Chapter 147

"Oh, I feel like he did it on purpose, why did he take such a good-looking picture of you and such a strange picture of me." Gu Tongzhou slid his finger on the screen and said doubtfully.

"Hey, it shouldn't be intentional, right? Besides, you've always looked like this. You're not handsome enough, and you still blame others. It's just, inexplicable, and extremely unreasonable!" Su Huan raised his head and looked at Gu Tongzhou carefully, and then smiled. Said.

"Which side are you on? Also, look for yourself, am I not handsome? Is it so strange in this photo? Is there something wrong with your eyes? Little sister."

After Gu Tongzhou heard Su Huan's words, his eyebrows twitched fiercely, he stretched out his right hand to pinch her delicate chin, dragged it slightly in front of him, and said viciously.

"Well, you're not handsome at all, you're so ugly." Su Huan pushed Gu Tongzhou away forcefully, wrinkled his nose, and said angrily.

"Ha, if I'm not handsome, why are you with me? Is it because you like my character or character? Sure enough, I'm an honest and reliable young gentleman." Gu Tongzhou hooked the corner of his mouth, revealing an inexplicable smile, proud Said lazily.

"Stop talking nonsense, okay? Give me your phone and let me see my beauty."

Su Huan rolled her eyes speechlessly, snatched the phone from Gu Tongzhou's hand, and looked at the photos on the phone seriously, zooming in for a while, zooming out for a while, as if she was investigating the case seriously.

"Heh, let's go quickly, don't dawdle and waste time, let's go to the Fire Palace while we have time now." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"I don't want to go. I've been there many times and it's boring." Su Huan shook her head and refused.

"Then go back directly? Or go for a walk together?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Well, let's go for a walk, we haven't been shopping together yet. Well, buy another cup of milk tea and drink it as we walk, and we'll go back after drinking it." Su Huan stretched out his index finger to his chin, tilted his head, Said with a cute expression.

"Aren't you afraid of gaining weight? After eating so much today, do you feel like you ate more than me?" Gu Tongzhou frowned slightly and said with concern.

He didn't want Su Huan to become fat like a pig under his own care. In that case, Gu Tongzhou would have to bear the pain to part with her, or force her to lose weight.

"I have the kind of physique that doesn't put on weight. Don't worry. I won't really gain weight. At most, I will grow some flesh on my stomach. It won't affect my appearance. I have experience." Su Huan waved his hand casually Said.

"Really? So awesome? Why do I feel that you girls don't eat or drink to keep fit? You're the only one who is different? Don't other people want to envy you?" Gu Tongzhou blinked and said curiously.

"Of course, a woman who looks as beautiful as me is the best gift that God bestows on this world. The true chosen one, of course, must have some privileges." Su Huan said with a smile .

"Okay, you're awesome." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile while sticking out his thumb.

"Hey, then, let's go." Su Huan blinked his watery eyes bulingbulingly, tilted his delicate face, and said with a smile.


Inside the tea shop.

"A cup of burning jelly grass." Su Huan stood in front of the counter and said to the waiter with a smile.

After hearing Su Huan's words, Gu Tongzhou frowned slightly, then seemed to think of something, nodded with a smile, and then said to the waiter, "A glass of red bean pudding with milk, thank you."

Because there were not many people, the two of Gu Tongzhou didn't have to wait long before they each got their milk tea.

Then, the two stood in front of the counter, smiled at each other with milk tea in their arms, and handed their own milk tea to each other at the same time.

That's called a tacit understanding, it's almost full of dog food.

After feeding the rest of the people in the milk tea shop, everyone hesitated to speak, with indignation on their faces, the waiter brother almost turned over and cut off Gu Tongzhou's dog's head.

Of course, because everyone is an LSP, the indignation was only for a moment, and they quickly forgave Gu Tongzhou and the others.

"Hey, why do you have such a tacit understanding?" Su Huan asked with a smile while hugging the red bean pudding that Gu Tongzhou ordered.

"Because you ordered my favorite burning jelly grass." Gu Tongzhou blinked and said triumphantly.

"It's that simple?" Su Huanxiu frowned slightly and asked suspiciously.

"That's right." Gu Tongzhou opened the bag, took out the straw, inserted it straight, and said with a smile.

