Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 989 My brother-in-law is here to cheat

Chapter 989 My brother-in-law is here to cheat

Chapter 996 My brother-in-law is here to cheat
There are almost 50 such ascetics in the entire Gupta Empire, and there are almost one in six to seventy people in the Gupta Empire.These ascetics have not only perfected their physical fitness, but they are also very fanatical believers in Buddhism.And the Gupta Empire was an empire that relied on Buddhism to rise.The crazy expansion of the Gupta Empire was to expand the Buddhist parish. These Buddhists not only joined the army, but also were extremely powerful monks and soldiers.

These assassination teams composed of dozens of ascetics all got out from under the grass and rushed towards Xie Xuan frantically.The goal of these ascetics is very clear, that is, Xie Xuan, the general of the vanguard.After a short period of confusion, Xie Xuan's department became more and more organized. Countless soldiers quickly wound up the horse crossbows in their hands, and shot at these master monks of the Gupta Empire who had drilled out of the ground.If it was a crossbow, it would never be able to hit these ascetics who were as agile as monkeys.However, thousands of crossbows carried out covering shooting, and the result was another matter.

No matter how strong the body is, it will not be as solid as a rock. Even if it is a rock, the soldiers of the Wei army have ways to deal with it.In Wei Guo Ran Ming has already verified a truth, no matter how powerful martial arts are, they are useless in front of the killing machine of the army.Xie Xuan told these ascetics with the facts that although their kung fu is high, they are far from the opponents of the generals of the Wei army.

"Save the shot, let it go!"

"Third from the left, shoot flat, let go."

"Prepare the handball, throw!"

"Prepare the incendiary bomb, throw it!" With the use of these big killers, all the ascetics of the Gupta Empire were tortured to death.Of course, they also caused some losses to Xie Xuanbu, but this loss was still within an acceptable range.

At this time, a dense cavalry appeared on the grass, charging towards the Wei army.To talk about the cavalry unit of the Gupta Empire, I have to say that this is a strange thing in the history of cavalry. They are not equipped with bows and arrows, and everyone holds a special-shaped shield and two javelins.Therefore, this kind of cavalry launched an attack on the Wei army, completely looking for death.

For fear of accidentally injuring their own people, when the ascetics launched an attack, the eight-ox crossbows, rockets and catapults in the Wei army did not launch, but they no longer had any scruples when the endless cavalry charged in front of them.Xie Xuan ignored the oncoming cavalry, but said to the guards: "Take the guards to search the ground near us again carefully, and kill all the monkeys who like to burrow into the ground."

The personal guards promised loudly that Xie Xuan's personal guards were the most damaged in the attack launched by those ascetics just now. With Xie Xuan's level, his personal guards were two villages, that is, 200 people. However, this accident The attack caused Xie Xuan's personal guards to lose 31 people and were killed, and more than [-] people were injured. This time, nearly half of the casualties were killed, which made these personal guards extremely angry.

Knowing that Xie Xuan was attacked, Xie Yan immediately ran towards Xie Xuan with his subordinates. Xie Yan came to Xie Xuan and asked, "How is the battle going?"

"It's not too bad!" Xie Xuan said lightly: "Recently, the training of the soldiers has been effective, and they have not panicked. Someone found their traces at the moment when the enemy was about to launch, and the people have already assembled. Now As long as we get rid of those bedbugs that burrow into the ground, we're victorious."

Xie Yan looked at the brave cavalry charging on the battlefield, and said in disbelief, "Are they going to commit suicide?"

"Who knows!" Xie Xuan said with a smile: "Maybe they want to rush to reincarnate!"

Xie Yan found that he didn't need to take action, Xie Xuan's troops were enough to easily destroy these enemies, but Xie Yan felt the ground shaking. "Is there an earthquake?"

