Chapter 769
Chapter 774

As long as those tyrants and gentry sing praises for the court and the emperor, the common people of the lower classes will naturally know that the emperor is a good man.Similarly, if the gentry preaches that the emperor is not benevolent, even a good emperor is also a bad emperor.

In the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang, the Emperor of Daye, was appointed as the faint emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and his history is very famous.However, this foolish emperor ordered Xingluo warehouse to open a warehouse three times successively to help the victims.In the imperial decree, 130 million shi of grain will be released three times.However, this decree was directly ignored by the powerful gentry, and the grain was pulled out of the granary, but they used it for personal gain.As a result, the disaster victims swept Heluo, which made Yang's family precarious.But in history, when Li Mi captured the Luokou warehouse, he opened the warehouse for disaster relief, but only released 40 shi of grain, but raised [-] troops.

No matter how good the policy is, if you touch and distort the monk, it will be distorted.The emperors in history are actually innocent. If the country is regarded as a family business, no one is willing to be the king of subjugation, and no one is willing to destroy this family business.Even if the mentally retarded Emperor Hui of Jin heard that the people had no food to eat, he would say: "Why don't you eat meat porridge if there is no food?" Civil rebellion.But powerful and gentry.

Ran Min promulgated the imperial decree exempting the tax burden in the Heluo area, and the whole world cheered and shouted that Ran Min was an ancient sage.

But the news from "Heavenly Deaf and Earth-Mute" made Ran Min furious.Some of these Heluo powerful gentry withheld the imperial decree of Ran Minen's exemption, and still collected taxes as before, but the treasury did not need the taxes in the Heluo area, but these taxes went into the pockets of these tyrants and gentry.

Ran Min came from a bitter background and was also a begging military commander. His attitude towards this kind of thing is zero tolerance.However, Cui Yue persuaded Ran Min to step down by taking advantage of the slope.Cui Yue's reasons are also very good: "The court of Wei State has undergone turmoil, and people's hearts are unstable. If you send a censor to go deep into the area to inspect and provide evidence, it will disturb the area. Don't destroy the peaceful atmosphere of the Heluo people."

Xie An also advised Ran Min to calm down. "In everything, the country is the most important thing, and the common people are the most important. Peaceful reunification, you can't take Jiangdong!"

The goal and direction of Wei's unification of the world has been set, and the next step is to work hard to complete this set goal.

"Taking Jiangdong without fighting?" Hearing this, Ran Min couldn't help his heart pounding wildly. Before today, he couldn't imagine such a good thing!We must know that although the ruling territory of the Jin State in the south of the Yangtze River is smaller than that of the Wei State, it is much more important and larger than the Wei State in terms of geographical location, population base, and development potential.If the State of Wei wants to revive and rejuvenate China, the unification of the State of Wei and the State of Jin will be imperative. Unlike the State of Northern Han, State of Yan, State of Dai, and State of Diqin, Ran Min is facing Jin at this moment. The country is a regime dominated by the Han people, and has always been known for its Zhengshuo.If possible, he really doesn't want to fight, because it would be his own people killing his own people, but it is extremely hard to imagine that he really wants to rule the world without fighting.

"Xie Aiqing, if you can conquer the world without fighting, is this possible?"

Xie An said, "It depends on His Majesty's choice!"

Ran Min asked in puzzlement, "My choice?"

"That's right!" Xie An said, "If Your Majesty wants to pursue its perfection and cannot tolerate flaws, then the battle between Wei and Jin will be inevitable. If Your Majesty adopts the method of appeasing the powerful and the gentry, then taking Jiangdong without a fight will be of great value." Possibly! The Eastern Jin court that traveled south was actually the product of a compromise between the gentry who migrated from the north to the south and the native gentry in Jiangdong. It was difficult for the emperor and even the royal family to control real power. The power struggle and balance of power among the gentry became the theme of political life in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. If your majesty wins the world If the gentry return to their hearts, then it is possible to win without fighting."

Ran Min frowned, he already understood what Xie An meant.The relationship between the court and the gentry is the relationship between the tree and the vines. Without the protection of the court, the vines cannot grow. Similarly, without the protection of the vines, the trees cannot be safe.However, Ran Min resented doing this very much.He was born in hardship, and he also knows the hardships of the common people in the world. Ran Min not only hopes to lead the Han people to stand up, but also to lead the Han people in the world to become rich.