"Wow, why don't you think about it, maybe I suddenly want to drink it. I'm not afraid of [-], just in case." Su Huan asked curiously, twitching the corner of his mouth.

"I just thought that you must have ordered it for me, so I ordered your favorite milk tea. After all, you like me so much, and I like you so much." A gentle smile was drawn on the corner of Gu Tongzhou's mouth , speaking very nasty things in a casual tone.

"Who likes you so much?" Su Huan pouted and said, at first glance, he seemed a little unconcerned, but upon closer inspection, the joy in his eyes couldn't be faked.

"Hey, you, aren't you? Tell the truth." Gu Tongzhou swallowed a mouthful of fragrant and sweet milk tea, approached Su Huan, and asked with a smile.

"Well, um, yes." Su Huan bit her lip and nodded softly like a mosquito.

"Hahaha, look, you like me so much, and I like you so much, so, isn't it normal to have a heart-to-heart connection?" Gu Tongzhou shook the burnt fairy grass in his hand, and said with a smile.

"Well, normal is normal, but let's go, I can still feel a lot of eyes behind me looking at us." Su Huan quickly grabbed Gu Tongzhou's arm, and walked forward.

"What are you afraid of? Sorry? Dare to act, we all showed our love in front of them, stuffed their dog food, and ran away?" Gu Tongzhou slowed down and decided to tease Su Huan.

"I'm just sorry, what's the matter? Do you think everyone is as thick-skinned as you and shameless? Is it okay to be thin-skinned?" Su Huan stuck out his tongue, made a grimace, and said with a smile.

"Ahem, I feel that someone behind me should have started secretly taking pictures. You look like this, ahem." Gu Tongzhou looked back, then turned his head, and said solemnly.

"Ah? Then let's go." Su Huan's face froze, and he quickly calmed down, took Gu Tongzhou's hand and pulled it forward.

After leaving the place of right and wrong outside the milk tea shop, Gu Tongzhou took Su Huan's little hand and started to sway leisurely.

"Let's go to Jinling tomorrow, okay?" Gu Tongzhou squeezed Su Huan's little hand and asked with a smile.

"Tomorrow? When? Afternoon or evening? I'm sure I won't wake up in the morning." Su Huan slightly raised his head to look at Gu Tongzhou, and said with a smile.

"The plane at 07:30 in the evening, is it okay? It shouldn't be early?" Gu Tongzhou said while stroking Su Huan's hair, and then said with a smile.

"OK, then there's no problem. By the way, how many days are we going to play at Jinling?" Su Huan nodded with a smile, then wrinkled his nose and asked curiously.

"Let's play for five days, shall we come back on the sixth?" Gu Tongzhou raised his chin slightly, resting it firmly on Su Huan's head, and said with a smile.

"Five days? Will it be boring to stay for so long? Are there so many places worth visiting?" Su Huan raised his eyebrows, and said with some worries and doubts.

"Jinling, what is Jinling? The ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the golden powder of the Southern Dynasties, how can there be no place to play? Even walking around is not necessarily boring, right? So, how can it be boring? You are just worrying about it." Gu Tongzhou clapped his hands. With a flick of his face, he rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

"Well, isn't this to enhance our travel experience?"

"All right, all right, well, I've finished my milk tea, so shall we go back now?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows slightly, shook the milk tea in his hand with a smile, and asked in a casual tone.

"Ah, you finished your drink so quickly? I still have half a cup left. Well, if that's the case, then go back." Su Huan said in surprise with his mouth pouted and nose wrinkled.

"Let's go then."

The two walked out of the pedestrian street and went directly to the main road to stop a taxi.

"Damn, time flies so fast today, I haven't had enough fun yet." Su Huan said with some regret, tapping her lips.

"Actually, we've been playing for a long time, it's past nine o'clock, so we can conclude that as long as you play with me, no matter how long you play, it's not enough." Gu Tongzhou blinked triumphantly and smiled Said.

"Yes." Su Huan bit her lovely lips lightly, said softly, looked at Gu Tongzhou with piercing eyes, and remained motionless.

