Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 920 You Are A Disgrace

Chapter 920 You Are A Disgrace

Chapter 926 You Are A Disgrace

In this way, Yuan Kui became one of Zhang Zhao's staff.However, Yuan Kui is a pragmatic talent. Historically, he was the prefect of Jin'an County in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (where the government is located in Fuzhou).In fact, the remote areas of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were relatively better. Except for the eight counties of Xuyang, other places were not directly under the scope of the imperial court.The most prosperous areas in Jingzhou are still the five counties in Jiangbei, so although Wuling County is not as desolate as Guiyang County, it is far behind Jingxiang.

Yuan Kui became Zhang Zhe's staff, changed Zhang Zha's original appointment of all the former county magistrates and county officials, and raised all the official ranks by half a rank. In this way, when a new official takes office, no matter who they are, they are all eager to express themselves.In terms of raising grain and grass in Zhangmao and recruiting people and strong people, all counties and counties have done very well.As Yuan Kui's performance got better and better, Zhang Zhao also cited him as his confidant.

Yuan Kui, the history recorder of Zhang Zhao, went to Guiyang County to accept the surrender of Sima Xiu on his behalf. In order to publicize Wei's military power, Zhang Zhao knew that his Jingzhou army officers and men were soft-footed shrimps and could not be majestic.Therefore, after obtaining the consent of the school lieutenant of the army, a troop of Qu (500 people) was dispatched, and under the flags of Wei, Changsha County Duke, Navy Commander, and Nanman school lieutenant, they flaunted all the way to Guizhou with advocacy. Go to Yangjun.

There is a saying that good things do not go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.When Yuan Kui had just completed Sima Xiu's surrender, news of the shocking changes in Yecheng also spread to Guiyang County.That day Yuan Kui was receiving the leaders of the various tribes in Guiyang County, when he saw the face of the Wei Junjun who escorted him change drastically. Yuan Kui couldn't help being anxious when he got the news.At this time, Guiyang County governed Guiyang County, and there were not only the county magistrates of the eleven counties of Guiyang, but also the leaders of many tribes.Although the household registration in Guiyang County is less than 14 people, it only includes the Han population and does not include ethnic minorities and aboriginals. Moreover, the ethnic minorities in Guiyang County are at the end of primitive society or slavery society. live together.They used outdated production tools, slash-and-burn farming, extremely backward production, and very difficult life. They were called Nanman by the Central Plains people.In fact, the Nanban is not a single nation, but dozens of ethnic groups, hundreds of thousands of tribes of different sizes.The people were displaced, and their lives and properties were not guaranteed.At this time, if we heard the news of the surprise change in the rear of the Wei State, and the main force of the Wei State could not reach Guiyang, God knows what trouble they would cause.

Yuan Kui was very worried that if something went wrong, not only would Guiyang County be lost but he and his [-] soldiers would not be able to leave Guiyang County alive.

However, Yuan Kui didn't know that at this time Sima Xiu also got the news of the shocking change in Yecheng, and also knew that the main force of Wei State had already marched westward.

Sima Xiu also felt a little regretful at this time, but his confidant Liu Qianxuan said: "Your envoy, please don't make mistakes, repetition is a taboo for a minister!
"This is really not good news." Sima Xiu said with a wry smile on his face: "At first, I thought that with the credit of donating one county and eleven cities, I could get rich and rich. Who would have thought that the situation would take a turn for the worse, but now Not to mention being rich, if the court knows that Xiu surrendered to Wei, I am afraid that Xiu’s head will be lost. The situation is not too bad now, so how can it be said that it was a mistake?”

"If you make Junzhen think this way, you are not only self-knowledge, but also absurd!" Liu Qianxuan took a deep breath, and said earnestly: "If you plant a seed in spring, there will always be a harvest in autumn, but what does this mean? Under normal circumstances, if the weather is good, of course you can harvest, but once you encounter natural disasters and man-made disasters, you will have nothing to harvest. Now Shi Jun has just presented the letter of surrender to Wei Guo, which is like a seed planted in the ground. But just now Pile up some dark clouds in the sky, so the Lord is going to destroy this seed?"