"Probably not." Xie Xuan hurriedly boarded a baggage truck, and then searched with binoculars. After a while, he discovered the abnormality.He actually saw a war elephant. Although Xie Xuan had already obtained information about war elephants from Ran Ming, he couldn't help but think of Ran Ming's words in his head: "Trained war elephants are brave and invincible when they charge into battle. They can break through city gates." , destroying camps, dismantling weapons, stepping on enemy troops, and trapping enemy formations, often causing great damage to the enemy. The charge of war elephants cannot simply be resolved by infantry phalanxes equipped with spears, which is different from cavalry. War elephants The power of the charge lies in their great strength. They break the enemy's formations, trample the enemy's soldiers, and smash the battle with the swing of their tusks. The part of the enemy's army that is not broken will at least be driven aside by the charge of the elephant, or In addition, war elephants do not need to make contact with the enemy to cause panic, and the enemy will be overwhelmed with fear before their charge. Even the well-trained Roman legions are sometimes immune to this. Cavalry It is not immune to war elephants, because war horses are not familiar with the smell of elephants, so they are easily frightened in front of elephants."

Although Xie Xuan had already heard about war elephants, he was shocked to see this kind of monster with a long nose and huge teeth, let alone those ordinary soldiers.War elephants are a specialty of India. As early as the Shang Dynasty, when China began to train and raise elephants, the ancient Indians used war elephants as the main force for charging.

As early as Alexander's Eastern Expedition, the Mauryan Dynasty in ancient India used their more than 650 war elephants to make Alexander suffer enough.At this time, the Gupta Empire had more war elephants. The Gupta Empire had fourteen reorganized Akshoshini (equivalent to a group army.) Each Aksohini had [-] two war elephants, and all war elephants plus Together, the Gupta Empire had nearly [-] war elephants.However, this is only the war elephants under the central army of the Gupta Empire, and the largest number of the Gupta Empire is the tribal army. They support more war elephants if they are strong, and less for those who are weak.

The Governor of Tamil Nadu has more than 1000 war elephants in his hands, while the Presewal Ministry has only 29 war elephants.

Now Xie Xuan is not surprised to see war elephants in the Tamil state of the Gupta Empire, but it is very strange. Isn't war such a thing that the more powerful it is, the more it gathers?Why did they only invest more than 150 war elephants?
In fact, Xie Xuan didn't know that at this time they had entered the territory of the Pandya tribe in Tamil Nadu. This Pandya tribe was located in Pandya, and its core area was Madurai in Tamil Nadu. region, of course, this tribe established a country as early as the fourth century BC, but it declined later. In the seventh century, their main opponent in South India, another Tamil country, Jello. From the 8th century to the 9th century, Pandya also attacked Pallava (Xinye Dynasty), the former great power of South India, which had been severely weakened by the attacks of the Chaluqi people.

Although the Tamil Pandya tribe and the Tamils ​​led by Nayamark could not urinate in the same pot, and they did not even participate in the battle between Nayamalic and the Wei army, but when the Wei army entered its territory, they But launched a fierce resistance.

Xie Xuan looked at the approaching battle elephants, and obviously felt that the soldiers' fighting spirit was shaken. Xie Xuan said loudly: "Set up the general's festival flag, and order the third battalion and the second battalion to cover and retreat immediately. Step by step, set up a three-foot-wide kerosene combustion belt!"

As Xie Xuan's order was issued, the various departments of the Wei Army immediately mobilized according to the order, and a large amount of fuel oil from the reserve land battle fire oil tank was poured on the ground, and a lot of incendiary bombs or ballistas for individual soldiers were thrown in the fire oil in a mess. Molotov cocktails.After being grilled at high temperature, these incendiary bombs will explode and increase the power of the fire wall.At the same time, the ballista artillery vehicles, eight ox crossbows and rockets in the Wei army began to gather to form the second line of defense.

Xie Xuan still felt that it was not safe, so he sent someone to rescue Liu Jianzhi, asking him to lead the troops to support quickly.

This is the first time that the Wei army has fought against a large-scale war elephant. Xie Xuan has no idea. In order to ensure that the soldiers will not collapse due to fear, Xie Xuan even used the supervisor team. Countless supervisors with red armbands on their arms All the team members shouted from behind the soldiers: "Obey the order, stay still and don't move, and anyone who violates it will be killed!"

There are more than 150 war elephants sitting on top of each war elephant. One of the three men holds a bow and arrow and is responsible for long-range suppressive shooting. The other is a javeliner and is responsible for clearing obstacles nearby. Slaves are responsible for taking care of war elephants in peacetime and commanding war elephants in wartime. 150 war elephants were spread out one word at a time, and the momentum was astonishing.The Gupta soldiers sitting on the elephants yelled and directed the elephants to charge the Wei army. These stimulated war elephants swarmed like heavy tanks.

