Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 867 Chapter 873

Chapter 867 Chapter 873

Chapter 873

Xie Ai decided to outwit
Using Fan's influence, he could get past the watchtower, but he could only pass through the watchtower, not enter.

At this time, Xie Ai thought of another way, which was to use the animal's conditioned reflex to drive the horse to attack the enemy.

In the animal kingdom, pigs are probably the most stupid animals.But this kind of so-called stupid animals can easily develop their conditioned reflexes.Anyone who has fed pigs knows that if you knock on the pig food bowl before feeding the pigs, and then give them food, then the pigs will know that it is an opportunity for them to eat as long as they hear the sound of knocking on the bowl.

Therefore, at this time, even pigs that are sleeping or playing will flock to them.As for animals like war horses, they are much smarter than pigs.The horses in the circus can even be trained to hear the gunshot, and immediately fall to the ground and pretend to be shot dead.

Xie Ai's war horses are specially trained war horses.Usually, the horse trainer wears red gloves and whips these war horses with a whip, driving them to hit the scarecrows wearing the armor of the Shu army.If the horse does not listen to the greeting, it will be beaten severely.Over time, as long as this batch of war horses saw the horse trainer wearing red gloves, they knew that they would be beaten, so many war horses would choose to run.

Just run, they've tried it before.It was impossible to succeed. In order to avoid being beaten, these horses rushed towards the soldiers of the Shu army.

After receiving Xie Ai's "hands-on" order, those horse trainers all put on red gloves. In the eyes of ordinary people, red gloves are just an ordinary thing, but in the eyes of those war horses, this is simply a reminder symbol.Countless war horses who saw the red gloves began to rush towards the sergeants wearing the armor of the Shu army like crazy.

Watching hundreds of horses charging towards the dozen or so sergeants, the guard couldn't help shouting: "Be careful!"

It's just a pity that all the crazy war horses don't save their energy, and their speed can reach fifty or sixty yards in an instant, so they can't be easily dodged.

"Ah!" Along with the shrill screams, the entire Yunjian sentry became lively.Naturally, the people brought by Xie Ai cannot be idle.A horse trainer tied a crazy war horse with a leash, tied the horse to a post, and then whipped his whip like raindrops, yelling, "Call you disobedient, call you disobedient!"

The guard thought that these horse trainers wanted to control these crazy horses, but he didn't know that the horse trainer's whip was like a catalyst, arousing all the madness of the horses.

By the time the guard realized something was wrong, the entire outpost was already in chaos.Hundreds of soldiers were trampled into flesh by the crazy war horses.

The rest of the soldiers were also chased by the crazy war horses and had nowhere to go.The screams are miserable!
Although there were only five Xie Ai inside the sentry fort, among the five, apart from Xie Ai, even Hu Niang, who looked delicate and beautiful, was not weak.Xie Ai easily dealt with the soldiers who were watching them, and Xie Ai's movements became free.Xie Ai knew what he was capable of, and he would never take anyone to kill him.Together with the tiger mother, he looked at the outpost with great interest.

The outpost is not big, but there are 200 people living in it. All kinds of daily necessities are naturally quite messy. There is no woman to clean up the whole outpost. More than [-] old men gather in such a place, and there is no corresponding life discipline. , its daily life situation can be imagined.The lower floor is where ordinary soldiers live, and the doors of some rooms are not closed. , although it is not yet the hot summer, but the smell is really sour.Xie Ai also discovered that the terrain of the castle is higher in the northwest and lower in the southeast, and the ground is paved with blue bricks. It seems that the room they came to just now is a relatively high place.

Then, Xie Ai and Hu Niang continued to walk down.

Originally, Xie Ai thought it was just a two-story sentry fort, but he didn't expect it to be a three-story building, with a second floor half underground.Half of the original site of Yunjianshaobao was originally a small pond.As soon as half of the water in the pond was emptied, a three-story sentry fort with two floors on the top and one floor below was built.On this basement floor, there are many rooms, most of which are stacked daily necessities.What rice, noodles, dried meat and vegetables, and a lot of vegetable oil.

Going forward, I actually came to the kitchen of the sentry fort.The seven or eight gang leaders didn't seem to hear the movement above, and they were still busy inside.At this moment, a fat guy who was as fast as a meatball saw Xie Ai, and suddenly said: "Who are you and what are you doing?"

