God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 187 Where's Your Reserve?

Chapter 187 Where's Your Reserve?
"Yanyan, I'm leaving." Gu Tongzhou pinched Xu Yan's face and said with a smile.

"Well, goodbye." Xu Yan looked up at Gu Tongzhou's eyes, smiled and nodded.

Although his face was a bit sad, he still concealed it.

"I'm leaving, won't you kiss me?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"No." Xu Yan shook her head and refused.

"Hey, we are farewell today, and we don't know when we will see each other next time, are you so cruel?" Gu Tongzhou looked at Xu Yan and said pitifully.

"It's so sad, it's like a farewell. If you miss me, come to Jinling by plane to find me. It's not that you don't have money." Xu Yan curled her lips and said with a smile.

"Hey hey, I just can't bear you, why don't you give me a kiss." Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips and said in disbelief.

Seeing this, she almost hugged Xu Yan's arm and acted like a baby.

"Okay, okay." Xu Yan looked at Gu Tongzhou a few times, then rolled her eyes speechlessly, and agreed angrily.


The two muaed lightly, and Gu Tongzhou was satisfied.

"Goodbye, next time I have a chance, I will definitely come to see you sooner." Gu Tongzhou pinched Xu Yan's chin and said with a smile.

"Well, let's go, don't miss it." Xu Yan nodded with a smile, and then said.


Nodding his head, Gu Tongzhou gave Xu Yan a hug, then turned and left.

Naturally, Gu Tongzhou boarded the plane smoothly and headed for Junsha.

Let's talk about this side.

Looking at the back of Gu Tongzhou leaving, Xu Yan's eyes were a little subtle, a little bit reluctant, but also excited, and then a little worried.

"Huh, let's go." After Gu Tongzhou's back disappeared in front of her eyes, Xu Yan was silent for a while, then shook her head and left with a smile.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Yan came to Deng Lijing's house, and the three girlfriends got together again.

"Hey, Xu Yan is back? How was your little lover who was with you today? Are you happy?" Zheng Yu curled his lips when he saw Xu Yan, and said teasingly.

"Don't be so angry, okay? Can't you talk properly?" Xu Yan rolled her eyes, grabbed Zheng Yu's wrist, and said angrily.

"What's wrong with my yin and yang? You are allowed to do it, don't let me tell you? Also, you like to touch your hands, rude." Zheng Yu yanked his wrist outward, looked at Xu Yan and said disdainfully.

"Aren't you looking for a beating?" Xu Yan stared and said viciously.Then he directly threw Zheng Yu onto the sofa, rode on her body, and threw his hands up and down.

The damage is small, but the accident of molesting is very big.

"Well, take it easy, it hurts!" Zheng Yu said tenderly, her eyes trembling as her vitals were grasped.

"Heh." Xu Yan curled her lips, and continued reluctantly, and started to tickle by the way.

"Hey, Xu Yan, you, stop quickly, otherwise, I will mess up too." Zheng Yu yelled softly while dodging back.

"Hmph!" Xu Yanli ignored her, just snorted coldly, and then continued her unfinished business.

"Since you, you are unkind, then don't blame me for being unrighteous. Ah, I'm fighting with you.... Well, it hurts if you let go. Hahaha, sister, sister Xu Yan, I was wrong, I was wrong. "

After Zheng Yu begged for mercy, Xu Yan let her go.

"Huh, Xu Yan, why are you so cruel and tormenting me like this?" Zheng Yu escaped from Xu Yan's clutches, hid beside Deng Lijing, stared at Xu Yan, and said angrily.

"Let yourself be cheap." Xu Yan curled her lips and said unhappily.

"Bah! You abandoned the two of us and went with your lover yourself. Why don't people tell me?!" Zheng Yu pouted and said angrily.

"Just can't."

"I'm going to tell."

"Are you itchy?" Xu Yan narrowed her eyes, looked at Zheng Yu, and asked in a very bad tone.

The surprise of the threat was strong.

Zheng Yu moved his butt, feeling a little uneasy.

There is no way, Xu Yan is originally a Yujie type of beauty, her height and body are naturally excellent, and Zheng Yuyou is a cute type, with a petite figure, she can't beat normal.

"Deng Lijing, just look at her, she knows what to do." Since she can't beat her, she can only find a backer.

Zheng Yu hid directly behind Deng Lijing, and then the villain filed a complaint first.

"All right, all right, stop tossing around, you two are not tired, I'm bothered by it." Deng Lijing stopped Xu Yan with a smile, and stopped the childish behavior of the two women.

