Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 94 Taking the opportunity to extort

Chapter 94 Taking the opportunity to extort
Chapter 097

As Ran Min's successor, although he was only one year older than Ran Ming, Ran Zhi was definitely the best among his peers when it came to tactics.

Ran Zhi's evaluation in the history books is also not good, saying that he is still young and difficult to convince the public.This record by Sima Guang is also very funny. If it is a master who is still young and difficult to convince others, and a dou who cannot be supported, Ran Zhi will not have no reinforcements outside, no food and grass inside, and the morale of the army will be sluggish after Ran Min's death. In this situation, an isolated city resisted the siege of the Yan army for more than 100 days.

In the past, there were 2 Yan troops, and they fought for more than two months. Later, 6 people and 1 people were added to fight for less than 100 people, and they fought for another month. Six times the force, they attacked a city without foreign aid and defended more than [-] people. God, is there no ability to do this?If it hadn't been for Changshui Colonel Ma Gu Kaicheng's surrender, although Yecheng was doomed to be breached, at least Ran Zhi could resist for a little longer.

Just imagine, if Ran Zhi is really too young to be supported, can an incompetent person be able to do this?In fact, Ran Zhi is very smart, although he did not inherit Ran Min's bravery, but Ran Min's kindness, wisdom and decisiveness, Ran Zhi has learned three points.

Although Ran Ming is capable, knows how to fight wars, manage the country, and make money, recently Ran Min has a good impression of him, but Ran Zhi clearly knows that Ran Ming has made a fatal mistake.

At the beginning, he should not have let Ran Min return to Yecheng, but should have had the attitude of father and son living together and dying together. If he wins, Ran Min's light will cover him, so that Ran Ming will be invulnerable.That is, he made a mistake that a young man usually commits. He was too self-righteous. He recruited troops privately without asking for instructions, and he even got [-] troops in one move.

In fact, Ran Ming's ultimate goal is to expand the army by 8 horses!It's just that Ran Zhi doesn't know.

3 horses are neither too much nor too little. For the current state of Wei, it is definitely too much!And the bigger mistake was setting up the imperial examinations and recruiting staff privately. It would be understandable if he only recruited staff from the Chu Palace, but Ran Ming recruited local officials from counties and counties in Qingzhou.

The army in Qingzhou was formed by Ran Ming, and the officials were recruited by Ran Ming. According to the employment rules of this era, whoever hires officials must be loyal to him. In fact, Qingzhou has already been stamped with the brand of King Ran Ming Chu from top to bottom!
If one move is used at this time, even if it cannot kill Ran Ming, at least it will prevent Ran Ming from using it again for life!Thinking of Ran Zhi's eyes flashing a cold light here, Liu Ying'er clearly felt the murderous aura emanating from Ran Zhi's body, she was startled, and said timidly: "Your Highness, the concubine is just talking, if Your Highness is in trouble, then it's fine." Already!"

Ran Zhi couldn't help laughing, he knew that he had frightened Liu Ying'er, he said with a faint smile: "Beauty, don't be afraid, your elder brother is also Gu's brother, Gu will take care of him, Yecheng is good, and the orphan looks for someone Take some action and let him stay in Yecheng! But the rank can't be too high, he can only be inferior to the second brother!"

Liu Yinger burst into tears and laughed, "Thank you, Your Highness, my concubine!"

"You're welcome, it's enough to make the lonely feel like a fairy!"

Just when Ran Zhi was in high spirits, Ran Min received Fu Bao, Jia Xuanshuo and his party at Taichang Honggu Temple in Tingzheng Hall!
At this time, Fu Bao was in better shape, except for being frightened, he had not suffered any injuries, but Jia Xuanshuo was different. When the people surrounded him and beat him, he lost four teeth and fractured three fingers. This is not over yet. While being captured by the Wei army, Jia Xuanshuo was warmly received by the soldiers of the Wei army!

At this time, Jia Xuanshuo was not only disheveled, but even worse, his face was almost swollen to the point where his eyes could not be seen.

When Jia Xuanshuo saw Ran Min, it was like a long-lost child seeing his own mother. He ignored the etiquette of envoys for diplomatic relations between the two countries, and rushed to hug Ran Min's thigh and howled loudly!

Ran Min suddenly smelled a smell of urine, looked down, and saw that there was water on Jia Xuanshuo's crotch.Ran Min could only coax Jia Xuanshuo like a child, "It's outrageous, it's outrageous, how can this be? Since ancient times, there has been a saying that the two countries will not kill each other. Our Great Wei and Great Qin have no enmity in the past, and we have no grievances in recent days. There is nothing wrong with it." That's it! I must severely punish the person involved and give the envoy an explanation!"

Hearing this, Jia Xuanshuo stopped crying.

Ran Min yelled at Zhang Ping: "Decide my will, order Yecheng to arrest all the parties involved, and make a decision!"

However, Jia Xuanshuo did not see Ran Min's sign language to Zhang Ping, "Arrest the client and put him in prison for a few days!"