Hu Niang took a step forward and said in a soft voice: "Young Master Fan's personal maid, my young master has just woken up and wants to eat. I want to cook a bowl of meat porridge for my young master."

The fat guy said with a wink, "My lady, I'm sorry, our food is rationed, so it might be a bit difficult to eat meat porridge!"

"Really!" Hu Niang laughed and said, "Brother, you must have a solution, right?"

Said, Hu Niang quietly handed over a silver nude that was about two taels of silver to the fat guy, and the fat guy even touched Hu Niang's slender hand.

"Actually, it's not impossible, it's just that we are all rough people, and I'm afraid we can't cook the fine food that the rich man eats!"

"Don't worry about it, big brothers, you just need to prepare some ingredients. My son only eats the soup made by my slave."

Women, especially beautiful women, are very deceptive.It's just that Xie Ai also looked weak, so the two of them didn't arouse the vigilance of those cooks at all.It's just that the tiger mother is obviously a rose with thorns.It's not easy to take advantage of her. If he wants to take advantage of her, unless he is willing, he will pay the price of his life.

It took almost half a stick of incense, and the tiger mother killed the eight people in the kitchen calmly, without making a sound.Even these eight cooks didn't know what was going on until they died.Since the Jin Dynasty hadn’t yet issued cooking methods, cooking in this era was almost always steamed or boiled. Even vegetable oil was added when the rice was cooked, and the consumption was very limited.The amount of grain is 200 people a year, and the same is true for oil.But after a closer look, the tiger mother found that it was only [-] to [-] catties.

On average, each soldier has less than a catty of oil a year, and a lot of it is lard.Hu Niang poured the vegetable oil onto the chopped dry wood, then threw the fire on the pile of dry wood. After a while, a big fire broke out in the kitchen.

"General, let's go!"

Xie Ai looked at Hu Niang, and said with some displeasure in his tone: "I told you a long time ago, you are no longer the same as before, you are a person with two bodies, why are you still like this!"

Tiger Niang stuck out her tongue and said playfully, "Don't dare next time!"

Xie Ai shook his head and left helplessly.

Not long after Xie Ai left, someone shouted: "It's water, it's water!"

The garrison suddenly heard the sound of running water coming from the sentry tower, and finally realized that this was definitely not an accident.The entire sentry tower is built with stone and clay mixed with glutinous rice soup. This kind of building is not easy to burn at all.This Yunjian sentry fort was built in the Chenghan period, and there has been no fire at all for more than 50 years.When the fire broke out at this time, the guard immediately thought that it was arson.

Seeing those crazy war horses and soldiers who died tragically, this is not an accident, but a long-planned attack.

Just as he was about to order his subordinates to light the beacon tower as a warning, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his ribs, and the strength in his body was rapidly draining.

He looked down and found a trembling crossbow arrow stuck in his side: "Ma Gongnu, it's from Wei!"

It's just that his voice is very weak at this time, even if he is alarmed, it doesn't matter.Anyway, Xie Ai's trilogy took advantage of the chaos and already won the Beacon Tower.As the guard was shot from the back, he was soon discovered by other soldiers: "The guard is dead, the guard is dead!"

Just after shouting twice, the soldier was also shot and killed by the crossbow.

The chaos on the outpost started suddenly and ended quickly.It was only a quarter of an hour before and after.In just a quarter of an hour, the sentry fort and the [-] defenders on the beacon tower were all killed, and Xie Ai occupied the sentry fort in the clouds.The fire in the post was also extinguished by the large troops of the Zhenxi Army who came later.

This time the troops came from Captain Qin, Ran Ming's original commanding general Jiang Xie.Jiang Xie's department has a total of more than [-] people.

"Xie, I have been ordered to arrive on time, please show me to General Zhenxi!"

Xie Ai smiled and said: "Soldiers, Deng Ai, the general of the Wei State, walked the Yinping Ancient Road, passed the Motianling, bypassed the Jianmen Pass, arrived at Jiangyou City, and destroyed the State of Shu in one fell swoop. More than 100 years ago, the Wei State Army could Destroy the Kingdom of Shu at a small price, can we all do it today?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Countless soldiers shouted: "Great Wei Wansheng, long live Your Majesty!"

