Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 975 Formation of a Responsible Cabinet

Chapter 975 Formation of a Responsible Cabinet
Chapter 982 Formation of a Responsible Cabinet

An Chongyang was wearing an iron armor, which must have been maintained frequently on weekdays. The leaves of the iron armor were dazzlingly bright, and in the cold wind, it really felt like the cold light on the iron armor.

An Chongyang was just an ordinary auxiliary soldier a year ago, but since he entered Shu with Xie Ai, Liang Dao was attacked by the Shu army. With his martial arts and bravery, he forced himself to kill two soldiers of the Shu army , successfully converted from auxiliary soldiers to combat soldiers, and then in the battle of Pingshu, he first boarded the city and beheaded seven defenders on the city wall.

At this time, An Chongyang was leading the soldiers in his team to complete the patrol handover and return to the camp.Originally, An Chongyang should go to Yecheng to accept Ran Ming's interview according to Ran Ming's reward rules, but although he didn't go to Yecheng, Xie Ai's chief of the Zhenxi Army's merit test did not embezzle his credit. An Chongyang was promoted to captain.

A team of 50 people is almost equivalent to the platoon leader of later generations, and can be regarded as an officer.But An Chongyang was not satisfied, he just wanted to earn more property for his parents and brothers.One must know that there were seven An Chongyang brothers, except for the third child who died young, six survived, and two sisters and one sister.

After returning to the camp and disbanding, everyone gathers together to rest, brag and chat.Suddenly asked timidly: "An Tuizheng, I heard that His Majesty wants to form the Anxi Army to conquer the Western Regions, what are your plans!"

"As long as the Anxi Army is formed, our Zhenxi Army will have an additional [-] troops to the west. It is estimated that there will be no more battles to fight in the future!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Seeing that the world is peaceful, I'm afraid we won't be able to eat this food for long!" said one long, "But I'm going to be discharged from the army, and I'm always a little bit reluctant!"

Now the treatment of the army of Wei State is very good. Although the overall living standard of the people of Wei State has improved a lot, they can barely eat enough.As for meat, life can only be improved during festivals.It's not like in the army now, there are three meals a day, there is no limit to the amount of food, one meat every other day, and there is usually enough oil and water.As for the clothes, they are all good materials.

Especially soldiers, no matter how poor the family is, they don't have to worry about finding a wife.Now the people of Wei State are very willing to marry their daughters to soldiers. As military members, they are entitled to half-tax benefits.As long as you are lucky, you can accumulate a lot of money in a few years.

An Chongyang said: "Actually, I don't want to retire either. We finally lived a good life. We are looking forward to this day. But in the future, there will be more and more children and grandchildren. Now, food and drink are enough, but what about the future? Why don't we take advantage of our youth now? , and blood, since His Majesty breaks the borders, we can also make a fortune."

Shi Chang said: "I'm afraid it won't be easy. Our Zhenxi Army and Anbei Army have a total of 47 troops, but the Anxi Army only needs less than 10 people, and we choose one of the five."

A soldier said: "I have a fellow villager who works as a clerk in the battalion. He told me that this time the Anxi Army marched west, His Majesty will select real warriors from the army. I heard that he will select soldiers according to the standards of the Modao Army! "

"The standard of the Modao army?" An Chongyang has heard the legend of the Modao army for a long time. He heard that everyone in the Modao army is heavily armored and holds a Modao. Everyone is a tall and strong warrior. Ten, or even one against a hundred!

"That's right!" the soldier said, "The selection criteria will be lowered soon. First of all, endurance will be tested, and they will be fully armed and marched for hundreds of miles. It is said that there is also some anti-hunger and thirst training."

"What is anti-hunger and thirst training?" An Chongyang is from Longyou, familiar with the desert climate, and of course knows the problem of water shortage in the Western Regions.

"It means marching in full armor in the desert for seven days, whoever has the most water left will win!"

