Chapter 176

"This is the racing track in Jinling." Xu Yan stepped off the Ferrari and introduced to Gu Tongzhou with a smile.

"Jiangsu Wanchi International Circuit has the first FIA-certified international professional track in Jiangsu Province and the eighth professional track in our country. It is a 30-minute drive from the city center. Take the test drive square, 70 acres of off-road track, and professional kart track."

Of course, Xu Yan must not be able to remember so many things, and now she is holding her mobile phone to read along.

"Tsk, this is the first time I've come to the racing track." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said excitedly.

"This is the first time you come to the racing track? No way, I remember, doesn't your County have a racing track? Have you never been there before?" Xu Yan frowned and said with a smile.

"Yes, I haven't been there." Gu Tongzhou shrugged and said with a smile.

"You haven't even been on a racing track before. What are you talking to me here? How good are your driving skills? Where did you get your confidence? Who gave you the courage?" Xu Yan stared, a little in disbelief Looking at Gu Tongzhou, he said.

"I just have good driving skills. It has nothing to do with whether I have been on the track." Gu Tongzhou curled his lips and said indifferently.

"Heh." Xu Yan snorted, and looked at Gu Tongzhou with disbelief even more, as if looking at a liar.

If the guess is correct, Xu Yan's favorability towards Gu Tongzhou must be dropping gradually.

Gu Tongzhou didn't care, anyway, what he said now is empty, and everything will be OK after giving Xu Yanlu a hand.

Besides, Gu Tongzhou felt that this might not be a bad thing.

After all, Xu Yan's impression of herself is starting to turn bad now, and she feels that she is lying to her with her brazen words, but later she finds out that she is really good. There must be a strong sense of gap in this moment.

Xu Yan's impression of Gu Tongzhou must have been even deeper.

"Go in, you'll know if I'm not ashamed when you go in." Gu Tongzhou shrugged and said to Xu Yan with a smile.


Walking into the racetrack, Gu Tongzhou saw the specific shape of the racetrack.

The overall shape of the main track is "F", with a single lap length of 2014 meters, a total length of 526.2 meters for the straight, 8 left-turn curves and 4 right-turn curves.The track runs counterclockwise, with 4 combinations, the T2 curve is a 360° hairpin curve, and the T7-T10 curve is a characteristic drift curve.

The outdoor multi-functional test drive square is an outdoor multi-functional event venue with an area of ​​20000m, providing participants with services such as large-scale outdoor training and drift driver training.The road surface adopts AC-13 modified asphalt.High flatness, good compactness; anti-rolling, driving anti-wear, no noise, good experience for participants.

This is the specific situation of the professional track in Wanchi International Circuit.

"There are quite a lot of cars?" Gu Tongzhou glanced around and said with a smile.

Both Gu Tongzhou's cars drove in, but they couldn't run away right away.

At this time, there were still a few cars running inside, but I didn't see any eye-catching luxury cars. They were all BMWs and Mercedes-Benz. Of course, there was a Porsche [-], which was relatively expensive.

"Well, these rich second generations have nothing to do all day long. They spend their whole day eating, drinking and having fun. There must be people running in the racetrack." Xu Yan said with a smile.

"Don't be so mean, okay? You're talking like you're not the second generation of rich people." Gu Tongzhou curled his lips and scolded Xu Yan.

"At least I'm still studying as a graduate student at Jinling University, okay? I'm studying hard. Also, don't talk like that in the future. I want to hit someone when I hear this tone. Be careful, I'll kill you." Xu Yan poked Gu Tongzhou's face, and then said with a smile.

"Hehe, you are so arrogant?" Gu Tongzhou said with a smile without any fear.

Xu Yanxie glanced at Gu Tongzhou, stretched out her hand to grab the tender flesh of Gu Tongzhou's waist, and her smile gradually changed.

"Oh, sister, my dear sister, I was wrong." Gu Tongzhou, whose waist was attacked, suddenly changed his face, and said with a stiff smile.

"Heh, you don't have to drink a toast." Xu Yan curled her lips and said disdainfully.

"Yeah." Gu Tongzhou didn't dare to talk back now, Xu Yan hadn't let go yet, so he could only respond with a sneer.

"Wait a minute, you can run later." Xu Yan let go, hugged the bear with both hands, and said while looking at the track.

