God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 164 2 Sand Sculpture

Chapter 164 Two Sand Sculptures
"You don't play cards according to the routine." Gu Tongzhou bit his lip, grinned, and said helplessly.

"I just like to play cards that don't follow the routine. Then, are you still playing? Could it be that you are scared and scared?" Xu Yan blinked playfully, looked at Gu Tongzhou with a smile and said.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with it. Why should I be afraid, why should I be cowardly? I'll call you now." Gu Tongzhou waved his hand, said calmly, and then resolutely called.

After a while, the call was connected. Gu Tongzhou showed Xu Yan the screen with a smile, revealed his father's note, and turned on the speakerphone by the way.

"Hello, Dad." Gu Tongzhou shouted to the phone with a smile.

"Hey, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?" A male voice came up from the opposite side and asked kindly.

"It's nothing, just, I said our family went on a trip together, but some people don't believe it. I'll call you to make her believe it." Gu Tongzhou said casually.

"Oh, there's no doubt about it. We are traveling as a family, so, do you have anything else to do?"

"It's gone." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile, and under Xu Yan's gaze, Shi Shiran hung up the phone.

"How is it? Is it okay? Hey, I'm not that kind of deceitful scumbag." Gu Tongzhou shook his phone and said with a smile.

That's right, before Gu Tongzhou came to find Xu Yan, he found Li Wentao and asked him to play his father.

Then, when encountering such a good thing, Li Wentao immediately agreed.

This is quiet, and I have an extra son who is going to college, and he looks good-looking, which is really a lot of money.

Gu Tongzhou was also forced to call Li Wentao's father.

Gu Tongzhou had long thought that Xu Yan might ask himself such a thing, and sure enough, everything can be done if it is forewarned, and if it is not forewarned, it will fail.

And don't take it to chance.

"Oh, I barely believe you." Xu Yan pursed her lips, tilted her head slightly, and said with a smile.

"Okay, women are suspicious." Gu Tongzhou shrugged and said with a smile.

"Then you won't play with me these days?" Xu Yan blinked and asked with a smile.

"Well, yes, I want to accompany them for a few days. Of course, if something unexpected happens, I will find you right away." Gu Tongzhou put his hands on his chin, looked at Xu Yan, and said with a smile .

"Who cares?" Xu Yan curled her lips and said disdainfully.

The old god Gu Tongzhou glanced at Xu Yan, nodded casually with a smile, and skipped the topic directly.

If you continue to talk about this matter, no matter whether she is rare or not, someone will be embarrassed.

This is Gu Tongzhou's EQ.

As a human being, you must learn to avoid situations that are so embarrassing that you want to shit all over the floor.

"Aren't you going out to play on National Day?" Gu Tongzhou asked with a smile.

"I'm in graduate school and I don't have time to go out to play. Besides, I'm too tired to go out on National Day. I'm not in the mood to go out and spend money to make money." Xu Yan didn't even raise her head, she looked down at her fingernails carefully, Said casually.

"Tsk, I understand." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile, thumbs up.

"Damn, it's just that there are too few people like me who understand, otherwise, I will be able to go out to play on National Day in the future." Xu Yan shook her head and said with some regret.

"Hahaha, are you really a cute and clever ghost? Why do they all choose to go out on National Day? It must not be because they don't know how many people there are, but it must be because they really don't have time." Gu Tongzhou flipped He rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

There was also contempt in the eyes looking at Xu Yan.

"I'm just joking." Xu Yan opened her mouth and said with a smile.

"Well, yes." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a teasing smile.

Tsk, is this woman pretty enough?right?right?

But this beauty is traded for IQ, don't be envious.

Gu Tongzhou and Xu Yan chatted nonsense like this while waiting for the food to be served.

Not to mention, as long as there are beautiful girls chatting with you, such a long time, Gu Tongzhou feels like it has passed by in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, the first dish was served.

"This is anchovy prawns, a representative dish of our Jinling cuisine. You can eat first, and the other dishes will come later." Master Wang introduced to Gu Tongzhou with a smile.

"Well, thank you, Uncle Wang, I'll introduce him to you, hurry up and cook, don't burn it." Xu Yan said with a smile.

"Thank you, Uncle Wang." Gu Tongzhou ignored what Xu Yan was saying, still politely said with a smile.