"In front of the White Horse Temple, Shena has won more than ten games in a row, and she is even more defiant, and said arrogantly: "All men are condescending! Everyone was furious. Dozens of heroes of the Han family stepped forward to challenge, but they were all defeated by the Xiongnu warrior Shena. Shena shouted again: "Who dares to refuse to accept, just come if you are not afraid of death!" "Everyone was angry, at this moment a boy who was less than six feet tall came in and said: "Come and try!" Seeing that she was a boy, She Na said even more arrogantly: "Han'er has no guts, little baby, you have nothing to do here, go home and nurse!" The boy said angrily, "How dare the barbarians do this?"A certain lesson will teach you a lesson today! "Speaking, he suddenly stepped forward, but saw that the boy couldn't shoot at the armpit. In terms of weight, he probably shot three or four times as much as the boy."

On this day, the bookstore in Linxiang (now Changsha) was full of seats. The two storytellers used the method of cross talk. First, they started with the familiar "Exorcism of the Emperor Wei Guo". spectrum".The content mentioned above is an excerpt from the most famous Wenhou Lu Bulu Fengxian in the Three Kingdoms Heroes.

For this western and southern expedition, in addition to preparing supplies and troops for the Wei State, the Propaganda Department of the Royal Secret Service also put the most energy on propaganda to the people across the country.In ancient times, the cultural quality of the common people was very low, almost [-]% of ordinary people were illiterate, and all the official documents of the court were written in classical Chinese, even if they were literate, as long as they were not literate enough, they could not understand the meaning of the official documents.

In this context, vernacular stories have a very large market in the folk.After Ran Ming's plagiarism, a large outline of the story was produced, and after many literati's artistic processing, many stories were produced.According to Ran Ming's version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the Three Kingdoms Heroes Spectrum came into being.

Ran Ming's version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" mostly carried out large-scale artistic processing of the characters in the book, such as Lv Bu Lv Fengxian, the first fierce general in the Three Kingdoms period, and the house slave with three surnames in the Luo version. In the eyes of historians of all dynasties, Lv Bu is a Brave and unrighteous villain.But Ran Ming knew that Lu Bu was a hero full of grief and indignation.This is because Ran Ming respects historical facts. Lu Bu was born in the general family, his grandfather Lu Hao was the school captain of Yueqi, and his father Lu Liang was the captain of cavalry.In fact, Lu Bu is similar to the overlord of Chu, both of whom are super strong in military affairs but mentally retarded in politics.He was played to death by politicians.

First of all, Lu Bu is brave and invincible, and he has a high prestige in Bingzhouyuan. Ding Yuan suppressed him in every possible way.As for investing in more parties, Liu Bei is actually not bad, this is the real number one villain in the Three Kingdoms.

All the dynasties have adopted the policy of ignoring the people and raising the people and sheep, so the tragedy of Wu Huan Hua occurred.Ran Ming would rather raise the people like wolves, even if the Ran family will be devoured by the people in the future, Ran Ming doesn't want to fool the people like the Ming and Song Dynasties, and he doesn't want to fool the people like fools like the Celestial Dynasty.Therefore, in order to promote the debate between Hua and Barbarians, Ran Ming performed artistic processing on the generals and famous figures of the past dynasties, from Meng Tian in the Qin Dynasty to Li Guang in the Han Dynasty, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, and Chen Tang, all of which were specially biographed for artistic processing.Ran Ming made a fair evaluation not only for Lu Bu, but also for Gongsun Zan and Cao Cao.In Ran Ming's eyes, Cao Cao is a traitor and a traitor, but also the pillar of the country.As for Yuan Shao, he stepped on it to the end.

Use the names of heroes well-known by the people to carry out large-scale publicity on them, thereby awakening the blood and national and national consciousness that have been sealed in the hearts of the people.

As for the newly attached land in the south of the Yangtze River, due to the prosperity of southern literature, the gentry are everywhere, and most of the scholars are arrogant, so naturally they will not be changed by Ran Ming's mere vernacular stories.But those ordinary people are different, most of them are relatively low-educated, and in this era, it is an era when China favors martial arts and despises literature. As soon as China's propaganda entered this place, it was like a heavy rain moistening a dry land with hidden seeds, and it quickly took root and sprouted.

