Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 971 Contradictions need a vent

Chapter 971 Contradictions need a vent
Chapter 977 Contradictions need a vent
Most of the generals remained silent at this time. In fact, these generals were Huan Wen's confidant generals. They were just ordinary peasant children at first. Heel, and followed Huan Wen westward to Bashu, destroyed the Chenghan Kingdom, thus changing his own destiny.

If it weren't for Huan Wen, they would still be facing the loess with their backs to the sky, struggling to eat in the soil haha.They were also full of vigor back then, and they believed that Huan Wen would lead them all the way to cut through the thorns and waves, achieve great achievements, regain their homeland, help the Jin family, and they themselves could also confer titles on their merits and seal their wives and sons.Yet this dream, this grand dream, has become fragmented.At least from today's point of view, everything they insisted on is quietly shattered like a mirror in water.The state of Jin had perished, and Sima Dan went to Yecheng and became Duke Haixi of the state of Wei.A once huge empire is now really about to fall apart.

And another empire has been established, from Youzhou to Xizhou, from Bingzhou to Jiaozhou, except for Bashu, other places have been connected together.The war that has been unbearable for a long time is finally coming to an end, and the era of peace and prosperity has arrived.Wei Guo's Royal Secret Service Propaganda Department is almost pervasive, even if they don't inquire carefully, they can still get a lot of information about Wei Guo.All corvee labor and various exorbitant taxes have been abolished. Any farmer only needs to pay less than [-]% of the tax, and the other [-]% of the income is at his personal disposal.And it will never be added.

The so-called people's hearts have completely taken over the state of Wei, and the general trend of the world has returned to Wei.
As the generals of Huan Wen's Xifu Army, they were all people who had followed Huan Wen, and they all believed that Huan Wen could build a prosperous and stable country, so that people in the world could have food to eat and clothes to wear.

Now, the promise made by Huan Wen has no possibility of success at all. The god they have followed all their lives, everything has collapsed, and it seems that it can no longer be maintained.

These generals are Huan Wen's confidantes, otherwise they would not have been placed in the important position of the South Gate, but now they believe that Huan Wen, who will never fail, has been sent to the city of Chengdu by the Wei army. This country that will fail has now been beaten to pieces by Wei's strong soldiers and fierce generals.

Although there is still food in Chengdu and sufficient equipment, since Xie Ai besieged the city for nine months, Chengdu has not received supplies from outside the city.Although there is food, people can not just eat food, they also need to eat vegetables to maintain the energy needed by the body.Now their only guaranteed greens are mung bean sprouts and bean sprouts.They are all the ruling class in Chengdu, and they still have certain privileges. Although they eat mung bean sprouts and bean sprouts every day, which makes them sick to their stomachs, those ordinary people only have one half-thick and half-thick rice meal every day, and they barely die of starvation.

But they still persisted and did not give up.But now they can't hold on anymore. Qianwei County surrendered to Wei State. Qianwei County was only the first county to revolt automatically, but it will definitely not be the last one. It is conceivable that more counties will surrender to Wei in the future. They It has been completely separated from Huan Shiqian's troops. With the fighting power of Huan Shiqian's troops, it is considered good to be able to rely on the danger of Xiaguan to defend Xiaguan. There is absolutely no chance to open up the connection with Chengdu.

A city without help will make people despair, especially if the world belongs to Wei, what's the point of Shu holding on?These generals had strange thoughts, and they spontaneously connected together. Of course, there were many generals who were loyal to Huan Wen, but most of them had the intention of surrendering.

Even if Wei Guo can't guarantee their status, it would be good if they can save their lives.Once the city of Chengdu is broken, the Wei army will massacre the city to vent their anger. You must know that they have caused a lot of casualties to the Zhenxi army recently.The two sides had already formed a deadly feud. Once the city was broken, no one could avoid the situation where Wei's army slaughtered the city. Not only they would die, but their family members would also die.

After killing the Nancheng Gate, only one other Sima was left with the highest rank.

