Chapter 176
Han Fengxue said: "Then you follow."

After finishing speaking, Han Fengxue turned around and left the room.Seeing this, Lin Yi followed him out.

All the way to Han Feng's room, Lin Yi saw that it was a quiet and remote courtyard.There are many flowers and plants in the courtyard, which must have been planted by Han Feng.

Han Fengxue pushed open the door, and Lin Yi saw the layout of the room.Although Han Feng is the eldest lady of the Han family, the decoration in the room is not luxurious.On the contrary, there are some crude meanings.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Han Feng hurried out of the boudoir.She met Lin Yi and Han Fengxue.

Lin Yi was startled when he saw Han Feng.

Because Han Feng is wearing a red dress at this time, and her face is also covered with powder.It makes her look more delicate.

When Han Feng saw that it was Lin Yi and his father, she immediately smiled. She first bowed to Han Fengxue, and then said softly to Lin Yi, "Hello, Mr. Lin Yi."

"Hello, Miss Hanfeng." Lin Yi also replied.He felt that Han Feng looked at him a little differently now, but he didn't know what was the difference.Anyway, he just felt that Han Feng's gaze towards him became more tender.

"Feng'er, I have already told him about Lin Yi, and he has also shown his heart." Han Fengxue glanced at Lin Yi and said to Han Feng.

Listening to Han Fengxue's words, Lin Yi felt something was wrong.But he still didn't interrupt, but listened to Han Fengxue's words.

"Boy Lin Yi said that he also loves you with all his heart, so he decided to stay and marry you. I also discussed the date with him. Choosing a date is worse than hitting the sun, and it will be tomorrow." Han Fengxue said.

Lin Yi was shocked when he heard this.He had never said anything like this, and at the same time, Lin Yi also understood why Han Feng hadn't gone out all morning.Because she was putting on makeup in the room, ready to see Lin Yi with her most beautiful self.

Moreover, Lin Yi also figured out why Han Feng looked at him with a lot of tenderness in his eyes.It turned out that this was all done by Han Fengxue.

Immediately, Lin Yi smiled wryly in his heart.Han Fengxue said this, but he couldn't say that he didn't like Han Feng.

Because when Lin Yi saw Han Feng's beautiful eyes looking at him infatuatedly, it was an infatuated and shy look, and Lin Yi knew that Han Feng really liked him.

He couldn't bear to hurt this beautiful woman's heart with cruel words.

"Boy Lin Yi, since you and I have met Feng'er, then go back. You will be married tomorrow, and you should go back and prepare." Han Fengxue pushed Lin Yi away, and did not leave Lin Yi and Han Feng alone. Together, a chance to tell the truth.

Lin Yi left with a wry smile.

Li Chen laughed in Lin Yi's heart: "Xiao Linzi, why are you unhappy that such a beautiful girl married you? Could it be you?"

"Let me tell you, if a man can't do it, he can't do it, but you can't feel in your heart that you really can't do it. That's what you really can't do."

Li Chen spoke like a tongue twister.

Lin Yi was in a bad mood and ignored Li Chen's words.

Back in the room, Lin Yi sat on the edge of the bed sullenly.Seeing this, Li Chen also knew that Lin Yi was really in a bad mood, so he didn't make fun of Lin Yi anymore.

"Old Li, you said I just left like this, okay?"

After a while, Lin Yi finally spoke.

Li Chen was taken aback, and he said, "Xiao Linzi, some things can't be solved by running away."

"You have to learn to face it."

"And, if you leave, what will that little girl do? She must be so sad." Although Li Chen didn't know what happened between Lin Yi and Han Feng, he saw Lin Yi's affectionate eyes from Han Feng In it, one can read how deep Han Feng's love for Lin Yi is.

It's a pity that Luo Hua intends to be ruthless, but Lin Yi has no love for Han Feng.Rescuing Han Feng and working hard for her is all because Lin Yi regards her as a friend.

Lin Yi heard Li Chen's answer that this was not the answer, he lowered his head in pain.From China to this other world, Lin Yi has never been so distressed.

Facing the danger of life and death, Lin Yi has never been afraid.But when Lin Yi was faced with emotional matters, he was overwhelmed.

"Let me find a chance to talk to Miss Han Feng..." Lin Yi raised his head and murmured.

But where did he get such an opportunity?
Lin Yi spent the whole day under the guard of the guards.Until Han Fengxue gave the order to the guards, Lin Yi did not forcefully leave to make it difficult for the guards.

He waited quietly, waiting for an opportunity to explain the matter the next day.

That night, Han Fengxue appeared in Lin Yi's room.

Lin Yi looked at the smile on Han Fengxue's face, his face darkened, and said, "What's the business of Senior Han coming to find this junior in the middle of the night?"

Han Fengxue said: "Boy Lin Yi, don't look at your boss. You are going to marry my girl, be happy."

Lin Yi still had no expression on his face.

He said: "Senior Han, do you think Miss Han Feng will be happy in this way?"

Han Fengxue pouted, and said, "I can't control that much, anyway, all I know is that if you don't like Feng'er, she will be very unhappy now."

Lin Yi became annoyed. If he hadn't been unable to beat Han Fengxue, he would have pushed Han Fengxue to the ground and beat him up.

"Tonight, you should prepare well. Tomorrow is your wedding day with Feng'er. I don't want to see her cry." The threatening meaning in Han Fengxue's words was clearly revealed. In a flash, he left Lin Yi's room.

Seeing Han Fengxue leave, Lin Yi walked to the window of the house.Looking at the bright moon in the sky, he couldn't help thinking of Su Yu'er's face.He thought that if he married Han Feng here, Su Yu'er would be very unhappy.

Li Chen pretended to be deaf and dumb in Lin Yi's sea of ​​consciousness. He naturally understood everything that happened outside.However, Li Chen did not intervene.He only protects Lin Yi's safety. Regarding these matters, Lin Yi has to make his own decisions.

One night passed in a hurry, and the next day came in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning, Lin Yi found in his room that the entire Han family was decorated with lights and festoons, as lively as the New Year.And all the guards, servants, elders, messengers and others are dressed in bright red robes.Red lanterns are also hanging everywhere, everything is so beaming.

However, Lin Yi was not happy in his heart.

Because he will be forced to marry today.

"Uncle! Uncle!" At this moment, there were several clear and clear female voices outside the door.

Lin Yi looked sideways, and saw that it was Han Feng's personal maid who came.

Lin Yi didn't pay attention to the title of uncle now, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Uncle, Miss asked me to invite you over." The servant girl looked at the handsome young man in white clothes in front of her, and said softly with her head down.

(End of this chapter)

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