Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 973 The Western Regions Are a Treasure Land

Chapter 973 The Western Regions Are A Treasure Land

Chapter 980 The Western Regions Are A Treasure Land

"The gain outweighs the loss!" Ran Ming laughed loudly upon hearing this.Pointing at the ministers, he said, "Do you all think so?"

Seeing that the ministers did not speak, they actually acquiesced to Wang Jian's statement.

Ran Ming sighed and said: "The wealth hidden on the Silk Road, you must be aware of it? I won't introduce too much here. The silk wealth alone, the Western Regions must be in my hands."

Then, Ran Ming asked another area to be taken out. This area was more general than the original big map, but it marked other things.

Ran Ming said: "From the perspective of cultivation, the 36 countries in the Western Regions (which basically occupy the entire Xinjiang) are indeed not as rich as the Central Plains. The yield per mu is indeed slightly lower than that in the Central Plains, but there are too many places suitable for cultivation, and they are large enough. According to Careful reconnaissance revealed that there are four million lands in the Western Regions that are suitable for farming."


"400 million dumps?"

"Hiss!" It was the sound of taking a deep breath.Hearing this number, the ministers here all exclaimed.

You must know that this number is actually the number reserved by Ran Ming. After long-term deforestation, soil erosion and large-scale desertification in later generations, the entire Xinjiang still has 910 million mu of arable land, and in this era there are still many grasslands, and There are more wetlands, and the Tarim River and Lop Nur have not yet dried up. If there is unrestrained land reclamation, the cultivated land may reach more than 6000 million tons.

The dumping of this era is not the public dumping of later generations, but every [-] mu of land.

If a county can have tens of thousands of fertile fields, almost all of them are in the county.In fact, nearly one-third of the more than 400 counties in the Wei State have less than 400 arable land. Even on a comprehensive average, a county only has 800 arable land.The [-] million cultivated land is the total cultivated land area of ​​[-] counties.Of course, worthless land would not be seized, but the arable land area of ​​[-] counties, even the most pedantic minister, would not dare to give up easily.You must know that the [-] million land is cultivated, even if it is cultivated once every three years, and the yield of each mu is only one shi, this figure can reach [-] million shi. The army in the Western Regions is completely self-sufficient, and can even support the mainland on a large scale.

At this time, the breathing of the ministers began to become rapid.

Ran Ming continued: "In fact, the most precious thing in the Western Regions is not cultivated land. There are very few Han people in the Western Regions, and even fewer people know how to farm, so almost all the countries and ethnic groups in the Western Regions live by grazing. The most precious resource in the Western Regions is gold. , copper, iron and coal. The reserves of these mines are even greater than that of the entire Republic of Wei, especially in the area of ​​Beiting, where a mountain was burned by fire. After being exposed to the sun, spontaneous combustion occurred, so it is called Huoshaoshan. The coal in Guangbeiting was developed, and the entire Wei State burned for 1000 years. (The coal mines that our unit has acquired, with a storage capacity of 40 billion tons, are more than half Surface coal that is easy to mine can be loaded and shipped directly with an excavator.)
According to the resource storage data of Xinjiang in later generations, the coal resources in Xinjiang account for 40.00% of the coal resources in China, and the predicted reserves of coal are 1.82 trillion tons. Most of the coal fields have many coal seams, large thickness, high quality coal, and are buried and easy to mine. , and various associated minerals can be used comprehensively. As for the copper ore, it is about 5000 million tons.

As for the oil resources that Wei Guo has not yet developed with technology, this value is even greater.China's more than 400 million square kilometers of land invaded by Russia alone is worth as much as 14 billion people in China for 300 years.However, now we can only buy it with real money.

