Chapter 877
Chapter 883 Why Worry About Blood Staining the Sky
Regarding the views of some people in China, it is not enough to win over with interests, but to use power.

No matter who, no matter when, those who agree with the government go, and those who disagree with the government let it go.If you don't want to be a Han Chinese and are willing to split, then you can die. Anyway, the last thing China lacks is people.The Mongols did not kill the Han people, and the Manchus slaughtered more than [-] million people, but they did not kill them all. This is a nation with extremely tenacious vitality.Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

More than [-] captives were identified by the soldiers, and finally screened out. These [-] people actually have more than [-] officers above the rank of corporal commander. These officers are basically the veterans of the Xifu Army. People are also very loyal to Huan Wen. Now they are forced to surrender due to the situation. If they don't kill them, maybe they will use the opportunity of relaxation to create turmoil. At that time, more innocent people will be implicated instead.

These more than [-] people were all brought to the front of Xiangyang City. Zhang Wen asked hundreds of soldiers with loud voices to shout at Xiangyang City: "The king of Wei has arrived, throw away your weapons and offer the city to surrender and live. If you resist to the end, you will die. This is the fate of resisting the Wei army!"

Hundreds of soldiers yelled continuously for nearly a quarter of an hour, and all beheaded under the city of Xiangyang, bleeding to the north gate of Xiangyang.

Xiangyang City is surrounded by water on three sides and supported by mountains on one side, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it has been valued by military strategists of all dynasties.The city of Xiangyang is known as Beijinxu according to Chu in the upper reaches of the Han River. The widest part of the moat is 250 meters. It can be called the first city in China.Xiangyang City is magnificent.Simple and elegant city.There are six gates in Xiangyang city, namely the big and small north gates, the long gate, the east gate, the west gate and the south gate.Outside each city gate of Xiangyang City, there is an urn city, also called Tunbing City.

Not only is Huan Chong sitting directly in the formation here, but also Xi Chao, a super-class adviser comparable to Kong Ming, is assisted. Obviously Xiangyang is not as easy to attack as Fancheng.Otherwise, it would be impossible to stop the Mongolian army for 38 years.

Youdao is a fresh trick that can be eaten all over the world.For the first time, Zhang Wen realized the benefits of digging tunnels and blasting the city walls. Now he has adopted the same tactics against Xiangyang. The camps were all smashed up with ballistas and rockets.

After three days of mopping up, Zhang Wen sent someone to send a letter to Xiangyang City to persuade him to surrender for the last time, and surrendered within one hour, otherwise the city would be full of chickens and dogs on the day the city was destroyed.

At the same time, Xie Ai, who joined forces with Murong Ke's main force, greatly increased his strength, and soon his entire army pushed towards Fucheng.Fucheng is the pearl of Shu Road and also the barrier of Chengdu.For such a historical ancient city, Xie Ai was unable to attack for a long time. It just so happened that at this time, the messenger brought Ran Ming's secret decree.

Xie Ai adopted the same method as Zhang Wen, using infantry and cavalry to cover the engineers to dig the tunnel, and then used black powder to blow up Fucheng in one fell swoop. Deng Xia, who Huan Wen had placed high hopes on, happened to be near the blasting point and was injured in the blast. The leaderless Fucheng fell into chaos, but Xie Ai also captured Fucheng at a small price. At this time, he was only 180 miles away from Chengdu, Huanwen's old nest!

Fucheng was conquered, and at this time only the outer barrier of Luocheng remained in Chengdu.Luocheng is the administrative city of Guanghan County. It is located in the heart of the Chengdu Plain. There is no danger to defend. It is a city that is easy to attack but difficult to defend.

At this time, Huan Wen was also shocked.At this time, there are only two thousand old and weak soldiers in Luocheng. How can they block the advance of Wei Guo's soldiers?Just when Huan Wen was preparing to organize an army to support Luocheng, however, Xie Ai, who was good at using cavalry, sent a light cavalry unit southward before he conquered Fucheng. Sending reinforcements won him a precious opportunity to attack Fucheng. However, what is surprising is that Luo County was not prepared, and a light cavalry easily won the city.

Qiao Jing, the general of Zhonglie in Huanwen of the Kingdom of Shu, had just left Chengdu with more than [-] infantry, and when he traveled [-] miles, he received the news that Luocheng had fallen.

