God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 191 Ruin image?

Chapter 191 Ruin image?
Several people just stumbled along the way, fighting and fighting, helping each other back to the dormitory. Of course, after Gu Tongzhou sent all three of them back, he left alone.

He didn't want to sleep in the dormitory, the dormitory was so smelly, it would kill everyone, especially if the three of them had drunk alcohol, they would definitely start a fight, which was boring.

It's better to go home and sleep.

Isn't it nice to go home and sleep?Is it because the big bed is no longer soft, or is the floor-to-ceiling window no longer fragrant?Or is the view outside the window not beautiful?
Of course, Gu Tongzhou took a taxi, not to mention that he couldn't drive after drinking, and his Ferrari was also in the villa, so he couldn't hold a glass, so he could only obediently take a taxi.

"Where are you going?" the taxi driver raised his head and looked at Gu Tongzhou, and asked expressionlessly.

Well, this driver is the cold type, not the chatty type of ordinary drivers.

"Well, go to Wanjia." Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips, frowned, and then said with a smile.

After thinking about it, Gu Tongzhou still decided to go to Jiang Jing's house to rest for the night. After all, if he went home to sleep, no one would take care of him, no one would warm his bed, so there was no way for him to be warm and fragrant, compared to going to Jiang Jing's house. Come on, it's really far away.

Although my villa is bigger and better decorated, but apart from being bigger and more luxurious, it has no other advantages.

After hesitating for a while, Gu Tongzhou decided to spend the night with Jiang Jing.

Soon, the dedicated driver took Gu Tongzhou safely to Jiang Jing's downstairs.

Gu Tongzhou looked up at the building, shook his head, and did not choose to send Jiang Jing a message in advance. It was not that he was too drunk to walk, and he didn't need someone to help him upstairs.

If you go upstairs by yourself, you can give her a surprise. Although she is not your girlfriend, it's not impossible to coax her easily, anyway, it's just a matter of passing.

And it will make Jiang Jing more docile, and she will definitely be willing to do it later. The payment is small, but the receipt is huge.

Standing outside Jiang Jing's door, Gu Tongzhou rang the doorbell, and then waited for the door to open.

But for a while, Gu Tongzhou only heard a rustling in the room, and then opened the door after a while.

This should be Jiang Jing looking at who is outside.

"Wow, Gu Tongzhou, why are you here?" Jiang Jing hugged Gu Tongzhou and said with a smile.

"Hmm, back to Xiangtan today, I haven't seen you for a long time, come and have a look." Gu Tongzhou reached out and patted Jiang Jing's little butt, then said with a smile.

"Well, it's so kind of you, come and see me as soon as you come back." Jiang Jing pursed her lips, her eyes were curled up in a smile, she pursed her lips, looked at Gu Tongzhou happily and said.

"Well, I'm sure. Let's go, go in first. It's still outside, so it won't affect you well." Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Yeah, come in." Jiang Jing nodded, let go of Gu Tongzhou's arm, nodded, said with a smile, then took Gu Tongzhou's arm, turned and entered the room.

"Well, you've been drinking, right? Let's take a shower first?" Jiang Jing asked with a smile after she helped Gu Tongzhou get his shoes and coat after entering the room.

"Well, I've been drinking, okay, I'll take a shower first." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

So how do you say that many men like mature women and older sisters, because they are really more caring and sensible?
If it was Su Huan and Xu Yan, they would definitely not take care of Gu Tongzhou like this.
"Well, then I'll run the water." Jiang Jing smiled and helped Gu Tongzhou to sit on the sofa, then turned and went to the bathroom.

"Huh." Gu Tongzhou leaned on the sofa, looking at Jiang Jing's back, with a graceful figure, protruding forward and backward, with his hair tied into a ponytail and tied behind his head, clean and intellectual.

The back view was very attractive, and Gu Tongzhou got angry immediately after drinking, stood up, and followed him in a dawdly manner.

Then leaning against the door of the bathroom, she smiled and watched Jiang Jing help herself to run water to test the water temperature. After doing this, Jiang Jing slowly stood up, turned her head, and saw Gu Tongzhou standing behind her.

"Huh? You're here, let's take a shower." Jiang Jing blinked and said with a smile.

"Well, thank you." Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows, smiled charmingly, and then said softly.

