God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 208 The woman who reveals her true colors

Chapter 208 The woman who reveals her true colors

"Cut." Zhang Danying curled her lips, looked at Gu Tongzhou with disdain and cut.

"Ahem, I'm going to eat the rabbit meat pot here later to see if it's as delicious as you said, even the cute rabbits can't resist your appetite." Gu Tongzhou coughed awkwardly , directly and rudely changed the subject.

Although it was embarrassing to be so rude, and I felt a little naive, but if Gu Tongzhou didn't change the subject now, it might be even more embarrassing later.

So Gu Tongzhou decisively changed the topic directly.

While saying this, Gu Tongzhou blinked, looked at Zhang Danying, and felt ruthless in his heart.

Tonight, I must take revenge and give her a good look, so that I won't care whether she is begging for mercy, and I will never soften my heart. I must let her know who is the real boss.

Let her know that she is not someone who can be provoked casually, as long as she provokes me, she is ready to be punished.

Of course, Gu Tongzhou is not that kind of rough person, he just wants to punish Zhang Danying within the limit.

"It must be delicious. You'll find out after you try it later." Zhang Danming knew at a glance that Gu Tongzhou was already harboring a grudge and was about to take revenge on his sister Zhang Danying, so he quickly took up the conversation with a smile, lest Zhang Danying continue to provoke Gu. Tongzhou, and then at night, Gu Tongzhou bullied him so badly that he cried.

Although it is possible that Zhang Danying will still be bullied to the point of crying, even if Zhang Danying is bullied to the point of crying, Zhang Danming is more likely to take pleasure in misfortune, but Zhang Danming still does not want Zhang Danying to continue provoking, after all, what if he is involved in himself? manage?
After all, at that time, men's brains are not normal, and it is quite normal for the city gate to catch fire and affect the fish in the pond.

Thinking of this, Zhang Danming certainly wanted to prevent his younger sister Zhang Danying from continuing to provoke Gu Tongzhou.

Although I did it for Zhang Danying's benefit, I still received Zhang Danying's contemptuous look, as if I was a bad person who helped the evildoers.

Really, good intentions are like donkey's liver and lungs, and I don't know what is good or bad!

"Hey, now that you've said that, I really can't wait to taste it, to see if I deserve your praise." Gu Tongzhou put his hands on his chin and said with a smile.

"Well, you will not be disappointed." Although Zhang Danying was a little annoyed before, she was actually not upset at all, and then she watched Gu Tongzhou and her sister chatting on their own, ignoring herself, so she quickly interjected and said with a smile .

"Well, if you all say that, I'm looking forward to it even more." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"Wait a little longer, the food here is served very quickly, after all, there is only one pot." Zhang Danming said with a smile, fluffing up the hair around his ear.

"A pot?" Gu Tongzhou blinked and asked suspiciously.

"That's right, the dishes I chose before are actually cooked together in a pot." Zhang Danying nodded and said with a smile.

"It's like this." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.


Sure enough, it didn't take long for Gu Tongzhou and the three of them to serve the rabbit meat pot.

It was steaming hot and fragrant, and Gu Tongzhou immediately felt that the taste should not be bad, and it should be worthy of Zhang Danying's praise.

"Try it, the boss will take the first bite." Zhang Danming smiled and handed Gu Tongzhou a pair of chopsticks, then looked at Gu Tongzhou with a smile and said.

"Yeah." Gu Tongzhou took the chopsticks handed over by Zhang Danming, nodded with a smile, and hummed softly.

Then he stretched out his chopsticks to pick up vegetables, picked up a piece of rabbit meat and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, the taste is very good. It seems that I will also like rabbit meat pot in the future." Gu Tongzhou nodded, looked at the two sisters Zhang Danming and said with a smile.

"Is it delicious? Eat more if it's delicious. Also, what do you mean you will like rabbit meat pot in the future? Don't you be mocking us?" Zhang Danying frowned, looked at Gu Tongzhou, and said solemnly .