"Well, I know you will introduce it, but your introduction is definitely not professional, so I will introduce it personally. Anchovy shrimp is a traditional famous dish in Nanjing. It belongs to Jinling cuisine and is one of the representatives of Jinling cuisine. It is related to squirrel fish, Egg siu mai and beauty liver are also known as the "four famous dishes of Jingsu cuisine". The main ingredients are river prawns, egg whites, and peas. Shrimp tastes fresh and tender, and it tastes even better when cooked with duck oil. Not only is it rich in nutrition, it nourishes blood and strengthens essence, but it can also delay aging and improve the body's disease resistance and immune function." Master Wang waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Smack, it looks very advanced." Gu Tongzhou blinked and said with a smile.

"Of course, my ingredients are all top-notch, and the recipes and craftsmanship have been passed down from generation to generation, and we are still paying attention to innovation and improvement." Master Wang said with a smile.

"Well, thank you, Master Wang."

"Well, eat by yourself, I'll cook." Master Wang said with a smile and waved his hands, then turned and left.

"Hahaha, the way you puffed up your cheeks before was so cute." After Master Wang left, Gu Tongzhou laughed out loud.

"Heh! Smack, you look so advanced." Xu Yan rolled her eyes, glanced at Gu Tongzhou disdainfully, and then imitated Gu Tongzhou's previous tone and expression and began to speak.

"Ah, shut up, I'm on a horse and want to hit someone." Gu Tongzhou rolled his eyes, waved his fist, and said threateningly.

"Ahem, who told you to laugh at me first?" Xu Yan curled her lips and said without any fear.

"I didn't laugh at you, I just thought you were cute, it was a compliment." Gu Tongzhou frowned, then said with a smile.



"Hmph, don't blame me anyway, who made you smile so happily." Xu Yan curled her lips and said casually.

"Okay, you're right." Gu Tongzhou decided to suffer from the dumbness himself, "Well, I thought Uncle Wang's introduction was very advanced, much more advanced than those introductions of Western food."

"Indeed, no matter how high-end or expensive western food is, they will only talk about how good the ingredients are and how authentic they are. I'm sorry, they will only be authentic? Is it true that I cook it myself? How can it compare to it? Our Chinese food is so particular about the temperature of the materials and process." Xu Yan nodded and said in agreement with a smile.

"Well, that's right, boiled cabbage, even the boiled water has to be hung up one night in advance." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"There is also Wensi Tofu." Xu Yan said with a smile.

"That's right." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said.

"Ham, don't talk about this, let's eat quickly, try this anchovy shrimp, it's delicious, this is Uncle Wang's specialty, much more delicious than those anchovy shrimp outside." Xu Yan copied He picked up his chopsticks, talked to Gu Tongzhou with a smile, and then went straight to eat.

"Yeah." Gu Tongzhou nodded, picked up his chopsticks, and started eating.

"Is it delicious?" Xu Yan asked with a smile while chewing on the piece of meat in her mouth.

"Well, delicious." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"Then, please give me an evaluation." Xu Yan blinked and said with a smile.

"Well, the shrimp meat is very fresh and tender, and the taste is very pleasant." After hearing Xu Yan's words, Gu Tongzhou was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about the problem seriously, then nodded his head pretendingly, and said with a smile.

"Ah, that's all you said?" Xu Yan frowned, looking at Gu Tongzhou suspiciously and asked.

"Yes." Gu Tongzhou shrugged and said with a smile.

"Then you've thought about it for so long, it's too coquettish to put on a show." Xu Yan grinned and said speechlessly.

"Haha, this is Sao? This is humor, okay?"

"Yes, hurry up and eat, otherwise, I won't let you stay at all." Xu Yan rolled her eyes charmingly, then waved her hands and said speechlessly.

Then he took the chopsticks and began to sweep the shrimp.

"Hmm." Seeing that Xu Yan didn't seem to be joking, Gu Tongzhou quickly picked up his chopsticks and followed.

It didn't take long for this dish to be eaten by Gu Tongzhou and Xu Yan, the two cooking kings. The two of them had the momentum of sweeping clouds and autumn leaves before.

"Damn, no, can you be a lady, do your dog lickers know that you become a pig when you eat?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows, looked at Xu Yan with disdain and said.

