God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 198 Zhang Jiale, I Feel You Have a Problem

Chapter 198 Zhang Jiale, I Feel You Have a Problem

"Ahem, I didn't think so much before. I'm not the kind of person who beat around the bush." ​​Gu Tongzhou blinked and decided to tell the truth.

He didn't have so many thoughts in the first place, so he couldn't be wronged for nothing.

Although I didn't say anything good, but I must not admit what I didn't do.

"So, you were indeed mocking me just now? It's just that you didn't make such oblique taunts, and just taunted me directly?"

The phone rang, and Sun Jiayan's message appeared on the phone screen.

Hey hey? !
This woman is so good at hate, clinging to me?

I can't tell it usually, I thought she didn't quarrel very much.

It seems that the superficially aloof goddesses are not only funny and sandy in private, but they may even quarrel.

Compared with the kind of aunts in the streets and alleys, she is not bad at all.

"I apologize, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have ridiculed you." Gu Tongzhou grinned, and typed a reply speechlessly.

Really, be careful.

Is this kind of thing necessary and worth mentioning?
Sun Jiayan: "You were wrong in the first place. Since your attitude of admitting your mistakes is quite positive, I will reluctantly forgive you."

Hey, why is this suddenly a little arrogant?

Haven't shown it before.

It’s okay, I also like Tsundere.

"Wuhu, let's not talk about this, you were right before, I want to go out for dinner with you, so, shall we go out for dinner tonight?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows, smiled and typed back.

Sun Jiayan: "Huh? Just eat."

"OK, no problem."

"Well, I'll find you downstairs at 07:30 in your dormitory, and then go out together. Is it convenient for you at that time?" The corners of Gu Tongzhou's mouth curled up slightly, and it was obvious that he was actually quite happy.

Just promise yourself to go out to eat and you have a good chance.

Of course, some very scumbag female sea queens will also agree to go out to eat with you, but they have no feelings for you, they just want to treat you as a long-term meal ticket.

Of course, Gu Tongzhou can be sure that Sun Jiayan is not such a Neptune, and even if she is, Gu Tongzhou is confident that he can let her go ashore, and then give up all the fish in the fish pond.

Sun Jiayan: "Well, it's convenient, but it can't be too late. I'll go back after dinner. I don't want to play outside until too late."

"Of course, it's good for girls to go home early, no later than ten o'clock." Gu Tongzhou hooked the corner of his mouth and typed with a smile.

He didn't intend to take Sun Jiayan to stay outside too late, and it was impossible for him to stay out too late. After all, although the two of them gradually became familiar with each other, and it was obvious that they had ideas for each other, it would be too late if they played so quickly.

It will appear that boys are very eager and excessive, a little shameless.

It will also appear that the girl is too unreserved, and there is a high probability that the girl will ask to go back early. If this is the case, it is better to agree to it in advance.

Don't wait a while and be embarrassed or something.

"Well, before ten o'clock at the latest."

"Okay, that's it, I'll pick you up later." Gu Tongzhou typed back with a smile.


After talking about this matter, Gu Tongzhou cocked his mouth a little happily, picked up the teacup, took a few sips of hot water, and let out a breath of comfort.

"Finished talking? Are you going to stay in the dormitory again tonight? Go out with girls?" Zhang Jiale put his hands on his chin and looked at Gu Tongzhou, asking with a smile.

"Well, let's go out for dinner together." Gu Tongzhou smiled, and then said casually.

"Tsk, going out for a meal, it's definitely not possible to just have a meal, right? Why don't you go to a milk tea shop to drink milk tea together, go for a walk together, and chat for a while? Just do it in a circle, and it will definitely be ten o'clock in the evening Right? And then, the lonely men and widows have been playing together so late, so the relationship can't be fast-forwarded?" Zhang Jiale touched his chin, looked at Gu Tongzhou, clicked his tongue, and then said with a smile.

"Look at what you said, it's just going out for a meal. How can it be as complicated as what you said? You are completely judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Really, what kind of person you are, you can judge others as well." What kind of person is too much." Gu Tongzhou curled his lips and said with a smile.

