.I just asked the waiter casually: "This dish tastes good, what is the price?"

The waiter replied: "A catty of lettuce costs a thousand dollars!"

Empress Dong was filled with emotion. One thousand renminbi was worth nearly three stones of rice, and three hundred catties of rice was enough to feed the whole family for half a year. A mouthful of food for her must be worth a few catties of rice.Empress Dong was so scared that she didn't dare to put down her chopsticks.

Moreover, Empress Dong told Ran Min that the palace cannot eat green vegetables in winter.After Ran Ming got the news, he couldn't help but laugh.Off-season vegetables have always been the direction Ran Ming wants to work on, but before glass and plastic sheets are made, Ran Ming can't produce off-season vegetables.But looking at Empress Dong, she lost her appetite when she saw greasy food, and Empress Dong, who was getting thinner day by day, also worried Ran Min endlessly.

Ran Ming asked someone to prepare some canned vegetables and brought them into the palace. Although Ran Ming was not a professional chef, he would often cook by hand in later generations. When he came to the imperial dining room, Ran Ming told the imperial chef: "I will only teach you once. Whether you can learn it or not depends on you!"

There is no need to process the bamboo shoots out of the can, and a plate of crystal clear shredded bamboo shoots comes out.Open a few more canned fruits, and four cold dishes are ready.

Live fish is Ran Ming's specialty main dish. Although fish is eaten in this era, it is usually boiled. It's amazing to have another braised fish, like boiled fish in later generations, and spicy fish. Ran Ming can't make it without seasoning .But it doesn't matter, Ran Ming can cook sweet and sour fish.

It seems that the imperial chef is also an expert in making fish. He kills the fish, drains the blood, peels the belly and removes the scales. It is almost done in the blink of an eye. This basic skill is something Ran Ming can't do no matter what.Ran Ming mixes eggs with flour, oils the fish, and then focuses on making sweet and sour sauce.Add appropriate amount of white sugar, balsamic vinegar, minced ginger, cooking wine, salt and other seasonings, add boiling water, hook into the running water, bake the juice with hot oil until the oil and sweet and sour sauce are completely integrated, put the fried fish, pour the juice and serve become.Its color is jujube red, soft, tender and delicious, sweet and sour, and sour and slightly salty.

After the sweet and sour sauce was ready, Ran Ming instructed the chef to make the same pork ribs and twice-cooked pork.

Naturally, Ran Ming was not required to serve the dishes. When it was meal time, Ran Min and Empress Dong washed their hands and waited for the meal. At this moment, they saw Ran Ming leading several eunuchs to bring the dishes.Ran Min naturally knew why Ran Ming came to the palace, anyway, this is already a habit of Ran Ming.

Several waiters were preparing to serve and test dishes, and Ran Min shouted, "Get out, I won't eat your leftovers today!"

Empress Dong looked at the fish without any soup, the crystal clear shredded bamboo shoots, and peaches, and hurriedly took out the chopsticks, but Ran Min was quicker to do it, and put a shredded bamboo shoot into her mouth, chewed it lightly , his eyes lit up, and he praised: "Crispy and delicious, with a sweet taste, no, no."

As he spoke, he picked up another piece of twice-cooked pork and put it into his mouth, with an intoxicated expression, he said: "Fat but not greasy, rotten but not loose, smooth and delicious, I never imagined that such an unremarkable piece of pork could be so delicious. Amazing, amazing!"

Empress Dong picked up a small piece of fish and put it into her mouth. After chewing for a while, before she could swallow it, she exclaimed, praising the sweet and sour carp.Wonderful, really wonderful! "

If Ran Min and Empress Dong still pay attention to demeanor when eating, even the tiger-like Ran Yu is like a hungry dog ​​robbing his stomach. A plate of sweet and sour pork ribs did not fill his stomach, and Ran Cao ate his mouth full of sweet and sour sauce "Prince" Brother, is there any more? I still want to eat, I still want to eat!"

Although Ran Yu didn't speak, but looking at him, he definitely didn't enjoy himself to the fullest!

When Ran Min returned to power, the news that Ran Ming was canonized as the crown prince spread to Shanggu. The people of Qin State and the gentry beat gongs and drums, and the whole city rejoiced.Shangbei has become a city that never sleeps, and almost all restaurants, restaurants, and inns have launched promotions for sharing profits and quick sales.In the state of Qin, no matter civil and military officials, gentry, merchants or ordinary people, everyone is congratulating the king of Qin.

This small northwest city with tens of thousands of people is now a sea of ​​joy, filled with happiness everywhere.Not only the Qin State, but also the seven counties of the Qin State and Hexi, also participated in the national celebration.Qin Guochang Shi Li Xian became the left concubine of the East Palace. This is a fifth-rank official rank. Compared with Qin Guochang Shi's fourth-rank rank, Li Xian was also demoted.But Li Xian didn't have a trace of decadence when he was demoted, but was full of passion.

The Li family in Longyou was also happy for Li Xian. If Li Xian joined Ran Ming's line, if there were no accidents, it would guarantee the prosperity of the Li family in Longyou for the next ten years.

The subordinate officials who also belonged to Jinye were Jiang Xie, the leading general of the Qin State, Zhang Lun was Zuo Zanshan, and Zhao Xun was the leader of the Bo family.