"Hmph, for Deng Lijing's sake, I'll just forgive you once, and I won't make an exception." Xu Yan glared at Zheng Yu and said viciously.

"Heh." Seeing that Xu Yan had already been stopped by Deng Lijing, Zheng Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and did not intentionally provoke her, but curled her lips in disdain.

"Well, let's stop making trouble, let's talk about something else." Deng Lijing blinked and said with a smile.

"En." Both Xu Yan and Zheng Yu nodded kindly.

"Hey, Xu Yan, you went out to play with Gu Tongzhou today, did he take advantage of you?" Zheng Yu looked at Xu Yan with a smile and asked.

"Well, yes." Xu Yan wrinkled her nose, then whispered.

"I knew that Gu Tongzhou was an old-fashioned critic at first glance, and it was impossible not to take advantage of it. You should be more careful, and you shouldn't go out with him. Huh? No, you just let him take advantage of it. No explanation?" Zheng Yu was still reprimanding Gu Tongzhou righteously, but suddenly looked at Xu Yan suspiciously and said.

"That's right, you're not a kid anymore, you just let him take advantage of you like this? What kind of advantage did you take? Kiss, hug, or touch?" Deng Lijing looked at Xu Yan and asked, frowning.

"Well, he confessed his love to me." Xu Yan was a little embarrassed by the eyes of the two people, lifted the hair around her ears, and then said nonchalantly.

"Then, you agreed?" Zheng Yu raised her eyebrows and asked Xu Yan.

"Yes, I agree." Xu Yan nodded and said with a smile.

"Did you promise so simply? Don't you want to hang him?" Zheng Yu looked at Xu Yan with wide-eyed eyes, and said suspiciously.

"I like him too, why hang him?" Xu Yan frowned and said unhappily.

"That's what I said, but how much do you really know about him? Do you know if he is a scumbag? Do you know his life? And what about your reserve? You are a peerless beauty, top class Bai Fu is beautiful, right? You let him cheat you so easily, he will definitely not cherish you." Zheng Yu blinked and said anxiously.

"Oh, I trust him." Xu Yan pursed her lips, looked at Zheng Yu, and gritted her teeth.

"Are you stupid? No matter how you look at it, Gu Tongzhou is not a good person, so you agreed so stupidly? Really, idiot." Zheng Yu curled his lips, looked at Xu Yan, and said speechlessly.

"Oh, don't think too badly, why is he not a good person?" Xu Yan blinked and said back.

"Heh." Zheng Yu curled his lips, glanced at Xu Yan indifferently, and then stopped talking.

It's like someone with a high IQ looks at a fool.

"Ham, it's actually not a big deal. Xu Yan is still innocent anyway, and she didn't suffer any big losses. Xu Yan, don't let Gu Tongzhou easily succeed in the future, otherwise, people will definitely not cherish you." Deng Lijing Also said with a smile.

"How is it possible? Anyway, I don't believe it, such a beautiful woman like me, he is willing to let me go?" Xu Yan pouted and said solemnly.

A look of confidence.

"Xu Yan! You are so shameless." Zheng Yu's pupils gradually dilated, looked at Xu Yan, and said speechlessly.

"In the first place, a woman like me, who would not want me?" Xu Yan curled her lips and said seriously.

"He must be reluctant, but if he steps on a few boats, will you still be with him?" Deng Lijing nodded, then said with a smile.

"Well, you don't want to be like this, am I just in a relationship? Is there any need to be so pessimistic? Really, listening to what you say, I feel that my future is so dark, can't you congratulate me on getting out of the single. "Xu Yan bit her lip and said unhappily.

"Aren't we afraid that you will be deceived by Gu Tongzhou? If you are deceived to death by him in the future, I will be sad." Deng Lijing pursed her lips and said with a smile.

"Damn, forget it, anyway, these things will be experienced sooner or later, even if Gu Tongzhou is really a scumbag, then at least he is handsome enough." Zheng Yu smiled, then looked at Xu Yan and said.

"You guys, why are you like this? When you say that, I really feel that I might be hasty." Xu Yan bit her lip and said angrily.

She was just a little worried at first, but after hearing what these two people said, Xu Yan really became more and more worried.

After all, Gu Tongzhou didn't look like an honest person.

"Hahaha, how about we take you to a dinner party tonight?" Zheng Yu hugged Xu Yan, then said with a smile
Fortunately, Zheng Yu didn't continue to talk about this question, and changed the subject with a smile.

