Chapter 842
Chapter 847
Xidamur is very clear that under the current circumstances, the hope of the Gupta Empire to win is getting slimmer and slimmer.The Siris are really difficult to deal with, they are like unbeatable Xiaoqiang, no matter what kind of attack method they adopt, they will come out of the ground when you don't expect it, and give you a fatal blow.The Gupta Empire killed 2 people and injured 8000 to [-] people. In fact, it has no offensive power.However, the Gupta Empire is also a proud country, especially Samadhara.Gupta, the Napoleon known as the highest Indian in history, he would never allow his army to suffer defeat.

Even if one soldier is killed in battle, the Gupta Empire army must continue to fight.It doesn't matter whether it can capture the capital of Chitu Kingdom or not, now the Gupta Empire is only fighting for one breath.The arrogance of the Seres people must be suppressed, otherwise it will have an extremely adverse impact on the vassal states of the Gupta Empire.

After receiving the order from Hidamur, despite their reluctance, the generals of the Harodan National Army, the Bornas National Army, and the Borneo National Army still attacked in platoons.

"Xie Sima, An Jiu is back!" the soldiers reported to Xie Xuan.

Before arriving in Chitu Kingdom, Xie Xuan was just a military officer commanding a song and five hundred soldiers.In terms of combat effectiveness, Xie Xuan has made great achievements in battle, and has now been promoted to marching commander.This level is higher than other Sima's and equal to the school lieutenant, Xie Xuan can be regarded as a successful general.However, there is no vacant position in the advance battalion, so although Xie Xuan has the rank of marching commander, he does not have such a position.At this time, Xie Xuan's subordinates were directing his original song, plus three Ye Tiaoguo thousand-man teams.After half a year of fighting, Xie Xuan's battalion also suffered a lot of losses.Now there are less than 200 people, but these people have been promoted several levels, and even Li Jing, who was originally the worst, has now become a military candidate.

"An Jiu is back, let him come here quickly!"

An Jiu is the most elite scout under Xie Xuan's command. He has just returned from the adventure of the Gupta Empire military camp.

An Jiu took a big gulp of water, gasped and said, "Xie Sima, the situation has been clarified. This time the attack is mainly by the Harodan Army, the Brasa Army, and the Bornas Army. Two thousand-man teams, a total of 6000 people, and more than 160 large and small ferries!"

"In this way, Xidamur has learned a lot, and this time he didn't let Gupun people go!" Xie Xuan sneered, "It's okay for these natives to wave their flags and shout, but they are far behind when they fight. Even Ye Tiaoguo The Gupta Army is too much stronger than them! I am just a little puzzled. Now that the situation is getting more and more unfavorable to the Gupta Empire, why don’t they retreat? Do they want to use up our rockets and bombs? As long as our sea transportation lines are not cut off, They're never going to run out!"

Xie Yan said: "What's so strange about this, it must be that reinforcements from the Gupta Empire are coming soon. Now our manpower loss is too great, and Ye Tiao's army is useless. If the Gupta Empire's army doubles. Especially It’s their monks, and there is no need to double them, if Xidamur has another [-] monks, our defense line will be in danger!”

Xie Xuan sighed and said: "I don't know how the navy is doing. Once the navy loses, no matter how great the results we achieve, it will be in vain. As long as the Gupta Empire cuts off our sea transportation lines, as long as it lasts for more than a month, we will be in trouble. In a situation where ammunition, arrows and food are exhausted, if you don’t fight, you will collapse.”

"Don't worry, you should trust His Royal Highness, he is not a person who can rub sand in his eyes, and he will not treat us as abandoned children!" Xie Yan said in relief: "His Royal Highness is planning the overall layout, and we are just a little one." chess piece."

"Brother Yan." Xie Xuan patted Xie Yan on the shoulder and said, "This battle is about to be decided!"

"This, I believe it!"

The long trumpet sounded, and countless coalition soldiers, driven by their generals, took the ferry to the east bank of the Jidan River.The fate of the cannon fodder troops is tragic. As cannon fodder troops, they also have the consciousness to die.It's just that this time their luck was very good. Neither rockets like meteor fire showers nor bombs with loud noises appeared on the Wei Guohe defense position.

Only then, the river surface of the Jidan River at this time was only more than 300 meters wide, and it took more than a quarter of an hour for the forwards of the [-] cannon fodder troops of the coalition forces to reach the east bank.Seeing this scene, Hidamur was faintly worried.However, the [-] soldiers of the coalition forces who were not blocked by any soon all successfully landed on the east bank of the Upper Jidan River, and established a tidal flat position on the east bank beach.

