Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 918 Deception is only for a moment, not for a lifetime

Chapter 918 Deception Is Just A Temporary Impossibility

Chapter 924 Deception Is Just A Temporary Impossibility

Do you think this is the end?

No, this is just the beginning.

This Sima Dan received another frightening report that there were deserters in the Huben army he formed alone.In just three days, the Huben army had [-] troops left. Although they still had the strength to fight again, their morale was unstable. Sima Dan was really worried about the Huben army.

Sima Dan is a good student. He followed Ran Ming to learn how to use kindness and strength together, and he knew how to improve the welfare of soldiers and their families, improve their equipment and increase their combat effectiveness.It's a pity that Sima Dan didn't learn the most essential part of Ran Ming, which is ideological education.From the beginning of Ran Ming's formation of the army, he positioned the Wei army as the guardian of the family, expelled the barbarians, rescued the comrades, and restored the country of the Han family as the goal, and after the soldiers were killed in battle, their families would receive half of the tax and pension compensation .

However, the national conditions of the Wei State are absolutely different from those of the Jin State. The Wei State has a large area with few people and a lot of land, while the Jin State has a small area and a large population, and the power of the gentry is very large.The families of the soldiers of the Huben Army who died in the battle were indeed compensated, and they had enough money to live on.It's just a pity that the gentry clans are too greedy. It would be better if the land was compensated in the south of Lingnan, especially in Xu Yang and Jiang, who were land rewards within the traditional sphere of influence of the Jin state. The method of looting is to seize the money and land rewarded by the fallen soldiers or the meritorious soldiers.Losing those lands and money, some of the family members of these meritorious soldiers became refugees, and young women even had to engage in the business of selling their souls in order to survive.In this way, the miserable lives of the families of soldiers who died in battle put the Huben Army under great pressure.

The key is that Sima Dan killed the killer, which chilled the hearts of the soldiers of the Huben Army.As for the Huben army, Sima Dan was definitely loyal. Even if Wang Yun spent millions of dollars, he could only talk to four of them, and they could eat and drink together and talk about irrelevant things.They would not dare to let them betray Sima Dan. The key is that Da Changqiu was injured in the bombing, and those vicious eunuchs beat him up in order to please Mu Lang.

What's terrible is that this incident had a chain reaction. Not only did the morale of the Huben army weaken, but even Sima Xi's department, which was deeply influenced by the gentry, was also cleaned. Under the large-scale cleaning, most of the combat backbone and superior generals were accused However, the morale of Tian Feng's defeat was low, and Sima Xi could only control the army from mutiny. As for the counterattack, don't even think about it.

The disastrous events of this day were in front of Sima Dan. More than 700 people from Sima Xi's headquarters, including the guard posts, fled collectively.What's even more frightening is that Liu Peng, who participated in the night attack, encountered deserters from the Jin army Mili and Sima Xi. After learning about this situation, Liu Peng and Jia Xin discussed and adopted a bold strategy. Make a promise to all the fugitive soldiers, and let them all enjoy the treatment of the regular army of Wei State. If they die or become disabled in the line of duty, they will be handed over to the hereditary army.In this way, more than a thousand deserters swore an oath to Liu Peng and joined the Wei army.

With these well-known deserters, Liu Peng once again attacked the Huishan camp at night. This time, after Liu Peng succeeded in one blow, hundreds of Jin troops were killed and retreated immediately. fled.This time, thousands of people escaped at once. Under the banner of chasing the enemy, these thousands of soldiers were fully armed and never returned.

Sima Dan, who was sitting on the chief seat, was suffering so much that he couldn't tell at this time that he had paid such a high price, just to pursue the enemy when the Wei State was retreating, and to expand the results of the battle while his soldiers had no fighting spirit.Fortunately, the main force of the Wei army was retreating, but he couldn't find the strength to pursue the Wei army.

