God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 212 The Big Pig's Hoof

Chapter 212 The Big Pig's Hoof
"Haha, you usually help her get the drink?" Gu Tongzhou opened the Coke, took a sip, and then let out a comfortable breath, then looked at Zhang Danming with a smile and asked.

"Well, I used to help her carry it all the time, unless there was an accident, like now." Zhang Danming nodded, turned to look at Zhang Danying who was standing in front of the refrigerator to get a drink, and said with a smile.Then he looked at Gu Tongzhou and shrugged with a smile.

"Don't spoil her in the future, let her learn to live independently, and can't always rely on you. Sooner or later, you two will live separately, and if you keep spoiling her like this, her temper will definitely become more and more serious." Bad, you will suffer in the future." Gu Tongzhou narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Zhang Danming with a smile, and was about to trick Zhang Danying.

Smack, let you be arrogant, let you be arrogant, let you be arrogant and let you be arrogant with me, I must make you uncomfortable by riding a horse, and make you uncomfortable from various aspects and channels.

Tsk, it's your sister, you who are used to it every day, how dare you insult your grandfather and me like this?Are you tired of living?If you don't let you know how powerful Grandpa is, you won't know why Hua'er is so popular.

Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips, thinking to himself.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but the habit is here, and it's already hard to change. Besides, it's just a little water, it's not a big deal. In fact, there is no need to go online." Zhang Danming smacked his lips, Then he said with a smile.

"Then you are wrong. As the saying goes, everything has to be started from a small place, and the details determine success or failure. If you want to make your child outstanding, you have to pay attention to these small places." Gu Tongzhou smacked his lips, serious He looked at Zhang Danming and said, trying to persuade Zhang Danming, just like a parenting expert is educating a mother.

"Stop, stop, I know these reasons, I know it all, but it's useless to tell me, I'm not Zhang Danying's mother, I can't control her at all, besides, even her mother can't control her." Zhang Danming Seeing that something was wrong with Gu Tongzhou, it seemed that he really wanted to talk about some messy parenting experience with him, so he quickly interrupted Gu Tongzhou and said with a smile.

"Huh? Can her mother not control her? No, I don't think she is the kind of person who doesn't listen to her mother. Then, you must be the kind of person who doesn't listen to her mother, right?" Gu Tongzhou blinked, looked at Zhang Danming suspiciously, and asked with a smile.

"Well, our two sisters are actually similar, neither of them are honest people. By the way, are there really honest people now?" Zhang Danming nodded and said with a smile.

After hearing Zhang Danming's words, Gu Tongzhou glanced at Zhang Danming, and muttered a few words involuntarily.In today's society, there must be honest people, otherwise, who would take orders from dishonest girls like you. ?
Smack, maybe these are not really honest people, after all, even honest people can't get high-quality dishes like Zhang Danming.

"Tsk, forget it, forget it, it doesn't matter if you can't control it, as long as you don't get her something to drink and don't spoil her, then she can't help it." Gu Tongzhou glanced at Zhang Danming, then said with a smile.

"Well, okay." Zhang Danming smacked his lips, then looked at Gu Tongzhou's expression, nodded helplessly and agreed.

Anyway, there is no loss to me, just agree directly, otherwise, maybe Gu Tongzhou will have to say something messy to himself.

"En." Looking at Zhang Danming, Gu Tongzhou nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile.

"Well, what were you talking about just now? Why do you have a strange expression?" Zhang Danying quickly came back with a bottle of Nutrition Express, sat down beside Zhang Danming, looked at Gu Tongzhou and asked.

"It's nothing, just chatting casually. Well, how much is your rented house for a month?" Gu Tongzhou smacked his lips, looked at Zhang Danying, and said with a smile.

"Not expensive, 1000 yuan." Zhang Danying glanced at Gu Tongzhou, lowered her head and unscrewed the bottle cap of Nutrition Express, and said with a smile.

"Well, it's quite cheap." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"That's right, our house is very cheap. We were really lucky to find such a house." Zhang Danming nodded and said with a smile.