In Ran Min's view, Sima's Jin Dynasty was not worthy of dominating the world.Since the Yongjia Rebellion, many Hu tribes invaded the Central Plains, especially after the Huns Liu Cong captured Luoyang, Sima Rui went to Jiankang and established the Eastern Jin Dynasty.In order to avoid angering the Hu people, the Eastern Jin court sent troops to the south for fear of the anger of the Hu people. In terms of laws and regulations, it imposed strict laws on the Han people, and mainly appease the Hu people.The Han people pay more taxes, while the Hu people pay less or even no tax.

In addition to taxation, there are also judicial inclinations.The Hu people are not very governed by the law, they just let it go, while the Han people are more strictly controlled.If there is a fight between a Hu and a Han, and if a Han kills a Hu, they will generally be punished severely. If a Han kills a Hu, unless the trouble is particularly serious, they will be dealt with leniently if they can, or they will be imprisoned for a few months , When the situation calms down, let them go. If the Han people who were killed have no one to suffer, sometimes they don’t even have a trial. It’s just that the Han people died in vain.

Because the Hu rebellion lost half of the country, the Eastern Jin court was very cautious about the Hu rebellion. If the Hu people were beaten by the Han people, hundreds of thousands of people would immediately gather to make trouble.And no matter how the case was tried, as long as it provoked the barbarians to gather a crowd to make trouble, the officials and criminals under the jurisdiction would be punished by the court afterwards, thinking that they were incapable of governing the people.Over time, officials and criminals became afraid. Whenever there was a dispute between Hu and Han, no matter who was right or who was not, the first thing to do was to maintain stability.

The Hu people are cunning, knowing that officials and criminals are afraid of them gathering crowds, so once they commit a crime, they threaten to gather crowds. However, the officials and criminals of Jin State are really afraid. Just deal with it leniently, or just settle with the mud.Therefore, the accumulation of decades has made the laws of the Jin Dynasty useless to the Hu people. The Hu people don't know the fear of the law, so they become more and more unscrupulous.

Hearing Xie An's meaning, let yourself pamper these gentry officials and let them enjoy the same glory, wealth and power.There was a flash of lightning-like blood in Ran Min's eyes, and the white outside his pupils suddenly turned red!

"Is the Eastern Jin Dynasty really a regime established with the Han people as the main body?" Ran Min suddenly thought of Zu Ti, the great national hero of the Han people. , Only rations for a thousand people, three thousand bolts of silk, no soldiers, no weapons.Sima Rui sent troops south because he was afraid of the anger of Zhao Guo, who had occupied the Central Plains.

Zu Ti recovered most of Yuzhou's territory. When he was planning to recover Hebei, Sima Rui heard that Zu Ti was a corporal in the Central Plains and won the hearts of the people, so he appointed Dai Yuan as the governor of the six states to involve Zu Ti.But Zu Ti, a great national hero, died of depression when his power was seized, and the Northern Expedition was hopeless.

Thinking of this, Ran Min originally thought that if he could make peace with the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he would try to be as peaceful as possible.However, when Ran Min thought about what happened to Zu Ti and what happened to him, a fire suddenly burst out between his chest and abdomen, and he thought: "How can I bear this situation to continue! If this goes on, I won't After decades of development, even if this place is not attacked by outsiders, it will gradually be turned into a barbarian! The land won by the martyrs who sacrificed their heads and blood, and the wealth accumulated by the Han people will also be handed over to others!"

Ran Min said loudly: "My wish in this life is to wipe out the barbarians and do my best for the unification of the country. If I die, I will wrap my body in horse leather and sprinkle blood on the battlefield. If I live, I will wear a crown and seal, and I will grow old like Lin Quanzhi." Among them, if the common people talk about me after a hundred years, if they attach me to Ban Chao and Chen Tang, that will be the greatest compliment to me."

Xie An was taken aback, apparently not understanding that Ran Min would say this.Ran Min said: "I am not attached to power and wealth. Even if I raise troops to fight against the Hu family, I will fight for a way out for the children of the Han family. I was willing to be the pioneer of the Jin Dynasty and defend the frontier fortresses for the Jin Dynasty. However, the sky is not satisfactory. , Tu sighs!"

Therefore, Ran Min decisively rejected Xie An's suggestion of peaceful reunification and taking Jiangdong without a fight.Wang Jian and other ministers also agreed to let Ran Min rest in peace.In the end, Ran Min reprimanded him angrily.