At this time, the civil and military ministers quarreled, and the civil servants and military generals were too incompetent, and they couldn't lead the soldiers well, wasting the money and food of the state of Jin.During the war, the status of military commanders naturally increased, and they naturally refused to accept the accusations of civil and military officials.The two sides quarreled and made a lot of noise, and they almost did it.

If in normal times, the competition between civil servants and military generals seems to be a happy thing, at least it can guarantee orderly competition between each other.But right now, this kind of internal friction can no longer interfere with combat operations, so Sima Dan decided to stop the quarrel.

"Okay! Everyone! Don't quarrel! Now everyone has thought about it and come up with a plan to deal with this crisis." Sima Dan coughed twice and said, "Instead of arguing here, let's take a look." What to do next."

Shang Shu Ling Wang Shu said helplessly: "Your Majesty, I think that this battle is hopeless. Why don't you discuss peace with the State of Wei?"

"Wang Shangshu is right!" said Lu Na, the head of the court and minister of officials, "The Wei-Jin dispute was caused by a misunderstanding. Give some money and food to compensate Wei Guo for the loss."

Now Lu Na is also panicking, Wei Guo is too aggressive, he is not as naive as Sima Dan.As long as Ran Ming's army of millions is in hand, Ran Zhi will never be able to defeat Ran Ming.Even if Ran Zhi could break through Yecheng and capture Ran Ming's queen and prince, as the hero, he would never compromise for a few women and children.You must know that Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, dared to share a bowl of meat porridge when Xiang Yu caught Liu Taigong to cook.

Ran Ming, who has absolute strength, can definitely put down Ran Zhi's rebellion quickly, and he can turn his head around and attack Jin.At that time, whether the Jin State could exist or not was still one thing.Now as the head of the state of Jin, although the glory is boundless, he has also taken great risks. At least the Wei State will tie him and Sima Dan together to deal with it. Once the Jin State perishes, the Lu family will definitely be attacked by the Wei State.At that time, it will not be a question of being rich or not, but a question of life and death.

"Negotiate peace, negotiate peace?" Sima Xi furiously said, "At this time, is the State of Wei negotiating peace with us? If we want to negotiate peace, what should we use to negotiate peace with Wei State? Is it the fertile land north of the Yangtze River? I'm afraid it will be with the State of Wei. They will not agree to negotiate a peace with Wei Guo, but now that Jing, Xu, and Jiang have all surrendered, and most of Yangjiang has lost their opponents, how can we go to Wei Guo to negotiate a peace?"

Shang Shu ordered Wang Shu to do his part and said: "General of the Zhenjun, Shu wants to know, what qualifications does the General of the Zhenjun have to shout here? If the General of the Zhenjun didn't lose every defeat and humiliate the country, how could we be like this?" Let’s not talk about the past, so let’s ask the general of the town army again, does the general still have the confidence to defeat Wei?”

Sima Xi looked embarrassed, and he murmured: "As long as I have enough troops!"

"Enough troops, haha, I really don't feel pain in my back when I stand and talk!" Wang Shu pointed to the outside of the hall and said, "My lord, please see how many young and strong we still have in Jin. We don't lack equipment, but the young How about strong, what kind of armed forces do we have? Just those boys?"

Wang Shu's words actually hit Sima Dan's sore spot again.At the beginning, the Jin State formulated a huge infiltration plan to expel more than 100 million people at once, and a lot of detailed operations were mixed in it, preparing to enter the rear of the Wei State and wreak havoc.According to this strategy is also very clever, but it is a pity that Sima Dan met Ran Ming who did not play cards according to common sense.

The Wei State did not reward and woo the newly attached people as in previous dynasties, and classified the citizens of the Wei State.The highest is of course the nationals with nationality treatment, followed by the naturalized nationality, and the third is the barbarian nationality.These three levels of national household registration components were formulated by Ran Ming in accordance with the US immigration policy of later generations.Regardless of any race, as long as they are loyal to Wei, they can obtain the lowest level of residency. This is equivalent to the American green card, which is also the same as the American green card. There are greater discounts for scholars with technology, professional talents or greater influence .