At this time, the Gupta Empire army began to cross the river. What made Xidamur furious was that when more than [-] Gupta Empire troops just started to cross the river, the defense line of the Wei Defense River began to move.

Under Xie Xuan's order, more than 100 ballistas and more than 200 catapults on the front line of the river defense began to speak.A burst of intensive artillery fire hit down, and more than 160 large and small ferries of the Gupta Empire were all sunk.Of the more than [-] Gupta Imperial Army officers and soldiers, all fell into the river except for those who were killed by the bombing or crushing on the spot.The Malay Peninsula Advance Battalion of the State of Wei ignored these people who fell into the river, but concentrated their firepower on the coalition soldiers who had just landed on the east bank.

More than 3000 individual-style black powder grenades, more than 200 "honeycomb" rockets, and more than [-] ballista shells were thrown down indiscriminately. More than [-] coalition soldiers directly herded sheep.They didn't care whether they knew how to swim or not, they just jumped into the Jidan River. For these coalition soldiers, if they jumped into the Jidan River, they might die.But let them charge against the arrow rain of the Wei army, they will definitely die.

The battle didn't end until 2000:[-] p.m. that day. More than [-] coalition soldiers plus [-] Gupta Empire soldiers made a total of more than [-] attacking troops. Except for more than [-] lucky ones who escaped from Shengkai, the rest If he had not been killed by Jidan, he might have been directly killed by the army of Wei State.

Hidamur was in a very depressed mood at the moment.Samadragupta asked him to lead an army to attack the Seris people, and he had high hopes for him.But now, he was defeated and fled.There is no doubt that even after returning to the Gupta Empire, his situation will be very miserable.However, the most important question before us is, will the Serisians of Wei State allow them to escape?
Today's disastrous defeat filled Hidamur's heart with anger and humiliation. As an outstanding young general of the Gupta Empire, he once expanded the territory of the empire and destroyed dozens of countries. However, he repaid the feeling of failure in the Chitu Kingdom. .Hidamur was very unwilling. This was the only defeat at the level of Aksohini since the establishment of the Gupta Empire more than 40 years ago. He was the first general to fail.

With the waning moon hanging high and the sky full of stars, Hidamur finally made a difficult decision. "The army retreated overnight!" It was very difficult for Xidamur to make this decision, and he had to bear the responsibility for the defeat.But thinking about the more than 1 wounded soldiers in the battalion, he felt that even if he was punished by God, he should take these soldiers home.

It's just that when this command was being executed, another accident occurred.Because a messenger arrived at the Gupta Imperial Army camp on the west bank of Jidan, this messenger brought the military order of Marshal Mandrap Tagore, asking them to stay in Jidan for three days and prepare enough camps for reinforcements.

Early the next morning, the Gupta Imperial Army did not directly attack.Surprisingly, they built new ferries and buildings to strengthen the fort.And the morale, which was already sluggish, suddenly became high.

This strange change was quickly discovered by Liu Laozhi keenly. Liu Laozhi guessed that reinforcements from the Gupta Empire might have arrived.Immediately, the scouts sent the latest information to the advance battalion headquarters, and Liu Laozhi's guess became a reality.

The Gupta Empire has increased its troops to the Chitu Kingdom, with two full-stacked Akshoshini, plus 1 Rajpu cavalry.The Rajpu cavalry is the best cavalry of the Gupta Empire.This is an army composed of nomadic peoples in the northwest of the Gupta Empire, including the white Huns, Guishuang, Persians, and Cypriots.There were also six thousand Tamil fighters.Tamil warriors are tribal warriors in the tropical jungle in the south of the Gupta Empire. This kind of Tamil warriors is similar to the Wudang flying army formed by Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period.They are all jungle tribes, and they are best at fighting in the tropical rainforest, and they are brave by nature, as long as they pay money, they will not fear death.

After getting this information, Liu Laozhi was embarrassed.Regardless of the fact that the Gupta Empire has fallen behind in an all-round way, it is not easy for him in fact.More than half of the advance battalion had suffered casualties, and there were only [-] people left in the [-] Ye Tiao Kingdom servants.Even if Xidamur retreated at this time, Liu Laozhi would definitely not have the strength to pursue him.