"Well, you're welcome." Jiang Jing blinked, as if she had sensed something, she was about to squeeze past Gu Tongzhou with a smile.

"Hey, why are you leaving? Stay with me, don't I smell good?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Well, you must be quite tired after drinking, so go take a bath first, you can relieve your fatigue." Jiang Jing pursed her lips, then looked at Gu Tongzhou and said.

"I want you to wash it for me, and I'm not tired at all, and I'm in great shape." Gu Tongzhou hugged Jiang Jing, rubbed his arms, and said with a smile.

"Huh." Jiang Jing just took a breath, then succumbed to Gu Tongzhou's arms, and her body went limp.

It's normal, Jiang Jing is already a familiar woman and young woman, and she has already tasted the marrow and taste with Gu Tongzhou. She has been tamed by Gu Tongzhou a long time ago, and she may have longed for Gu Tongzhou a long time ago.

It's just embarrassing to ask for it, but now that Gu Tongzhou picked it up by himself, of course he has to go along with the flow and follow it directly.

"Hey." Gu Tongzhou smiled.



"Well, you don't want it, there is a smell." Jiang Jing took a breath, and then said in a weak tone.

"It's strong only if it has a taste." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

Then I heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.

During this period, the battlefield between the two spread to the entire room.

When the two were discussing on the sofa, Gu Tongzhou's phone rang, but Gu Tongzhou didn't answer it.

But Jiang Jing naturally had to pay attention to it, what if it was Gu Tongzhou's call from the main palace, and then made the other party unhappy, what should I do? Will it make Gu Tongzhou unhappy?

This is not good.

So Jiang Jing forced Gu Tongzhou to pick up his phone and check it.

"It's not my girlfriend, it's okay." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Well, huh, that's fine."

It wasn't Su Huan calling, but senior sister Sun Jiayan.

"Well, I took it." Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"No, no." Jiang Jing immediately protested fiercely when she heard this.

"Didn't you ask me to pick it up before?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

He didn't want trouble or distraction before, but now he has some bad thoughts and wants to implement it.

"It's connected, be honest, don't make a sound." Without waiting for Jiang Jing to continue to refute, Gu Tongzhou connected the phone directly, then patted Jiang Jing for fear, and said with a smile.

"Yeah." Jiang Jing gritted her teeth and snorted softly.

Then he looked at Gu Tongzhou angrily. Why is this person so bad?

As soon as this thought floated up, Jiang Jing suddenly covered her mouth, and her eyes immediately floated up.

"Hey, Senior Sister Sun, why did you call me?" Gu Tongzhou cleared his throat and said with a smile.

Holding the mobile phone in the left hand and holding the waist with the right hand, it is very comfortable.

"Are you coming back so late? Let me ask, what's the matter?" Sun Jiayan said with a smile.

"Well, there is indeed something wrong, but it's okay." Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips, silently increased his strength, and then said with a smile.

"Hmm." Jiang Jing covered her mouth tightly, but the voice still came out of her mouth.

"Well, since you have something to do, then I'll hang up. I just want to tell you that there are photos and videos of several people in your dormitory on the campus confession wall. It's very silly, and it ruins the image." Sun Jiayan finally said this time The reason for the call was stated in a brisk tone.

"Huh? Destroying the image? What do you mean?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

"Go and see for yourself. Since you have something to do, then hang up, bye." Sun Jiayan said with a smile, and then hung up the phone decisively.

"Oh, woman, you have to guess everything in the middle of what you say." Gu Tongzhou took away his phone and looked at the screen, rolled his eyes speechlessly, and let out an annoyed sigh.

Then he chose to punish Jiang Jing, both of whom were women. This should be no different from directly punishing Sun Jiayan, right?

"Well, Gu Tongzhou, you are good or bad."

"Haha, men are not bad, but women don't love them, don't you like them?" Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Well, I like it." Jiang Jing, who was about to roll her eyes, was a little dizzy, and naturally she was very willing.


Not to mention, it's really thorny.



After a long time, Gu Tongzhou and Jiang Jing lay on the big soft bed.

"You haven't seen me or been with me for so many days, do you miss me?" Gu Tongzhou stroked Jiang Jing's hair and said with a smile.

"Well, I'm a little tired, don't mess with me." Jiang Jing snorted softly, and said in a weak voice.