With Ran Ming becoming the prince, it will have a great impact on Wei's business.It is a tradition in Chinese politics that people die and the government rests. One emperor and one courtier, so when Ran Ming became the prince, it was like good news for the stock market in future generations. Therefore, the businessmen of Wei State put all their energy into it and threw off their arms to prepare for a big fight.The construction of various ground workshops started quickly.The major families took their own reserves of funds or loans from the Qin State Bank and Huaxia Bank.

The emperor was restored, and Ran Ming became the crown prince. Everyone celebrated happily, but the Qin Palace in Shangyu seemed peaceful.Today's plaque in the Prince Qin's Mansion has been removed, and King Qin's Jue has also been removed.Light snow began to fall in the sky, but the snow disappeared just as soon as it landed in the palm of the hand. By nightfall, the light snow had stopped.Xie Daoyun pushed open the window and looked at the Qin Palace in the lights. This may be the last time they saw this Qin Palace.

General Wei and Zhang Ai, Lieutenant of Sili.Shi Yue, the general who conquered the South, will also leave Shangyu at the same time, and go to Yecheng to accept the appointment of the emperor.The 5000 Yue cavalry army, [-] tun cavalry soldiers, plus [-] archers, together with [-] troops, will protect Ran Ming's family members from Shanggu and go to Yecheng.

Jiang Xie was very excited in his heart. The Shangyu Jiang family was at best an ordinary powerful family, and the Shangyu Jiang family could still rank high, but if they were placed in the Qin State, they would only be an ordinary powerful family.This time when he entered Ye, Jiang Xie would serve as the general of the left guard of the East Palace, and Xue Tao would be the general of the right guard.

Although he is only a fifth-rank official now, his future will be limitless if he guards this meritorious service.According to the system, Jiang Xie, the general who leads the guard, can have 58 family soldiers. Jiang Xie dared not violate the system. He drew [-] people from Shangyu Jiang's nephews to form his own team.

At this time, Jiang Xie did not shy away from it, and directly put on full armor, entered the Qin Palace, and directed Jiang's children to help the Qin Palace move. Li Xian also mobilized Li's power, and pulled out [-] carriages for Ran Ming at once.The servants of Prince Qin's Mansion are also busy in an orderly manner. Xie Daoyun, who has been registered as the princess of the Eastern Palace, is directing his family to pack up and move. Their belongings, they have been busy for three days, and they have packed hundreds of boxes. Moving is like this. It seems that there are not many items, but it is unexpected that only half of their children's things are packed.

The most important thing to move this time is the gunpowder workshop, Jiafang, and Nufang. The [-] carriages Li Xian prepared were not even enough for the three workshops to move, so many things had to be sold or destroyed.

The guards of Prince Qin's Mansion and Jiang's children acted as porters. They moved the boxes to the carriage, and they came and went very busy.

Liu Wei, the concubine of the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace, put her arms around her son Ran Di, and the three-year-old Ran Di raised his chubby face and asked, "Mother, are we going to move? Where are we going?"

Since Liu Yuan's death, Liu Wei has been in a trance and has no mind to do things. After receiving the head from his enemy Wang Cheng, he saw a smile on his face.Liu Mo said: "We are going to Yecheng! Do you know the East Palace of Yecheng?"

"Mother, where is Ye City?" Ran Tan shook his head and said, "What is the East Palace?"

Liu Wei said: "East Palace, the East Palace is a very, very large palace with many houses and palaces."

Ran Tan asked, "Is the East Palace as big as our palace?"

"Of course, the East Palace is much bigger than our house!" Liu Mo laughed.

Ran Tan said: "Mother, will Xiaoqiang follow?"

Liu Wei turned pale with fright when he heard Xiaoqiang's words. Xiaoqiang was a mastiff. When he first came to Shangyu in Qin State, Ran Yi liked that black mastiff like a kitten very much. It was a tribute from the leader of the Qiang tribe.Who would have thought that this mastiff originally only reached below Ran Bin's knees, but now it looks like it is blowing air, and it is taller than Ran Bin.

Liu Wei thought for a while and said, "Xiaoqiang, let's stay here!"

Ran Tan said: "Mom, I want Xiaoqiang. If I don't feed him, he will starve to death."

Liu Pei looked at Ran Bin and fondled his head lovingly. "Okay, but you have to put a bridle on Xiaoqiang, and you can't let him hurt people!"

Liu Pei hugged Ran Zan, who was a little fat boy. The three-year-old child actually weighed almost 28 catties, and it was very difficult for Liu Pei to hold him.Ran Yun, who is the same age as him, only weighs [-] catties.

Whenever he thinks of his son who is fat and fat in vain, Liu Wei is very proud.

Mrs. Li still has that lazy temperament, until now she is busy tidying up Buddhist scriptures, Buddha statues, and some other things.Ran Jingwen is 13 years old (false), and she has become a beautiful girl. When she returns to Yecheng this time, His Majesty may propose marriage to her.Thinking of Ran Jingwen getting married, her eyes became sour.

Unlike Li's sorrow, Kezuhun's is the most excited. Everyone else is nervous. Once entering the palace, it is as deep as the sea. No one knows what their future destiny will be. Only Kezuhun's is full of expectations.The peaceful Qin Palace is just a small pond, but the East Palace is a big lake. If Ran Ming ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor in the future and enters the harem, this is the sea she wants.

(End of this chapter)

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