Seeing that Jia Xuanshuo was seriously injured, Ran Min ordered the imperial physician to treat him.Some kind words to comfort Princess Runan!
But Jia Xuanshuo is a good comrade who loves his job and works hard. Regardless of his serious injuries, broken teeth, and difficulty in speaking, he still advances the purpose of this mission. Emperor Fu Jian of the Great Qin State hopes to marry and form an alliance with the State of Wei!
Ran Min was not surprised when he heard the news, because Wei Jun had already interrogated Jia Xuanshuo's followers, and Ran Min had already learned Jia Xuanshuo's purpose and bottom line from them!
Ran Min actually disapproved of Fu Jian's marriage plan.No matter how low-born Liu Yuan was, he was also the descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan Liu Sheng, and he was of the same clan as Sikong Liu Kun of the Jin Dynasty and Liu Qun, the founding father of the Wei Kingdom.The most important thing is that Liu Yuan's daughter is an authentic Han Miao descendant, while Fu Jian's daughter is of Di blood.

Ran Min said angrily: "I still need to think about this matter!"

Of course, what Ran Min said was diplomatic rhetoric. The so-called consideration is actually the possibility of not considering it.

Jia Xuanshuo naturally understood what Ran Min meant, and he was really unwilling to form an alliance with Wei after the humiliation he suffered today.But he also understands that the state of Wei is no longer a pity to compare. Although the state of Wei is not as strong as it was in its heyday, it can be said that the army is strong and the horse is strong.

What is even more worrying is what happened today.The princess Fu Bao rode her horse and galloped, but was cut off by an ordinary man in the street.Jia Xuanshuo immediately thought, this must be a new tactic invented by the Wei army, otherwise, the Wei army's infantry would definitely not be able to wipe out the Yan army's 14 soldiers in one fell swoop!
If 14 Wei troops wiped out [-] Yan cavalry, then they may also wipe out the Qin cavalry.

Ran Min's attitude was surprisingly tough.

Jia Xuanshuo was also very surprised. He couldn't figure out what was going on with Ran Min, so he tried to threaten: "Even if Lord Wei doesn't want to form an alliance with Daqin, if we can't be allies, we will be enemies."

Hearing this, Ran Min raised his fist and shouted, "Then let's meet on the battlefield!"

In fact, Fu Jian didn't sit in Guanzhong just like Daqin back then, watching the six kingdoms of Guandong.Because in the west of Diqin, there is also a Liang country, and the north and west of the Qin country are bordered by Liang country.Once Wei State and Liang State form an alliance, Fu Jian will be very sad.

After all, although Di Qin had 20 troops and tens of thousands of elites at this time, there were more than 100 million Han people in Guanzhong. He called on 80 people in Guanzhong to defect to Ran Min.

If the news hadn't been leaked, Fu Jiandang would have immediately beheaded Zhang Yu and dozens of Guanzhong tycoons, which would have aborted the plan of the people in Guanzhong to defect to Ran Min.Now the people in Guanzhong still haven't sincerely attached to Fu Jian, if Ran Min raises his troops to go west, I'm afraid the people in Guanzhong will rise up and help Ran Min take Guanzhong!

At this time, the six northern kingdoms were intertwined. To the northeast of Wei State was Yan State, and to the north was Dai State. It can be said that Wei State was surrounded by Di Qin, Dai State, Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Yan State.

Jia Xuanshuo sneered and said, "Our Great Qin is very happy to form an alliance with the Yan army, and attack Wei from east to west!"

Ran Min laughed loudly and said, "Jia Zhongshu can tell Fu Jian to let him come here, and see whether he will destroy me first or I will destroy him first!"

Jia Xuanshuo was about to retort.

Wei Shangshu ordered Liu Qun to wink at Ran Min.

Fu Jian was originally a minister of Jin, but now Fu Jian claimed to be the King of Qin, which aroused the fury of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Now the Eastern Jin Dynasty is planning to conquer Diqin in the north, and Fu Jian, who is now isolated, urgently needs allies.For such a fat pig delivered to the door, I would be sorry for Fu Jian's kindness if he didn't slaughter it.

Liu Qun quietly explained the powerful relationship to Ran Min, and Ran Min understood his intentions, and then he said loudly: "Your Majesty, Wei Guo and Qin Guo are two tigers in east and west. There is a saying that two tigers fight, and both sides will suffer. You must think carefully. Wei and Qin, if they unite, they will benefit both, and if they divide, they will harm both!"

Then general Dong Run, Cheqi General Zhang Wen, Shesheng Captain Zhang Ai, Chongzhou Inspector and Censor Wei Tong also came out to persuade Ran Min, and Ran Min "reluctantly" agreed.

Then Ran Min opened his mouth again, proposing an alliance between Wei and Qin.Qin State must provide Wei State with 50 shi of low-priced grain at a price of [-] qian per shi. Di Qin provides Wei State with [-] war horses, and the price of each war horse does not exceed [-] qian.

The price of grain in Guanzhong is far lower than that in Wei State, but no matter how low it is, it will cost 300 qian per stone, but Ran Min only pays [-] qian, which means that Qin State will pay [-] million qin, and even if it is paid in gold, it will cost [-] gold.As for war horses, it was even more outrageous, because in this era, not only the Wei State lacked horses, but also the Eastern Jin Dynasty, so the price of war horses was very expensive, and even the cheapest war horses would not be less than [-] yuan.

Jia Xuanshuo didn't dare to decide this matter, so he had to stand in a stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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