Chapter 796
Chapter 801
But the heartless Baliena thought that the Han people in Shiziguan City were scared, and they were so frightened that they couldn't even shoot arrows.Baliena did not forget to show Liu Meng: "Those cowardly Han Chinese must have been terrified and trembling in the face of the charge of the brave warriors of the Bali tribe. They would not dare to fight us at all! It is foreseeable that we We will soon be able to defeat those cowardly Han Chinese, and by then all the wealth here will belong to us!"

In fact, tens of thousands of natives attack together, and it is definitely not something that can be stopped by 24 eight-ox crossbows, six trebuchets, and three hundred crossbows. If they can't perform well, there are only three to four hundred people who can rush to the front of the city. The other natives can only wait behind.

In fact, Yang Yun's troops were also facing great pressure, especially Wu Village and the new soldiers who joined later. Many people were terrified and trembling. If they didn't know that they couldn't escape, and there was no way to escape, they would have thrown them away. He lowered his weapon and ran away.

Gao Chuankui, who was watching from behind, said, "Is the army in Yihuangcheng all idiots? Don't they have crossbows? Why don't they shoot arrows?"

Ran Zhi is not an idiot, and Yang Yun is even more so. They didn't shoot arrows not because they were afraid, but because they wanted to achieve greater results.

Liu Defa saw that some aborigines had rushed up the city wall, and showed a mocking expression: "It's nothing more than remembering Huangcheng!"

However, at this moment, "the eight-ox crossbow and the trebuchet are ready, let them go"

The operators of the 24 eight-ox crossbows slammed the wooden hammer on the brackets fiercely, and the eight-foot-long crossbow bolts burst out with the piercing sound of piercing the air.As the name suggests, the eight-ox crossbow requires the pulling force of eight cows to be wound. This heavy crossbow was invented on the basis of the rhubarb crossbow in the Han Dynasty. The rhubarb crossbow is a ten-stone hard crossbow, and the city needs more than 1000 catties of pulling force. Such a strong crossbow Take a six-foot-long arrow and shoot six hundred to eight hundred steps.Originally, more than 100 soldiers were required to string the eight-ox crossbow each time, but now under the action of leverage, four soldiers are needed to easily pull the crossbow string up.

An eight-foot crossbow shot out of the air and hit a native first, but the strength of the crossbow did not decrease at all, and it flew upside down in the air with a native who weighed more than 100 kilograms, and then hit No. 2 natives, No. 3 natives, until the crossbow bolt exhausted all its kinetic energy and inserted four corpses into the chest of No. 5 native, the crossbow arrow completed his mission.

24 Eight bull crossbows set off a rain of blood in the indigenous phalanx. At least 80 indigenous people were nailed to the ground. Almost every arrow hit three hits with one arrow, and some of them hit four or five hits with one arrow. The deaths and injuries of more than 80 aboriginals were harmless to the large formation of more than ten thousand, but the fear brought by these eight ox crossbows to the aboriginals was very great.Especially when they were hit by a giant crossbow just now, when the native danced and danced in the air with a bleeding tail, none of the natives were not afraid.

Compared with the panic caused by the eight-ox crossbow, the trebuchet was even more terrifying.

Although the stone bullets thrown by the stone throwing are not as far as the eight-ox crossbow, this kind of stone bullets have huge kinetic energy. They bump into the crowd like a ball, but the stone bullets are not leather balls. Absolutely neither death nor injury.

Although the eight-ox crossbow is powerful, the eight-ox crossbow that Yang Yun can buy is only a single-shot standard. Even if you are lucky, you can only kill three enemies.However, a single stone bomb slammed into a dense crowd like a rhinoceros, and could cause more than a dozen casualties.

Just one round of eight-ox crossbows and catapult attacks caused at least two hundred native casualties.Liu Meng was already frightened by the terrifying power of the Ba Niu Crossbow. He killed 200 people at once, and the opponent didn't lose a single hair. This is too outrageous!There are only [-] soldiers on the pass city at this time, which is also the maximum limit for the defenders to be able to climb the lion pass city.

Although Yang Yun's kung fu is not a first-class fighter, it is definitely not bad.If facing Murong Chui, Ji Wei, Jin Nu, Tie Nu and other perverted fierce generals, Yang Yun is definitely not enough.But to deal with the kind of natives who don't even have decent weapons, Yang Yunzhi is like a reborn overlord.