"You still have the nerve to talk? Can't you be a gentleman? I don't know how to let a girl go, and I'm so pretty." Xu Yan wrinkled her nose fiercely, and then said with an imposing manner that was not weaker than Gu Tongzhou's.

"That is to say, we are not the same?" Gu Tongzhou narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a smile.


Damn, this plate of anchovy shrimp was really delicious, Gu Tongzhou almost bit his tongue, of course he wants to eat more.

"Since you have said that, then wait a little longer, and you will definitely not be able to eat it later. I can't be told that I am not a gentleman in vain, can I?" Gu Tongzhou glared at Xu Yan, and then said with a bright smile .

"Tigers are afraid of tigers?" Xu Yan raised her hair around her ears and said tit for tat without giving an inch.

"En." Gu Tongzhou squinted his eyes at Xu Yan, and nodded slowly, with an arrogant expression on his face.

10 minutes later.

"These two dishes, one is stewed duck and the other is abalone soup. Both of them are my specialty. Do you need me to introduce my production process in detail?" Master Wang stood by the table and asked with a smile.

"No need, I'm very hungry." Gu Tongzhou stared at Xu Yan while talking.

"No need, I'm hungry now." Xu Yan also looked at Gu Tongzhou and said coldly.

"Well, okay." Seemingly aware of the change in the atmosphere, Master Wang did not continue to forcefully stay, and retreated with a correct smile.

"let's start."

"let's start."

After the words fell, Gu Tongzhou and Xu Yan picked up the chopsticks and picked up the dishes on the plate with lightning speed.

After half an hour.

Both Xu Yan and Gu Tongzhou leaned on their chairs, looking at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Are you really so ruthless? You are a girl, but you are still a goddess. Do you want to be so powerful? Eat so much?" Gu Tongzhou knocked on the table with his hand and said with a smile.

"Heh, what kind of goddess is not a goddess? How could I give you such a delicious thing? A girl's stomach is a mystery." Xu Yan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Awesome, I admire it." Gu Tongzhou cupped his fists at Xu Yan and said with a smile.

"You are the one who is really good. You ate more than half of everything by yourself?" Xu Yan blinked and said with a smile.

"Don't say it's so shocking, okay? The taste of these dishes is fine, but the quantity is not too much, okay? I'm a 1.8-meter man, what's the point of eating such a small amount?" Gu Tongzhou He waved his hand and said speechlessly.

"Hey, take a break, and then you can go and pay." Xu Yan's mouth twitched, and then she said with a smile.

"Yeah." Gu Tongzhou nodded, then picked up his phone, checked QQ and WeChat for news, and then switched to the starting point to read novels.

Xu Yan also picked up her mobile phone and started playing. Both of them were a little tired, so they didn't chat anymore.

10 minutes later.

"Let's go, brother will take you to pay the bill." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Go and pay the bill, I'll sit down for a while." Xu Yan waved her hand and said with a smile.

"Okay." Gu Tongzhou shrugged indifferently and said.

"Uncle Wang, how much is it?" Gu Tongzhou asked with a smile.

"Well, the total, let me take a look, 12." Uncle Wang looked down at the menu, pressed the computer, and said with a smile.

"Well, let's swipe the card." Gu Tongzhou smiled and nodded.


+12w experience value.

"Xu Yan, let's go." Gu Tongzhou stretched his neck in and shouted loudly.

"Oh, here we come." Xu Yan's weak voice sounded, and then Xu Yan came out.

"Let's go? No, why are you standing outside looking at me? You are still staring at me, can't you bear me?" Xu Yan looked at Gu Tongzhou, and then asked strangely.

"Oh, no, I was thinking, did you drink before?" Gu Tongzhou frowned and asked.

"Eh, I drank a glass of beer." Xu Yan scratched her head and said with a smile.

"Then I'll drive you home first, and then take a taxi back." Gu Tongzhou waved his hand and said with a smile.

"OK, no problem, I didn't expect you to be a warm and careful man." Xu Yan said with a smile, and then handed the car keys to Gu Tongzhou.

"Ham, sending girls home safely is a basic skill for boys." Gu Tongzhou shrugged and said with a smile.

"Yes." Xu Yan nodded and said in agreement.

"Then let's go." Gu Tongzhou directly pulled Xu Yan into the car, and then prepared to start the car.

"Where do you live?"

"Go to Zhongshan."

(End of this chapter)

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