Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 934 The Last Supper

Chapter 934 The Last Supper
Chapter 940 The Last Supper
At this moment, Xue Qiang fussing the commander of the army, Zhan Huan who joined the army paled, and rushed to Xue Qiang out of breath: "Report to the general, the king urgently ordered our troops to launch a feint attack on Yecheng in one and a half hours. After [-] hours, immediately withdraw from the battlefield and move to the southeast Neihuang. The counterattack failed on all fronts. Shuiye, an area [-] miles west of Yecheng, was completely occupied by the enemy at noon today. Enemies have appeared on the north, west, east, and south sides of Yecheng. Especially according to speculation, our army’s rear route may have been cut off.”

"What? What did you say?" Xue Qiang stood up abruptly, grabbed the order and read it carefully.In front of the astonished brothers, they shouted angrily: "Why has it been three hours since Shuiya Town was defeated and lost, but no one has passed on the news to us? The troops of our powerful enemy in the north, Surin, are far away from our station in the north. It’s only thirty miles away. Even if it’s infantry, it only takes an hour to rush forward to seal off our army’s southward retreat. But why did your majesty inform us now?”

Zhan Huan also gritted his teeth, but he was still able to stay awake. He grabbed Xue Qiang's shoulder and shouted loudly: "General, retreat quickly! Another hour of delay, especially after Su Lin really launched an attack, we will be even more passive!"

Xue Qiang is worthy of being a famous general in history. After a brief panic, he immediately calmed down, broke free from Zhan Huan's big hand, rushed up the watchtower, looked at the enemy positions to the north and west, and then quickly ran down and shouted orders : "Zhan joins the army"

"The job is here." Zhan Huan clasped his fists and said, "Please show me the general!"

Xue Qiang's 3000 soldiers from Hedong are different from the main battalion of Wei State. They are usually divided into three divisions: front, middle and rear. Each battalion has 7000 soldiers. Even so, his divisions are less than three battalions. However, due to the other miscellaneous mobs who took refuge in Ran Zhi, Ran Zhi gave Xue Qiang a brain. At this moment, Xue Qiang has as many as [-] mobs besides the [-] children who are more effective in fighting.The three main battalions are mixed at this time, that is, three elite combat troops, one logistics department, and one auxiliary military department. In this way, there are three battalions under General Xue Qiang of the Fujun Army. , Li Wenqing, Lieutenant of the Dengying Camp, and Xue Jing, Lieutenant of the Guard.

"Immediately order the ranger Qu Dou Junhou. Send a ranger to the west and north respectively, and each reconnaissance unit will report the enemy's situation. You order Dou Junhou Dou Fang to lead the other rangers to Tangyin. Arrive and occupy Tangyin within [-] hours. Now Tangyin is likely to be attacked by the enemy. We must seize Tangyin before the enemy occupies Tangyin. Occupying Tangyin will win a precious opportunity for our main force to retreat. We must protect Tangyin City at all costs Not lost." Xue Qiang ordered anxiously.

When the messenger soldiers summoned the battalion school lieutenants, Buqu Sima, and military marshals, Xue Qiang pointed to the map and said, "Zhao Cheng, we are small children, so I won't say anything if I need to. It's up to you to turn the danger into a bargain. Now the general has ordered Dou Fang, Marquis of the Ranger Qu Jun, to lead three cavalrymen to fight against Tangyin. Dilemma. Now all your troops are advancing lightly, and try to reach Tangyin as soon as possible. Once Tangyin is lost, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if Dou Fang can seize Tangyin, he may not be able to hold Tangyin for long with the little force he has. "

Zhao Chengdao: "But if you pack lightly, wouldn't it be a pity to lose so much of our food and grass like this?"

"Escape for your life is the most important thing, no matter how much food and grass there is, you have to live!"

"Report!" A fast horse rushed quickly from the west, and the ranger on the horse, Dubo, jumped off his horse and reported loudly: "Report to General Ye City's defenders are gathering at Jianchun Gate, and it looks like they are preparing to attack!"

Before Xue Qiang had time to react, he heard the sound of horseshoes coming from the north again. The ranger Du Bo got off his horse and shouted loudly: "Report to the general, the defenders of Guangde Gate in the north city of Yecheng show signs of gathering, and the town guards The troops of the three battalions under General Su Lin are also gathering."

Xue Qiang's face was pale, his eyes were straight, and he turned around twice and stopped in a daze: "It's over! Everything is over, we have been surrounded..."

"General, make up your mind, which side to attack?"