Liu Qianxuan is from Pengcheng, and it is said that he is a descendant of Liu Gong, the king of Pengcheng in the Eastern Han Dynasty.I'm afraid Liu Qianxuan himself can't tell whether it is true or not.Anyway, Liu Bang in the Eastern Han Dynasty was from Pei County, and Pengcheng belonged to Liu Bang's core circle of influence.Although the Eastern Han Dynasty has long been a thing of the past, Sima Xiu respects the talented and personable Liu Qianxuan very much.Liu Qianxuan's eloquence is extremely good. When Sima Xiuchu was the prefect of Guiyang, the Han people who moved to Guiyang to escape the disaster of war had a fierce conflict with the local Nanman (the unified name of the southern minorities).

Although Sima Xiu, as the prefect of a county, is the highest officer of a county, whether it is military affairs, governance of the people, promotion of talents (both recommending talents to the court), litigation (criminal and civil trials), and rape (both combating rebellion and punishing crimes), and can also appoint and remove officials on their own.This is a real official position with great power.But Sima Xiu pretended to be the clan of the Jin Dynasty, and he had neither generals to rely on, nor an army to command.Moreover, Guiyang is located in a remote area of ​​the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the influence of the imperial court is very limited. One can imagine the difficulty of convincing the public and stabilizing the place.

As Sima Xiu's confidant, Liu Qianxuan launched an investigation into the ethnic conflicts in the Guiyang area. After more than three months of investigation, Liu Qianxuan finally discovered that the struggle between the Han and barbarians originated from the struggle for the necessary means of living. Salt problem.These southern barbarian tribes were still in the primitive tribal society or the period of slavery society, and they knew nothing about salt, smelting, weaving, and iron tool making, and the barbarian tribes also had no currency, usually precious mountain goods, fur and primitive copper. , gold to trade.Since there were very few Han people entering Guiyang County before the clothes moved southward, the conflicts between the Han and barbarians were not intense.

However, following Zhao Shihu's tyranny in the Central Plains, the Han people who originally wanted to be obedient citizens in the Central Plains could not bear it. They did not have the courage to resist, so they moved their entire family. Among the gentry who moved to Guiyang was the Yingchuan Chen family, that is The descendants of Chen Qun who proposed the Jiupin Zhongzheng system, thirteen declining noble families such as the Gaotang Hua family, Pingyang Bao family, and Nanyang Xu family, who were prominent in the Cao Wei period, entered Guiyang.These gentry moved south with the army of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. They could not compete with Wang Xieluzhang and other Eastern Jin giants in the core area of ​​the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the eight counties of Xuyang, so they had to continue to move southward. Some entered Fujian and Guangzhou, and some entered Guiyang.

These children of the gentry entered Guiyang and had fierce conflicts with the powerful common people in Guiyang. This is actually a historical microcosm of the southward migration of clothes. Every step of the southward migration is accompanied by blood, tears and elegy.As the conflict between the Han people in the north and the south intensified, a large number of Han people died in the conflict. At this time, both sides coincidentally recruited the barbarians to attack the enemy.Although the barbarians were low in intelligence and civilization, they reaped the benefits as they intervened in the internal strife of the Han people, and they were out of control.They gave up the traditional fishing and hunting or slash-and-burn farming, and thus started a life of robbers with no bright future. Although these barbarians are ordinary and not tall, they are better at responding flexibly and are familiar with a large number of primitive jungle environments in Guiyang. serious threat.

In order to survive together, Liu Qianxuan used his best talent for debate, wandering among the Han people in the south and the gentry in the north, lobbying them to shake hands and make peace and jointly resist the barbarian invasion.Facing the catastrophe of survival, the Han people in the south and the gentry who moved south to the north began to build up land and fortify themselves. During the day, they used the beacon as a sign, and at night they lit bonfires. When one party was in trouble, all parties supported it.The barbarian tribes in Guiyang County are not very large. Because of the limited production conditions, tribes with more than a thousand people face food shortages and have to move out. In this way, the scattered barbarians will not be able to take advantage.