The others were Dubos or Quhous, not even a captain or school lieutenant who was willing to betray Huan Wen.The other Sima gasped and said: "Our war will end soon. I have sent a messenger, and it should be in the Zhenxi army now. We have no time or opportunity to bargain with Xie Zhenxi. As long as we Xie Zhenxi can promise not to harm our lives, so at midnight tonight, we will sacrifice the South Gate!"

"Well, isn't this a great loss? At least we can fight for it, even if we can keep our official position!" A military marquis said unwillingly: "We have made meritorious deeds by dedicating the South Gate, even if the Wei army doesn't reward us. merit, but it shouldn’t be difficult to retain the official position, right?”

"There is no time. The news that Qianwei County has surrendered to the State of Wei has already spread. The generals of the defending army have different ideas. We want to keep our official positions. It will definitely take time, but we have no time. Once other generals take the lead , we have no use value." Sima from the other department laughed and said: "All the departments now have a lot of wealth, even if we don't become officials, we can still be a rich man, Wei Guo allows all the children of the common people to go to school, we will do it again in the future Carefully cultivate the children in the family, if they are able to pass the ranks, they will not be as glorious as the lintel? If others take the lead, we are all wealthy people, we must know that money touches people's hearts, everyone is innocent, and pregnant The crime, God knows those Wei Jun killers will not move us people's minds. Don't make big mistakes because of small losses, and don't lose your official position when the time comes, and the loss will be big if you can't keep your head."

"Okay, let's not lose the big because of the small!"

Biebu Sima said: "Now let's go back and control the troops immediately, as long as anyone resists, they will be killed without mercy!"

"Cutting people's money, killing their parents, anyone who dares to block my money, I will kill his whole family!"

At this time, the eyes of these dozen generals showed a strong murderous look, and they looked like elite iron soldiers.

On October [-]th of the first year of Hongshi, Sima Fan Dayou led the troops of the South Gate of Chengdu to revolt and opened the city gate to welcome Xie Ai's troops into the city.The two battalions of the Jiangxie Department of the Zhenxi Army entered the south gate, and after a day and night of bloody battles, they all occupied the city.On the night of the [-]th, the Western Army of Wei Guozhen surrounded the Shu Palace. The bloody battle lasted until Haishi on the [-]th.

Huan Wen's confidant, Xi Chao, disappeared after the city was broken.

In late October, news of Huan Wen's defeat spread to Xiaguan, and Huan Shiqian led [-] Shu troops to surrender to Zhennan Army Zhang Wen.At the same time, Bashu was also truly brought under the rule of Wei State, and the world was truly unified.

In mid-November, the news of victory spread to Yecheng, Ran Ming was overjoyed, and the whole world celebrated together. (to be continued)

With the capture of Chengdu, Huan Wen and the core backbone of the Shu Kingdom set themselves on fire.Counties and counties that were still on the sidelines in the entire Bashu area also surrendered immediately.Although the war appeared to be over, Ran Ming became more and more worried.

As an emperor, Ran Ming is actually not afraid of political struggles in the court. Apart from focusing on the economy, Ran Ming's focus has always been on the army. However, with the pacification of Bashu and the peace of the world, the atmosphere in the army has become more and more strange.Most of the generals, especially those at the front level such as Zhang Wen, Xie Ai, Shi Yue, Xu Yuan, etc., were somewhat worried.

As the saying goes, flying birds do their best to hide their bows, and cunning rabbits are cooked to death, which seems to be the only way for emperors to maintain their rule.These senior generals were more or less uneasy.Although he didn't connect with the army, he didn't take care of the troops, but spent the whole day drinking to relieve his worries.The coach is the weather vane of an army's temperament. The coach has no mind to do things, and the generals below have also learned it.

