Chapter 782

Chapter 787

Yang Yun used to be a general of the Wei State, how could he not know about the Ba Niu Crossbow, for the Wei State, the Ba Niu Crossbow is a sharp weapon of the country, how could he teach it privately?

Seeing that Yang Yun didn't believe it.The buddy said: "Boss, these days on the ground of the Great Wei, you need to abide by the king's law, but when you go out to sea, you will be in a land where you can't transform, where the fist is just right."

In this era of maritime merchants, there are really no businessmen with rules.They are all half-business and half-bandit by nature, they will do business as soon as they can, and when they can grab it, they will never be soft-hearted, otherwise this wealth would not come so fast.

But Yang Yun didn't know that, as a battleship, the Five-tooth battleship was just Ran Ming's small test in this era.Of course, Ran Ming didn't understand the design of warships, he just knew that warships needed keels.It was because of such a breakthrough in thinking that Wei Guo achieved epoch-making development in the shipbuilding industry.The science and technology of ancient Chinese oceans did not actually develop.Although the built ships are big enough and tall enough, they are usually inland rivers and lakes with poor seaworthiness.Especially during the Three Kingdoms period, Wu State built a five-story ship "Chang'an" that could carry [-] armored soldiers. At that time, it was definitely a super battle class.But because there is no keel, in order to ensure that the big ship does not fall apart, the ship must be made wide and short, and the ancient Chinese ships are usually very tall. As a result, the "Chang'an" was blown over by the wind.

In fact, the five-tooth warship also has this problem. Its speed is low. Although it is faster than the Jin Dynasty warships of the same period, compared with the ancient Roman warships and Phoenician warships of the same period, the five-tooth warship does not occupy an advantage in speed and flexibility. Advantage.The other is the means of attack. Ran Ming also has no idea about the Greek fire and catapults that have occupied a long period of time in history.Therefore, as early as when Ran Ming returned from Jiankang, the construction of the five-tooth battleship began to stop.

He proposed to Jie Fei and Wei Meng that the Navy needs a warship that is slender, single-layered, simple, fast, strong against wind and waves, and powerful in combat.After more than six years of development, Wei Guo has made great progress in the shipbuilding industry. In particular, Ran Ming dug the corner of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and obtained a large number of excellent craftsmen.It took Xie Fei a year to come up with seven or eight design proposals, and finally Ran Ming adopted one of them.

This kind of battleship named Flying Fish by Ran Ming is 28 feet [-] feet long, [-] feet [-] feet [-] inches wide, [-] foot [-] feet deep, and a displacement of more than [-] tons.The warship adopts three masts, especially the flying scissors design at the bow, which is beneficial to reduce resistance.During sea trials, this flying fish did not disgrace the name of flying fish, running at a speed of fifteen knots.Of course, this is when the wind is smooth and the water is smooth. Even at a normal speed, it can run to about [-] knots.Of course, the usual speed of seven or eight knots in this era can be completed.Although it doesn't have the abnormal speed of seventeen knots like the clipper ship, this Flying Fish-class warship is definitely the fastest warship of this era.

The Flying Fish class warship is not only fast enough, but of course its attack power is not too weak.Although the racket stick on the five-tooth battleship has been cancelled, the rocket attack has been added.The main means of attack is rockets.Ran Ming's ideal cannon did not achieve an actual breakthrough, but by accident, the rocket was manufactured.This kind of rocket, which uses the improved eight-ox crossbow as the launch pad, can project the rocket into the air more than one thousand steps away. The reverse thrust generated by the gunpowder can push the rocket three thousand steps away by relying on the inertial kinetic energy in the air. .However, the limit range even reached [-] steps.But this rocket is very poorly aimed.

Since it is launched by a crossbow, there is no way to add wings to stabilize the direction like an arrow. Therefore, at this stage, the rocket cannot point and hit. If you want to hit the target, you need to look at the heart of the rocket.In addition, this kind of rocket is not stable enough. Because the fuze delay control is not perfect, it often happens that the rocket explodes in the air without hitting the target, or after hitting the target, the explosion is delayed.

However, one of Ma Ying's apprentices accidentally smashed an iron rod on top of the rocket shells, making a dent in ten rocket shells. During the test, the batch of rocket shells with dents, All the brains deviated from the target to the left.Ma Ying found that he had found a way to overcome the rocket's poor accuracy.This involves air resistance, which Ma Ying doesn't understand, and even Ran Ming doesn't understand either.After a period of trial and error, the rocket finally adopted the method of making grooves on the shell to stabilize the rocket's flight path.

