Chapter 423
"Canglan Restaurant and Huyunlou?" Lin Yi repeated.

The big man nodded quickly and said in affirmation: "Yes, it is these two restaurants. It is not too far from this restaurant, it is only a few streets away."

"How many people are there in these two restaurants?" Lin Yi asked.

The big man was more detailed this time, he said: "There are about sixty tribesmen in the Canglan Restaurant who have turned into the Supreme Realm and the Spiritual Realm, a leading elder with the strength of Sanxian Guanwei, and four family guardians. And ten family deacons. The strength of these 15 people is around Sanxian."

"And there are about forty clansmen in Huyun Tower, one Sanxian Guanwei leader elder, three family guardians and six deacons."

"What about Fifth Jingshan and Fifth Hanchi?" Lin Yi thought of these two people.

"Because the two patriarchs, Fifth Jingshan and Fifth Hanchi, and some clan elders are far stronger than other clan members, they traveled by tearing apart the space. The rest of the clan who are not strong enough walk on foot."

Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction after listening.

"get out."

"Yes! Yes! Thank you sir for not killing me!" The big man boss finally got a gold medal for avoiding death, and hurriedly thanked Lin Yi.

Immediately, he got up from the ground, helped up the seriously injured brothers who had fallen to the ground, and left the wine shop.The big men naturally dare not go back to Huyunlou and Canglan Restaurant, knowing that Lin Yi is going to trouble the fifth family, they have no time to hide.

It would be better to take this opportunity to break away from the fifth family, and with their strength, they can still gain some status on the mainland.

Seeing the big guys leave, Lin Yi first paid for the damaged tables and chairs in the restaurant.The owner of the restaurant didn't dare to accept it at all. In the end, Heilong said, "You can accept it if my boss tells you to accept it. Do you want to end up like those people?" before the owner of the restaurant accepted the compensation.

When everyone left the wine shop, it was completely dark.

Jia Zhengqing asked, "Which inn shall we go to next?"

Lin Yi said: "Let's divide the troops into two groups, and we will come here to meet again after the resolution is resolved."

Everyone nodded, and Lin Yi also divided the formation of the team.The first team is naturally Lin Yi, Minglong, Heilong, Su Yuer, Hei Shu and Wu Zhai.The second team is Jia Zhengqing, Jia Jiacheng, Xuelong, Qinglong, Yuling, Yuanlong and Ao Wei.

Lin Yi's team went to Canglan Restaurant. On the way, Uncle Hei said, "Little friend Lin Yi."

"Uncle Hei, what's wrong?" Lin Yi asked.

Uncle Hei said: "I think that since the fifth family moved to Tongtian Palace this time, the forces in Wufengdong are similar. It is likely that Tongtian Palace knew that the team it sent to attack Tongxuan Emperor's Mansion has been destroyed. prepared for this.”

If Uncle Hei hadn't mentioned this matter, Lin Yi really wouldn't have thought of it.Now that Uncle Hei said it, Lin Yi also felt that what Uncle Hei said was quite right.

So Lin Yi also became a little melancholy. A super power similar to the fifth family made Lin Yi jealous. If these powers really merged as Uncle Hei said, how could Lin Yi bring down Tongtian Temple?
And Tongtian Palace will definitely not let Lin Yi go, so Lin Yi has no doubt that if Tongtian Palace merges with other forces, the target will not be himself.

In fact, just like what Uncle Hei said, the master of Tongtian Palace realized something was wrong five days after Lin Yi and others wiped out the team he sent to attack Tongxuan Emperor's Mansion.

Moreover, Jia Zhengqing's mysterious disappearance, as well as Lin Yi's mysterious disappearance, made the master of Tongtian Temple feel a little apprehensive.

From Li Dong, a rookie in Tongtian Palace, the master of Tongtian Palace learned about the horror of Lin Yi's growth rate.People who have been enemies with Lin Yi in the past, even if they can kill Lin Yi for a while, Lin Yi will be able to fight back in a crushing posture after a while.

So the master of the Tongtian Palace knew that Lin Yi could not be allowed to grow up. Now that he had broken his face with Lin Yi, he must kill Lin Yi in the cradle.

However, the master of Tongtian Palace has seen Lin Yi's fighting power, and Jia Zhengqing seems to have a friendship with Lin Yi at the last time. If Lin Yi and Jia Zhengqing's Tongxuan Emperor's Mansion join forces, it will not be good news for Tongtian Palace.Even if Tongtian Palace can eat Lin Yi and Emperor Tongxuan's Mansion, it will have to pay some price.So the master of Tongtian Palace decided to use the power of Wufengdong and other forces to kill Lin Yi together.

In this way, the strength of Tongtian Temple will not be lost much, and it will still be the top power in the mainland.

The plan of the master of Tongtian Palace is to use the power of the merged forces to truly unify the mainland first.When Lin Yi appeared, there would be no place for him on the mainland.No matter how powerful Lin Yi's combat power is, if he gathers the strength of all the people in the mainland, is it possible that Lin Yi can't be wiped out?
Under the reminder of Uncle Hei, Lin Yi also knew the sinister intentions of Tongtian Temple.However, Lin Yi was not impatient. If he really couldn't beat him, he just ran to the Yanhuang Sect to improve his strength, and then he would be able to fight back.For Lin Yi, this is not a problem at all.

So Lin Yi didn't think about it any more, and led the team to Canglan Restaurant silently.

Canglan Restaurant and Huyun Tower are the largest inns in this city-state, enough to accommodate 200 people at the same time.

It's just that the team of the fifth family obviously didn't intend to live in the same inn together, so they stayed in two inns separately.As for why, I'm afraid only the fifth family knows.

There are no idlers waiting to stay in the two inns tonight, and all the occupied rooms are members of the fifth family.

Lin Yi and others came to the street in front of the inn of Canglan Restaurant and stood there. Before entering the inn, they heard the voice of the woman in the inn calling for help.Then I heard the man's obscene smile.

"This group of beasts!" Wu Zhai clenched his fists and cursed.

Just as he was about to go in, an inn clerk walked up to him and blocked the way of Lin Yi and others: "Guest officer, the restaurant will not accept any guests tonight."

The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from behind Lin Yi and the others.

When everyone looked back, they saw a disheveled young girl lying in a pool of blood.His eyes were wide open, and blood was still dripping from his mouth and nose.Uncle Hei went over to check the woman's breath, but shook his head with a sigh.

At this moment, the window on the third floor of Canglan Restaurant was opened, a head protruded from it, looked at the girl lying on the ground in a pool of blood, shook her head and said: "It's so boring, it seems that we have to grab some more women. "

"Damn it! I can't take it anymore!" Wu Zhai was already furious in his heart. The people from the fifth family robbed the women so violently, which made everyone extremely annoyed.

However, the waiter at the inn who was blocking the way still stood where he was.

"Our store will not be accepting customers tonight, everyone please go back."

Saying that, Xiao Er was about to close the door of the restaurant.

However, Lin Yi stretched out his hand to block the door, and before the waiter in the inn could yell, a fist hit him!
"People who are cheap have their own rewards. Today and tonight I will do a good deed for the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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