"This is a treasure land bestowed by God. If we don't take it down for future generations, we will be condemned by God!" Ran Mingyu said earnestly: "I plan to build Anxi and carry out a one-year climate adaptation in Shazhou." Training, when the Anxi army can adapt to the climate of the Western Regions, the army will slowly advance. I don't want any country to surrender, what I want is land and resources. Any country that is hostile to Wei will be eliminated on the spot. Anyone who dares to oppose, I will also Don’t kill them all, let them open mines in various parts of the Western Regions, set up the Tingzhou Governor’s Department in the Western Regions, and govern Beiting (now Jimsar County). Gaochang County, Hami County, Changji County, Hotan County, Yili County, Hequ County (now Bayinguo Lengzhou, where the Han Dynasty established Hequ City (Kongque River Hequ, now Korla City), Gumo County (now Aksu).”

Wang Jiandao: "The minister will order the official department to select capable ministers and officials to form the Tingzhou Governor's Department, as well as the officials of the counties and counties."

Ran Mingdao: "Tingzhou is only the first step. Next, the Anxi Army will continue to march westward, and set up the Chuzhou Governor's Department on the Chu River in Yibohai (now Balkhash Lake), and govern Suiye City. This Suiye City will be destroyed in the future. Chang'an City will be used as the model, and a city will be imitated in the original proportions, as an important town on the Silk Road, and at the same time as the Anxi Army garrison."

Originally, the fall of Suiye City in history, apart from the factors of civil strife in the Tang Dynasty, was mainly due to the weakening of the Tang Dynasty's strength and lack of national power. It really had no power to support the Anxi Army.At this time, Ran Ming never worried about this problem.Because Wei Guo's steam engine has been manufactured, but it has not yet met Ran Ming's requirements. The efficiency is too low, and the size is too large to have much practical value.But this made Ran Ming see the light.

On the day when the Anxi Army started training, Ran Ming would organize the construction of a railway, building a two-way railway and expressway from the Silk Road.Because with the economic development of Wei State, especially Wei State has completed the domestic unification, the demand for the army has been greatly reduced, and the problem of overcapacity has begun to become prominent. Once there is a large-scale overcapacity, there will be an economic crisis, and a large number of factories will close down. , a large number of workers will lose their jobs, and Wei's fiscal revenue will also decrease on a large scale, which will have a fatal impact on the problem.

However, because Wei State robbed gold and silver from Nanyang on a large scale, this also caused the phenomenon of cheap money and valuables in Wei State. This is the so-called inflation, which is an inevitable phenomenon of economic development. Ran Ming can only use large-scale national projects. , within the need to stimulate the development of the market economy.In fact, this cannot fundamentally change the upcoming economic crisis, but the war can completely offset this crisis.

Wei State will launch west and south expeditions to further expand its territory.In fact, the ancient Chinese saying that belligerents are bound to die is actually incorrect.

In the wars in ancient countries, it was the common people who paid, worked hard and worked hard, but in the end they didn't get any benefits.Especially in the Qin Dynasty, the old Qin people gritted their teeth and supported the country's unification war, but after the unification, the old Qin people did not benefit from the national unification, especially Qin II's violent expropriation in Guanzhong, which made the old Qin people feel good about Qin. It was all spent, so the old Qin people lost their sense of identity with the country, which is also the real reason why Liu Bang can easily enter the customs.

Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people win the world.As long as you have the hearts of the people, as long as you distribute the benefits to all the people, then the people will have a strong sense of identity with the country.In fact, there is no shortage of traitors in the Chinese dynasties in later generations. The huge Chinese dynasties were almost smashed into a sieve by the US Central Intelligence Agency, and there are no secrets at all.However, it is precisely because bureaucracy has deprived the common people of promotion channels, and they cannot enjoy any state benefits, so dissatisfaction naturally arises.

Ran Ming is a person who knows these things very well. In order to achieve his goal, he will never be kind to women, nor will he be sage outside and king inside.In national wars, farmers can sell their food better and get more land. Merchants can generate more profits because of military consumption and infrastructure construction. Literati can annex land on a large scale because of national wars, so as to obtain faster and better Ascent channels, naturally, soldiers can get promoted and get rich because of their military exploits.

