Chapter 105

"It's time for dinner." Gu Tongzhou put down his phone and said with a smile.

That's right, of course it is impossible for Gu Tongzhou to study for so long.

In fact, Gu Tongzhou only read the book for more than an hour, and then couldn't help playing with his mobile phone from time to time.

"Well, um, and then?" Sun Jiayan opened her mouth slightly, then took out her phone to check the time, and nodded calmly.

"So, eh? You should eat when you arrive at the restaurant." When Gu Tongzhou heard Sun Jiayan's first words, his expression was confused, and then he quickly reacted, grinning lightly, and said with a smile.

Well, not at all awkward.

After all, if I'm not embarrassed, it's you who are embarrassed.

Of course, Sun Jiayan was not embarrassed either.

Well, they are all masters.

Not thin-skinned.

"Oh." After Sun Jiayan squinted at Tongzhou, she said "oh" in a flat tone.

But the arrogance in his eyes was very obvious.

"Sister Sun, can I invite you to have lunch together?" Gu Tongzhou quickly realized that it is better to have a sense of ceremony when asking someone out for dinner for the first time.

Otherwise, other girls will think that you just want to play with her, and you don't take it to heart at all, and you don't respect her too much.

"Well, okay." Sun Jiayan raised her eyes to look at Gu Tongzhou after hearing what Gu Tongzhou said, and said with a slight smile.

"Okay, pack up, let's go now." Gu Tongzhou knocked on the table, said with a smile, and then looked at Sun Jiayan with piercing eyes.

"OK." Sun Jiayan stretched out her right hand, put it beside her delicate face, and said with a smile.

Well, the movements are cute and cute, the eyes are playful and lively, that is, there are thousands of styles and charms hanging from the corners of the brows and eyes.

Incredible beauty.

Gu Tongzhou's mind wavered a little, his eyebrows moved uncontrollably, then he smiled and nodded at her, and finally lowered his head to pack his things.

Walking out of the library, Gu Tongzhou and Sun Jiayan walked side by side, talking and laughing.

It attracted a lot of eyes.

After all, when handsome men and beautiful women walk together, no matter men or women, it is necessary to pay attention.

"Fuck, isn't that Sun Jiayan? She's looking for a boyfriend too?" On the side of the road, a boy put his arms around his brother's shoulders and asked in disbelief with a heartache on his face.

"Well, it's impossible for them to be boyfriend and girlfriend. It's not like you don't know who Sun Jiayan is. She has such a cold personality, and her vision is ridiculously high. How could she find a boyfriend so quickly?"

The brother who was hugged by the shoulder looked at Gu Tongzhou with envy and hatred, and said through gritted teeth.

"Well, but when this handsome guy and beautiful woman walk together, something will happen sooner or later."

"Oh, it's impossible. Believe me, it's impossible for them to walk together." The brother was still stubborn, gritted his teeth, and vowed.

Gu Tongzhou naturally noticed the two brothers.

Looking at their expressions, Gu Tongzhou could almost hear their hearts breaking.

Haha, can't think of it?
Your goddess is so close to me and will be one of my girlfriends sooner or later.

"Where are we going to eat?" Sun Jiayan put down her hand covering the smile on her mouth, suppressed the smile on her face, and asked solemnly.

"Well, what do you want to eat? French food, Japanese food, or Chinese food? Hot pot or something else?" Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips and asked with a smile.

"Aha, you don't need to be so formal, you can just choose a place. Also, don't be too far away from the school." Sun Jiayan stretched out her index finger, tapped her pink lips, and said with a smile.

"Well, okay, how about we eat chicken pot? One pot for two people." Gu Tongzhou thought for a while and suggested with a smile.

It's not that Gu Tongzhou is stingy, but the other party said not to go too far from the school, and there are no high-end restaurants near the school at all.

Moreover, it's not that others don't know that you are rich, so there's no need to choose a particularly expensive place as soon as you come up.

In this case, it is better to choose chicken pot as a food.

One pot for two people, one narrow table, two people will be forced to close the physical distance.

Then have a meal and chat for a while, won't the spiritual distance be shortened?
"Okay, I remember that there is a restaurant outside the school that sells chicken pot. It's delicious, and there are spicy rabbit heads and stewed rabbits." Sun Jiayan agreed very much, and suggested with a smile.

"Rabbit? No way, rabbits are so cute." Gu Tongzhou blinked and looked at Sun Jiayan with a strange expression on his face.

"Ah, I didn't kill it, and, moreover, it's really delicious." Sun Jiayan blushed and muttered.

At first she spoke intermittently, but soon, she became confident.

"Well, that's the way it is. Since it's really delicious, there's nothing I can do about it." Gu Tongzhou nodded solemnly, and said in a serious tone.

But the smile on the corner of the mouth and brow can't be hidden.

"Heh! Whatever you think, I think it's delicious anyway." Sun Jiayan snorted arrogantly, squinted at Gu Tongzhou, and said arrogantly in both eyes and tone.

Regarding Gu Tongzhou's teasing, she expressed that she didn't care, and she didn't even feel angry.

And her appearance of being so angry and light-hearted is very attractive.

Reminiscent of a staring kitten, you can't wait to hold it in your arms and caress it.

"Okay, I just came to school not long ago, I don't know where it is, you can lead the way." Gu Tongzhou smiled indifferently, and then said.

"Come with me, let's eat meat." Sun Jiayan straightened her face, waved her small hand, said bold and unrestrained words, and walked forward with two sky-defying long legs.

Gu Tongzhou who followed behind smiled triumphantly.

It is impossible for these goddesses to keep a cold face forever, and it is impossible to keep a sullen face all the time. In private, they will inevitably reveal the characteristics of this young man, and sometimes they will be careless, even like a female man.

But, that's private.

But now, Sun Jiayan was so indifferent in front of Gu Tongzhou.

What does that mean?It means the two are already friends.

The relationship is not bad.

Smiling proudly, Gu Tongzhou followed in Sun Jiayan's footsteps and walked out together.

(End of this chapter)

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