In the prefectures of Jiang, Hunan, Jiaozhou, Guangxi, and Ningxia, the people’s concept of Huayi was aroused, and actions were quickly formed, especially Guangzhou, Jiaozhou, and Ningzhou. This is the southern Xinjiang area in China, and the proportion of the Han population Not much, the Hus in various places are very powerful. In the Jin Dynasty, in order to prevent the Hus from creating troubles, the local government usually tacitly allowed the indigenous tribes to bully the people of the Han family. It's better, but the local people live a life that is worse than death every day.Those indigenous tribes would rob and kill if they wanted to. Anyway, the local people couldn't beat them, and no one would report to the officials. to guarantee.

Under the dual effects of folk novels and Taoist propaganda, it is claimed that the son of the Han family will be protected by Haotian if he dies for the country and society of the Han family.Those who have made greater contributions, like Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Chen Tang, Liu Kun, Zu Ti, etc., can become gods.

In this context, various rebel armies headed by Han tyrants and gentry privates and assisted by ordinary people began to attack barbarian tribes in various places.

With the strength of the Han people in the three southern states, in fact, they cannot beat the barbarian tribes. However, at this time, there are regular Wei army troops in the three states. The Modao Army of the Zhen Guojun is now in Guangzhou and the Pioneer has entered Jiaozhou. The Zhennan Army stopped in Ningzhou.The people and the tyrants couldn't beat them, so they naturally had the help of the army. Under the destructive attack of the Wei army, these barbarian tribes either surrendered or were wiped out.

In the four front armies of Wei Guo Zhenxi Army, Zhennan Army, Anbei Army, and Zhengnan Army, various news spread.But when the real order was issued, it was different from what everyone imagined.As long as you sign up, you will be allowed to participate in the elimination trials.Among the four main field armies of the Wei State, more than 87 soldiers voluntarily signed up to join the Annan Army and the Anxi Army, but the planned number of the two armies was only 16.Almost more than 70.00% will be eliminated.

Due to the adoption of the new military system, officers also adopt new military ranks.The seven main division commanders of the Anxi Army are all major generals, and the six main division commanders of Annan are all major generals. As for General Anxi and Annan, they will be lieutenant generals.At this time, the Zhengnan Army and the Zhennan Army, which had adapted to the climate in the south of the Yangtze River, took the lead in putting up the airs of the Annan Army.

But at this time, almost all the soldiers of Zhengnan Army and Zhennan Army were unwilling to withdraw from the battle. The soldiers of the two armies even spontaneously wrote blood letters to Ran Ming.

The following has been a taboo since ancient times. When the chief of staff, Ji Lian, got the news, he was so frightened that he was drenched in cold sweat. He secretly scolded Zhang Wenwen and Shi Yue for having water in his head.When this matter comes out, how will Ran Ming view the two of them?Demotion and dismissal is probably the lightest punishment.Ran Ming didn't care about the soldiers' blood letter petition. At this moment, Ran Ming was standing in front of the huge sand table in the imperial study, staring at the sand table, thoughtful.

The eunuchs and servants beside him were too frightened to breathe out, for fear of disturbing Ran Ming's train of thought.However, at this moment, a majestic military officer came to Ran Ming and said loudly, "Your Majesty, Duke Yong, Duke Ji, Duke Cai, and Duke Chen have arrived."

"It's all here already?" Ran Ming looked away from the sand table, and said lightly: "Inform them to prepare the materials, and I will go there right away!"

"Yes!" Lin Heishan replied loudly.Then he left the imperial study room neatly and arrived at the discussion hall of the Wenhua Palace in front.

Yong Guogong is the title of Wang Jian, Minister of the State of Wei, Ji Guogong is the title of Yushi Dafu Wang Ning, and Cai Guogong is the title of General Wei Zhang Ai.Chen Guogong is the title of Xie An.