A reasonable and scientific system and a benign development model allow Wei to continue to develop continuously.In terms of geographical advantages, in fact, China, like the United States in later generations, has the best geographical advantages. In eastern Asia, apart from the nomads in the north, China has no enemies of the same level at all. expand.Russia is known as a fighting nation in the world. It has grown from a small principality to the world's largest country, relying on this kind of continuous war.

A belligerent must perish. In fact, Russia did not perish. What perished was the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The bureaucracy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was simply a product of backwardness and rigidity, and it was inevitable that it would be eliminated.

Ran Ming would never make such a mistake, and he would never slack off on internal Ran Ming.Corruption is the first priority, as long as it is discovered, it will be severely punished.As long as the people report the officials, they will immediately file a case for investigation, and cover up the same crime as the offenders. As for the demotion, they will change their vests to get in position. Ran Ming will not do such stupid things like taking off his pants and farting. He is the real fool.With this banquet, the development direction of Wei State was determined, and the whole Wei State began to strive towards this direction.

The General Staff began to plan the formation of the Anxi Army, and at the same time began to mobilize various resources, scout intelligence in the Western Regions, and formulate combat plans.

The Ministry of Officials also began to prepare for the work of officials in Tingzhou and Chuzhou, while the Ministry of Households began to plan the Western Expedition and Southern Expedition, approved the financial allocation of the Ministry of War, and the various materials planned by the General Staff Headquarters began to distribute to various places in the country. Big factories place orders.The huge war machine of Wei State began to run rapidly. At this time, another grand occasion of Wei State officially started.

With the continuous expansion of the territory of Wei State, there was a large vacancy in the civil service, especially in Bashu and Eastern Jin Dynasty, as long as those officials revolted, as long as they did not have too many bad deeds, they basically stayed in their posts.There is no way, Wei Guo does not have so many outstanding officials.

It is not difficult to be an official, but it is very difficult to be a competent official, and it is even more difficult to be a good official with a long history.In fact, Confucian classics have nothing to do with practice. A talented person who is more familiar with Confucian classics may not be able to settle accounts, nor may he be familiar with taxation and criminal names. It is very difficult for a layman to lead an expert. That's the weird thing.No matter how good the article is, it is basically useless. The key is to do it.

For this Wei State national imperial examination, Ran Ming personally formulated the scope of the examination questions, which actually consisted of six major aspects, namely history, farming, craftsmanship, trade, finance, and general affairs.Don't say you are familiar with these six big pieces, even if you understand a little bit, you can be an understanding officer.As for wanting to be a good official, of course one must be proficient in these six areas of knowledge.

Especially in the judiciary, Ran Ming plans to separate the judiciary from the power of chief officials at all levels, and set up a special court to handle civil and criminal disputes at all levels.In the future, the big three at the grassroots level will be the public prosecutors and the law for future generations.

Ran Ming was undoubtedly the most cautious about Wei Guo's first national imperial examination.Of course, in order to increase Wang Meng's political reputation, Ran Ming specially appointed Wang Meng as the chief examiner of the imperial examination.But this time is different from the Ming and Song Dynasties, there is no such thing as a teacher.

"Minister, what virtue and ability!" Wang Meng was extremely frightened when he heard the news, and Wang Meng said, "Your Majesty, why should the chief examiner of the imperial examination want a scholar leader or a famous Confucian to be the chief examiner? experience!"

Ran Ming said: "Actually, it's not difficult for the chief examiner, you only need to do two things."

"Please show your Majesty!" Wang Meng said nervously.

"Fair, just!" Ran Ming said: "Fair and just is easy to say, but I'm afraid it's very difficult to achieve. In order to win the first prize in this imperial examination, those people are very restless. Wei Guo is qualified to be the chief examiner. As long as they can be ranked high, almost all of them will be mercilessly charged.”

Wang Meng didn't refute this time, Li Xian had the best chance to become the chief examiner among Ran Ming's confidantes, and Wang Meng himself knew that Li Xian couldn't catch up with him in terms of practical ability.But when it comes to writing poems, songs, Fu or articles, Li Xian alone can beat ten Wang Meng.But Ran Ming ordered himself to be the chief examiner.