More than a dozen natives who had ascended the Guancheng had not even had time to cheer before they were knocked to the ground by Yang's horizontal knife.After chopping down more than a dozen natives in a row, Yang Yun suddenly felt invincible. His courage became more and more powerful, and he rushed and killed, which once again boosted the morale of his troops.

Most of the personnel in Yang Yun's department are his subordinates, well-trained and rich in combat experience, and their morale is boosted. There is no need for Yang Yun to give orders, and they will spontaneously perform their duties.Seeing that the natives didn't have bows and arrows, the heavy shielders ordered them to listen to the heavy shields and slammed at the climbing natives. As for the horizontal swordsmen, they also slashed and slashed, and the crossbow shooters were even more rude.

Gradually relying on the great victory to accumulate enough self-confidence, these lion guards seem to have lost their minds, and they just mechanically pull the crossbow or swing their knives to chop. How could they be relentless now that they have the opportunity to take revenge after suffering a bloody feud.

Eight-ox crossbows, trebuchets, horse-gong crossbows, horizontal knives, heavy shields, spears, and spears are all simple and repetitive actions. A dense mass of indigenous corpses.

"Damn it, why are the crossbow arrows of the Han Chinese so fast!" Ballienna roared.At this time, he was like an angry beast.Seeing the warriors of the tribe keep falling on the way to charge, it made his heart feel like bleeding!You know, although the Balika tribe is not a small tribe in the north.Although they have a population of more than 1 and their lifespan is short, there are many men in the clan, but the maximum force that can be assembled is only more than 3000.This time, they brought 500 people. If they suffered a disastrous defeat, it would deal an irreparable blow to the Balika tribe!
In just a quarter of an hour, at least [-] warriors of the Balika tribe fell on the road of attack. Since there was no long-range attack weapon to suppress the city wall, even though they had suffered heavy casualties, they had no way to get closer to the city wall. .

Baliena's tiger's eyes were tearing apart. He relied on his own bravery to defeat his brothers and become the patriarch.Although they don't have bows.But it doesn't mean that Baliena is not familiar with crossbows. As long as there is one thing in common with both bows and crossbows, it consumes a lot of physical strength. If you can shoot two pots of arrows, you must break through the city wall unless you wait until the city army is exhausted.He couldn't afford this kind of waiting at the cost of his life.Baliena held his big mallet (the scientific name is mace): "Bali warriors, rush up, hurry up, as long as you rush up, the crossbows of the Han people will be useless!"

Having lost more than one-third of the elite, Baliena was very unwilling.If he quits at this time, it means that he has given up the wealth of remembering Huangcheng.Then six hundred warriors, their sacrifice becomes meaningless.Now even if he clearly knows that this is a big pit, he has no choice but to bite the bullet and jump into it.

Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty conquered the Xiongnu twice and achieved great victories, the Han army has gained a psychological advantage against the Xiongnu. In this case, one Han can defeat the five Hu.But the aborigines are fighting in their combat effectiveness, especially when they are not fighting in the jungle warfare environment they are best at. The combat effectiveness of the Han soldiers is completely stronger than that of the aborigines.Even the Jin army, which has always been weak, can completely defeat Zhuyue, not to mention the Shishiguan defenders who occupy the right time, location, and harmony.

Ran Zhi was actually very uneasy at the beginning of the battle. After all, they had to face more than 20 times as many enemies. Although they had the advantage in equipment, their chances of winning were not great.But after the war started, Ran Zhi could tell that it was not like a battle at all, but a one-sided massacre.

"We will win this time!" Ran Zhi saw that the natives showed fear and hesitated, and Ran Zhi knew that they had won the battle.

Yihuang City Lord Bo also arrived at the battlefield, and he found that he couldn't understand Ran Zhi a little bit.As a city guard, in his opinion, Ran Zhi's military strength is not considered strong, even with the addition of the two newly created garrisons, it is only five garrisons.Faced with tens of thousands of indigenous attacks, Wu Qubing never thought that they would win. As long as they don't lose too badly, they are considered God's blessings.It's just so incredible to watch now.

Not only Wu Qubing, but also Liu Defa and Gao Chuankui felt unbelievable: "It's impossible, it's too impossible. Why are they so strong!" In Liu Defa's opinion, no matter whether the native wins or the memory of Huangcheng wins, Yuanyang Village is not willing to watch arrived.It's best for both sides to lose out.But this result made Liu Defa very difficult to accept.