"Hey, we haven't paid the money yet, you go and pay the money." As soon as Gu Tongzhou felt the little hand on his waist leave, he returned to his previous carefree and shameless appearance.

"You are the one who wants to drive for a test drive, shouldn't you pay for it?" Xu Yan frowned slightly, looked at Gu Tongzhou and said suspiciously.

"Okay, really, I need my brother to deal with such a trivial matter, you stingy woman." Gu Tongzhou curled his lips and said with a smile.

"Hurry up, otherwise, you might call me sister again." Xu Yan looked at Gu Tongzhou dangerously, and said slowly.

"Oh, I'm going." Gu Tongzhou snorted, then turned and left.

Not long after paying the money, Gu Tongzhou and the others were able to run on the track.

"Do you want to be together?" Gu Tongzhou looked at Xu Yan and asked with a smile.

"No, I feel like you're too unreliable." Xu Yan wrinkled her nose, looked at Gu Tongzhou with distrust and said.

"Then I'll run around first? Let me show you my skills?" Gu Tongzhou shrugged indifferently, then asked with a smile.

"Well, run around first, I'll take a look." Xu Yan looked at Gu Tongzhou and nodded, then said with a smile.

Her face was relieved a lot, but fortunately Gu Tongzhou agreed, otherwise, Xu Yan would be really a little scared.

"Let's go." Gu Tongzhou rolled his eyes, said disdainfully, snatched the Ferrari key from Xu Yan's hand, and got into Xu Yan's car directly.

"You drive your own car? Isn't Daniel more fragrant than 488?" Xu Yan was stunned for a moment, then after realizing it, she looked at Gu Tongzhou with a smile on her face and said.

"Because, if you drive someone else's car and hit it, it's not my car." Gu Tongzhou opened the window, looked at Xu Yan, and said with a smile.

"Come down." Xu Yan pursed her lips, looked at Gu Tongzhou with some displeasure and said.

Although he knew that what Gu Tongzhou said was all lies and jokes, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Just kidding, I just prefer to drive a Ferrari. The Ferrari feels better." Gu Tongzhou put his hands on the steering wheel and said with a playful smile.

"Hmph, if you have something to say, please tell me directly, and she will definitely agree to you, as long as you are obedient." Xu Yan narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile.

There happened to be someone next to him, who glanced at Gu Tongzhou, then at Xu Yan, and then at Gu Tongzhou with envy.

He also wants such a Miss Bai Fumei.

Isn't soft rice delicious?
"Stop talking nonsense here, I'll take care of you, a woman whose pocket money is less than 100 million a month, huh." Gu Tongzhou glanced at Xu Yan, said disdainfully, then started the car, and left directly .

Gu Tongzhou glanced at Xu Yan from the rearview mirror, shook his head lightly, then smiled and started to run on the track.

"Wuhu, take off." With one foot on the accelerator, Gu Tongzhou quickly felt a very obvious push back feeling, which was not the feeling of driving in the urban area at all.

This is the real charm of sports cars, the real selling point, and this is the real favorite of men.

"Gu Tongzhou, don't wait until something really happens." He murmured to himself as he watched his Ferrari 488 sprinting like a wild horse on the track.

But Xu Yan couldn't do much, she could only watch Gu Tongzhou rampage in her own car on the track outside.

Soon, Gu Tongzhou ushered in the first corner.

Looking at the curve ahead, Gu Tongzhou had no intention of slowing down at all, and just followed the instinct of a master-level driving skill, and passed a fancy grip drift.

That is called a relaxed and casual, unrestrained and free.

"Hey, it's comfortable." Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips, and said to himself with a smile.

The first time Gu Tongzhou drifted, he explained that he was on the first bend of the Jinling Circuit, and there was no girl in the car, which is a bit regrettable.

But Gu Tongzhou is really excited. Although he has always had this ability, he has never done it. Now that he has done it, he is inexplicably excited and very excited.

"Fuck! Is he really that powerful?" Xu Yan's eyes widened suddenly, her pupils shrank slightly, and she muttered to herself in disbelief.

"Huh? I should be with him, how exciting it is. Huh, it's all his fault. I said that I have never been on a track before, and my driving skills are very good when I drive a Ferrari. It's all about the same boat! "Xu Yan bit her lip, thinking secretly regretfully.

By the way, hang Gu Tongzhou up and scold him.

"Tsk, beauty, is this your friend? Are you so good at driving?" The man who saw Gu Tongzhou and Xu Yan joking before also saw all of Gu Tongzhou's operations, and asked Xu Yan in surprise.