Most of the more than 100 million refugees are young and strong, with only a small number of old and weak women and children.The counties and counties along the border of the State of Wei have resettled these large influxes of people in accordance with established national policies.It can be said that Wei Guo's nationality is simply difficult to obtain. If you want to obtain a real nationality, unless you have an examination period of more than ten years, of course you have made more contributions and meritorious deeds, and you can shorten the examination period.Under the temptation of this interest, the secret work hidden among the refugees and the common people was naturally reported by the abandoned people of Jin who really wanted to belong to Wei.

It can be said that this strategic plan has no possibility of success from the beginning, because the Jin State does not have a huge reserve of secret agents. Although Sima Dan's Wang Liujun can maintain a high degree of loyalty to Sima Dan, these troops can fight regular battles. But it's really not a role of sabotage.Fortunately, a large number of young and strong people were sent to the state of Wei, and even the secret workers hidden among the common people were identified and became free laborers of the state of Wei.One by one, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard who are powerful and don't look like good people at first glance, as long as their heads are not stupid and their eyes are not blind, they can tell.

There is a common saying that "accompanied by a wife and then lost a soldier", this sentence is also suitable for Sima Dan.Hearing Wang Shu's cynicism, Xiao Lezi couldn't sit still. He immediately stood up and retorted: "Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. If we really want to pursue responsibility, all of us present are responsible. Although this specific plan is Xiao It was proposed, but none of you raised objections at the time, but strongly supported it, so it’s a bit unreasonable to turn over old scores now, right?”

Then, Xiao Lezi took out a document, and said slowly: "The situation before us is very serious now. Lord Wei has led the army back to Yecheng. Tens of thousands of pieces, and broke through the outer walls of Yecheng. Unfortunately, the information we received was extremely unfavorable to Ran Zhi. Now, almost no one is optimistic about Ran Zhi among the powerful, noble clans, and local officials in various counties and counties in Wei. Wei Guoying, Ping, You, Bing, Ji, Luo, Yan, Yu, Shuo, Yong, Qin, Liang, Liang, a total of 390 counties, [-] five counties, almost all declared their allegiance to Wei Lord Ran Ming, In this way, Ran Zhi's failure is inevitable. The difference is only a matter of time, maybe ten days or half a month, as long as Wei Lord Ran Ming's army crosses the Huai River, Ran Zhi's army may collapse without a fight. According to the original plan, we should At this time, launch a counterattack across the board, hold Wei Guo firmly, and buy time for Ran Zhi to occupy the north. However, we have no way to launch a counterattack now. As long as Ran Ming puts down Wei's internal turmoil, he can turn around and attack us again Jin State. At that time, the situation will really be irreversible!"

Wang Tanzhi said: "And the information received is not good news at all. Wei Guo's southward invasion this time is more prepared than we imagined. They invaded southward, carrying an inestimable amount of money and food, in the Jiangbei area that has fallen. , All the counties and counties were re-established by the Wei State, and they also fully dispatched the people from all over the country, allowing young and strong people and captured people to participate in the construction of the expressway. This expressway will be started in stages. The starting point It is Qingzhou Plain County and Longxiang City (the jurisdiction is equivalent to the later Dezhou, Shandong. In the Han Dynasty, it was the Pingyuan State (Liu Bei was the Pingyuan Prime Minister) and the east-west highway of the Wei State. County, whose jurisdiction is equivalent to Heze, Shandong in later generations), Liang County (Shangqiu), Dang County (later Yongcheng, Henan), Qiao County (now Bozhou, Anhui), Runan County (now Fuyang, Anhui), Yiyang County (roughly in Today Macheng, Hubei), Qi'an County (now Xinzhou, Hubei) and other places. This time nearly 200 million people from the Wei and Jin countries were used for construction. In addition to this expressway, a branch was also carried out in the Sizhou section. State, Shanyang, and Yangzhou are directly connected to Jingkou. Obviously, Wei State still wants to make full preparations for the next attack on Jin State with such huge manpower and material resources. Once these two main highways are completed, Wei State Army can take At a speed of two hundred miles a day, go south to attack our Dajin."

