Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 969 The dawn of prosperity has been seen

Chapter 969 The dawn of prosperity has been seen
Chapter 975 The dawn of prosperity has been seen

At this time, the enthusiasm of Wei Guo to join the army was very high, and enlisting in the army became the best way for ordinary people to change their destiny.It is undeniable that the income of soldiers in Wei State is good.Soldiers not only received land rewards for military exploits, but also received military pay. Although ordinary soldiers only had [-] yuan per month, this [-] yuan could buy a shi of rice, enough for a family of five to eat for a month.Then the output of the field is savings.

The hard life of ancient peasants was not mainly caused by the taxation of the state, but by the corruption of the low-level officials at the lower level. The sum of the summer and autumn taxes of the upper court is less than [-]%.However, after the gentry and petty officials below layer upon layer of embezzlement, the burden on the common people has become heavier, and almost more than [-]% of it has to be handed over to the state.

Ran Ming hired small officials as national civil servants, distributed salaries, and imposed strict laws and regulations on small officials, which greatly reduced corruption at the grassroots level, so that the burden on the people was very light, and they quickly recovered.Without worrying about food and clothing, the problem of housing is put on the agenda of the people.A large number of new houses have been built.

"Master Jun, Hu County is here!"

A soldier with a sling on his arm and a cane came out of a carriage.This soldier, Zhang Ping'an, was a new soldier of the Shiping County Army. Perhaps he was unlucky. During the tentative attack on Chengdu, Zhang Ping'an's team was hit by a stone bullet. The person was killed directly, Zhang Ping'an was lucky in his misfortune, his left calf was hit by a stone bullet, and the entire lower leg was turned into a ball of rotten flesh.Even with the medical technology of later generations, there is no possibility of recovery.However, the strong crossbow of the defenders hit the right arm again. It is said that there is no possibility of surviving an injury like Zhang Pingan's in ancient times.However, with the advancement of Wei's medical technology, especially the development of traditional Chinese medicine surgical technology, although Zhang Ping'an was amputated, he survived.

This time, Ran Mingming was rewarding the meritorious soldiers, but actually reduced the soldiers of the Zhenxi Army near Chengdu, and Zhang Ping'an was sent home.Zhang Ping'an was actually very worried. He was the eldest son of the family. Although there were three younger brothers under him, he was the labor force of the family. His father was getting old, and the work in the field was gradually becoming incapable, and he had not done any meritorious service. How should the family live in the future?

Zhang Pingan got out of the carriage nervously, and said to the groom, "Uncle Liu, thank you for taking care of me this way, there is still some money here, don't be too little!"

The groom Liu Shu said: "Zhang Dalang, you cold boy, didn't you let the uncle make mistakes? This is the emperor's grandpa and his old man's favor. If I take your money, let alone me, even our shopkeeper will not eat it." Arrive."

Saying goodbye to Uncle Liu, Zhang Pingan limped and walked home.Although he is from Hu County, in fact he is not from the city, but from Nanyu Town of Hu County.It was more than ten miles away from the county seat. Normally, he could run home in two quarters of an hour, but now, he might have to walk for half a day.

However, when Zhang Pingan walked slowly along the official road to Yuxia Town, he suddenly heard a creaking sound from behind. Zhang Pingan turned his head and found that it was a two-wheeled bullock cart.A boy who looked like a rich family was sitting in an ox cart, with a maid beside him.

The ten-year-old boy looked at Zhang Ping'an, and suddenly said in a childish voice, "Uncle Zhang, stop the car."

The boy jumped out of the ox cart suddenly, and the servant girl and the coachman exclaimed in fright.The boy stared at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Is this my great Wei Huben?"

Zhang Pingan came back to his senses from the wild thoughts, and suddenly puffed up his chest and said, "Of course!"

"Your Majesty has something to say, but when you see the great achievements of the Wei Dynasty, you must treat them with courtesy, and those who disrespect them will be punished!" Said Tong Zidao, who appeared to write an edit to Zhang Pingan, which made Zhang Pingan extremely panic.

The boy asked again: "Are you going home?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Yes!"

"Where is home?"

"The rest of the town is Zhangjiabao!"