Zhan Huan stepped forward and grabbed Xue Qiang's arm: "You are the backbone of our entire army. Anyone can mess up, but you can't. If you mess up an inch, what will our [-] brothers do? You must come up with ideas during the time when the enemy is not attacking, otherwise there will be danger of annihilation!"

Xue Qiang finally came back to his senses at the critical moment, he shouted: "Xue Min"

"The end is here?"

"Your rear battalion carries important supplies, set off immediately and retreat to Tangyin." Xue Qiang said: "If Zhao Cheng can't take Tangyin City, you will lead your troops to support Zhao Cheng, and you must take Tangyin."

"As ordered!"

"Go to the camp first, Li Wenqing!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead the two divisions of the baggage and auxiliary troops to retreat first, and the retreat sequence is behind the rear camp." Xue Qiang said: "First go to the third division of the camp and the guards of the Chinese army to follow the general and prepare to attack!"

After calming down, Xue Qiang prepared to use offense instead of defense, disrupting Wang Meng's counterattack plan. When Xue Qiang was about to attack, it was Nancheng Zhu Mingmen Ran Zhi's attack on Yecheng that was the first to launch.During this attack, Ran Zhi ordered Luo Yuhu and Zhang Zhiqiang, the generals who lost the West and North camps, to stand up for their crimes and make meritorious service. They chose the surviving remnants to bare their upper bodies, raised the bloody battle flag of revenge, and launched a massive attack on Yecheng.

For a while, Wang Meng, who was about to outflank Xue Qiang's troops from the North Gate and East City, realized that his combat intention had been leaked, and the enemy had prepared.In fact, Wang Meng didn't know either, it was just a coincidence.However, due to the geographical advantage, Ran Zhijun's crazy counterattack was disintegrated by Wang Meng.

A fierce battle broke out in the east and south cities of Yecheng. After half an hour of fierce fighting, Ran Zhijun suddenly retreated back to the camp.And the retreat was very embarrassing, which surprised the suspicious Wang Meng. He guessed that Ran Zhijun must have a trick.Immediately, Wang Meng carefully went out of the city with four battalions totaling [-] troops to fight back. Sure enough, Ran Zhijun left an ambush in the battalion. In this way, the loss of the counterattack troops of the four battalions is not large.

The two sides quieted down, and the night was uneventful.When the sky was bright, Wei Jun found that the camp on the opposite side was quiet, and there were still many birds in the camp. Wang Meng was very surprised and sent people to the camp outside the city to test it out.It turned out that Ran Zhidong's camp and the Nanzhong Army's camp were both empty.

The 22-day battle in Yecheng has since come to an end, and Ran Zhijun has withdrawn from the battle by holding Empress Dowager Dong hostage.This time, the only advantage Ran Zhi took in the siege of Yecheng was playing a trick on Wang Meng.Secondly, the Empress Dowager Dong and Princess Dachang were held hostage. This was the biggest gain of Ran Zhi's trip.

However, Ran Zhi didn't know that he had completely lost this time, and there was no chance to regret it.Because Neihuang City is a huge trap, Ran Zhi went to Neihuang, and he fell into the trap by himself
At this time, Neihuang City became a military city where a large army gathered. More than [-] people from the Polu Army were "defeated" to Neihuang and stationed here.Neihuang is just a small city, and it is full of troops at the moment.At this time, Neihuang City was also filled with a depressive atmosphere, but the full army did not bring any chaos to Neihuang. At least these defeated soldiers kept their military discipline.

Neihuang, because it is located in the old course of the Yellow River, got its name from the Yellow River.With a history of more than 3000 years of building the city, this is the birthplace of Shang Yang, a politician in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, and Ran Min, the emperor of Wei.Of course, one of the famous historical examples of winning more with less is the place where the overlord of Chu "broken the boat" and the place where the national hero Yue Fei lived and grew up in his childhood.

There is a tradition in China that one person attains Taoism and ascends to heaven. Fengyang was originally a small place, but after the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, Fengyang became the central capital of the Ming Dynasty, and its political status was very high.Of course, at this time, the political status of Neihuang City is not low, like the general county magistrates are seventh-rank officials, but Neihuang Ling is from the fifth rank, which is only lower than Yecheng Ling, Chang'an, and Luoyang Governor in terms of rank .Ranked the fourth city of Wei State.