"No, no, how could it be? I'm not the kind of person who arranges other people secretly, nor the kind of person who likes yin and yang." Gu Tongzhou waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Hmph!" Zhang Danying curled her lips and snorted disdainfully, expressing that she looked down on Gu Tongzhou.

"Will this pot be missing? What about the three of us." Gu Tongzhou squeezed his chin and asked with a smile.

Although his face was pleasant, calm, and full of smiles, Gu Tongzhou had already decided Zhang Danying's tragic ending and tragic end in his heart.

Really, hate me so much, let's see how I deal with you at night!Gu Tongzhou felt ruthless in his heart, and he had already decided that he must teach Zhang Danying a lesson.

"Smack, probably not. After all, we don't have a big appetite. We used to eat a medium pot for the two of us. Now this is a large pot. Logically speaking, these should be enough for the three of us to eat." .” Zhang Danming analyzed it a few times, then said with a smile.

"Besides, it's not time for meals. We're not hungry at all. We don't eat much at all. We just taste and satisfy our cravings. You eat most of them by yourself." Zhang Danying also interjected and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, we are not hungry now, we can't eat much at all, and we both have to control our diet." Zhang Danming nodded with a smile, and said in agreement.

"Is it like this? Damn, forget it, if it's not enough later, it's not expensive anyway." After listening to Gu Tongzhou, he nodded with a smile and said.

"Yeah." ×2
It’s really not very expensive here. A big pot only costs more than [-] yuan, which may be a bit much for one person, but the big pot is obviously eaten by two people, so it’s not expensive if it’s shared equally. .

And at least it's worth the money.

"Smack, it's delicious, but it's not spicy enough." After swallowing several pieces of rabbit meat one after another, Gu Tongzhou smacked his lips and said with a smile.

"Isn't this spicy? Boss, aren't you a little too strong? I think it's already very spicy." Zhang Danying blinked, looked at Gu Tongzhou in surprise and said.

"I am a native of Junsha, a native of Hunan, and they are very good at spicy food. Where are you from? You think it is very spicy with such a little spicy taste?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Shunan people eat spicy food, tsk, it's really good, I admire it." Zhang Danying nodded in admiration, looked at Gu Tongzhou, and said with a smile.

"The two of us are from Jiangsu. The spicy food is indeed not as good as yours. We can hardly eat anything that is too spicy." Zhang Danming said with a smile, and answered Gu Tongzhou's question.

"Hahaha, you don't eat chili, does the food taste?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows with a smile, looked at Zhang Danming solemnly, and asked curiously.

"Of course it has a taste, and it's not just spicy. As the saying goes, there are five flavors." Zhang Danming said with a smile, curling his lips.

"That's right, what you said makes sense. After all, there are five flavors, and each person has his own flavor." Gu Tongzhou blinked, looked at Zhang Danming and nodded, and said with a smile.

"Well, that's it." Zhang Danying nodded and said in agreement with a smile.

"If I have a chance to go to your place, there are still some places worth visiting." Gu Tongzhou touched his chin and said with a smile.

"That's right, we also have cultural heritage and natural scenery, which is worth visiting." Zhang Danming nodded and said with a smile, with a look of pride on his face.

"Well, I will definitely go if I have the chance." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

Gu Tongzhou really wanted to go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang. He felt that the gardens in Yangzhou and Hangzhou were very poetic and emotional, and they were completely suitable for him to play.

"Well, if you have a chance, you must go. We will be your tour guide." Zhang Danying winked at Gu Tongzhou, said with a smile, and volunteered.

"Well, I will definitely look for you when I go, but let's not talk about it, eat and eat. Once you open your mouth, you won't be able to eat at all." Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips and said speechlessly.

Even though he said that, Gu Tongzhou didn't know when he was going, nor did he know whether he was going alone or with others, but there was a high probability that Gu Tongzhou was going with other women, so he didn't talk about it at all. No matter what time to find them as tour guides.

So Gu Tongzhou is just talking about it now, and there is not much possibility of doing so.

Therefore, the man's mouth is a deceitful ghost, there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

"Well, let's do it." Zhang Danying curled her lips and said in a speechless voice.