Of course, although the accuracy of the rocket at this time has improved a lot, the ultimate attack of 3000 meters is still impossible, but within a distance of 2000 meters, the accuracy can reach 500%. [-]% hit rate.The power of the black powder with a charge of only two and a half catties is too small, but even though the power of the gunpowder is small, it is powerful enough to deal with warships of the same era.

Now that the navy has a new type of power, it is natural that the Eight Bull Crossbow will no longer be regarded as a treasure.

Through the detailed introduction of the buddy, Yang Yun boarded the whale-class ship to watch it himself, and he fell in love with this kind of ship.However, the price of this kind of sea-going ship is also very high, and only one ship costs 500 million yuan.

After bargaining, Yang Yun finally bought two Whale-class ships from the shipyard at a price of 800 million yuan.After buying the sea boat, Yang Yun began to make the final preparations for the sea.He sold the fields in Shengquan Town at a low price, and then recruited sailors and young adults with high salaries.

In fact, Ran Ming didn't stay in Luoyang for too long. After disposing of Heluo's powerful gentry, he stayed only a few days before returning to Yecheng.Of course, the felons were all taken to Yecheng, and Ran Min would definitely use the Heluo gentry to deter all the powerful gentry in the world.

Ran Ming and his party gained a lot. Not only did he quell the crisis in Heluo, but he also gained Yang Hui's loyalty.In Yang Hui's eyes, Ran Ming was an ancient sage.Of course, what Yang Hui was referring to was that Ran Ming adopted a referendum to decide the crimes of Zheng Yi and others.As soon as Ran Ming arrived at Nanming Gate in Ye City, he was taken to the palace by the eunuch You Yi sent by Ran Min. Ran Ming reported the matter of He Luo to Ran Min in detail.

In fact, even if Ran Ming didn't report it, Ran Min knew about Ran Ming's every move, and it was just a political issue.Even though Ran Min already knew about He Luo Haoqiang's crimes, after hearing Ran Ming's report with his own ears, Ran Min was still very angry.Although Ran Min was very annoyed, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, this is the way of life in this era, and it is not a matter of a day or two to change customs.

Ran Ming said: "Father, in fact, not only are the gentry and powerful, even the local clans are also extorting and oppressing the people. At the same time, they are also the resistance to the reform of the country."

Although Ran Min had heard about it a long time ago, there was nothing he could do about it.This set of concepts of the Han people cannot be changed in a day or two.The Manchus were the most successful barbarian nation in Huhua Han people. However, the Manchus changed the clothing and hairstyles of the Han people, but they still had no way to deal with the situation that the clan and family laws were greater than the national laws.

After Ran Ming went back, Ran Min wanted to experience the people's sentiments and see for himself how the people were living.In fact, this idea has been around for a long time, but Ran Min has always been fighting or fighting, and there is no time to relax.Fortunately, the autumn has passed, and the world is considered peaceful.The country has also entered a stage of normal development, and Ran Min also has free time, especially the court system of three dynasties in January, which gives Ran Min a lot of freedom.

Ran Min wanted to understand the sentiments of the people, but as soon as he proposed this idea, he was opposed by the ministers headed by Zhang Qian, and then General Wei Zhang Ai and General Dong Run also expressed their opposition.Empress Dong also expressed her opposition, and almost everyone opposed it. Ran Min was already a little desperate, so Ran Min had no choice but to look to Ran Ming for help.

Ran Ming said: "General Zhang, can you guarantee the safety of your father?"

Zhang Ping said there was absolutely no problem.

Since the great prosperity of the Wei State, all the local bandits and robbers have been bought by some merchants. The merchants have no force, and the bandits and robbers have no chance of survival in the territory of Wei, so they have to find another way to survive.Therefore, unless someone blatantly rebelled, Ran Min really had no security issues.

However, Zhang Ping did not dare to be careless.He asked gold slaves and iron slaves to protect him personally, and drew more than 100 "deaf and dumb" masters to protect him along the way.That's not to mention, Zhang Ai, the general of the guard, specially drew out a cavalry battalion to follow Ran Min from a distance, and used it as an excuse to check the terrain for full-time protection.