"Well, my friend." Gu Tongzhou didn't move his head or eyes, he still looked closely at the Ferrari on the track, and just said something lukewarm.

"He has learned racing, right? He's really smooth." Seeing that Gu Tongzhou ignored him, the man was not annoyed at all, but continued with a smile.

"I don't know either." Xu Yan followed Gu Tongzhou with her eyes fixed on her eyes, watching how he acted handsome and cool on the track, but she just casually said something perfunctory.

"Aren't you familiar with each other?" The eyes of the man who struck up a conversation lit up, and he felt that he had a chance, so he asked with a smile.

Xu Yan didn't know if she was annoyed or didn't hear it, anyway, she just ignored this man.

He looked straight at the Ferrari on the track, as if it had been glued on, it was still 520 super glue, and it couldn't be torn off at all.

"Beauty? Beauty?" The man next to him frowned slightly, and continued to shout.

Xu Yan heard it this time, but she didn't want to pay him much attention. She just glanced sideways at the other party, and then said politely but distantly with a smile, "Sir, I don't know you, so there's nothing to talk about?"

As a girl who has been a heartthrob since she was a child, Xu Yan could tell at a glance that this man must have thoughts about her.

At first glance, he looks okay, but he is not as tall as Gu Tongzhou, nor is he as tall as Gu Tongzhou, nor is he as tall as Gu Tongzhou, and he is not as tall as Gu Tongzhou in terms of shoulders and body.

Moreover, the way this person looks at him is too obvious, right?
Can't wait to trick me into a hotel right now?
Really think I'm one of those gold diggers, I'm going to kneel and lick you when you drive a Maserati?There is also a big cow next to me when I am riding a horse.

Or think that you are good-looking, so you can try again and again?Or think I'm just a casual woman?

Pooh!What the hell!He must be a scumbag without a doubt.

Good guy, it's just such a moment, Xu Yan directly made up a TV series,

"Then let's get to know each other first, my name is Wu Zhexuan." The man looked at Xu Yan with a smile, and said with a gentle smile.

"No, I don't want to get to know you." Xu Yan waved her hand and said coldly.

Then he continued to watch Gu Tongzhou go racing.

"Beauty, I think we can get to know each other. After all, having multiple friends is always a good thing." Wu Zhexuan still didn't give up, and started to stalk her.

"Is my Mandarin not good for communication? I've said it all, I don't want to know you." Xu Yan rolled her eyes speechlessly and said angrily.

"Oh, I just want to get to know you. There's no need to be so angry. If I offended you, I admit my mistake and I apologize. Really, I'm sorry." This Wu Zhexuan is still talking nonsense here.

I think I am humble and polite, and I deal with it very well.

But what he doesn't know is that if a woman hates you, then you are really wrong everywhere.

Pretty long?Scumbag!

Nice clothes?Scumbag!

Still have money?Isn't that a scumbag or what?
How did I hear his breathing?It's too loud.bother!Angry, don't like it!nausea!

That's right, even breathing is wrong, and the whole person should not live in this world.

But if these words are put on Tongzhou, it may be a completely opposite conclusion.

Especially now that she finds out that Gu Tongzhou's driving skills are so handsome.

There is already a tendency to fall in love with Gu Tongzhou a little bit.

"Then since you know you're wrong, don't be an eyesore here, lest I be in a bad mood." Xu Yan said coldly.

Xu Yan now feels that this person is very hypocritical, and she speaks politely, but don't even think about it, it's all fake, maybe she is thinking about something dirty in her heart.

"Huh. Huh?" Wu Zhexuan was stunned for a moment, looking at Xu Yan with a constipated face, why is this woman so cold?You didn't even tell me your name and you were going to drive me away?

"Well, who is this?" At this time, Gu Tongzhou had already run the entire track, with his hands in his pockets, looking at Wu Zhexuan and asked Xu Yan.

"I don't know." Xu Yan pouted, leaned close to Gu Tongzhou, and said with a smile.

"Eh, sir, since you don't know each other, there's no need to say anything, right?" Gu Tongzhou pinched Xu Yan's wrist and said to Wu Zhexuan with a smile.

Hey hey, I never had a chance before, but this time I didn't expect Xu Yan to send her hand directly.

It's a bloody profit. I really want to thank this Mr. Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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