"Uncle Zhang, shall we pass by Zhangjiabao?" The boy asked Uncle Zhang, "If we go along the way, we will take His Majesty's tiger for a ride!"

Zhang Bodao: "It's a good way, we're going to pass through Yuxia Town, but Zhangjiabao is three miles southeast of Yuxia Town, so we don't want to take that part of the road!"

"Oh!" the boy said: "Then give this military master a ride, it's too early to react before dark!"

Under the order of the boy, Zhang Bo had no choice but to help Zhang Pingan get into the ox cart.The boy and Zhang Pingan talked about things on the battlefield all the way. The army is a big melting pot. Although Zhang Pingan was only a pawn, after more than a year of military life, he also became talkative. He talked to the boy about Xie Ai's outwitting Motianling, The story of the battle against Fuguan, the stories here are true and false, most of them are heard by Zhang Pingan, he only experienced one real battle, and he was disabled.

But the boy is young and in adolescence, listening to these stories in the army makes the boy feel very curious.After more than half an hour, I finally arrived at Zhangjiabao.

Being close to his hometown, Zhang Ping'an didn't know how to deal with his parents and brothers.However, Zhang Pingan found that his family had changed drastically.My home used to be five adobe thatched houses, but now the adobe houses are gone, and it has become seven blue brick and red tile houses, with four wing rooms.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ping'an was furious. Who took over his house?Zhang Pingan can be regarded as a person who has experienced life and death. Although he retired due to injury, he left him the horizontal knife he used.He hurriedly walked towards this new courtyard, if he didn't give him an explanation today, he would really bleed for five steps.

"Pengpeng" Zhang Ping'an knocked on the door vigorously, and after a while, the door opened, revealing a head inside: "Who is it!"

"Brother! So you are back!"

Zhang Pingan said: "Third brother, whose home is this?"

"Of course it's our house?"

"Our family, how is it possible? How can our family have the money to repair such a nice house?"

"Of course our family didn't have any money, but after you joined the army, our land has money. It is said that you made meritorious service three months ago, and the elder of the county sent 20 yuan to our family. Our father and mother together Anyway, brother, you have reached the age of getting married, and I am afraid that no one would marry you in our crappy house. No, Dad used your money to build such a yard!"

It turned out that according to the ancient system, the army counted meritorious deeds by beheading, but in fact, in wars, many soldiers would come and quit the battle because of casualties.In the case of Zhang Ping'an, there was no credit for it.There is only one disability pension, which is actually very small.Ran Ming, as a person of later generations, especially a person who has been in contact with the system of the People's Liberation Army, he changed the system.Even if there is no combat merit, but due to injury or death, they will be paid according to their merits.

In the case of Zhang Ping'an, the family can enjoy a 20-year half-tax preferential policy, and at the same time, a one-time reward of 20 yuan.Although this will increase the country's fiscal revenue, it can gain the loyalty and support of soldiers.

Ran Ming started to colonize overseas, and through robbery, he got back a large amount of gold, silver and copper coins. These are not used in the national treasury, but are just a pile of useless precious metals, worthless.However, after the source is used by the state, it can be effectively circulated, the market economy can be prospered, and the economic aggregate can be increased.Ran Ming rewarded the meritorious officers and men with money, and these meritorious officers and men would definitely spend it. For example, Zhang Pingan built such a house, in which the businessmen who fired bricks and tiles, artisans, and masons who built the house benefited, and at the same time, the country Through this series of commercial circulation, taxes are obtained.

In the eyes of the ancients, if the wealth in the world is limited, if the national court occupies more, the common people will get less.In fact, anyone who has studied economics knows that this is not the case at all.Wealth is created, and the more it is created, the more the country's fiscal revenue will be, and the more the economy shrinks, the less fiscal revenue will be.

Zhang Pingan returned home with a disability, causing a sensation in Zhangjiabao, which aroused more enthusiasm for joining the army.In fact, there are still many soldiers like Zhang Ping'an in Wei State, and Zhang Ping'an is just a microcosm.

Except for the Guanzhong children who returned home due to disabilities, more soldiers continued eastward to Yecheng to attend the award ceremony held by Ran Ming for them.