When the barbarians did not spontaneously form an offensive and defensive alliance, Liu Qianxuan took the lead in expressing the goodwill of the Han people. They were located in Bian County (named after the Bianjiang River in the territory) to the north of Guiyang City and Lei County to the east. Yang (later known as Zixing City, Hunan Province), Yizhang in the south, and Qitianling in the Nanling Mountains in the west set up a mutual market, allowing the Han and barbarians to trade materials and exchange what they have.

In this way, the barbarians can also obtain the iron pots, salt, cloth, and various tools they want through transactions, and the Han people can also obtain gold and silver, leather goods, mountain products, etc.With the establishment of four open cities, the fiscal and taxation of Guiyang County has also been greatly eased.As a result, Sima Xiu gained a foothold in Guiyang County.The four mutual markets Liu Qianxuan chose, through contact with the barbarians, vigorously invited the children of the nobles to come out of the mountains, set up schools, and strengthen the training of the barbarian's Chinese language ability. In this way, the barbarians gradually recognized the prefect of Guiyang headed by Sima Xiu government.

Through a series of actions, Liu Qianxuan not only has a high status in Sima Xiu's mind, but also has a great voice in Guiyang County. This voice is not because of Sima Xiu, but because of Liu Qianxuan's personal charm.But having said that, respecting Liu Qianxuan is one thing, but whether to listen to Liu Qianxuan's strategy or not depends on how Liu Qianxuan explains it.

Sima Xiu asked anxiously: "Now Wei is in chaos, the former crown prince led hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Yecheng, what if the former crown prince wins?"

"Haha" Liu Qianxuan said: "Regardless of Wei's civil war, it doesn't matter if the current one wins, or the former crown prince wins, what does it have to do with the envoy? Will their Wei State push the Guiyang County out of their hands?"

"Wouldn't the State of Wei be able to push Guiyang County outside? No matter who is in charge of the country, this Guiyang is also a land of thousands of miles. Xiu is just worried about Da Jin's reaction." Sima Xiu said worriedly: "Once Da Jin knows When I surrender, I will definitely send a large army to arrest us, but with these [-] old and weak soldiers, if they can resist the attack of the imperial army?"

"Since the first year of Xianhe (AD 326), Tao Shixing (Tao Kan), the governor of Jingzhou and the school captain of Nanman, led [-] soldiers to resist Guiyang to declare the country's prestige. When did the king of Jin resist? Here?" Liu Qianxuan said: "Is it because you don't want to? It's not, but it can't. Since Guiyang was established as a county, Guiyang County has produced very little. Among the ten years, eight or nine years need to be exempted from taxes by the court, and they can't contribute. Money and food can’t produce much, and this place is like a place with weak ribs. Now that the Great Jin Dynasty is in a precarious place, if they know that Guiyang County is unstable, will they send troops to attack or appease?”

As the clan of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Xiu was not from the lineage of Emperor Yuan Sima Rui, but he was still the clan after all. Some knew that although the lineage of Emperor Yuan established the Eastern Jin Dynasty in name, they were still just puppets of noble clans, and they had also learned the art of scheming.Hearing what Liu Qianxuan said, Sima Xiumao suddenly realized that he could express his loyalty to the Wei State, and once he stood firm, he could be set as a model by the Wei State court and get more unexpected things.Moreover, the state of Jin was also unable to attack Guiyang, because the gains outweighed the losses by attacking Guiyang.

"Looking at it now, I'm afraid this state of Jin will not last long!" Liu Qianxuan continued, "Let's not talk about the state of Wei, but the people under the rule. Which of the gentry in Guiyang is not eager for peace? No Longing for fallen leaves to return to their roots? Now that the land in the north is completely in the hands of the emperor of the Han family, I am afraid that all the gentry in Guiyang have the intention of returning to the north. Possibly, use the envoy as a resource for advancement."

Sima Xiu was furious and said, "How dare you!"

Liu Qianxuan said: "These gentry have family soldiers, many of them are thousands, and some of them are hundreds. If they count on these family soldiers, they will not be able to divide the territory. It is easy to deal with the three thousand weak and old soldiers in Guiyang County. Look at the history of Yuan Lu who came to accept the surrender from the Kingdom of Wei. There are so many talented people in the country. Furthermore, the emperor of Wei is too powerful, and a decree that will never be rewarded will be exempted from corvee, so that the world will return to its heart, and the unification of the world is just around the corner!"