Qiao Jing is the grandson of Qiao Xiu and a celebrity in Sichuan.Qiaoxiu's younger brother and nephew were all killed by Cheng Han. Gu Qiaoxiu finally did not serve as Cheng Han. Later, Huanwen pacified Chenghan.Qiao Jing has two thousand soldiers under his command. These two thousand soldiers are mainly Ba, Di and Han refugees.Fighting against the Chenghan regime, Chenghan regime, dozens of storms to no avail.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Qiao Jing's two thousand soldiers are quite powerful.It is said that Qiao Jing's mission is to rescue Luocheng, but Luocheng has fallen, so he should retreat to Chengdu and return to Huanwen.But this Qiao Jing was a dead-brainer, not only did he not order the retreat, but instead ordered the troops to advance faster.

Luocheng is only sixty miles away from Chengdu, and even the infantry arrived there in half a day.Qiao Jing's troops rushed to Luocheng.

This time it was Wudu Qiduwei Zuoxi who took the opportunity to win Luocheng.Zuo Xi is the son of Zuo Shu, the prefect of Wudu. Because Zuo Shu resisted Fu Jian's attack on Wudu, Ran Ming gave Zuo Xi a chance to enter the Qin State Lecture Hall to further his studies in recognition of Zuo Shu.Zuo Xiwen was talented, and he was extremely clever. He got excellent grades in the martial arts lecture hall, and gradually rose to the rank of Captain Rider.This time he led a cavalry battalion to capture Luocheng, and Zuo Xi was also triumphant.After hearing the news that the Shu army came to help, Zuo Xi originally wanted to refuse the city and wait for the reinforcements to thank Ai. However, when Zuo Xi found that the Shu army's reinforcements were only more than [-] infantry, he personally led [-] cavalry to cross the city. Out, out of town to fight!
"Report to the general, the cavalry of the Wei army suddenly rushed out of the city, the number is about 3000!"

Qiao Jing suddenly recovered.He said with a smile: "The iron cavalry of Wei State is invincible. In the eyes of this general, they are nothing. Since they dare to seek death, this general will help them!"

Qiao Jing joined the army with Fu Tao, Huan Wen's assistant in the administration. Fu Tao said: "General Qiao, there is a saying that one horse can reach ten paces. We only have six thousand infantry, but the opponent has three thousand fine horses. I'm afraid they are not strong enough." Not caught, I see..."

Qiao Jing waved his hand indifferently: "Mr. Fu, speaking of it, I have also experienced many battles. Although there are few horses in Sichuan, it does not mean that this general is not familiar with cavalry warfare. Theoretically, cavalry has an innate advantage over infantry. But this is not absolute, this general has two thousand soldiers, and he is best at fighting cavalry with infantry, just look at it!"

Qiao Jing waved his hands at his subordinates, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, step forward to the formation, don't embarrass this general!"

More than 100 Qiao's family soldiers quickly formed a neat square formation on the official road. They stared at the cavalry who came from the ground with burning eyes.The people in central Shu know the Wudang Flying Army formed by Zhuge Liang back then. Although it has been more than [-] years since the Kingdom of Shu perished, the Wudang Flying Army has become a term in history.However, in the hearts of the powerful families in the middle of Shu, Wudang Flying Army is a myth in the middle of Shu.

These two thousand Qiao's family soldiers are all wearing fine iron armor, with a shield in their left arm and a six-foot short spear in their right hand. In terms of equipment, they are exactly the same as Wudang Flying Army.

Zuo Xi led the troops and soon came to Qiao Jing's formation. He raised his eyes and looked into the distance. Among the neat clusters of spears, the Shu army formed a neat square formation.Infantry is already at a disadvantage against cavalry, not to mention being on the Chengdu Plain, it is even more disadvantageous.But Zuo Xi looked carefully and couldn't help frowning.

Qiao Jing chose a very tricky position for the formation, which happened to be on the official road, blocking the way for the cavalry to attack.At the same time, there is a river on the left, not very wide, but the river is as deep as a person, enough to prevent the cavalry from sneaking around from the left.On the right side, there are several continuous car formations formed by wooden piles and baggage vehicles. What is even more hateful is that the ground on the right side has been destroyed, with potholes. Although it is not as good as the horse trap invented by Wei Guo, it can Block cavalry action.Behind the formation of chariots, Qiao Jing arranged a group of crossbowmen and a dozen small catapults. The key point was to set up a [-] ox crossbow rocket launcher to snipe and kill incoming enemies at any time.

This array was lined up seamlessly, which caused Zuo Xi an unusual headache. Unless it was a frontal attack, there was nothing he could do.What's even more difficult is that there are spearmen in front of the enemy's formation.

