Chapter 92

Chapter 095

Ran Min said strangely: "The wolf cubs of Murong's family have suffered a loss, they will never give up, and when they repair their wounds, they will definitely make a comeback. The court has money, why don't they prepare for war immediately?"

"Preparation is definitely necessary!" Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "But it doesn't have to be all used to make weapons and armor!"

Seeing Ran Min puzzled, Ran Ming patiently explained: "Even if we use all 30 gold to prepare for the battle, is the money enough?"

Ran Min sighed, what Ran Ming said was true.It was far from enough, the state of Wei was still short of food, even if Liu Yuan contributed 20 shi of grain, it would still not be able to feed so many mouths in the state of Wei, and the fear of famine could only be relieved temporarily.In fact, Ran Min had to use 25 gold, or even 10,000 gold to buy food.Fifty thousand gold is used to make weapons and armor. The key is that in this era, the price of armor and weapons is too expensive. Fifty thousand gold is really not much. A set of armor needs 50+ money, and [-] gold is at best Thousands of sets of armor, this amount of armor is not enough to look at in front of the tens of thousands of iron troops in Yan State.

Ran Ming defeated the Yan army in Liantai, but there were too many accidental factors, and there was no way to replicate his success.

Ran Min frowned and said: "Then our father and son are just waiting to die?"

Ran Ming said: "Of course we can't wait for death, but we can take another approach!"

As he said that, Ran Ming dipped some tea from the tea bowl beside Ran Min, and drew the topographic map of Liaodong and Jiaodong with his fingers on the table in front of Ran Min. Of course, this was just an outline, very simple.Ran Ming pointed to the Jiaodong Peninsula and said, "Father, look, Liaodong and Jiaodong are only separated by a sea!"

Ran Min seemed to understand Ran Ming's intentions, and said excitedly: "You mean, we attack the country of Yan by water?"

"Father is wise!" Ran Ming quietly flattered Ran Min, pointing to the Jiaodong Peninsula, and said, "We have a long navy in the Wei Dynasty, with more than a thousand sailors. We should vigorously develop the navy now." It was discovered that the naval forces have two advantages. It allows them to fish in the East China Sea, and the fish they catch can be supplied to the people and solve part of the food problem. At the same time, once the bloody Yan army is about to attack our Great Wei, they will definitely be dispatched The garrisons in Liaodong, Goguryeo, Buyeo, Silla, Baekje and other places can be said to be almost defenseless from the east of the Daling River!"

Ran Ming successfully opened a skylight for Ran Min's heart. The strongest of Yan Kingdom is their cavalry, especially the armored cavalry of Yan Kingdom, which is already the pinnacle of cavalry in this era, invincible and invincible, even the most elite troops of Wei Army , and Yan Guo's armored cavalry can only exchange lives, and no one can take advantage of the fight.

However, the situation was different when the navy attacked Liaodong by water.The Yan State plundered tens of millions of Han people back and forth. They all worked as cattle and horses for the Xianbei people in Liaodong. Formed an army, and then swept across Liaodong.

Once the rear is unstable, Buyeo, Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje, the vassal states that originally surrendered to Yan, will take advantage of the situation to rebel, and a spark can be formed in a very short period of time.

Ran Min is not stupid, he is also quite smart, otherwise Li Nong, Marquis of Saiwu, would not have died in Ran Min's hands.Ran Min figured this out after a little thought!

"Forging iron requires our own strength. If we want to eliminate Zhuhu, we must have enough strength, otherwise we will destroy ourselves and take death. Therefore, it is not easy for Wei to start wars for the time being and stop fighting. Promoting water conservancy, thin taxes, talent This is the right way! Since ancient times, without agriculture there is no solidity, without work there is no strength, without business there is no wealth. If the Great Wei wants to be strong, it must reward farming, develop industry, and promote trade!"

Ran Min was convinced by Ran Ming's words. In fact, he is not a stubborn person, Ran Ming discovered.Ran Min is actually a person who has his own opinions and is good at accepting advice. How can he leave a self-righteous evaluation in history?
Ran Min thought for a while and said, "But the people's life is too hard now, they have no food, most of them have no cattle at home, what should we do?"