Only then did Sima Xiu make up his mind and insisted on taking refuge in the State of Wei unwaveringly.

When the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Jingzhou were still cloudy and rainy, Lechang County in the State of Wei was full of brilliant sunshine. Inside and outside Lechang City, Ji Polu and his personal guards began to patrol the barracks. Since one night three days ago, someone shot into the barracks. I read the arrow book, saying that fighting in the same room will only make relatives and enemies happy, and more importantly, it will make barbarians laugh.Then the letter also listed the reasons why the Jin Dynasty lost the Central Plains. It was because of the Rebellion of the Eight Kings of the Sima Clan that the most elite troops of the Jin Kingdom were wiped out, which allowed the Hu people to take advantage of the loopholes.Back then, the Jin army's [-]-step cavalry could expand the land for four thousand miles, and the entire Murong family of Xianbei surrendered. But after losing the elite Jin army, the Han people could only be slaughtered.The letter also listed the achievements of the Anbei Army since its establishment, and advised the most loyal and fearless Anbei Army officers and soldiers in Wei State not to make mistakes, to reflect on themselves in time, and not to go further and further down the wrong path.

For Ran Zhi's political allies, the Anbei Army's Polusuo Department and Ran Yu, Ran Ming took a political offensive. In Ran Ming's original words, what he fought was not a military battle, but a political one.

In the city, in a Lechang earth temple, although the Anbei army launched a rebellion, they still adhered to the purpose of not disturbing the people.There are four to five hundred soldiers stationed in a small earth temple, and these soldiers heard the wind of the arrow book.At this moment, in the side alley of the Earth Temple, several Anbei Army soldiers were talking softly together.

"Brother Zhang, do you think we are rebels?"

Brother Zhang is a nearly 40-year-old veteran, and also a military marquis.Brother Zhang sighed and said, "We attacked Lechang and General Ran's trilogy, of course they are the rebels!"

A soldier asked fearfully, "Then will His Majesty punish our Nine Clans?"

Brother Zhang said: "It's hard to say about this matter, haven't we all been deceived? There is a saying that those who don't know are not guilty."

But when Brother Zhang said this, he didn't know what to do.The tone seemed a little uneasy.

"We definitely won't live for a few more days." A soldier said anxiously: "His Majesty's army is coming back. Once His Majesty's army returns to help, none of us can escape. Even if we escape, so what, our The home is still there, and the roots are also there!"

Although the voice of these discussions did not reach Ji Polu's ears, Ji Polu felt something strange from the complicated eyes of the soldiers.When the prisoner Ji Po came back from the city gate, he and his guards were walking on the street, and some windows and alleys cast their eyes on him.Are those eyes laughing at yourself, or are you pitying yourself?Or are you going to plot against yourself?After returning to the temporary mansion, Ji Polu felt that even the eyes of his attendants had become strange!
"Get out, get out, get out of here!"

When Ran Yu just arrived at Ji Polu's door, he heard Ji Polu's roar.Ran Yu waved away the frightened servants who were running around like little rabbits, and then said to Ji Polu: "Brother Ji, why are you crazy?"

Seeing Ran Yu, Ji Polu's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he pointed at Ran Yu's head and shouted: "Ask me why I'm crazy? I want to ask you more, what do you want to do? Ever since you occupied Le Chang, I'm going to lead the army to the east and attack the east of Henan. If you don't let me go, say that Ran Feng is waiting for us to leave the city. In the wild, our infantry is definitely not the opponent of Ran Feng's elite cavalry. I want to attack Luoyang, You also said that Luoyang is the material transfer base of the Zhennan Army. Zhang Wen left more than [-] defenders. What should we do now?"

"Fortunately, you are still the son of a general, and you don't even look at the place in the east of Henan. It is an endless plain. It is a paradise for cavalry and a grave for infantry. Back then, Shi Le defeated the Jin army in one battle with only [-] light cavalry. One hundred thousand troops were shot and killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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