"Then don't you want to change to a rented house? Change to a bigger one?" Gu Tongzhou nodded and asked with a smile.

"Smack, it depends. I don't really want to change the house. You can ask my sister, she definitely doesn't want to change the house." Zhang Danying pursed her lips and said with a smile, then turned her head and bumped into Zhang Danming with a smile shoulders.

"Well, I don't really think about it. I feel like I'm used to living here and have feelings." Zhang Danming nodded and said, then shrugged slightly.

"Yes, we are all used to living here, and we already have feelings for this area, and moving is really too troublesome." Zhang Danying nodded and added in agreement.

"Well, since you guys like it, then definitely don't change it, anyway, it's quite safe here." Gu Tongzhou nodded indifferently, and said with a smile.


"Hey, do you have anything interesting here?" Gu Tongzhou looked around the room of the two sisters, Zhang Danying, and asked with a smile.

"Fun things? We don't have TV shows here, we don't have game consoles, we don't have any fun things here, but we have computers, I think it's okay, and there are dolls." Zhang Danying looked around, then looked at Gu Tongzhou, shrugged , said with a smile.

"Well, is there really nothing interesting?" Gu Tongzhou looked at Zhang Danying without blinking, and asked with a playful smile.

"Well, not anymore." Zhang Danying didn't notice that there was something wrong with Gu Tongzhou's eyes, and said with a casual smile.

"Well, since there is nothing interesting, let's play together and have fun together." Gu Tongzhou blinked and said with a smile.

Zhang Danming noticed that something was wrong when Gu Tongzhou's expression changed from the very beginning. Now that he heard what Gu Tongzhou said, he knew that he was indeed right.

Gu Tongzhou wanted to do bad things, so he proclaimed Yin during the day.

Tsk, it seems that Zhang Danying's punishment is about to fall on her before nightfall.

Before she could think too much, Zhang Danying's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"You, what do you mean? What do you want to do?" Zhang Danying pursed her lips, looked at Gu Tongzhou suspiciously, and said falteringly.

"Of course we are playing games together, what else can we do?" Gu Tongzhou curled his lips, stood up with a smile, hugged Zhang Danying's body, and said with a smile.

With an arrogant and domineering smile on his face.

After finishing speaking, Gu Tongzhou immediately started to play tricks on Zhang Danying.



"Uh, um."

After a long time, both Zhang Danying and Zhang Danming couldn't stand it any longer, and fell limp on the bed like ooze.

As for Gu Tongzhou, he is still full of energy, and it can even be said that he is still in a state of complete victory, so of course it is impossible for Gu Tongzhou to keep watching and not moving.

Standing beside Zhang Danying with a smile, he began to fiddle with it.

"I can't take it anymore, I have no strength, go find my sister." Zhang Danying trembled violently after feeling Gu Tongzhou's presence, and then begged for mercy softly.

"Heh, do you know how arrogant you are today?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Well, I was wrong, brother, go find sister."

"Hmph!" Gu Tongzhou ignored him, still busy with his head down.

"Cut, I asked you to restrain yourself before. If you don't restrain yourself, you know it's hard now, and you still want to bring trouble to me? It's a beautiful idea!" Although Zhang Danming was exhausted, after hearing Zhang Danying's words, , Still out of breath, said angrily.




Soon, it will be night.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell!"

The alarm clock rang.

"Hmm." Gu Tongzhou opened his eyes, stood up, looked around, and saw two girls lying naked beside him, their bodies entangled.

Smack, I remembered, I came to their rental house at noon today, and then I went straight to A during the day, and then I made the second daughter docile to me.

Especially Zhang Danying, who used to be so arrogant and domineering that it made people itch, but just now, huh, she was not obedient to her own words, and dared not talk back to me with half a word.

Oh, comfortable, refreshed.

Tsk, I can't help it, I can't help it, it's just like this, I'm so powerful, thank the system for allowing me to have such an indestructible kidney.