However, with Yi Huangcheng gaining an absolute advantage, Liu Defa knew that they had to occupy the team now, and after the ambitious Ran Zhi defeated the natives, he would definitely attack them.Especially seeing Ran Zhi's hideous ugly face, Liu Defa believed that once Ran Zhi was angered, he would not be incapable of killing Yuanyang Village.

Regarding the prospect of Yuanyang Village, Liu Defa was at a loss.Maybe joining Recalling Huangcheng is also a good choice.

The fighting continued, but the morale of the natives had fallen too far.Perhaps the aborigines are very brave and not afraid of death.Although it is said that they are not afraid of death, it does not mean that they want to die.

Many of the natives who rushed to the front had the desire to preserve their strength.Although the number of indigenous coalition forces is tens of thousands, they are divided into more than a dozen tribes. The behavior and habits of the indigenous people are, to some extent, similar to nomads.Once the young and strong in the tribe are reduced and lose the ability to protect the tribe, they will be annexed by other tribes.There are countless tribes living on the land of China. In fact, most of the tribes were not exterminated by the Han people, but by themselves.

Like the Huns, Ran Min wiped out most of the elite of the Huns in the three wars.The remaining Huns actually have a population of more than 20. These people no longer use the Xiongnu as their clan name, but some of them have changed to the Iron Buddha tribe, and some have also integrated into the grassland tribes.We all understand this truth. Although the overall intelligence level of the indigenous people is not high, it does not mean that they are all fools.Because the wise tribal leader saw heavy casualties in the attack on Shiziguan, he quietly ordered the warriors in the tribe to withdraw from the battle slowly.

The result was good. There were too many smart and indigenous leaders, which suddenly caused a fault in the attack.As the initiator and leader of this coalition, Liu Meng had no choice but to discuss the offensive with the leaders of the various ministries.

In the end, he came up with a compromise idea, which is to use one-fifth of the troops according to their strength to attack as death squads.

But today's attack can only break up unhappy.

But how could the wise leaders take out the most elite troops in their tribe as cannon fodder, just throwing out the old, weak, sick and disabled to serve as the so-called elite.Fortunately, the newly formed death squad of nearly [-] was defeated the second time without even touching the city wall of Shizi Pass.

After two consecutive days of fighting, nearly [-] of the [-] natives were killed, and [-] were slightly wounded.When Liu Meng wanted to win over the chiefs of the various ministries with benefits, he went out unexpectedly.Unexpectedly, the leaders of four small tribes withdrew from the battlefield with their own clansmen, and their whereabouts were unknown.These four tribes that retreated privately are all very small tribes, and they add up to less than a thousand people.But the impact is not small.Liu Meng knew that this attack had failed, and it would be difficult to lead the team if people lost their minds.He had no choice but to discuss with the chiefs how to retreat.

On the night when the leaders of the four tribes retreated, Ran Zhi also knew that there were conflicts among the indigenous tribes.So he secretly ordered Zhang Zhiqiang to keep a close eye on the movements of the aborigines. If they retreated on a large scale, they would block the canyon with rocks and logs to block the aborigines' retreat.

That night, Ran Zhi returned to Recalling Huangcheng, where he made the final mobilization: "My brothers and sisters, after two days of bloody fighting, our brave soldiers repelled the attack of the natives. Now the natives want to run away, can we let them do so?"

"No! No!" The villagers of the original Wu Village hated the natives long ago, and almost every one of them had a blood feud with the natives.

"These beasts can't be cheap like this!" Ran Zhi said: "So, we should all take up arms, and kill all the natives if they don't surrender."

Some villagers in Wu village were not happy: "City guard, you can't let these beasts go. My daughter is only 11 years old, and she was ruined by these beasts. You have to make the decision for me, this city guard!"

Ran Zhi said: "Why would the city guard let those natives go? Our city walls haven't been built yet, and most of us haven't built our own houses yet, but we have too few people. We don't know how much we need to build it. But The aborigines have plenty of strength, we can let them help us with our work, whoever does not work will not be given food, and whoever dares to resist will be killed!"

The residents of Yihuang City began to shout excitedly, and they rushed to convey Ran Zhi's meaning, so they should capture more prisoners and slaves.

(End of this chapter)

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