But Manchu suggested to Ran Min to calm down, but no one understood his own difficulties, so Ran Min couldn't help complaining to Ran Ming.

Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "Father is suffering for a face-saving project, so he should calm things down. There is no need to investigate this matter, and it is not easy to investigate. When it comes to controlling places, these tycoons have been managed by generations for tens or hundreds of years. From the county magistrate, the boss, Cangcao, Sicang and yamen servants, they are almost all their people, not to mention investigating this kind of case, even if a county magistrate is parachuted up, he can't control the county government in half a year or a few months. As long as the ability is slightly inferior, the real power will be directly emptied. What's more, what can those censors find out?"

"I didn't expect you to have the same attitude. I'm really disappointed!" Ran Min's face turned cold, "I don't want this bullshit face, what I want is for the farmers to get benefits. Those powerful gentry who continue to exploit the people are cheating us. The country is poaching our corners. Once they shake the cornerstone of the Wei country, the great Wei country will be lost!"

Ran Ming blushed. In fact, those tyrants and gentry were not greedy for the little tax burden, but were testing Ran Min's bottom line. If you want a name, we will give it to you. We only want profits. Everyone is happy.Although they are full of benevolence and morality, they do not correct their loopholes and take advantage of various loopholes.

If Ran Min cracks down hard, they will definitely restrain themselves, but it is inevitable that when the world is unified in the future, Wei Guo will encounter great resistance.After all, the people of this era are actually very weak, and they will accept it. Unless they can't survive, they will never take risks.

Ran Min decided to deal with this matter strictly.

Ran Ming said: "Father, if we deal with it strictly, we have to solve one problem. It is the problem of investigators. There are 93 counties in Heluo area, and the number of people involved in the case is very large. First of all, if we want to find evidence, these investigators must be of high quality. Can withstand the coercion and temptation of these powerful gentry."

Ran Min's face softened a little, and he said calmly: "Heluo 93 counties, 860 people were involved in the case, and 57 powerful gentry families were involved! These evidences "deaf and dumb" have been obtained."

Hearing this, Ran Ming felt a little worried. "Heavenly deaf and dumb" is actually a secret service organization. This is not Ran Min's start-up. In fact, it was the Weiwei during Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Li Shimin's "Hundred Riders" Wu Zetian's plum blossom inner guard, and the "Huangcheng Secretary" of the Zhao Dynasty. The Imperial Guards of the Ming Dynasty were all special organizations.However, it is clear that Ran Min still maintains his rationality and did not give the "Deaf and Dumb" the power to arrest and interrogate him. Once these powers are delegated, "Deaf and Dumb" will become the unnamed Jinyiwei.

However, this "deaf and dumb" is not the same as the Jinyiwei in history. At the beginning of its establishment, the "deaf and dumb" was not only Ran Min's eyes and ears, but also Ran Min's purse. "Deaf and dumb" not only does not need Ran Min's financial support, but will send a lot of money to Ran Min.More than 90.00% of Ran Min's private property is run secretly by "deaf and dumb".

Economic self-reliance and self-recruitment and training of personnel make it easy for the "deaf and dumb" to lose control.

Ran Mingdao: "Father, the establishment of "Deaf and Dumb" is not to inspect corruption. If energy is devoted to this aspect, the energy of "Deaf and Dumb" is limited. If all problems are handed over to "Deaf and dumb", sometimes it is unavoidable to take into account other aspects."

Ran Min nodded. Ran Ming was right. The Wei State is not like the original Wei State. Back then, the "deaf and dumb" only needed to take care of the city of Ye and the county of Wei. Naturally, everything would be safe, but now the State of Wei is too big. , if the "deaf and dumb" continues to expand, it will easily get out of control.

Ran Min said solemnly: "Could it be that these corrupt officials are allowed to do whatever they want?"

Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "Naturally, it's not just to sit back and watch them break the law. The emperor can set up a copper cabinet on Zhuque Street. There is only a small opening on the copper cabinet. No matter who it is, no matter who it is to impeach anyone, they can go The impeachment memorial is placed in the copper cabinet, and this impeachment memorial can be signed or anonymous. In this way, everyone is a censor, and the emperor can monitor the behavior of all civil and military officials in the world at all times without spending money!"

(End of this chapter)

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