The atmosphere in the army is very strange, some are cautious, some are worried, some are at a loss, and some are muddling along.The general was confused, and the soldiers below were also at a loss, not even knowing what they were doing.The Wei army was trained by Ran Ming using the regular army training method of later generations, which somewhat resembles the professional army of later generations.Hard training, brutal fights, bloody battles with the Jie people, fights with the Xianbei, and death fights with the Di people, there were heavy casualties again and again, one by one fought bloody battles, some died, and some survived.For the soldiers of the whole army, every day they wake up listening to the bugle, go off-roading for five kilometers in full armor, then have breakfast, then go out to exercise, train and eat, everything in the army seems to be a habit.

The whole country of Wei State is unified, and the abolition of troops is inevitable.For those soldiers, enlisting in the army was of course because they could not bear to be enslaved by the Hulu, and there was also a certain sense of national and national righteousness, but the most fundamental reason was the treatment and future in the Wei army, and it was also because there was no other choice.

The Wei army system is voluntary service, but the disarmament does not matter whether you are willing or not, most people will definitely leave the army.Wei Guo's army is not like other dynasties, it is almost like a beggar's army.Wei’s army has good food and high pay. Every year, four sets of military uniforms are distributed in winter and summer. Not only coats, but also socks and underwear are distributed. Because these things are for military use, the quality is very good. Not only can you wear them in the army, but you can also Give it to your family to wear.The family members put on the military uniform they sent back, and they have more face in front of the people around them. Whoever mentions it will give a thumbs up and praise "good man".But once the army is abolished, they will lose all the honor and status they currently have, and of course the pretty good money.

From the Anbei Army, Zhengnan Army, Zhennan Army, and Zhenxi Army, the four major field armies, almost all have this decadent mood spreading. In particular, Shi Yue, the general of Zhengnan Army, submitted a letter to Ran Ming on the grounds that the old injury had recurred. resignation.Ran Ming stayed in the middle school but did not send out. As a result, in mid-December of the first year of Hongshi, Zhennan General Zhang Wen also submitted his resignation to Ran Ming, and then on December 21, the resignation of Anbei General Xu Yuan also arrived in Yecheng. Before Ming Yu.On December 23rd, the imperial court sealed the holiday, and the last memorial on that day was sent to Ran Mingyu, which turned out to be the resignation letter of General Zhenxi Xie Ai.

Now Ran Ming broke out, he tore up the resignations of Xu Yuan, Shi Yue, Zhang Wen and more than [-] generals above the fourth rank, and many furnishings in the imperial study were smashed to pieces by Ran Ming.Fortunately, Ran Ming did not have the habit of collecting antiques, otherwise he would definitely suffer heavy losses.Zhongchang attendant You Yi wanted to persuade Ran Ming, but Ran Ming hit the bridge of his nose with an inkstone. You Yi's nose was broken on the spot, and his nose was bleeding profusely. He looked very miserable.

At this time, the imperial study room was in a mess. Because Ran Ming had newly built an earth dragon in the imperial study room, in fact, it was not only the imperial study room, but there were brick-walled kang roads under the ground of each palace in the palace. Every day, special personnel burned coal for heating. It will become as warm as spring, and you can't feel the smoke, and you can't try to dry it. The only disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of coal every day. However, Wei's domestic coal and the royal family are rich, and now they don't care about this.

Ran Ming is also sympathetic to his subordinates. He also built earth dragons and fire walls for the yamen of various ministries and halls in Yecheng. In fact, Long Ming didn’t burn earth. To burn charcoal, in fact, the price of charcoal is much more expensive than coal.At this time, not only the yamen of the imperial court, but also ordinary people's homes began to burn coal for heating.

Ran Ming's mood seemed to improve a lot after venting, but he was actually sweating at the moment.Ran Ming unbuttoned his clothes and sat down on the floor, because there were earth dragons under the floor, so he didn't have to worry about catching a cold.Just lowering his head subconsciously, he actually found the queen outside the imperial study room. Since it was colder outside, Xie Daoyun was frozen as if she was putting on makeup, and she looked quite charming.

"The queen is here, why don't you come in, it's cold outside!"