It can be said that Ran Min's private visit in micro-services made the officials of the Wei State very hard, but under Ran Min's strict requirements, only some high-ranking officials of the State of Wei, such as the three princes and nine ministers, knew about his private visits in micro-services. As well as the generals of the local garrison, they didn't know about it.

Prince Ran Ming accompanied Ran Min on his private visit and received the news.Wang Meng's first reaction was that Ran Min became wary of Ran Ming.This is not a sign.

Ran Ming followed Ran Min from Yecheng, and Ran Min disguised himself as a merchant, carrying a large amount of goods, all the way east from Yecheng.After autumn, there are basically no people in the nearby villages. The men all go out to work, and even the middle-aged women enter the textile workshop to earn some pocket money.

There are old people and children left in every village, which is a familiar scene to Ran Ming.

Ran Min was a little displeased.

Rencheng County was originally Rencheng State in the Yuan and Yuan Dynasty of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was changed to Rencheng County in the Cao Wei period, and Rencheng State was restored in the Jin Dynasty.When Ran Min established Wei State, he abolished Rencheng State and changed it to Rencheng County.

There is a small town called Luyang City in the southeast of Rencheng County. Luyang City is a poor town, but when he came to Luyang City, Ran Min could go crazy with anger.

Shanbei Village is a village 800 miles southwest of Luyang, named after the north of Yaoshan Mountain.Because most people in the village are surnamed Zhou, also known as Zhouzhuang.Zhouzhuang is a village with more than 2000 households and more than [-] people. Such a village can be called a big village even in later generations.

Due to the remote location of Zhouzhuang and the fact that it is far from the official road and the mountain road is rugged, it has not experienced any wars.Because of the rare peace, Zhouzhuang is different from most villages in Wei State. It is not that there are many people and few lands here, but that there are many people and few lands.This is a typical feudal village, where the villagers live a life of men farming and women weaving.

Ordinarily, Ran Min should be happy to see such a village, but in fact this village is very poor.The entire village has more than 2000 people and only owns more than 4000 mu of Susukida.If it is the agricultural output of later generations, it should not be a problem for these 4000 mu of land to feed more than 2000 people.The key is that this is ancient times, not only there is no chemical fertilizer, but also the seeds are bad. Even if the weather is good, the villagers have to dig some wild vegetables, then go to the mountains to cut firewood, hunt some prey, and even exchange their own weaving for food, so that they can have enough food and clothing. .

"One husband and five families manage a field of one hundred acres" is a tradition handed down since the early spring.Because of low productivity, the ancient rulers believed that a family had to plant a hundred acres to live a normal and happy life.Of course, the [-] mu of land refers to after taxes and corvee contributions are removed.However, the per capita farmland in Zhouzhuang is only two mu, which is far below the normal level.

However, due to the large-scale mining of coal in Wei State, no one burned the firewood cut by the villagers. To make matters worse, the burlap woven by the villagers was impacted by large-scale industrialized textiles. If you don't want it, you can't sell it.

In order to make a living, many families had to sell their sons and daughters.So when he entered the village, Ran Min saw several women in tattered clothes, crying and going to sell their children outside the mountains.This made Ran Min, who was the son of Yu Ying, couldn't stand it anymore.Ran Min said to Ran Ming: "If I were in the deep palace, how could I see such a miserable scene."

Ran Ming couldn't figure it out either, Wei Guo hadn't heard of any natural disasters in Rencheng County.Ordinarily, this should not happen here?What's more, this kind of situation should not have happened just after the income, but it still happened.When the vehicles of Ran Min and others arrived at the intersection at the entrance of the village, Ran Ming saw a white-haired old man with two braided boys in the prison.

Ran Ming jumped out of the carriage, and Ran Ming stepped forward and bowed to salute: "Dare to ask my father, how long is your birthday this year?"

In the early days of the founding of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang asked Xiao He to set the Han law. The elderly have special privileges. People over 60 years old do not worship officials, and those over 80 years old do not have to bow down when they meet the emperor.Regardless of whether it was the Cao Wei period or the Jin Dynasty, the terms of respecting the elderly in the Han law have been preserved.

Therefore, the older he is, the more generous he is to accept Ran Ming's salute when he sees him.The old man stroked the two boys with a smile and said, "The old man is seventy-six."

Ran Ming squatted down and said, "The old man is still in good health."

(End of this chapter)

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