Of course Ran Ming knew that Wang Meng was not like Li Xian who was born in the Li family in Longyou. Li Xian was involved too much, even if he wanted to be fair and fair, because his uncles and elders at home forced him down.At this time, Li Xian really realized what it means to be loyal and filial.

Reform is a matter of gradual progress and rapid progress, that is, Wang Mang of the new dynasty and Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty.In fact, many people in later generations read history and wondered whether Wang Mang and Yang Guang might be time-travelers.Regardless of whether this view is correct or not, at least Wang Mang and Yang Guang are both geniuses.

But the two had already failed, and Ran Ming didn't want to repeat the same mistakes.Ran Ming has always been very clear about his positioning for the future, which is to build Wei State into a country dominated by industry and commerce, and use the huge interests of industry and commerce to force the noble families to change their habit of annexing land.When people bring up China in later generations, they always say that China has a vast land, abundant resources and a large population.In this statement, the vast land and abundant resources are untenable, and among the various resources in the world, only rare earths occupy an absolute monopoly resource.Everything else is self-decoration.Ran Ming is now using Wei State's world-leading scientific and technological strength and huge human resources to obtain as much available resources as possible for future generations.

As a big boss in later generations, and even the head of a huge enterprise group, Ran Ming actually got involved in the resource mining industry in later generations, but because he has no backstage background, the share of resources he can win is too small, and it is left over by others. of.In order to obtain resources and gain wealth, Ran Ming has accumulated a certain amount of information on the distribution of resources and veins around the world.Although Ran Ming is not an expert in mining, he still knows the general direction.

To build such a strong industrial and commercial country, it is obviously not enough to rely solely on the inherent ideas of Confucianism.Nabaijia's entry into the imperial court actually created a group of Confucian enemies and forced Confucianism to make continuous progress.But in this era, Confucianism still occupies an absolute cultural inheritance.

Therefore, in the first imperial examination, the knowledge of economics and history still occupies the main position. The imperial examination adopts a [-]-point system, and the articles on economics and history account for half, and agricultural reclamation, craftsmanship, trade, finance, and general affairs each account for [-] points.However, these six aspects actually cover a very wide range of things. Needless to say, the articles on classics and history must be relied on. Confucian classics must be relied on, as well as historical materials from past dynasties. Of course, this is not based on rote memorization, but on understanding and flexibility.

Even the "Mojing" will take a few questions. As for agricultural reclamation and craftsmanship, they cannot be understood literally. In Ran Ming's definition, agricultural reclamation naturally includes farming and reclamation. Traditional government functions, such as supervising and instructing the common people to work diligently in farming, constructing water conservancy projects, weddings and funerals of the common people, maintaining law and order, and educating the common people, etc.This knowledge is actually what grassroots officials are best at, and most of the county officials often don't understand this knowledge.

Scholars who just read the Four Books and Five Classics are stupid, and they can't manage the place well when they become officials. In the end, either collude with corrupt officials, or be a confused official who is emptied.

Of course, this imperial examination is not for every examinee to be proficient in everything like a grassroots official, but at least to know a general idea. Not the country.Of course, in addition to land reclamation, like craftsmanship, craftsmanship is to understand the laws of production and economic development. Don’t be overwhelmed. In order to maintain farming, workshops in various places are forcibly shut down. Local officials must organize youth youths when necessary. Strengthening human resources and supporting factories around the world can prosper the economy and increase farmers' income.Craftsmanship management and Confucianism have serious conflicts. In fact, Legalism is best at this field.

The Qin Dynasty ruled the country by law, so the production capacity of the Qin Dynasty was very strong. The huge ordnance production capacity and various tools allowed the Qin Dynasty to maximize its human resources.Although Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty respected Confucianism exclusively, his real intention was to use Confucianism as a cloak of benevolence to wrap up the dominance of Legalism.Although Legalism is domineering, it is the most effective way to govern the country. Those who slander and attack Legalism are actually malicious.If the country can be truly governed by law, there will be no soil for bureaucracy, let alone rampant corruption.

(End of this chapter)

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