Sima Yu was puzzled and said: "Such a huge amount of money and food is spent, and the power of the people is squeezed so much. Isn't Wei Guo afraid of the government forcing the people to rebel?"

Wang Tanzhi said: "According to the information we have received, the counties and counties of the Wei State have not recruited people for free. They have carved stone monuments in each counties and counties, saying that the Wei State will not perish, the Ran family will continue, and the corvee will be abolished forever. There will never be any tax. In addition to the need for military service, any corvee collection is paid labor. In addition to tax-free subsidies, the people can also receive salt, grain, cloth, soap, shoes, iron and steel tools, and wages. Even if the requisitioned baskets, carts, and various utensils of the common people were all discounted to compensate the common people. In this way, the common people not only did not have any complaints, but actively participated in the construction of the highway in Wei State."

All the Jin officials felt incredible. As the big bosses of the center, they have more or less experience as local officials. They are well aware of the urgency of local officials. It will definitely be plucked, and hands up and down.

They certainly don't know that Ran Ming is a person of later generations, and has already rectified the financial income and expenditure in a very formal way. All the accounting records of later generations, coupled with financial disclosure, gentry, village elders and famous people, have reduced corruption since then. possible.Of course, human nature is inherently evil, and it is impossible to eradicate corruption, but corruption can be kept to a minimum.We must know that no matter when, no matter what generation, the government was relatively clean at the beginning of the founding of the country.The founding emperor of the Wei State was like this, and these courtiers would never commit crimes against the wind.

Speaking of the Kuomintang, it was actually a political party with ideals and goals at the beginning. It is definitely not like the history we have learned. The Kuomintang also has many clean officials. At least before the Kuomintang was reunified and during the Northern Expedition, they were definitely quite clean.History is a bitch anyway, let the victors dress up.

Amidst the inconceivable discussions, Sima Dan raised his head and asked, "What is Wen Du's opinion?"

Wang Tanzhi said: "It is certain that Wei State is much stronger than we imagined. They have sufficient money and food, piles of armor and weapons, and have a population twice that of Jin State. According to my calculations, Wei State The country can support at least 150 million elite troops. This number is an existence that our Jin country can't afford to provoke. Although we still have tens of thousands of troops, in the face of these 150 million troops, which one of our generals and sergeants at all levels is not good enough? Terrified? It is precisely because of this that the minister thought that the fight would be impossible, and if the fight continued, the country would definitely be destroyed."

This time, Wang Tanzhi's words resonated with the big bosses in the court. Anyway, since the founding of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the big bosses of the Eastern Jin Dynasty have made up their minds to be a turtle for life.In fact, they did the same, at least in the early stage. Even Zu Ti, a generation of national heroes, ended up with a bitter hatred.Only Huan Wen, who started his career as a soldier, dared to launch the Northern Expedition, because he had confidence, and his [-] to [-] Xifu Army was the largest field force in the Eastern Jin Dynasty at that time.With the money and food support of Jiangzhou, Jingzhou, and Yizhou, this army has confidence and combat effectiveness.

But now, a Zhenxi army has restrained Huanwen to death, and even pushed the front line to Chengdu. It can be said that Yizhou has lost more than one-third.At this time, I was still thinking about the Northern Expedition. It was not hitting a rock with an egg, but pure courting death.

Not to mention soldiers, even the bosses dare not fight.The equipment is not as good as that of Wei State, and the number of people is not as large as that of Wei State. If you squat in the strong city, you still have a little courage. If you go out, you are looking for death for yourself?This is the thinking of most grassroots officers and soldiers of the Jin army. It is very simple and closely related to the lives of the big guys.

(End of this chapter)

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