God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 102 Man, Why Are You So Attractive?

Chapter 102 Man, Why Are You So Attractive?
Jiang Jing walked in wearing a white bathrobe, Gu Tongzhou took advantage of the opportunity to throw away his phone and looked at Jiang Jing.

Well, those two rabbits were very dishonest when they were walking around, they were always bouncing around, wobbling around, not stable at all.

Gu Tongzhou wanted to go up and help him.

"Did you change the sheets?" Jiang Jing walked up to Gu Tongzhou, sat down on the bed, wiped her moist hair with a towel, and asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Gu Tongzhou smiled and nodded.

"Oh, the little man is so kind, he is diligent and careful." Jiang Jing put her arms around Gu Tongzhou's waist and said with a smile.

By the looks of it, she felt much better after taking a bath.

"Heh, if I don't change it, why wait for you to change it? Who was lying on the bed just now, and didn't even want to take a bath?" Gu Tongzhou rolled his eyes, patted Jiang Jing's head, and said disdainfully.

"That's not your problem? Who made you so crazy before." Jiang Jing raised her mouth slightly, looked at Gu Tongzhou without blinking, and said in a resentful tone.

"Okay, since we're too tired, let's go to bed earlier?" Gu Tongzhou hugged Jiang Jing, buried his head in her chest, and asked in a low voice.

"Hmm~" Jiang Jing was startled by Gu Tongzhou's sudden attack, and instinctively snorted.

Gu Tongzhou took a look, how could he bear it?He went directly to Jiang Jing's ear and whispered a few words, and then asked her to kneel down.

This night, the wind is a little noisy, the moon is hidden in the clouds, the night is dark and the wind is high, and all the beautiful things are hidden under the boundless night.



the next day.

Gu Tongzhou woke up first, but it was still late, around 09:30.

As for why you got up so late.

There are many reasons for that.

First, I played too crazy last night and slept too late. Second, young people of this age are not used to going to bed early and getting up early.

As for the morning reading that should have been taken?

Cough cough, it's not a big problem if I escape once, right?
Looking at Jiang Jing, who was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, Gu Tongzhou carefully opened her body, then got up from the bed calmly, and got dressed.

"Huh~~ah." Gu Tongzhou stood at the end of the bed, stretched lazily, and yawned heavily.

Then he dragged himself to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and washed his face in a leisurely manner, after finishing everything, Gu Tongzhou ordered takeaway again, and called Jiang Jing up by the way.

"Hey, your breakfast." In the restaurant, Gu Tongzhou handed Jiang Jing a cup of soy milk and two buns, and said with a smile.

"Well, thank you." Jiang Jing nodded with a smile, took the breakfast that Gu Tongzhou handed over, and opened it.

His complexion changed slightly, and he pushed the soy milk back.

He said with a strong smile, "I don't like drinking soy milk very much, you should drink it."

Gu Tongzhou looked up at Jiang Jing, and found that her complexion was different, and then looked at the color of the soy milk, and soon understood what was wrong with her.

Didn't you just drink too much yesterday?
Nodding with a smile, Gu Tongzhou took the soy milk and drank it himself.

"Are you used to living there?" Gu Tongzhou asked suddenly.

"Well, it's okay, I'm used to it. What's the matter? Why did you suddenly ask this?" Jiang Jing raised her head, slightly forced her mouth, swallowed the buns in her mouth, and asked with a smile.

"Well, I want to give you benefits, so, do you want to live in another place? Don't be polite to me, I'm not short of money at all." Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Eh? Really?" Jiang Jing blinked her beautiful big eyes and asked with a playful smile.

"That must be true." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile, as if he really wasn't short of money at all.

In fact, it is similar. Gu Tongzhou does have a lot of money in his hands. It may be dwarfed by those tens of millions of houses and tens of millions of sports cars, but it is still very simple to change a residence for Jiang Jing.

After all, such a small amount of money can't do much.

"Of course I want to change my place of residence, but I don't need to ask you to pay for me anymore. You have given me so much money, so I can do it myself." Jiang Jing looked at Gu Tongzhou and smiled softly, and then Seriously.

have to.

People already have money.

"That's fine, you can do it yourself." Gu Tongzhou smiled and nodded, without saying anything else.

"Hey, little man, you are so kind." Jiang Jing propped her chin with her right hand, looked at Gu Tongzhou and giggled twice, and said in a gentle tone.

Well, it seems that she does have more and more ideas about Gu Tongzhou.

Definitely gave birth to feelings.

But this is also something that can't be helped. After all, after spending a long time with an almost perfect boy like Gu Tongzhou, who wouldn't like him?

As for Gu Tongzhou's feelings for her, well, it's limited to the excellent gun mount.

He is a man who wants to taste all kinds of styles, and it is impossible for him to have such unforgettable feelings for anyone.

"Get out, I'm not young." Gu Tongzhou rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

"Haha, why do you guys care so much about this? And you like cheap talk the most?" Jiang Jing asked with a smile.

"It's a man who cares, okay? A man can't say he's small, and he can't say he's bad." Gu Tongzhou said speechlessly.

"Well, you've proven yourself a long time ago, don't you need to do this?" Jiang Jing asked with a smile, her face flushed slightly.

"Hmph, even if it's not necessary, it's already deeply engraved in my DNA." Gu Tongzhou waved his hand and said.

"oh, I see."


After Gu Tongzhou and Jiang Jing had breakfast, they each had something to do.

Gu Tongzhou is going back to school, as for Jiang Jing, moving or something else.

"Bye, call me if you have anything to do." Gu Tongzhou stepped on the gas pedal and said with a smile, and then heard the sound of "snoring~buzz~", and the Ferrari drove away.

Jiang Jing stood where she was, watched Gu Tongzhou drive away, touched her cheek with a smile, and muttered to herself, "Tsk, man, why are you so attractive?"

ps: It's a bit late, please ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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