Most of these soldiers had never been out of their own county. Now they followed the logistics army all the way, saw the prosperity of Wei State, and also saw the gratifying changes that Wei State showed.

At this time, the roads in Wei State were widened and leveled, and the traffic was more convenient. At the same time, a large number of water conservancy facilities began to be built. At this time, Wei State was like a huge construction site, from south to north, from west to east, Almost all of them are construction, construction of water conservancy projects, construction of national roads, the country has created a large number of job opportunities, the people have made money, and after the people have made money, they can improve their lives. All these are developing in a good direction.

A large number of low-rise houses have been pushed down, and a large number of brand-new houses have been erected.A large number of textiles have entered the families of ordinary people. It turns out that people’s lives are very hard. A piece of clothing is usually new for three years, old for three years, and sewed for three years. But now the people have money, and they are willing to give it to their wives and children. Add some new clothes, and when you have money, you are willing to buy some rouge and gouache for your mother-in-law, even if it is the cheapest.

At the same time, the physique of the people also changed. The Han nationality in China is a farming nation, but in ancient times with low productivity, grain output was limited, and the government tax was heavy, so the people's food rations were very small and poor food.According to the records of Jinshu Shihuozhi, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the average amount of grain owned by the Eastern Jin Dynasty was only 280 nine catties.

At that time, there was no non-staple food, and because there was no oil and water in the stomach, the people's food intake was very large. It was pediatrics to eat a catty of grain for a meal. Not to mention the middle-aged men, even women could eat it very well.Eating carbohydrates alone is not nutritious. The overall physical fitness of the Han people is very poor. Naturally, in the era of cold weapons, they cannot compare with the nomads who eat meat and protein.

Especially in the braid dynasty, my dignified sons and daughters of China actually starved and became the sick men of East Asia. This is not an insult, but a portrayal of reality.Ran Ming develops ocean fishery on a large scale and obtains food from the ocean. Even if the fish is not as tasty as beef and mutton, it is still protein, not carbohydrates.

Unknowingly, the people of Wei State, especially the young children of the new generation, grew taller, and almost most of the twelve or thirteen-year-olds were as tall as their fathers.

The food is enough, and the skin becomes shiny.At the same time, the self-confidence of the entire nation has been cultivated by Ran Ming and Ran Min's father and son. It is definitely no longer the kind of fleeing, and the era when a hundred horsemen can defeat the Han army is over.

In the era of cold weapons, the combat effectiveness of the army is directly related to the physical fitness of the soldiers. This is not like the missiles that can kill the enemy thousands of miles away by pressing the launch button lightly in later generations.It's not like later generations that a child can easily kill a strong man with a gun.In this era, the mainstream weapons are still knives, spears, axes, halberds, daggers, spears and so on.

Now the main force of the Modao Army in Wei State is only 3. It is not that Wei State does not have so many excellent armors, but because the heavy armor of the Modao Army requires an average of [-] catties. Hundred catties.Ordinary people can't walk a few steps in this kind of heavy armor, let alone participate in combat.

The standard of living of the common people in the Wei state has improved, and there are almost no dishes to be seen as far as the eye can see.Healthy people are everywhere.Although at this time the Wei State was not like the Northern Song Dynasty, where ordinary people could wear silk, it could guarantee that most people had clothes to wear and food to eat.Now the problem of manpower shortage in Wei State is becoming more and more prominent. All kinds of factories in various places need workers, a large number of barren fields need to be cultivated by farmers, and the army also needs people. Almost all walks of life are short of manpower.Due to the lack of human resources, Wei Guo unanimously focused on women first, and a large number of textile factories and light manual labor jobs began to recruit women to work.As for those industrial and mining and heavy physical labor.

Under market economy conditions, as long as there is demand, it will form an industry.More and more Nanyang aborigines are being trafficked to Wei State to do heavy manual labor. It doesn’t matter if the Nanyang aborigines are lazy, leather whips and steel knives will teach them to become more diligent.As a large number of Wei Han people went deep into Nanyang and provoked wars among the indigenous tribes, the advantage was that there was an additional sales channel for outdated equipment, and a group of fairly good indigenous prisoners of war could be obtained from time to time.These people may have some problems doing precision engineering, but they are still a good choice for internal labor.