When the political level has risen, all city defense facilities and political functions should also be complete.At this time, Neihuang City is 480 steps long from north to south, and [-] steps wide from east to west. The city wall is four feet six feet thick and three feet three feet high.In terms of the scale of the city walls, Neihuang City is not weaker than ordinary county governments and even state governments, and it is not as good as it is.As the birthplace of Ran Min, Neihuang still preserves Ran Min’s childhood home, Xihuahou Mansion (Ran Min’s father was once named Xihuahou). Since the establishment of Wei State, the four neihuang orders have successively renovated Xihuahou The mansion is within Ranzhuang in the north of Huangcheng.

In comparison, Ran Min's latent residence, the Xihuahou Mansion located in Dongcheng District, did not have any large army coming.At this time, the Xihuahou Mansion housed a group of old men from the Ran family's begging army. These veterans, who were generally over 50 years old, had dedicated their lives and blood to the Ran family since they swore allegiance to the Ran family.Even though Inner Yellow City was fully occupied by the Anbei Army, they still carried out their mission faithfully with their armor and blades in hand.There are heavily guarded old soldiers everywhere, but these old soldiers did not wait to rebel in the end, but instead welcomed a master, that is, Ran Yu, the fourth son of Ran Min.

"Please redeem the old man for his stupid eyesight. If you dare to ask, is His Highness the Fourth Highness face to face?" An old soldier with white eyebrows and scars all over his face said loudly: "It is really His Highness Fourth. The old Nu Ranbao welcomes His Highness."

"I will welcome the Fourth Highness back home!"

Ran Yu nodded, but his voice was a bit cold: "So it's Baobo, Yu is back. Baobo, Yu wants to see Xihua Mansion."

"Fourth Highness, please!"

In fact, this is just Ran Yu's home in name, but he has never been to Xihuahou Mansion.Not to mention Ran Yu, even Ran Zhi's memory seemed very far away from the Marquis of Xihua Mansion.Ran Min was only 12 years old when Ran Zhan died in battle, and even his eldest son Ran Zhi was not born yet, let alone Ran Yu.However, Ran Yu had an indescribably familiar feeling for every plant and tree here.

Ran Min is a very nostalgic person, whether it is Xihua Hou Mansion, or later, Xiuwu Hou Mansion, Wuxing Gonghou Ran Min's hobbies are generally the same, the entrance is the left and right wing rooms, here is the temporary residence of the guards, It is also the first line of defense of the mansion.Then there is the martial arts arena in the front hall. There are long and short weapons on the left and right sides, as well as four caves for hiding soldiers and bunkers.The second set of courtyards is where the guards' families and groom servants live. There are about forty or fifty houses here.The third courtyard is the real residence of Ran Mansion. Of course, there is also a secret room here, and a large amount of weapons, food and grass are stored here.Compared with the traditional Hou Mansion, Xihua Hou Mansion is obviously a small-scale military camp, without the common gardens, ponds, rockery and pavilions in landscape architecture.

Ran Yu's mood at this time, no one knows.However, Ran Bao found that Ran Yu's eyes were a little wandering, and he could vaguely detect a voice in his mouth. After listening carefully, it turned out to be "dragon rolls up, horse neighs, sword energy is like frost, and heart is like the vast water of the Yellow River. Who would dare to fight against it after 20 years?" .” The sad singing voice is getting louder and louder, this song is not sung in bass, it can only shake people's hearts when it is roared out.Under the leadership of Ran Yu, almost all the veterans guarding the Xihuahou Mansion were passionate and sang wildly.For a moment, the turbulent emotion stretched every space like a wave, and everyone was sad and excited by it.

The singing voice floating from the Xihuahou Mansion aroused the resonance of all the Anbei Army officers and soldiers. They felt extremely guilty at the moment, and many people subconsciously couldn't help but loudly echoed it. A passionate but extremely tragic loyalty song Serving the country resounds everywhere.

In Neihuangcheng County Yameni Anbei Army's Temporary Central Army Headquarters, Ji Wei listened to the song of loyal and loyal to the country, and said to Ji Polu: "Sanlang, listen, this is what Ran's people want. If it weren't for you Still under the banner of Ran Yu, you can try to order a soldier to turn his gun and aim at Ran's?"

"Sit down!" Ji Li pointed to the seat, then got up and said to the guard outside the door: "Go and prepare some food, drink more abundantly!"

Although Ji Li asked Ji Polu to sit down, how could Ji Polu, who felt that he had made a big mistake, dare to sit down?
After the personal guard left, he looked at Ji Polu listlessly and said, "Do you know that you are afraid now? Now that you know that you are afraid, why did you do it earlier? Look at this Inner Yellow City, all the people in Inner Yellow City Is there anyone who is afraid of our army? Now that our army is numerous and powerful, the common people dare not throw moths into the fire and attack our army. But once someone takes the lead, believe it or not, Neihuang will immediately become a battlefield, unless one side all Death, or the war will not stop."

