The strongest undead system

Chapter 421 Looking for Chapter 5

Chapter 421 Looking for the Fifth
It was the first time in his life that he left Emperor Tongxuan's mansion, and Jia Jiacheng finally saw the beautiful outside world described by the people in Emperor Tongxuan's mansion.

It was already evening, and everyone rushed to a medium-sized city-state.

In the corner of a restaurant, two patchwork tables were full of people.

Naturally, these people were Lin Yi and others who had left from Emperor Tongxuan's mansion. At this moment, they were looking for a restaurant to rest and discuss where to go first.

Lin Yi is naturally not familiar with the location of these forces in Wufeng Tunnel. If it wasn't for the catastrophe caused by alchemy some time ago, which alarmed the helm of these forces, Lin Yi still didn't know that there were so many hidden superheroes on the mainland. power.

So Lin Yi said: "Senior, do you know where the fifth family is?"

Lin Yi only knew that the fifth family was the weakest among these hostile forces, because the two brothers, the fifth Jingshan and the fifth Hanchi, were only the peak strength of Sanxianxiangxiang.Now Minglong is the pinnacle of Sanxian Wangxiang, and Jia Zhengqing has joined the team. Coupled with the super combat power of Lin Yi, Jia Jiacheng and others, naturally he is not afraid of the fifth family.

Jia Zhengqing shook his head and said, "Except for Tongtian Temple, I don't know the location of other forces. After all, since those forces have chosen to hide from the world, they will not be easy to find. I only know about these forces roughly. The exact location cannot be ascertained."

"But if I want to find the fifth family, I have a way."

"Oh? Let's hear what senior said?" Lin Yi immediately became interested, took a sip of wine, and asked with a smile.

Jia Zhengqing took a sip of his wine and said: "The monks with the strength of Sanxian Mahayana can tear apart the space and shuttle through it to make their way, so I can tear up the space and shuttle through it, arrive at the location I said I roughly know, and then travel through it. I have a chance to find Fifth family."

As he spoke, Jia Zhengqing took another look at Su Yuer and Uncle Hei, who were not as strong as the others. He took another sip of wine and said, "It's just that the two of them can't bear the strong wind in the space. If we want to find the fifth family in this way, we will naturally not be able to succeed once or twice."

Uncle Hei said: "Senior, I can go back to the Yanhuang Sect. When you reach the Fifth Clan, I can rush to your side."

After using so many Yanhuang Sect decrees, Uncle Hei naturally knows some convenient methods.

Jia Zhengqing thought for a while, then nodded and said, "This is a good idea."

"If that's the case, then..."

Just when Lin Yi was about to finalize the case, he heard someone talking loudly at the next table.It attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

Lin Yi stopped talking and looked back.I saw a few strong and powerful monks with strong aura.

Jia Zhengqing noticed the tattoos on the arms of these big guys, and then his face moved slightly, and he whispered to Lin Yi and the others: "It's just a coincidence, we tried our best to find the fifth family, and the members of the fifth family appeared. "

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that these big men belonged to the fifth family.

Before Lin Yi could pass by, one of the members of the fifth family who had been clamoring just now came over.

But they didn't come for Lin Yi, but saw the beautiful Su Yu'er.

It is no exaggeration to describe Su Yu'er's appearance as "a country and a city", these big men naturally couldn't hold back their salivation.

The big man who came over showed an undisguised salivation on his face, and said, "Beauty, my boss has taken a fancy to you, please sit with me."

Lin Yi didn't look angry at all, he looked like a spectator watching the excitement. Except for Jia Jiacheng, everyone's expression was calm.And Jia Jiacheng was also held down by Lin Yi's hand, so he didn't do anything.

Seeing that Lin Yi and the others who were at the same table with Su Yuer didn't say a word, the big man thought they were just outraged.This naturally increased his arrogance, and he was from the fifth family, so his behavior became even more rampant.He was staring down at Su Yu'er with a condescending look on his face.

It seems that his boss has taken a fancy to Su Yuer, which is a great thing for Su Yuer.

Su Yu'er turned her face slightly, and said coldly, "Get lost."

Except for Lin Yi, Yu Ling and the others looked at Su Yu'er in surprise. After all, Su Yu'er usually showed a virtuous and virtuous appearance.I didn't expect such a delicate sister-in-law to be so indifferent.

Only Lin Yi was smiling. When he and Su Yuer first met Su Yuer's body, Su Yuer couldn't help but kill Lin Yi.It's just that when the two came together later, Su Yu'er never showed this appearance again.

The big man who was told "Get lost" by Su Yu'er immediately became angry. In front of so many people in the wine shop, he was so angry that a woman said that.

So the big man slammed the wine table and shouted: "Stinky bitch, what are you talking about!"

"Third brother, remember not to kill anyone. There must be no mistakes in our whereabouts this time." The big man sitting at the next table to Lin Yi reminded him.

The big man known as the third nodded, but he didn't hide his killing intent.

Seeing the commotion at Lin Yi's table, the waiter at the restaurant hurried over and said, "Guest officer, guest officer, please don't leave!"

The big man was irritated by Xiao Er's fuss, so he raised his hand and slapped Xiao Er's face.

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded.

Everyone in the restaurant was taken aback.

Because Xiaoer, who was supposed to be slapped, was fine, but the big man who made the shot had a blushing slap on his face!
But the raised hand of the big man stayed in mid-air, unable to advance any further, nor could it be retracted.

A young man with gray temples stood up at this moment, looking at the big man with a smile: "Is this slap comfortable?"

After the words fell, Lin Yi withdrew the grudge that imprisoned the big man's mobility.

The big man who was free put away his arms, glared at Lin Yi angrily, and scolded: "Little bastard, you don't want to live anymore?!"

At the same time, Lin Yi and the other big men directly lifted the wine table, and the wine on the table spilled all over the floor.

"Damn it, guys, fuck him!"

The boss of the big man shouted, and then he and the rest of the big guys made moves and prepared to make a move.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more serious, the waiter in the restaurant hurriedly stopped several big men who were about to make a move.

However, he was forcefully pushed away by the big man and fell aside.

Lin Yi looked at the waiter in the restaurant, and said, "It's none of your business here, so go to the side quickly, so that you won't be accidentally injured later."

The waiter in the restaurant was stunned, the white-haired young man in front of him had thin arms and legs, at most he was stronger than ordinary people.But how could he win in the face of several burly men exuding a terrifying aura?

(End of this chapter)

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