However, before Liu Laozhi was discouraged, Wei's reinforcements also arrived in the Malay Peninsula. Headed by Shi Chenyong, the governor of Ningyuan, assisted by Liu Qi, the governor of Zhenyuan, the first battalion of the marine corps, and the second battalion of the temporary infantry battalion Four battalions of the Zhenyuan Army, two battalions of the Ningyuan Army, a total of nine battalions, and [-] troops arrived in the Malay Peninsula.

Relatively speaking, the reinforcements of 13 troops are still much lower than the [-] reinforcements of the Gupta Empire.However, Liu Laozhi believed that Chen Yong was more powerful than himself. As Ran Ming's great apprentice, Chen Yong was not a man who earned his name.

Just as the war clouds in the Malay Peninsula were clouded, the Golden State (Sumatra) was also clouded.For the Malay Peninsula, Wei State also has another advantage, that is, Ye Tiao State has a country of Chitu, a state of in-laws, and has the support of [-] Ye Tiao States.However, for more than forty countries in Jinzhou, the political situation here is very complicated. Not only does it have a good pro-China force, but more of them are pro-Gupta Empire and hostile to the countries and tribes of Wei State.

For the Jinzhou front army, Ran Ming appointed Gao Shi as the chief general, Zu Yan as the deputy, Guo Yue as the chief secretary, Salus as the chief of staff, and Qin Chong as the army chief.The main troops include two battalions of the Marine Corps, three battalions of the temporary infantry, three battalions each of the Fuyuan Army, the Weiyuan Army, and the Ye Tiao National Army, a total of twelve battalions with more than [-] people.

Ran Ming's instructions to the Jinzhou side were very clear. Let the countries or tribes in the Jinzhou form a team, choose one of the two, and choose the Gupta Empire. That is to be the enemy of the Wei State.On the contrary, you need to be loyal to the state of Wei, become a vassal state of the state of Wei, and everything will prosper.The Golden State side is much more domineering than the Malay Front, and Sarus has formulated a three-way attack plan, advancing flatly.The so-called three-way attack refers to the simultaneous attack from three directions: Lampung Port, Palembang, and Bintuhan.In the first stage of the campaign, the three armies will meet at Jambi.

The survival of a big country may require some integrity issues, but a small country, especially a country established by a small tribe, such a small country has as many as a hundred thousand people, and as few as tens of thousands of people. How could there be the courage to resist.In fact, definitely not all will know practical things.Just like the Madurapu Kingdom established by the Madura people, this Buddhist country established by more than [-] people directly rejected the envoy who was loyal to the Wei State, and cut off the envoy's nose.

Gao Shi was furious. He didn't even issue an attack order to the Han army, but directly ordered a battalion of the Fuyuan Servant Army, a battalion of the Weiyuan Servant Army, and two battalions of more than [-] indigenous troops.

"Madulapu rejected Wei's friendship, so they are enemies of Wei. I haven't settled with them yet, and they dared to cut off the nose of Wei's envoy. This is a blatant slap in the face For this kind of slap in the face, Da Wei will not let them go easily."

Gao Shi roared angrily: "Now you have the opportunity. All the citizens of Madurapu are enemies of Wei. If you want to get promoted and get rich, or want Wei's exquisite silk and porcelain, then exchange your heads for it." First of all, I would like to announce the discipline of the battlefield. Any seized goods must be turned in, and any act of embezzlement is regarded as a betrayal. However, [-]% of the materials seized by the fundamental ministries can be allocated to you as a reward. This is the first, and the second is not to commit adultery. Lawyer, cut off that group of things."

The main body of the Fuyuan Army is the Subanong, Manobo, Biran, Tagakoro, and Mandayan. Most of these ethnic groups are agricultural ethnic groups, but it is undeniable that their combat effectiveness is still good.Especially when dealing with enemies who are weaker than themselves, it is simply not as good as beasts to describe them.The main body of the Weiyuan Army is the Moro people, and later they believed in Christianity, but this nation also has a violent gene, and they are the best thugs that are rare.

More than [-] Fuyuan Army and Weiyuan Army marched into the Madurapu Kingdom in a mighty manner. Stimulated by huge financial interests, the Fuyuan Army and Weiyuan Army exploded with powerful combat effectiveness. Under the surprise attack, the Malapu Kingdom The losses were severe.Most of the territory was quickly discarded, and countless soldiers and civilians were slaughtered.

"Your Majesty, what shall we do now?" the prime minister of Malape asked King Shastro Amizoyo anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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