The strongest undead system

Chapter 29 Black Flame City

Chapter 29 Black Flame City

Lin Yi looked at Wu Zhai, feeling the transformation of Wu Zhai's aura, a knowing smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth.

"Boss!" Wu Zhai jumped up from the ground at once, looked at Lin Yi, and said excitedly, "I broke through the inner demon! Now I am at the ninth level of Spiritual Realm!"

"Haha! Now I can help you, boss!" Wu Zhai laughed happily.

Lin Yi was a little moved, he smiled and patted Wu Zhai on the shoulder: "Silly boy!"

Indeed, Wu Zhai broke through the nightmare in his heart.Because Lin Yi could clearly feel the changes in Wu Zhai's aura, the previous Wu Zhai always had a look of unconfidence, but now Wu Zhai is full of vigor and radiance!
Wu Zhai's self-confidence is not without support. Now with his physical defense, even against the strong in the Void Transformation Realm, he still has the power to fight!
"Since the dragon's blood has been refined, we should go." Lin Yi looked away, thinking about Huang Jiao's whereabouts.

"Boss, let's go to Heiyan City. Before I came, my master told me that Heiyan City is the most prosperous city in the Broken Continent. We will definitely be able to find out the whereabouts of Miss Huang Jiao when we go there." Wu Zhai knew that Lin Yi was worried about Huang Jiao, so he suggested.

Lin Yi nodded: "Okay, then let's go."

In the Shattered Continent, there are all dragons.Only at this time of the year, a group of alien humans will come in.So at this time, the dragons in the Broken Continent will strictly check, and once they find humans, they will kill them!

Because the goal of these humans is the most precious medicinal material of the dragon clan: dragon fruit!

Lin Yi went all the way to kill the people of the dragon clan, and at the same time his experience value increased, he finally asked the direction of Heiyan City.

Heiyan City is not far from Lin Yi's location. After Lin Yi knew the direction of Heiyan City, he didn't delay and tried his best to avoid the dragons and arrive as soon as possible.

"System, are there any items that can disguise us as dragons?" Lin Yi asked the system in his heart when he arrived at the gate of Heiyan City.

After all, there is a group of dragons there, if two humans suddenly broke in, Lin Yi and Wu Zhai would naturally become the target of public criticism.

"The host can go to the system mall to buy the fake body pill. The fake body pill lasts for an hour and is worth one thousand spirit crystals."

"Buy two!" Lin Yi said directly.

"The system has deducted two thousand spirit crystals from the host."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining two fake body pills, do you want to take them?"

"Take it." Lin Yi directly took a fake body pill.Afterwards, Lin Yi's figure instantly became bigger, and he turned into a golden dragon directly.

Wu Zhai was taken aback when he saw Lin Yi's sudden "transformation".Then he looked at Lin Yi's huge body, and asked weakly: " don't it the Dragon Clan?"

The golden dragon transformed by Lin Yi opened his mouth and scolded with a smile: "What's the matter? If I were a dragon, would you still want to kill the dragon?"

Naturally, Wu Zhai didn't think so.

"I still have a fake body pill here, you take it. Remember, the fake body pill can only transform into a dragon clan for an hour. After we go in and find out the news, we will leave." With a wave of Lin Yi's dragon claw, a The elixir came out.

Wu Zhai took the pill and swallowed it in one gulp.Then he also transformed into a giant dragon.

"Boss, can we fly into the sky?" Wu Zhai was eager to try.

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and before he could speak, he saw Wu Di's figure flying into the sky!

Flying in the sky is originally an innate talent of the Dragon Clan.This point of the dragon clan does not need to reach a certain level of strength to be able to fly in the air like humans do.

"Haha! Fatty, wait for me!" Lin Yi also flew out to catch up with Wu Zhai.

The two were forced to land at the gate of Heiyan City because a group of dragon soldiers were there to investigate.However, Lin Yi and Wu Zhai turned into giant dragons, and they also carried the aura of the dragon clan on their bodies.Naturally it will not be discovered.

The two swaggered into the Black Flame City.

Although Black Flame City is occupied by dragons, there are human civilizations in the city, presumably it was built by the humans captured by the dragons here.

Moreover, there are many humans in the city.However, none of these human beings has any cultivation base, so it should be the Dragon Clan who let them here. After all, the Dragon Clan can't learn many things about humans.

After entering the Black Flame City, Lin Yi found that all the dragons here had turned into human bodies.

So Lin Yi and Wu Zhai also returned from the dragon body to the human form. Anyway, they have the aura of the dragon clan on their bodies, so they are not afraid of being recognized as human beings.

As soon as he entered Heiyan City, Lin Yi looked around.He found a teahouse opened by humans and walked in.

As soon as he entered the teahouse, Lin Yi heard the dragons inside drinking tea noisily.Lin Yi's heart moved, and he spoke directly to Wu Zhai loudly.

"Hey, brother, have you heard? Humans have come in again recently!"

Wu Zhai understood instantly, and he said, "Isn't it? Every year at this time, humans come in to steal dragon fruit. This is really a headache!"

"Cut!" Immediately, a dragon who likes to show off came over, it sat directly beside Lin Yi, and said, "Brother, it seems that your news is really behind! This human came in to steal the dragon fruit. It can be so easy to steal! This year, our Heilong lord of Heiyan City sent a lot of guards to the surrounding Dragon Orchard. Hehe, as long as those humans dare to come, they will come and go!"

Lin Yi and Wu Zhai looked at each other, and then Lin Yi said: "Oh? Has any human being been caught?"

The dragon shook his head and said, "How can it be so easy?"

"However, I have heard that there is a human team with the strength of the ninth level of the Spiritual Realm who failed to steal the dragon fruit and was hunted down."

Lin Yi's eyes lit up. Among the disciples who came in, apart from Wu Zhai who had just broken through to the ninth level of Spiritual Realm, Nangong Yu was the only one.Li Dong wanted to cling to Nangong Yu, so Huang Jiao was probably there!
"So that's the case!" Lin Yi laughed, "It seems that my news is too closed. Brother, what will happen to those humans in the end?"

The dragon said: "What else can I do? Dong hide XZ!"

"Brother, haven't you noticed that our Black Flame City has a lot of guards recently? It's just to guard against that group of humans!"

"It is reported that the direction of escape of that group of people is towards our Black Flame City. Hehe, they came here, but they never came back!"

"It's true." Lin Yi nodded seriously, then he stood up, took out a pill from the system space and gave it to the dragon, and said, "How can I know so many things I don't know?" Thank you brother, this is a pill, you accept it!"

The Dragon Clan took Lin Yi's pill with a smile, and Lin Yi walked out of the teahouse with Wu Zhai.Now that they know what Nangong Yu and the others are doing, everything will be easy to handle.

(End of this chapter)

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