After looking triumphantly at Zhang Danying's cheek, Gu Tongzhou nodded in satisfaction, then walked out of bed with a smile, and began to put on clothes on his body.

"Huh, let's order a takeaway." Although Gu Tongzhou is really full of energy, not tired at all, and has enough energy to cook, but Gu Tongzhou is really not so diligent, and would not think about cooking here.

Besides, there was no kitchen here, so he couldn't cook or cook at all, so Gu Tongzhou simply ordered a takeaway, and he even ordered one for Zhang Danming and his sisters.

As for why not wake them up, and then go out to eat together later?Look at these two women who are sleeping like pigs on the bed, even if you wake them up, do they have the strength to go out and eat?
And you wake them up now, isn't that a crime?
Really, he was so tired before, but now he sleeps so soundly, and now you wake him up, are you still human?

That's too much.

The best thing to do now is to let them both sleep well.



More than half an hour later, the takeaway was delivered.

Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips, looked at the two sisters who were sleeping on the bed, they were still in a deep sleep, and there was no sign of getting up at all.

Shaking his head, Gu Tongzhou opened his takeaway, um, it's quite hearty, with meat and vegetables, and very nutritious.

See how it tastes.

Gu Tongzhou couldn't wait to start eating, um, the taste was good, pretty good, and it was worth the hundred and ten dollars.

Gu Tongzhou nodded in satisfaction while stuffing vegetables into his mouth.

Soon, Gu Tongzhou, who was already very hungry, ate up his portion of takeaway, and then he was still a little bit full, smacking his lips involuntarily, and involuntarily glanced at the takeaway of the two sisters, Zhang Danming went.

"Well, no, this is a takeaway for the two of them, I can't do this."

"But I'm so hungry, I'm not full at all. Duck, suck, I still want to eat. Don't you want to eat some ready-made ones here? You can order them for them. Besides, this is what you ordered yourself. Takeaway, and they didn't write their names."

"Then you can order another takeaway and wait a little longer."

There were two kinds of ideas in Gu Tongzhou's mind, fighting crazily. One was to let Gu Tongzhou eat the two sisters Zhang Danming directly, and the other was to let Gu Tongzhou order another one.

But it didn't take long for Gu Tongzhou to make a decision. After all, this was not something to argue about.

"Smack, all right, I'll order another one for them. They're still sleeping anyway, so they're not in a hurry to eat." Gu Tongzhou smacked his lips, muttered to himself with a smile, and then prepared to open Zhang Danming's takeaway up.

"Well, um." But at this moment, a slight and weak voice came from behind, and Zhang Danying raised her head with some discomfort, looking at Gu Tongzhou's back.

"Huh? Zhang Danying, are you awake? Have you had enough rest? Do you want to sleep a little longer?" After hearing the voice behind him, Gu Tongzhou turned his head to look at Zhang Danying, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile .

"Well, what kind of fragrance is this? It smells so good." Zhang Danying half-closed her sleepy eyes, moved her nose a few times, and then asked in a daze.

"Well, it's nothing, it's your sister's scent." Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows, feeling that the woman hadn't fully woke up at all, she was in a daze, and she could be tricked into falling asleep.

It's not because he wants to monopolize Zhang Danying's takeaway, even if she wakes up, Gu Tongzhou can share it with her, Gu Tongzhou is also satisfied.

He simply thought that Zhang Danying was cute like this, and he just wanted to tease her.

Let's see if we can succeed.

"My sister's smell? My sister smells like barbecue? Why?" Zhang Danying squinted her eyes and said softly.

The dazed, half-asleep look is so cute that it explodes.

"Because your sister is a big pig." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Well, my sister is a big pig's trotter." Zhang Danying actually agreed.

"Then you should hold the big pig's hoof and chew on it." Gu Tongzhou almost couldn't help laughing out loud, but he forced himself to hold back and said in a calm tone.

"Well, I'm going to hold the big pig's trotters and gnaw on them." After speaking, Zhang Danying was about to lie down and gnaw on Zhang Danming.

(End of this chapter)

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