In fact, none of the armies in ancient times were invincible. Like the world-famous Modao army, if they simply used the Modao army to meet the enemy, it would be nothing more than delivering food to the enemy.But with crossbow shooters pressing the formation and light cavalry guarding the two wings, then the Modao Army is invincible.The natural enemy of the infantry is the cavalry, but it is not so easy for the cavalry to defeat the infantry.In history, Li Ling's five thousand Han army infantry archers were able to fight for thousands of miles under the siege of the Huns. In the end, because the food and arrows were exhausted, they were betrayed by traitors, so they were defeated and captured.There is also Liu Yu, who also used infantry to defeat the cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty.In fact, if the infantry is used properly, the layout is reasonable, and the morale is high, it can also beat the cavalry.

However, Zuo Xi wasn't worried. Anyway, if he could win, he would fight, and if he couldn't win, he would leave. Anyway, a two-legged man couldn't catch up with a four-legged horse.Zuo Xi shouted: "Soldiers, since the Southern Expedition, our cavalry has not accomplished an inch. Even if we conquered Luocheng, we did not spend a single soldier. It is a fluke. Now we want to let the world see, our Wei State The cavalry is a well-deserved strong soldier. Defeat the enemy in front of you, take the opportunity to conquer Chengdu, capture Huan Wen alive, and make great achievements.”

After Zuo Xi gave an order, these cavalrymen urged their horses one after another.At the beginning, their speed was not fast, but they trotted and gathered into an attack formation, with dozens of heavily armored cavalry as attack arrows.The soldiers followed closely behind.The war horse ran faster and faster, and its momentum became more and more fierce. Judging from this situation, it was like a small snowball rolling down from a snowy mountain, growing rapidly, and finally causing an avalanche!
Qiao Jing squinted his eyes and looked at the other party. The distance drew closer to about [-] steps.Wei Guo's cavalry speeded up obviously, and Qiao Jing also quickly ordered.

"Ping spear, get ready!"

The cavalry directly charged the prepared spear phalanx, which was no different from sending them to death.The infantry of the Wei state clearly stipulates in the drills of the infantry against the infantry that they can only charge directly after the enemy's formation is in chaos.When the distance was within a hundred steps, the Wei cavalry began to fire their crossbows. After a shower of arrows, there were only a handful of fallen enemies.

Zuo Xi could see that these gunmen were definitely not the cheapest cannon fodder, on the contrary their equipment was very good.It has almost reached the level of heavy armor, but it is very expensive to build heavy armor, and almost no general wastes precious resources on cheap spearmen.Although Qiao Jing's family soldiers were wearing heavy armor, it was a shrunken version of the heavy armor. Their backs were under the shoulder armor, and they were completely defenseless. In Qiao Jing's view, people who showed their backs to the enemy were dead. It deserves it too.Only defending the front, such armor is much lighter, and it is also much cheaper.

Facing the rain of arrows from the cavalry of the Wei army, Qiao Jing immediately responded.

The rockets in the middle army formation dragged their long tails and flew towards the charging Wei cavalry.

The sound of gunpowder explosion was heard. Fortunately, the horses of the Wei State cavalry had been trained to resist explosions. Otherwise, the rocket would probably startle the war horses. Even so, the Wei State cavalry fell down like dumplings. war horse.

Seeing that the rockets worked well, Qiao Jing showed a cruel smile on his face.

Zuo Xi's viper-like gaze carefully searched for the enemy's loopholes. It's a pity that the enemy's performance so far has been remarkable, and no loopholes have been revealed.

Qiao Jing held his gun tightly, looked at the cavalrymen who were getting closer, and said with a faint smile: "Wei cavalrymen, are they nothing more than that?"

"Get ready, stab!"

However, the Wei cavalry did not charge directly. When the Wei cavalry was more than [-] steps away from the pikemen's phalanx, a shrill horn sounded suddenly. .The Wei State cavalry was like a hard rock met by a tide, and was forced to divert.

It's just that the Wei cavalry didn't hit the spear formation, but was in front of the spear formation.This hand-controlled horse technology makes the nation on horseback feel ashamed. (Before riding a horse, Cheng Zhi also thought how difficult it would be to be a cavalry soldier. This is not the case. Riding is not a high-level thing. As long as your legs have enough strength, you can learn to ride a horse in a short time. The horse will be restless for the first few minutes, but when he finds he can't get rid of you, he will calm down automatically.)
Just after the cavalry in front dispersed and turned around, suddenly the cavalry behind revealed something like a meteor hammer in their hands. This is the cavalry version of the grenade, with a one-and-a-half-foot-long rope attached to it, which is produced when the bomb rotates in the air. With the huge power, it flew forward quickly.Ordinary soldiers can throw this cavalry version of the grenade forty or fifty paces away.Individual physically strong soldiers can even throw to sixty paces.