Really, I only know how to eat and eat, why didn't I become fat?

Really, it's against the law, eating so much food, why the figure is still so good, it's outrageous.

Not to mention, Gu Tongzhou's figure is really good, fleshy and good-looking, I love it, I'm a little greedy, it's perfect.

"Eat it too, it's not really just to taste the taste, to relieve the cravings, right? You have to eat more of this kind of delicious food, otherwise, how can you enjoy it? Don't worry about not eating enough, you can continue later Point. Don't think about keeping fit or anything, we will definitely be exercising tonight, and I will ensure that all the calories you eat will be burned by me." Gu Tongzhou shook the chopsticks in his hand and said with a smile.

"Smack, then I'll eat it." Zhang Danming stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a few pieces of rabbit meat, stuffed it into his mouth, and said with a smile.

"Well, I want to eat too." Seeing that Zhang Danming had already picked up the chopsticks to eat first, Zhang Danying finally couldn't bear it anymore, and took the chopsticks and started eating together.

At first, Zhang Danying and the two sisters were quite reserved, but seeing that Gu Tongzhou was eating too fast, they also speeded up.

I completely forgot what I said before, I am not hungry at all, I just taste the taste.

Now it's straight out.

"Let's have a chicken pot, a big pot, and, let's add another rice." Gu Tongzhou raised his head from the rice bowl halfway, called the waiter over, and said with a smile.

"OK, all right."

Maybe it was driven by Gu Tongzhou, Zhang Danming and the sisters actually kept up with Gu Tongzhou's progress, and they kept eating with great interest, completely ignoring whether they were eating a little too much, or whether it was bad for their bodies or something.

After a long time, the three of them walked out of the restaurant contentedly after eating, stood outside, and rubbed their stomachs in satisfaction.

But it was only for a moment, Zhang Danying touched her stomach, and moaned pitifully, "Ah, I ate a lot today, I feel that I must gain a few catties tomorrow."

"Well, I really ate too much today. I feel like my body is starting to grow flesh." Zhang Danming also reacted, touched his stomach, and said pitifully.

"Ham, you have to believe me, you won't get fat, just exercise at night, as long as the calories are burned, how can you still gain weight." Gu Tongzhou waved his hand and said with a smile.

Looking at Zhang Danying and Zhang Danming, there was some ridicule and complacency.

"Bah, it's really shameless to say such shameless words in broad daylight." Zhang Danying said with a bah, and said disdainfully.

Seeing Zhang Danying's disdainful expression, Gu Tongzhou didn't care, he was calm. He believed that he would make Zhang Danying bow his head and beg for mercy. At that time, wouldn't he just say what he said?
There is absolutely no need to quarrel with her now, and it is completely unnecessary when I am at a loss.

"Come on, accompany me to your school for a stroll? Or, do you want to go shopping together?" Gu Tongzhou put his hands in his pockets and asked with a smile.

"Well, shopping? What are you shopping for?" Zhang Danying blinked and asked with a smile.

"Do you want to buy anything? Mr. Gu will pay for all your consumption today. So, do you want to buy something, or do you want to accompany me to visit your school?" Gu Tongzhou waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Mr. Gu pays for everything? Then I must choose to buy things. Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that I am hypocritical? You pay for everything. I like things that are free." Zhang Danying covered her mouth and looked Looking at Gu Tongzhou, he said with a smile.

"Hahaha, okay, since you want to buy something, let's go shopping together. Zhang Danming, which one do you think is better, which one do you want to choose?" Gu Tongzhou shrugged and said indifferently, then looked at Zhang Danming and asked road.

"If I had to choose, of course I would choose to go shopping." Zhang Danming blinked and said with a smile.

"Well, let's go." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"Let's go, Mr. Gu pays for today's consumption, you must spend more, otherwise, it will be a blood loss." Zhang Danying winked at Gu Tongzhou for a while, and then said with a smile.

When talking about Mr. Gu, his tone changed a little.

(End of this chapter)

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