After Ran Ming ascended the throne, although the system of Ran Min's period was followed, small-scale reforms were also carried out.The title system of the State of Wei is divided into six levels: king, public, marquis, uncle, son, and male.Especially among the dukes, there used to be township, county, and county dukes, but now there are state dukes.The duke of the country is the title of the second king, and it takes the name of the ancient country. These ancient countries have long since ceased to exist. Naturally, there are no so-called fiefdoms, and there are no food towns or anything, but the whole country is directly converted into money.The annual salary of the Duke of the county is 4000 million, while that of the Duke of the State is 6000 million.The county duke is 3000 million, the township duke is 2000 million, the top-rank marquis is 1000 million, the middle-rank marquis is 900 million, the marquis of Guannei is 800 million, the earl is 600 million, the baron is 500 million, and the viscount is only 200 million.

When Ran Ming came to the meeting hall of Wenhua Palace, besides Yong Guogong, Ji Guogong, Cai Guogong, and Chen Guogong, there were more than 50 senior officials.

After sitting down, Ran Ming said directly: "As the empire grows larger and the state affairs become more and more arduous, I feel more and more powerless. Therefore, I want to reform the imperial court system. I plan to establish a cabinet, set up the first and auxiliary ministers, and have the first and auxiliary ministers comprehensively In charge of state affairs, in addition to the chief assistant, there is also a finance minister in charge of financial management, a work minister in charge of national industry, mining and construction, a business minister in charge of commercial trade, a civil minister in charge of civil administration, and a land minister in charge of army management. , the Marine Minister in charge of the administration of the Navy."

In fact, three provinces and six ministries were very suitable for the operation of the country in ancient times.But ancient China was just an agricultural society, so there were not many state affairs, but now what Ran Ming wants to build is an industrial and commercial country, which requires efficiency.Simply establish the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Trade, establish the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture for industrial and mining construction, and split the Yushitai into the Ministry of Supervision, the Ministry of Discipline Inspection, and the Ministry of Integrity.Split the Ministry of Households, separate Civil Affairs and Household Registration into the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and directly establish the Ministry of Finance to manage taxation and expenditure.After splitting and reorganizing, there were as many as a dozen Wei Guoguang's ministerial-level departments at this time, and the chief officials of each department were still called Shangshu, and the deputy was called Shilang.

In terms of rank formulation, the prime minister is the first rank, the minister of finance and the minister of industry are the second rank, the ministers are the third rank, the deputy is the third rank or the fourth rank, and the head of each office is the fifth rank or the fifth rank.The prefect of the county is the fourth rank, the county magistrate is the seventh rank, and the county magistrate is the seventh or eighth rank.

There are certain discrepancies between this cabinet and the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty, but if the cabinet disagrees, the emperor may be asked to make a decision.The term of office of the prime minister is ten years and can be re-elected for two years. The prime minister is recommended by officials across the country, and the one with the most recommendations becomes the chief minister.Those who have the right to vote are the prefect of the county or the governor of the state, as well as the ministers and ministers of the ministries and ministers, and the head of the department. In this way, the legal votes in the country are 21 governors, 21 votes, 180 eight counties, 180 eight votes, and 34 votes. A total of 34 votes for each department, 68 votes for 68 ministers, and 320 votes for [-] chief ministers, a total of [-] votes.

It was within Ran Ming's plan to form a cabinet and dilute the power in the hands of the emperor.It is not easy to do the job of emperor well in history. Unlike Lao Zhu, Ran Ming has unlimited energy. Ran Ming also wants to enjoy life.

The cabinet system of the Ming Dynasty came to Ran Ming’s mind. The cabinet system of the Ming Dynasty was actually the most advanced political system in the world at that time. The more the emperor of the Ming Dynasty did nothing, the emperor Chenghua hadn’t seen his foreign ministers for more than 20 years because of stuttering, and Emperor Tianqi, who liked to do carpentry, came to power and wanted to monopolize the power. Yu Xia.

The cabinet system of the Ming Dynasty actually had certain limitations. One of the most prominent problems was that the cabinet that controlled the real power of the government was out of touch with the six ministries responsible for actual affairs, so that the chief minister could easily monopolize the power, and most cabinet ministers could not find a responsible person. Specific affairs can only be reduced to decorations and cannot play a supporting role, while the six ministries are often constrained in their actions because of the lower status of the ministers in charge of affairs, resulting in poor communication between top and bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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