Dozens of grenade bullets flew across the sky and landed among the pikemen. The sound of the explosion was deafening.However, under the indiscriminate bombardment of hand bombs, those pikemen fell to the ground one after another, and the pikemen who followed were probably afraid.Or they didn't want to step on their companions, so some backed away.Some dodged, and as a result, the whole team became chaotic.

Seeing this opportunity, Zuo Xi secretly thought that the opportunity had come.

"The whole army presses up!"

"Hold on, hold on!" Qiao Jing yelled frantically, "Hit the gun, stab!"

Accompanied by the roar, a row of long spears stabbed out neatly, only the sound of popping was heard, the point of the spear pierced through the horse and the human body, and blood gushed out.Of course, the cavalry who rushed into the spear formation were not puppets, they brandished horizontal knives and wantonly harvested their heads.

It's just a pity that the chaos caused by the handball was very short-lived. As more and more pikemen stabilized their minds, the cavalry of the Wei army could no longer take advantage of it.

The advantage of the cavalry lies in speed and impact. Losing these two is actually no different from a target.In a confrontation, the cavalry of the Wei Army seemed like a violent wave, hitting the stubborn rock all at once, and the head was bloody!Zuo Xi obviously did not admit their failure, and was still rushing to kill them crazily, but they were like beasts that fell into the mud, the more they moved and struggled, the more mud surrounded them.

Qiao Jing's servant Ding Bing, relying on his skilled skills and fearlessness of death, taught Zuo Xi a good lesson.

The battle ended after only a quarter of an hour, and the two sides played a record of 460-680 to 460-680.The cavalry of the State of Wei had [-] casualties, while Qiao Jing's family soldiers had [-] casualties.

Three thousand fine riders lost nearly [-]% of their manpower, Zuo Xi felt a pain in his flesh and had to retreat.But Qiao Jing was more distressed than Zuo Xi. The two thousand soldiers suffered one-third of the casualties. These were not ordinary soldiers.

Zuo Xi hurried back to Luocheng and reported the situation to Xie Ai.Xie Ai got the news and became cautious.But no matter how cautious he was, he had already conquered Luo City, only sixty miles away from Huan Wen, like a sharp spear pointing the sharp point at Huan Wen's throat.

Different from Xie Ai's many twists and turns, the Eastern Route Army Shi Yue's troops have always been advancing triumphantly, and almost no decent battles took place, so they pushed the front line to the Huai'an area, occupied more than a hundred cities, and suffered even less than a thousand casualties.Shi Yue excitedly charged the generals of the southern army and said: "Surround Huai'an and completely annihilate the [-] Jin troops under Sima Xi, the king of Wuling. We will be the first to conquer the southern army. It is best to capture Hangzhou."

Sima Xi, King of Wuling, was the fourth son of Sima Rui, Emperor Yuan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the half-brother of Sima Yu, King of Kuaiji.In the environment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty that advocated clear talk, Sima Xi was an outlier. He didn't like literature, he was not good at mystery or Taoism, and he liked military training the most.In the first year of Yonghe, Sima Xi was promoted to the general of the town army and opened the third division of Yitong.

But Sima Xi's general of the town army has neither a part nor a place to garrison.But Sima Xi didn't regard his position as a kind of lord, but used his salary to recruit young and strong refugees for training.Sima Xi adopted two methods for training soldiers. He imitated Sun Wu's method of training "Wei Wuzu" and trained a group of 500 heavy infantry; Hundreds of all-round warriors.These five hundred warriors can ride on horses and fight on foot when they dismount. Every soldier is proficient in bows, crossbows, spears, daggers, halberds, knives, swords and other weapons.

It's just a pity that the national strength of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was too weak, and the Xifu Army, the only strategic mobile force of the imperial court, would not obey his orders. Sima Xi had to select soldiers from the young and strong refugees. Long-term malnutrition is not an option for soldiers.But under the incredulous eyes of everyone, Sima Xi still succeeded.

However, in order to support these thousand elite soldiers, Sima Xi paid a lot. Although his salary is not small, he also has an income of 6000 to [-] million yuan a year, but this money is simply nothing to train an army. A drop in the bucket.In order to nourish the soldiers and strengthen their physique, Sima Xi kept selling his fiefs, fields and various real properties. Among the princes of the Sima family, Sima Xi was definitely the one who had the hardest life.

(End of this chapter)

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