"Prepare the ballista, load the incendiary bombs, target the fire wall, prepare, release!" A series of orders were issued, and more than 30 ballista ballista carts fired incendiary bombs at the kerosene, and more than [-] incendiary bombs landed and exploded and burned. After igniting the kerosene belt, the kerosene belt instantly turned into a wall of fire with a height of three or four feet. At this time, those war elephants also rushed to the edge of the wall of fire.

Those who know elephants will know very well that elephants are huge but also very timid animals. They are afraid of loud noises and even more afraid of fire.

The wall of fire that was burning at this moment scared the war elephants. Some war elephants charged too fast, and it was too late to turn around, and directly rushed into the fire by inertia.

The kerosene in the fierce fire oil tank is not pure kerosene, but a lot of condiments are added to it. One thing is very similar to the gasoline incendiary bombs of later generations, that is, the adhesion is increased, and when the kerosene burns A large amount of poisonous gas will be produced, causing secondary damage to the enemy.Even if you are not burned by the fire, inhaling the toxic gases that accompany the fire can cause considerable damage.In mild cases, the eyes will not stop tearing, in severe cases, breathing difficulties, or death from shock.

Elephants are very afraid of fire. Seeing the wall of fire that suddenly appeared, these war elephants turned around and ran away at the same time. What is even more tragic is that the Pandyan cavalry who followed the war elephants and were about to pick up cheap ones were rushed by the terrified war elephants. The thick-skinned war elephant rushed into the cavalry formation, just like a tiger entering a herd of sheep.

Seeing the huge chaos caused by the war elephant behind, Xie Xuan's hanging heart finally settled in his stomach.As long as a war elephant is afraid of fire and has weaknesses, it is not scary and can be defeated.However, the unstoppable war elephants got into the wall of fire.Regardless of the gunpowder stained on their bodies, they screamed and continued to rush forward, especially those riders standing on elephants, who looked more like evil spirits after being smoked, and were still roaring in the room, urging to fight. Like move on.

Xie Xuan's only mistake was not digging a huge trench. Of course, it was also because the time was too short and there was no time to set it up.If an anti-tank ditch similar to later generations is dug behind the firewall, then these war elephants will not cause any trouble to the Wei army.

However, Xie Xuan was not too worried, because there were only forty or fifty war elephants that could pass through the fire wall, and more than 100 war elephants were blocked by the fire wall. Charge the wall of fire.

These war elephants that rushed through the fire wall continued to roar, making a terrifying noise, and continued to charge towards the Wei army.Xie Xuan did not order the large number of horse crossbowmen of the Wei army to prepare for shooting, because Xie Xuan himself was not sure whether the horse crossbow had the ability to penetrate the thick skin of war elephants.Xie Xuan put all his expectations on Ba Niu Nu.

You must know that this kind of eight-ox crossbow has a very strong penetrating power. A six-foot crossbow spear can penetrate three feet into a rammed mellow city wall. As for the thick skin of a war elephant, it may not be thicker than three feet, right?

On the frontal battlefield, when the Wei army shoots the eight-ox crossbow, they usually put their spears in front of the formation. This can not only measure the distance, but also delineate a number of grids in the front area, so that the general can command the eight-ox crossbow Shoots enemies within the grid area.Eight hundred steps, six hundred steps, until the war elephant was still four hundred steps away from Wei Jun's Eight-Ox Crossbow position, Xie Xuan gave the order: "Eight-Ox Crossbow, shoot!"

Although the eight-ox crossbow is also hopeful and has the ability to adjust the angle, the accuracy rate is not too high. The precise strike distance is between [-] and [-] steps.Of course, to deal with a person five hundred paces away, the target is small, and it is not easy to hit directly.But the huge size of the war elephant is simply the best target, not to mention that this kind of giant elephant can't charge in a "Zigzag" or "S" curve like a human.