In the four towns of Nanyang in Wei State, the aborigines have completely obtained the auxiliary soldiers of the Han people, and they are responsible for all material transportation, logistics handling, barracks, fortification construction and other work.

However, this situation has not yet appeared within Wei.Especially since Ran Ming launched the Southern Expedition, the shortage of manpower has become more and more prominent. In order to increase the number of Han people, the State of Wei has introduced a new population and childbirth policy.For every woman who gave birth to three children, the government will give her a cow as compensation.If you give birth to four children, you will get a new set of plows or carriages in addition to a free cow.Families with more than five children enjoy government tax rebate subsidies, and all children can receive compulsory education.

The compulsory education in Wei State is not the same as the nine-year compulsory education of later generations, but the primary school is free, and the county school and above need to be paid by themselves.After five years of elementary school education, the new generation of Wei children can basically complete literacy, at least be able to read and understand simple arithmetic, which can be effectively used in daily life.

Therefore, all these changes made the meritorious soldiers who entered the pass excited.Reading and going to school is a benign way that can change fate. In ancient times, reading and literacy was the privilege of the gentry, especially seeing the children lined up on the street to go to and from school. Although the quality of the student uniforms is not very good, they are just the most common linen, and they instantly understand how worthwhile their efforts are.

In the team of Wei Guo students after school, no one is allowed to collide.When crossing the road, all vehicles and pedestrians must give way to the student team.

"Have you heard? As long as I, Wei Junjun, have the children of officers and soldiers who have passed the third class and above, they can give priority to sending one child to the county school for free. In the future, they can take the imperial examination. As long as they pass the exam, they can become an official!"

"Of course I heard about it!" said a soldier with scars all over his face, "I worked hard and finally got a third-class merit. Maybe my son can be an official in the future!"

"Just you, I'm afraid there is no smoke coming from your ancestral grave!"

"Your ancestral grave is not smoking!" The scarred soldier said: "My son has just started school for half a year, and he has written his own name. This is a letter from my family last month. This is my son's own letter." The written name, do you see how it is written?" The soldier also took out a crumpled piece of paper from his arms, on which Guo Danian was written crookedly with a brush.To be honest, the writing of these three characters is not good at all, and the writing of Guo is also wrong, but it hinders the soldier from showing off everywhere.The literacy rate in Wei's army was very low. Except for the children of the general family or the generals who were born in the martial arts hall, the literacy rate of ordinary soldiers was less than one ten thousandth.

With the formalization of military management in Wei State, the adoption of scientific logistics and warehousing management in later generations has made the army feel the shortage of talents. Of course, the army will adopt night schools, training courses, etc. to train talents by itself, but the scale is not large. .

The scarred soldier said: "Even if my son fails the imperial examination and cannot become an official in the future, if he enters the army, as long as he can read and write, he will not be able to be a murderer. You don't have to worry about fear, and your credit will not be less!"

The other four soldiers on the carriage showed envy. The four of them had insufficient military merits, so they couldn't get their children the opportunity to go to county school for free.Although it is also possible to go to county school at its own expense, Wei Guo had to postpone the full promotion of county school because the teaching staff was too weak.

The current education method is still mainly based on elite education. County schools do not fully enjoy state financial subsidies, and education funds must be raised by themselves.The state finance only invested in school buildings, teaching materials and a small amount of education funds at one time. In order to maintain the operation of the county school, in addition to donations from local gentry, it could only be collected from students.However, there are very few students in the county school. Most of the county school students in the county are within a hundred students, and what's more, there are only a few dozen students.School building maintenance, management, and staff salaries all need to be paid from the tuition fees of these students. As a result, the tuition fees of county schools are very high. Some county school tuition fees cost 3 to [-] yuan a year, and the highest is as much as [-] yuan. A student's annual board and lodging expenses are not enough if there is no more than [-] yuan.Fifty thousand yuan is equivalent to the income of nearly [-] mu of land for ordinary farmers.

(End of this chapter)

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