Xie Daoyun entered the messy imperial study, and You Yi saw it, and hurriedly ordered a few eunuchs to go into the imperial study to clean it up.Although the Imperial Study Room looked like a mess, it was actually not too difficult to clean up. The memorials scattered on the floor were quickly picked up and sorted, and the broken tiles and some smashed things were also quickly cleared out.Not long after, the new desk was brought in by several eunuchs, and all the furnishings were put back in place. It seemed that this imperial study room had experienced Ran Ming's violent storm.

Serving tea to Ran Ming, Ran Ming suddenly noticed that Xie Daoyun had brought four palace maids with light makeup, but they looked charming and charming.

Xie Daoyun made the four maids appear in front of Ran Ming, and then the palace maids and eunuchs in the imperial study retreated.Xie Daoyun lay lazily on the warming bed and said: "Your Majesty, it is not convenient for Nunu and a few sisters now. There are many people in the world staring at them, but these four girls are trustworthy. Your Majesty is lucky!"

At this time, Ran Ming was also wondering that the appearance and figure of the maids in the palace were not bad, but usually no one dared to put on makeup, because of the unspoken rules in the palace.How dare the ladies of the palace dare the queen to allow them to make up in front of the emperor to enhance their beauty, but Ran Ming paid attention, firstly because of carefulness, secondly because of the subconscious attention of young men.In the braid drama of later generations, there are beauties in the emperor's palace. In fact, this is definitely wishful thinking.Almost all of them came from the Manchu family in the harem of the Qing court. Seeing their real appearances would be disgusting.If the palace was full of beauties, there would be absolutely nothing like these women.

Now that Ran Min is mourning, Ran Ming has to abstain from sex for a year. If Ran Ming has a child born during this year, it is considered unfilial.So Ran Ming endured a lot for a year.

"It's not like I can't live without a woman. What are you doing all these things? I don't have the heart to care about this now!" Ran Ming's tone was a little impatient, the army's morale was turbulent, and more than 30 generals resigned, all of which made Ran Ming frustrated. Things like this made him feel really bad.

Ran Ming's attitude made Xie Daoyun smile like a flower, but he was happy, but his words were different: "Is it possible that your majesty still wants to go to Sister Li and Sister Wang?" There is no need to worry if Li and Wang Zhilei are infertile There are scandals.

"Confused!" Ran Ming was indeed angry, and the smile on Xie Daoyun's face remained undiminished: "Why is Your Majesty so angry today?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics!" Xie Daoyun quickly changed his words: "The concubine made a slip of the tongue!"

"You and I are one body, there is no such thing as meddling in politics or not in politics!" Ran Ming said, "I really never thought that in the eyes of these generals, I would be a person who would kill a donkey, it's so disappointing Already!"

In fact, it's not Ran Ming's frustration, it's just the facts.Without Song Taizu's right to release troops with a cup of wine, the general in charge of the army had only three fates, either disarmed and returned to the field, or rebelled, or be killed.Even a loyal general like Zhou Yafu will be killed unjustly, not to mention these generals of Wei State.According to Wei Guo's military system, in fact, there is no possibility of any success for the general's rebellion.Even if there is no chance of success, Wei Guo has now established the orthodox position in the world and occupied the righteousness, unlike Ran Min who needed to be cautious and tread on thin ice.

Now there is no market in Wei State. No matter how capable the commander is, no one in the world is willing to fight. It can be said that there is absolutely no discussion about who will fight against who.What's more, Ran Ming didn't plan to let the horses go to Nanshan and put the swords into the warehouse.Now Wei State not only has such a great enemy as the Gupta Empire, but Ran Ming also plans to use the banner of Helena's son Valens to show the value of Chinese civilization to the Roman Empire.

"Actually, this matter is easy to solve!" Xie Daoyun said with a smile: "Your Majesty can issue an imperial decree, ordering people to go to the Southern Army, the Zhennan Army, the Zhenxi Army and the Anbei Army to reward the army. To reward Anbei Army envoy Xu Sheng, Zhengnan Army envoy Shi Zhen, Zhennan Army envoy Zhang Xu, Zhenxi Army envoy Xie Jia."

(End of this chapter)

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