"Oh, really?" Gu Tongzhou was startled for a moment, his triumphant smile slowly retracted, his eyes and expression softened a few degrees unconsciously, and he asked in a gentle tone.

"Of course it's true. I've never lied in front of you in my life." Su Huan said with a smile so sweet that Gu Tongzhou panicked.

"Mother Goose, take it easy, you are so sweet." Gu Tongzhou smacked his lips, put his face on Su Huan's, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, isn't it? I really can be salty and sweet, right? When it's sweet, it will definitely make you flustered." Su Huan blinked happily and said with a smile.

"Well, it's so sweet." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

Tsk, such a sweet girl, I haven't tasted it yet, and I don't know if it's salty or not?
They all said that no matter how sweet a girl is, they are also very salty, and they don't know if it's true.

You must hurry up and find a chance to try it out.

It's not that he's an old critic, it's because Gu Tongzhou is too curious.

This is a common problem of men, who are always curious about the world.

"Hey." Su Huan leaned in Gu Tongzhou's arms with satisfaction, and smiled happily.

"Ahem, stop showing your affection, you two, I'm not a dog, I don't like to eat dog food. Also, don't show your affection regardless of the occasion in the future, be careful not to hide your love, take it for yourself perish."

The taxi driver suddenly spoke in a bad tone.

"Show affection, die quickly?" Gu Tongzhou opened his mouth and said speechlessly.


"Brother Driver, do you have to be so educated to drive a taxi now? Zhang Kai is ancient Chinese?" Gu Tongzhou smiled and asked curiously.

"That is, live and learn, even if you drive a taxi, you can't forget the excellent culture left by our ancestors. We must study hard and never lose it. Let me tell you, you can't forget these Excellent culture, otherwise you are not a real Chinese." Speaking of this, the taxi driver is not sleepy, and the words are like raindrops, continuous.

"Hahaha, indeed, brother, you are right, you are really eager to learn." Gu Tongzhou nodded with a smile, and then gave his brother a thumbs up.

"Haha, no, no, just look at it occasionally, occasionally." The driver brother hurriedly said modestly.

"Well, I'm humble." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Ham, are you a couple?" The driver brother said with a smile.

"Yes, you didn't see it? Impossible." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Tsk, I can't believe it. How can there be such a talented and beautiful couple? I have been driving a taxi for so many years, and I often come to the pedestrian street to pull people. I don't know how many couples I have pulled, but this is the first time I have met Such a beautiful couple like you."

The driver brother said with a smile while watching the road driving.

"It's been a while, we haven't reached this level yet." After listening to the driver's brother, Gu Tongzhou laughed from ear to ear, but still did not forget the traditional skills of the Huaxia people, and smiled modestly.

"It's not an exaggeration, it's true. There are very few girls who are as beautiful as your girlfriend, and the male companions are all fatter than the other. They are all pushed by pigs. How can they be considered a good match?" The driver brother really said. I really like to chat, and they talk far and wide.

"Ahem, can't you? I think, emmm, it can't be like that." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Well, it's definitely not possible for all of them to be like this. After all, girls are also greedy for men." The driver brother said with a smile.

Well, this big brother driver is indeed a young man, and he is quite flamboyant if he rides a horse.

Gu Tongzhou chatted quite happily, but Su Huan felt a little uncomfortable. According to what he said, isn't he also greedy for Gu Tongzhou?
Damn, it's true, but don't say it, okay?
"Is that greedy? Then you obviously like it, okay?" Su Huan finally couldn't hold back, and interjected in a calm tone.

"Yes, yes, that's true." The driver brother glanced at Su Huan in the rearview mirror, and quickly said with a smile.

"Gu Tongzhou, are you right? It's not enough to get the driver's approval. Su Huan continued to hold Gu Tongzhou's hand, raised his head to look at Gu Tongzhou, and asked in a flat tone.

"That must be true. Our family, Su Huan, is really smart. I think so too. I'm not greedy for your body, but simply like you. This is called a hero who sees the same thing." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"En." After getting the answer, Su Huan nodded in satisfaction, and then leaned into Gu Tongzhou's arms.

Gu Tongzhou also smiled and tightened his arms. The driver brother glanced at the two people behind him, the corner of his mouth twitched, stopped interjecting, and drove away seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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