"Heh, if you say that, won't my conscience hurt? Doesn't my face turn red? Really, sorry? If it were me, I would definitely admit it openly. I dare not admit it." Zhang Jiale was speechless He rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Oh, that's fine, I admit, I'm that kind of person, what's wrong? Can't you? What do you want to say? Don't accept it? You can't beat me if you don't accept it." Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows arrogantly, looking Looking at Zhang Jiale, he said with an arrogant expression.

The attitude is extremely arrogant, the tone is extremely beating, and the expression is extremely bad.

"I don't have any dissatisfaction, I just see you being so shameless, I can't see it." Zhang Jiale raised his eyebrows indifferently, and said with a smile.

"What's the matter if I'm shameless? Anyway, you don't have the school girl to accompany you for dinner." Gu Tongzhou shrugged and said with a smile.

"Sigh, Senior Sister Sun is really blind. She only sees your surface and doesn't see your true face. Sooner or later, she will regret it. Oh, yes, if I were a woman, even if I knew you were a scumbag, I might I will desperately want to be with you." Zhang Jiale frowned, looked closely at Gu Tongzhou's face, and said with a smile.

"Huh? Seriously, are you serious?" Gu Tongzhou frowned, looked at Zhang Jiale with narrowed eyes, and said with a serious expression.

"Of course, you are so good-looking, which girl doesn't like it? If I were a girl, I would definitely like you too, even if I am a scumbag, it doesn't matter. After all, it doesn't matter if it lasts forever, as long as I have it once." Zhang Jiale nodded Nodding his head, he said with a smile.

"Zhang Jiale, I feel that there is something wrong with your sexual orientation? Do you like me? The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong with you. Do you really like me? Zhang Jiale, don't be overwhelmed by my beauty , and then I bent it directly." Gu Tongzhou wrinkled his nose severely, looked at Zhang Jiale in disbelief, and said dancing.

"I have a problem with my sexual orientation? I like you? If I really have a problem with my sexual orientation and really like you, your anus would already be in pain. You slept so deeply before, so it was extremely convenient to commit crimes." Zhang Jiale Speechlessly rolling his eyes, he said angrily.

"Oh, who knows whether you are attacking or receiving? What if you are receiving? Disgusting." Gu Tongzhou pouted, looked at Zhang Jiale solemnly and said.

"You play a lot, really, how could I like you? My sexual orientation is normal, okay? Is it because Miss Sister's body is not soft enough, or Miss Sister's lips are not sweet enough, or Miss Sister's body is not fragrant enough? I only like you when I'm out of my mind."

Zhang Jiale closed his eyes, looked at Gu Tongzhou, and said speechlessly.

Who is this?A big old man, he plays more games than other girls, and he doesn't look like a man at all.

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense, but to be honest, if you don't find another girl, I really have to doubt your sexual orientation. After all, my appearance is here, so I really need it." Pay attention to these. Boys, you must protect yourself when you go out." Gu Tongzhou shook his hand and said with a smile.

"Stop nagging, go find Senior Sister Sun and have a good chat and improve your relationship. I'm going to play games." Zhang Jiale rolled his eyes speechlessly and said angrily.

Then I sat in front of my computer and played games.

"Hey." Seeing Zhang Jiale's doormat appearance, Gu Tongzhou felt very happy, and then went to chat with Sun Jiayan on his own.

Smack, the feeling of flirting with senior sisters is really good. Compared with those girls who are younger than me, the feeling is really completely different.

This kind of pleasure of chasing a big sister really cannot be described in detail.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to take a shower."

After chatting for so long, there was hot water in the dormitory, so Gu Tongzhou decided to take a shower first.

"Huh? Is it necessary? In order to come out to see me, take a special shower?"

"As the saying goes, women are the ones who please themselves, and boys are the same. When I go out to see you, shouldn't I wash it clean and dress better? Then I will go to see you fragrant and handsome?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows, and typed a serious reply.