Xie Ai drew out the horizontal knife, pointed to the south and shouted: "Soldiers, kill the enemy and serve the country, unify the world, and build an inexhaustible achievement!"

Jiang Xie and others responded in unison!Stepping forward, the horizontal knife was unsheathed.

With the fall of Motianling, Jiangyoucheng is like a little girl whose clothes have been torn apart.From Motianling to Jiangyou City, there is actually a long distance, and Motianling is only the first stop when entering Sichuan.Next, we have to cross Tangjia River, Luoyigou (it is said that Deng Ai fell here), Yinping Mountain, Mazhuanguan, Jingjun Mountain and Qingdaokou.Only in this way can they reach Jiangyou City.

However, this distance is almost no man's land, and the road is steep.There are many challenges.

Chapter 747

Chapter 747

Although Xie Ai has opened up the road from Yinping Ancient Road to Central Shu, what he will face next is a race against time.Although they successfully captured the Motianling Yunjian sentry fort, it does not mean that Xie Ai and his party can reach Shuzhong smoothly.

After passing Motian Ridge, the next pass is Tangjiahe.Tangjia River is located 60 kilometers north of Qingchuan County, northeast of Minshan Mountain on the northwestern edge of the Sichuan Basin. Tangjia River is not an independent river, but four rivers flowing among the mountains with an area of ​​120 mu. There are 100 big streams and [-] small streams. Although these are small rivers and brooks, it is not too big to cross any river, but the superposition of more than [-] large and small rivers is definitely not as good as Yunjianshaobao. is less difficult.

What makes the situation even more dangerous is that in order to save transportation costs, those merchants in central Shu did not continue to repair the road below the Yinping Ancient Road, but turned to the southeast, entered Qingchuan County, and turned to Xiaojianmen Pass through Qingchuan County, just like a river It is the same, and it has merged into the mature road of Jinniu Ancient Road.Although crossing Motian Ridge, turning from Tangjiahe to Jianmen Pass, it is nearly [-] miles shorter than arriving at Jianguan Gate from Guanzhong, which is not a small expense for cargo transportation.

There are more than 100 rivers, ditches and streams in the Tangjia River, but more than 60 of them are in the state of no bridge or dangerous bridge.However, this did not bother Zhenxi Army.When Ran Ming was in the state of Qin, he formed a special army of equipment soldiers.In this time and space, the equipment soldiers are not only responsible for long-range attacks and suppression, but also responsible for setting up camps, building bridges and paving roads.There are sheepskin rafts or temporarily felled trees to build pontoon bridges or permanent bridges, but this distance is less than 26 miles, but Xie Ai's department was delayed for [-] hours.

After crossing the Tangjia River, Luoyigou is immediately below.Although Luoyigou is called a ditch, it is actually a section of cliffs with a length of more than [-] feet and a depth of about [-] to [-] feet. , just over two feet.Don't talk about horses, even if people walk, they will fall if they are not careful.It was originally a bit of a plank road, but unfortunately it has been destroyed due to disrepair for a long time.

There were many difficulties, which made Xie Ai very angry, and his speed could not be increased at all.However, this also has an advantage, Huan Wen never expected that Xie Ai would pass here.Since Wei State has a lot of technical equipment, it is more dependent on roads.

"General Xie, the road is too difficult. If we go on like this, we don't know when we will reach Jiangyou." Jiang Xie, the commander of the Qinzhou Army, said in a bit of a dilemma: "Although we have seized the Yunjian sentry fort in Motianling , temporarily blocked the news. But this news can't be hidden for too long. During this period of time, there are a lot of goods transferred from Motianling to Jianmen Pass. We have blocked the news for too long, so that the Shu army will also find the problem. Sending [-] soldiers and horses to guard the Qingdao crossing ahead will trap us to death on this ancient road!"

"It doesn't matter, order Murong Chui to lead the vanguard to immediately cross the Tangjia River from Motianling and attack Jianmen Pass." Xie Ai said, "I don't believe it anymore. There is no reason why we can't go the way Deng Ai was able to do more than 100 years ago!"

"Let Murong Chui attack Jianmen Pass?"