Ji Polu said: "The child did not expect the situation to be so bad."

At this moment, Ji Polu no longer had the vigor and vigor he had when he defeated Ran Feng, and the repeated setbacks and blows made this arrogant young man weak and depressed.

"His Majesty the Emperor is the emperor personally chosen by the late emperor, the bright and upright successor of the Wei State." Ji Li said: "As for the late emperor's ability to know people, it is difficult to be a father. Since the eldest son lost the position of prince, he I lost the foundation of defeating His Majesty. Your Majesty is always unexpected. When the Eldest Young Master is on the right path, he is playing tricks. His Majesty knows everything from every war and policy to when the eldest son eats and what he uses every day. However, His Majesty has been hiding it all the time. When His Majesty went on an expedition to Nanyang, he only needed to send out a partial division to sweep away the eldest son's foundation, but why didn't His Majesty do this?"

Ji Polu said: "Could it be that His Majesty cherishes feathers and doesn't want to leave a bad name of killing brothers?"

"Do you also believe this statement?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not." Ji Wei said: "Because your majesty is confident, you are confident. Because playing dirty tricks, the eldest son is not an opponent, and playing political tricks, the eldest son is also inferior. So your majesty is very confident, because your majesty feels , Eldest Young Master and His Majesty are not rivals on the same level at all, failure is inevitable."

It has to be said that Ran Ming is actually this kind of person.People play rascals with you, and your behavior of being more rascal than him is really very refreshing.During the several fights between Ran Zhi and Ran Ming, Ran Ming didn't suffer much, but Ran Ming put himself in a very weak position, attracting everyone's sympathy, which made Ran Zhi feel as if he had eaten a star. Disgusting as flies.In fact, Ran Zhi also understands that no matter what he does, Ran Ming is a person who is unwilling to submit to others.As long as his wings are plump, he will definitely retaliate.Ran Zhi's mentality is actually very similar to Jiang Gong's later generations. Suppressing the Communists gave people an excuse to start a civil war and destroy the War of Resistance. If they did not suppress the Communists, they would lose the country.

On the expressway from Luoyang to Yecheng, a very ordinary carriage was slowly driving towards Yecheng.Don't look at this ordinary carriage, but it is very unusual.First of all, under the cover of ordinary decorative appearance, this one is a carriage made of fine steel, which can also be said to be a bulletproof armored vehicle of this era.Ran Ming knew very well that the abnormal defensive ability of this carriage, even a three-foot eight-ox crossbow that could be inserted into a rammed-earth city wall, was no match for this carriage.

Because Ran Ming is a life-saving person. As a person who has died once, he does not want to lose his precious life easily. Now the enjoyment brought to him by money and power makes him enjoy it very much. This is a super experience that he has never had before. So he cherishes what he has now more than anyone else, and doesn't want to lose anything.

He got everything today by relying on the unknown "Golden Finger". His strength lies in his perception of the future and his grasp of the characters of some important people, and his weakness is also obvious, that is, maintaining a large interpersonal relationship The heart of forbearance and scheming that he used.

The key to his invincibility now is that he has accumulated more than 600 years of knowledge. In the age of information explosion in later generations, any problems that arise in this era will have solutions in later generations.It was only then that Ran Ming possessed extraordinary judgment, a certainty about the "future", and a deterrent force that never failed. Relying on this unique arrogance and many benefits, he was able to gather a huge Power, in order to stand without fear in front of Ran Zhi, Sima Dan, Huan Wen and others - this does not mean that he is better than these people, it just means that he is not as good as these people in some aspects.

After Ran Min's death, Ran Zhi resisted the attack of Yan State's soldiers for [-] days with thousands of people less than [-] old, weak, sick and disabled. After eating up all the food and even eating Gong'e, he still insisted on not surrendering.Ran Ming didn't have this toughness.Sima Dan was almost dancing among a group of old foxes. Although Chu Suanzi supported him, Ran Ming knew that Sima Dan's forbearance and city skills were not something Ran Ming possessed.As for Huan Wen, it can be said that he is a model of rebellion. No matter what history evaluates him, Huan Wen is a weak crown who killed his father and enemies with his hands. He is famous for his stamina. , in order to avoid becoming a pawn sacrificed in the political struggle, he took a big gamble and attacked Chenghan with [-] soldiers and horses on land and water.In Huan Wen's life, he did not rely on the shadow of his father's generation, but relied on his own efforts to grow bigger and stronger, which is very telling.

(End of this chapter)

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