Xu Yan also smiled and diverted her attention. Let's think about this kind of thing later.

"I treat you." Deng Lijing said with a smile.

"That's about the same." Xu Yan pouted and said with a smile.

In this way, the three girlfriends began to plan where to go for supper to celebrate Xu Yan's leaving the order.

Gu Tongzhou, who was heading towards Junsha thousands of meters above the sky, still didn't know anything about these things. He didn't know that Xu Yan's two girlfriends were not optimistic about his relationship with Xu Yan at all.

And he firmly believes that he is a scumbag.



After getting off the plane, Gu Tongzhou went to stay in the hotel he had booked before, and then went to Xiangtan early the next morning.

It's not that Gu Tongzhou doesn't want to go home, or that Gu Tongzhou doesn't want to find Su Huan, it's really not easy to do this kind of thing.

After all, they thought they were studying in Xiangtan.

"Crack." Gu Tongzhou came to the school dormitory, stood outside the door, took out the key, opened the door directly, and walked in.

Well, the bedroom smells a bit stinky.

Because someone lives in the dormitory, and the National Day will definitely not be cleaned, and now that school has just started, it should not be cleaned yet, so the smell is also normal.

"Fuck, it really stinks." Covering his nose, Gu Tongzhou said speechlessly.

Although he thought it was quite normal, Gu Tongzhou couldn't help but curse.

"Is there?" Li Wentao had already got up and was sitting there playing games. After hearing Gu Tongzhou's words, he looked at Gu Tongzhou suspiciously and asked.

"of course."

"Why don't I feel it?" Li Wentao shrugged and said with a smile.

"Normal, as the old saying goes, if you live in a house of Zhilan, you won't smell its fragrance for a long time. If you live in a house of abalone, you won't smell its smell for a long time." Gu Tongzhou waved his hand and said with a smile.

A learned look.

"Hey, after wandering outside for a while, you have become a literati, a poet, and a great talent?" Li Wentao raised his eyebrows and asked teasingly.

"Let's not talk about that, Gao Wen and the others haven't gotten up yet?" Gu Tongzhou waved his hand and asked with a smile.

"Well, still sleeping." Li Wentao glanced back and said with a smile.

"Wake up so late, how do you make progress? How do you grow?" Gu Tongzhou shook his head and said with emotion.

"Bah, you still have the nerve to talk about others? You just skipped class all day." Li Wentao rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Speaking of which, have I been caught yet?" Gu Tongzhou asked with a smile.

"No." Li Wentao shrugged and said with a smile.

"Very good." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with emotion.

"Anyway, you don't care about these things, and it's okay if you get caught." Li Wentao said with a smile.

"Although I don't really care about it, it's not very important, but it's always good to deduct a few points less." Shrugging, Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.


"Would you like to go out for a meal together? Dad has been very happy these two days. Dad treats you." Gu Tongzhou squeezed his chin, then asked with a smile.

"You invited us to dinner as soon as you came back? Don't you want to take a break?" Li Wentao took off his earphones, looked at Gu Tongzhou with a smile and asked.

"I'm strong, do I need to rest?" Gu Tongzhou raised his chin and said with a smile.

Gu Tongzhou actually wanted to take a rest, but the dormitory was too smelly, and he didn't want to stay any longer.

"Well, of course I have no objection. You still have to watch the two of them." Li Wentao shrugged, glanced back, and then said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's a small thing, I woke up after yelling. Zhang Jiale, Gao Wen, why don't you both get up? The sun is drying your buttocks." Gu Tongzhou patted the table hard a few times, then raised his eyebrows, and smiled at cried the bed inside.

"Who? Don't get up."

"Silly b."

"Gu Tongzhou is back, treat us to dinner, can't you get up?" Li Wentao smiled and then shouted.

"Hmm, Gu Tongzhou?" Gao Wen muttered twice, then fell asleep again.

That's right, this is the ability of contemporary college students. Even if they are woken up, they can fall asleep immediately.

Instead, Zhang Jiale got up, sat on the bed, and looked at Gu Tongzhou sleepily.

"Come back? So fast, this is the end of the game?"

The tone was full of ridicule and ridicule.

"Of course, I must come back soon, I miss you." Gu Tongzhou shrugged and said with a smile.

"Disgusting." Zhang Jiale rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

"Hahaha, are you going out to eat?"

"Definitely go out."

"Then call Gao Wen up, and let's go."


Zhang Jiale nodded and got out of bed to put on his shoes.

Li Wentao was in charge of waking Gao Wen up.

(End of this chapter)

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