"Yes, let Murong Chui lead the troops to fight. At worst, Qingchuan County must be taken down!" Xie Ai said: "Now let's rush down first. Tell the whole army to light torches at night and march carefully."

There are too many dangerous places on the Yinping Ancient Road. If you want to defend the safety of this road, the most difficult thing is that it is very inconvenient to replenish supplies. Whether it is entering or exiting, it is barely enough for an empty person to walk, but if you want to transport supplies up, then Too difficult.Soldiers of the Wei Army did not have to carry too much supplies like sergeants in other eras. Each person carried [-] catties of fried noodles. Just mix it with cold water and it's ready to eat.Of course the taste is really not that good.

After passing Luoyigou, you will arrive at the small town of Yinping.It is said that the town is actually only two or three hundred households, and it is an extremely small place.There is no garrison in this town, but a squire in a town sent someone to ask who they are.

The town of Yinping is located under the Luoyi Ditch. A team passed by the Luoyi Ditch last night. They had already noticed the movement, so they sent someone to inquire.

Jiang Xie sent someone to ask Xie Ai: "General, there are people in the town, should we still claim to them that they are the people of Shu Wang Huanwen?"

As soon as Xie Ai heard this, he became angry: "We are pretending to be Huan Wen, we are Wei Jun, we are Wei Zhenxi Army, we are here to avenge the country, destroy Jin and unify the world. From today on, We don’t need to hide our identities. Tell people that our Wei State has poured out a million troops to attack Jin, and now all the areas north of Qingchuan County have surrendered, and whether they want to live or die depends on their own choice!”

Hearing what Xie Ai said, Jiang Xie ordered to go down, put on the black uniform of the Wei state, and set up the banner of Wei "character" with white characters on a black background.The people in the small town of Yinping watched this army enter.They were so frightened that they hid at home, looking out at the army through the gap in the door.

However, there are exceptions to this.A man with the appearance of a gentry from the town came boldly to the side of the road with a few entourages.When he saw the word "Wei", his face turned pale.

The gentry walked up to Jiang Xie and shouted loudly: "The general's history and what the general does, we dare not ask, but please don't embarrass the residents of this town, the general, we are all good people who obey the rules."

Jiang Xie smiled and said: "Don't worry, since we are friends, there is no reason for our army to invade each other."

The gentry is also an old man in his 60s. He has experienced the Western Jin, Cheng Han, Eastern Jin, and Huanwen forces here. They are accustomed to the rise and fall of the various forces. It's embarrassing for them, the common people.

The people in the small town of Yinping were relieved that part of the main force of the Wei State attacked the Shu State.They have already heard about Wei's various policies through traders, especially the most popular imperial decree of never adding gifts.This is what the people want.In terms of the burden of the people, the burden of the people during the Shihu period was the heaviest, and more than [-]% of their annual income had to pay taxes.The remaining food, not to mention eating for a year, can hardly support even three.So when Ran Min raised the banner of rebellion against Hou Zhao, the whole world responded.Although the Jin Dynasty was lighter, it was as high as [-]% to [-]%. Huan Wen was the most benevolent, only [-]%.

According to this trend, if Sima Dan does not improve, it will not be long before Huan Wen can win the hearts of the Jin Dynasty.But it would be a tragedy to face Wei Guo and Ran Ming, a person who is wearing clothes.Wei Guo abolished almost all corvee service, except for military service, the common people did not need to serve.And the tax is only thirty tax one.Thirty one tax is one-thirtieth of the income (about the same as the current individual tax) and it is still thirty tax one without any moisture.

Knowing that the people of the Wei state live such a happy life, whether they are the people of the Jin state or the people of the Shu state, they have long been looking forward to it in their hearts, Master Wei, please call, we are willing to be Wei people.

If Xie Ai had hidden his whereabouts, maybe someone would have tipped off the news, but once the banner was revealed, not only would no one have tipped off Huan Wen, but they would have helped Wei's army find out the hidden spies, as well as the Shu army's garrison and deployment.It's more like a small town like Yinping Town, with more than 200 families, who actually took out more than 100 stones of grain, five fat pigs, and more than 200 chickens to reward the army!
Of course, these supplies sound like a lot, but they are not enough to feed more than 4000 sergeants.But Xie Ai is very emotional, this is what people want!

(End of this chapter)

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