"Haha, are you tired? If you're tired, you should take a good rest." Gu Tongzhou hugged Jiang Jing's body, smiled, and said triumphantly
He stroked the red-eyed white rabbit.

"Yeah." Leaning in Gu Tongzhou's arms, Jiang Jing closed her eyes and hummed softly, like a baby maggot, trying her best to arch into Gu Tongzhou's arms, and then slowly fell asleep.

"Tsk, I also said that as long as there are exhausted cows and no plowed fields, if I don't pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, there will be problems with this land." Gu Tongzhou looked at Jiang Jing lying in his arms, and thought in his heart Smiling and sighing.

you do not say?

Gu Tongzhou is still energetic, full of energy, and full of energy, but Jiang Jing is completely dead.

"Well, let's go and see what Sun Jiayan said before?" The energetic Gu Tongzhou picked up his phone and entered the school's confession wall.

Take a look, good guy, there is a video of myself drinking and bragging with my roommates, and a video of myself stumbling and fighting back to the dormitory.

Well, it is true that there are billions of "apes" showing their image, which is a bit ruined, but Gu Tongzhou thinks this is a trivial matter, but there is a problem with the expression management, not like the roller coaster ride with Xu Yan last time.

Gu Tongzhou, who had nothing to do, looked through the comments below curiously.

Sinking gently: "Ah, is this my husband Gu Tongzhou? That's right, it's my husband. Even if his expression is broken after drinking and eating meat, he's still so handsome."

Tsk, today's girls are really shameless! ! !
Xiaoluo replied gently: "You are a big man, don't be disgusting here, okay, this is obviously my mother's man?! Bah! Shameless."

Seeing this, Gu Tongzhou touched his chin helplessly.

Today's college students, no matter if they are boys or girls, don't feel right no matter how they feel.

The egg that was forced to fry: "Jimei, don't you think the little brother in white clothes is also very good-looking? He looks so gentle, I fell in love immediately."

The mother of seven children replied to the fried egg: "Well, it is really good-looking, and I love it too, but Gu Tongzhou is even more beautiful. Emmm, I love both of them."

The egg that was forced to fry: "But Gu Tongzhou is not the one who can be moved by people like us, at least he must be like Sun Jiayan. So, it's better to be realistic, and take a good look at the little brother in white clothes."

Mother of seven children: "The reality is, we can't touch both of them, okay? So, it's better to take care of Tongzhou."

Bah, these women, really, there are billions of unscrupulous people on the Internet.

Shaking his head, Gu Tongzhou continued to read and comment.

My surname is Liu, the Andy Lau you can't keep: "Ah, is this a handsome guy? I want to show my roommate what a real handsome guy is."

Well, that's pretty normal.

Iverson's love: "Does anyone have the QQ WeChat or phone numbers of these two little brothers? Anyone can."

The most beautiful man replied to Iverson's love: "I have one, the little brother in white clothes is called Zhang Jiale, I have his QQ, do you want it? If you want, call him brother."

Hey, Zhang Jiale's love may be coming soon.

Gu Tongzhou here actually watched with relish.

After all, the people here are either exaggerating themselves, or exaggerating the joy of the family, making people happy just looking at them.

"Well, what are you looking at? Why are you smiling so coquettishly?" At some point, Jiang Jing opened her eyes, looked up at Gu Tongzhou, and said with a smile.

"Look at Qzone, our school's confession wall." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Well, show me, okay, I don't remember myself when I was in college." Jiang Jing moved her eyes and said with a smile, her tone was a little emotional and curious.

"Here." Leaving this item neatly, Gu Tongzhou smiled and handed the phone to Jiang Jing.

Although she saw nothing, it was better not to show her.

"Hmm, why is it all a confession? Is it really a confession wall?" Jiang Jing said with a smile while turning the pages.

"Haha, it's normal for college students to yearn for love." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Yes." Jiang Jing nodded and said with a smile.

"Have you rested yet?" Gu Tongzhou pinched the red-eyed white rabbit and said with a smile.

"No, no." Jiang Jing stared and refused directly.

"Then I see that your face is flushed and full of energy now." Gu Tongzhou curled his lips and said with a smile.

"It's just an appearance."

"Oh, so it's like this." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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