Ran Ming said: "Our country of Wei can reduce the land rent and encourage the people to reclaim wasteland. Anyway, the war is raging now and there is a lot of wasteland. As long as the father stipulates that the reclaimed wasteland will be owned by the individual after three years. Enthusiasm. At the same time, we need to reduce taxes, flexibly adjust taxes according to the grain harvest per mu of land, and get [-] in [-] in harvest years. For example, if people earn [-] shi of grain a year, we can collect [-] shi of grain, and all other corvees will be exempted!"

"Exemption from corvee, who will repair the roads? Who will build the water conservancy ditches? Who will repair the city?" Ran Min immediately asked.

Ran Ming said: "We can use work for relief!"

"As long as there is a famine, there will be a large number of displaced people. Even if there is no famine, there are still a lot of displaced people in various places. They only need to work every day and distribute food to them. They will work hard, not only the construction speed Fast, and the quality is guaranteed! It can also keep the people alive!"

Then, Ran Ming proposed some suggestions to Ran Min, such as expanding the workshop and building a school. Of course, Ran Min did not express his opinion on the spot.Ran Ming also knew that Ran Min needed a long time to think about whether this was feasible!

Ran Ming took his leave and left the palace.This time Ran Ming didn't pass through the official summer and went back directly from Qili, but notified the Tingzheng Hall to leave the palace through the Suzaku Gate!

Since the imperial palace is located on the central axis of Yecheng, the avenue in front of Suzaku Gate is the central street of Yecheng, and Ran Ming on the central street was brought into the palace, with only a dozen or so guards, just like normal people.

Ran Ming heard that people on the street, even peddlers, were talking about Ran Ming's Oiran Contest. It seemed that the hype was successful, at least it managed to attract everyone's attention!
When I came to Jishanfang, Jishanfang was regarded as a western market, mainly lived in poor families. The businesses here were mainly tea products, horses, cattle and sheep. Since there was no sewage treatment system for later generations, the streets were very dirty. The air is filled with the smell of cows, horses and sheep's dung!
Ran Ming couldn't stand it any longer, and was about to leave when he heard a burst of people yelling from behind, as well as the screams of passers-by.Ran Ming turned his head and saw a tall white horse.Immediately there was a young woman in white clothes. The woman didn't know what was going on, she just ignored the pedestrians on the street, and galloped at a gallop, causing the pedestrians on the street to evade in a hurry, making a mess.

The woman in white was very arrogant, but she vaguely heard a dozen or so horse-riding attendants shouting: "Princess, slow down!"

However, at this time, there was an old man on the street. When he was running away in a hurry, his foot slipped. He was unlucky enough to step on horse manure.The old man fell to the ground and hadn't gotten up yet. At this time, the tall white horse was only thirty steps away from the old man, and it was about to arrive!

After all, the old man must be old, his body is not very flexible, and he can't even start a family. It is conceivable that the horse's hooves trampled on the old man's tragic scene!
"Damn it, it's another second-generation official!" Ran Ming was very angry. The normal marching speed of the war horse was not fast, that is, twenty to thirty kilometers, but it ran very fast, reaching a speed of about sixty kilometers per hour. The tall war horse is much larger than ordinary horses.Not to mention an ordinary old man, even a strong man in heavy armor, there is no possibility of surviving if he hooves down!
It was too late to say it, and then it was almost too late, Ran Ming withdrew and threw himself on the street, in the surprised eyes of people around, Ran Ming was neither Li Yuanba nor Ran Min.Not Lu Bu.It wasn't Xiang Yu, if it was them, they might be able to knock the galloping horse to the ground with their hands.However, Ran Ming used his wits instead of his strength, and the knife in his hand swung an astonishing arc!

"You're crazy!" The woman in white immediately shouted, "You... get out of the way!"

Her Chinese is a little vague, and she seems to have a Northwest accent!
But Ran Ming didn't pay attention to him at all, but was going to chop off the horse's leg!The horse-leg-cutting tactic created by Yue Fei is actually a very high-level skill that ordinary people can't do at all. It requires a good timing, not too fast, not too slow, and it also requires the soldiers' psychological quality to be excellent!

Seeing that the war horse ran over him, Ran Ming swiftly dodged and stepped aside. Ran Ming's knife stabbed the startled horse's hind legs fiercely.

The leg of the war horse was cut off, and immediately fell to the ground with a neighing sound. Due to the effect of inertia, the woman in white on the horse smashed forward like a fired shell.Ran Ming didn't dare to look at it, he closed his eyes nervously, and prayed secretly in his heart: "Don't put your face on the ground, or my crime will be serious!"

(End of this chapter)

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