"Hey, even if you take a bath, it's impossible for you to be fragrant. You guys all stink."

"Oh, boys are all stinky? Don't say it like this, okay, there are some examples, okay? Like me, you will know if I smell good after a while." Gu Tongzhou curled his lips and smiled. He typed and said.

"I don't want to smell it."

"Hey, I don't care if you smell it or not. Anyway, I'm going to take a shower. I slept for a few hours this afternoon. If I don't take a shower, I feel uncomfortable all over. I didn't take a shower because of you, please. Don't be sentimental." Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips, typed a reply with a smile.

"Oh, like this."

"Yes, that's what it looks like."

"Then go and take a shower quickly."

"Well, senior sister, goodbye."


Seeing the news about Sun Jiayan, Gu Tongzhou smiled indifferently, turned around and went to get his clothes to go to the bathroom.

It's also good to let her vent, anyway, she can't be angry because of such a trivial matter, and she can also make the relationship between the two of them closer by talking like this.

become more intimate.



Soon, it was past seven o'clock in the evening.

Gu Tongzhou put on his clothes, fixed his hair, and then applied a layer of Dabao on his face, and then he was full of energy, handsome and ready to go.

"Sons, Dad is gone. Dad went out to find your mother." Gu Tongzhou looked at the handsome guy in the mirror, nodded with satisfaction, and then smiled and said to the big babies in the dormitory.

"Get lost, brother, go find your woman." Li Wentao took a sip of pure milk, looked at Gu Tongzhou, and cursed with a smile.

"Go, you don't need to stay here to accompany your father, your filial piety is enough, I have already felt it very clearly, your first task now is to accompany my daughter-in-law." Gao Wen curled his lips and smiled. said.

"Get out, get out, don't obstruct people's eyes here." Zhang Jiale waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Hahahaha." Gu Tongzhou laughed and walked out the door, heading directly to Sun Jiayan's bedroom.

Gu Tongzhou walked out of his dormitory, and slowly wandered towards Sun Jiayan's dormitory building, looking at the hurried people on campus along the way, he suddenly felt a little emotional.

Damn, my university is really completely useless. I go to university just to fall in love and find a girlfriend?
To be honest, I really feel a little guilty.

I really can't go on like this anymore, I have to study hard.

Otherwise, I will regret it later.

Although I already have the Shenhao system, I don’t have to worry that I won’t be able to eat, have no money to buy a car or a house, or have no money to marry a wife.

Not only do you not have to worry about food and clothing, but you can also live a better life than 90.00% of the people in the world.

But, these are just physical things, just material enjoyment. Gu Tongzhou feels that, as a godly hero, he should learn something useful to enrich his spirit. world and mind.

Gu Tongzhou felt that only in this way could he be regarded as a real hero.

In the past, Gu Tongzhou had just obtained the Shenhao system, and the poor became rich, and then he couldn't adapt to it, so he was directly immersed in the ocean of money, and fell directly into the happiness of spending money to fill a cup.

And now Gu Tongzhou is slowly getting used to it, and has begun to get used to the life of the rich.

He found that the life of the rich is so boring and boring, so he wanted to do more meaningful things to make himself better.

Putting this aside, Gu Tongzhou soon arrived at the downstairs of Sun Jiayan's dormitory.

Then I found a place a bit off, took out my phone, sent a message to Sun Jiayan, and then looked around.

"I'm here, when are you coming down?"

Before Sun Jiayan came down, Gu Tongzhou looked around carefully.

Well, how many boys are there really, and they all seem to be waiting for their girlfriends or their goddesses?

Suck, is this the university?Is it really a place full of hormones?
There are hot young men and women everywhere.

But having said that, the love in college is still very pure, simple and beautiful. You don’t need to care about too many things. If you like it, you like it. And there is pressure.

Less affected by the external environment.

Shaking his head, Gu Tongzhou felt his phone vibrate, and then stopped looking around and diverted thoughts, and looked at the phone screen.

"Wait a minute, I'm coming out, I'll be there soon."


(End of this chapter)

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