As the eight-ox crossbowman slammed the wooden hammer on the machine bracket, the six-foot-long crossbow plunged into the body of the war elephant with a piercing scream, splashing blood all over the sky.The neighing sound of war elephants sounded immediately, and more than a dozen of them collapsed like a mountain, while those injured elephants ran like crazy with red eyes.

It takes time to reload the eight-ox crossbow. Compared with the speed of the war elephant's charge, Wei Jun's eight-ox crossbow obviously only has one chance to shoot.However, Wei Jun did not stop at the Ba Niu Crossbow.

"The ballista is ready to fire!"

Seeing more than a dozen war elephants being directly shot to the ground by the eight-ox crossbow, and another twenty or so were also seriously injured. At this time, the fear of the war elephants among the soldiers of the Wei army has weakened. They have already felt a lot easier.From the perspective of the generals of the Wei army, since war elephants can be shot to death by the eight-ox crossbow, they are not invincible. The Wei army has a lot of killer moves, not only ballistas, but also gunpowder, especially those dozens of fierce fire oil tank trucks. , would be their last resort.

In terms of the art of war, it is estimated that no country or nation can compare with the Chinese nation. The first time in Chinese history that it faced war elephants was during the period of Liu Shou in the Southern Dynasties.Emperor Wen of Song Dynasty Liu Yilong appointed Zong Que as General Zhenwu to attack Lin Yiguo.When the king of Linyi was in danger, he ordered the ace army "Elephant Soldiers" to fight.This invulnerable behemoth made the Song army unable to parry, causing many casualties.At that time, Liu Song didn't have Ran Ming's gold finger, but Zongxi didn't fear the enemy and avoid war.He thought that the strong enemy of an elephant is a lion, but it is impossible to domesticate a group of "lion soldiers" to fight against the enemy immediately, so he had an idea and ordered his subordinates to rush to make a batch of lion models overnight and transport them to the front of the battle to deter the enemy. Like soldiers".This trick really works.When Lin Yiguo's "elephant soldiers" rushed over, the elephant suddenly saw a lion waiting in formation, as if facing a natural enemy, it turned around and ran away, no matter how much the driver whipped it, it would not turn back to fight.At this time, Zongxi gave an order and led his troops to fight urgently, defeating Lin Yiguo in one fell swoop.

Ran Ming had already emphasized the war elephant troops of the Gupta Empire. Unlike the small countries in Nanyang, the small countries in Nanyang had more or less war elephants, but their national power was too small to form a large scale.Besides, Wei State's entry into Nanyang was very gentle, and they all adopted the method of boiling frogs in warm water. When the local tribes or countries realized the danger of Wei State, they had no ability to fight against Wei State, because Wei State had already found it locally. Agent, if you want to expel the people of Wei, you must first defeat the agent supported by Wei.

But the national conditions of the Gupta Empire are different. The Gupta Empire is a unified and huge empire. Even if some tribes of the Gupta Empire are half-hearted about the Gupta Empire, the Gupta Empire has been established for more than 40 years. There is too much awe, unless Wei Guo defeats the central army of the Gupta Empire, it will be difficult to support agents in the Gupta Empire and split the Gupta Empire.

Xie Xuan ordered the ballista to fire, this time the ballista fired not live ammunition, but gunpowder shells weighing 25 jin. As much as 22 catties, the power is not weaker than the artillery of the eighteenth century.Dozens of hundreds of ballista shells fell on the surviving war elephants, and what followed was a feast of blood and flesh. After the smoke cleared, a large pile of elephant corpses lay on the ground, and there were also a few elephants. The elephant was blown off its leg, lost its ability to move, and let out a loud cry.They tried to stand up and escape again and again, but failed every time.The surviving war elephants were covered with wounds, gushing out a large amount of blood, and the elephants wailed one after another, and the elephant slaves standing on the elephants' backs had long since disappeared.

The burning wall of fire was finally extinguished slowly, and the surviving Pandya war elephants and cavalry had long since disappeared.Xie Xuan won the first battle with the elephant, which made Liu Laozhi, who came in an emergency, very pleased.Even though Xie Xuan is the uncle of the current dynasty, Liu Laozhi has never been attached to Xie Xuan.Instead of taking care of Xie Xuan, he made things difficult for Xie Xuan everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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