The strongest undead system

Chapter 427 Rush to Tongtian Temple

Chapter 427 Rush to Tongtian Temple

However, everyone can be sure that Tongtian Palace will not attack Emperor Tongxuan's mansion for the time being, after all, the people in Tongtian Palace do not know Jia Zhengqing's whereabouts.

Lin Yi wanted to go to Tongtian Temple so eagerly, not only to seek revenge, but also to get together the last fragment of the Dragon Killing Saber.After all the dragon-killing knives are assembled, their power will inevitably double, and the task of "collecting the dragon-killing knives" given is approaching the specified time, so Lin Yi can't delay any longer.

The duration of this mission is two years, and it has been almost a year and a half since the mission was dispatched.Lin Yi still has half a year left.If the last fragment of the Dragon Killing Saber is not collected within half a year, Lin Yi will face the end of being obliterated.

Jia Zhengqing and Jia Jiacheng had an even more purposeful purpose. They wanted to clean up Jia Zijin, the eldest son of the Jia family who had betrayed Emperor Tongxuan's mansion, and to give an explanation to the family members of those sons and daughters of Tongxuan Emperor's mansion who died tragically on the battlefield.

A few people flew in the sky to hurry, Lin Yi naturally thought of finding other forces to join forces with Tongtian Temple.However, Lin Yi didn't know any forces that possessed this strength. For example, Wu Zhai's Wu family had a good status on the mainland, but the strongest in the family was only in a state of supremacy.How could it be possible to compete with the forces gathered by the Sanxian powerhouses like Tongtian Temple?
Not to mention the Feifengmen and the Yanhuang Sect, the situation of the Yanhuang Sect is better than that of the Feifengmen, but that's all.Although the potential of the disciples in the sect is not bad, but now there is not a single disciple who has the strength to defy the sky, and the disciple with the highest strength is only in the realm of heaven.

So what Lin Yi and others need most now is to find help.

With the strength of everyone, naturally they are not very afraid of the people in Tongtian Temple.But once the number of people in Tongtian Temple increases, even a few more Sanxian Mahayana masters will not help.After all, manpower is exhausted, and no one can guarantee that he will not be killed by a mistake.

It is thought that a master of Sanxian Mahayana is comparable to a hundred thousand ordinary people, but if thousands of low-level monks self-destruct at the same time, even a Sanxian Mahayana master will have to avoid their edge.This is the advantage of quantity.

Lin Yi thought of the kingdom of the dead.

That was the special plane that Lin Yi went to for the first time, and it was also the first force that Lin Yi controlled.Lin Yi's "Jinghong Solo Dance Step" once derived a clone, which has [-]% of Lin Yi's strength.And it will also increase this increase rate with the upgrade of "Frightening Solo Dance Step".

But even if the avatar has half of Lin Yi's strength, Lin Yi now knows the strength of the Sanxian, and the avatar is the sky of the Sanxian.And in the entire Necromancer Kingdom, it may be said that only the doppelgänger has crossed so many levels.

"Let the clone stay there." Lin Yi murmured, not planning to go to the kingdom of the dead.

After all, although the avatar can be said to be another Lin Yi, Lin Yi still doesn't want to disturb his life.

It took three days to hurry, and Lin Yi and others arrived in the southeastern part of the mainland.

Yu Ling saw a towering mountain peak at a glance, and he said: "These mountain peaks look very steep."

Lin Yi nodded slightly, looking at the misty clouds on the mountainside halfway up the mountain, he felt that this place was full of aura.

"Congratulations to the host for discovering the special dungeon: Earth Dragon Cave, may the host go there?"

Lin Yi was taken aback, what dragon's lair?

"System, where is this copy?" Lin Yi asked.With a copy, how could Lin Yi not be moved?
"The host can click on the copy panel in the system to go, or arrive here again, and the system will remind you again."

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Then I will come again next time."

The urgency of time does not allow Lin Yi to go to some dungeons to practice, so after thinking about it, Lin Yi still refused.

As a copy, it doesn't matter when you go.

Lin Yi naturally thought so.

So everyone just rested for a while, and then went on the road again.

It took another day before Lin Yi and others arrived at Tongtian Temple.I saw that the Tongtian Temple looked magnificent, and it made people feel like worshiping at a glance.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Yi and the others to bow down to the Tongtian Temple. They saw a group of people standing in the air above the Tongtian Temple.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted: "Old dogs in Tongtian Temple, your grandpa Lin Yi is here!"

Everyone in the Tongtian Palace was shocked, no one had ever dared to be so rampant in the Tongtian Palace.But when they heard the word Lin Yi clearly, their disdain suddenly turned into panic.

They had all heard of Lin Yi's strength. He was the ruthless man who beheaded two black-robed guardians and two purple-robed guardians.Unexpectedly, this big killer would dare to appear in the sky above the Tongtian Temple in such a blatant manner, and utter such provocative words.

Not long after, half of the guardian elders in the Tongtian Temple who were retreating forcibly left the retreat, and saw the master of the Tongtian Palace with a gloomy face.

"The powerhouses of the guardians in red and above are dispatched." The master of the Tongtian Temple ordered.

The four red-clothed guardians and the red-robed guardians nodded, as well as several powerful elders of the Tongtian Temple. More than a dozen people turned into a stream of light and rushed to the sky.

Afterwards, Yang Tiangang and Dongfang Laomo who came over took the initiative to ask for a fight. After obtaining the approval of the master of Tongtian Temple, they also turned into a stream of light and plundered towards Jia Zhengqing.

"Yu'er, Uncle Hei, you two should be more careful." Lin Yi said softly, "If everyone loses, use the Yanhuang Sect order to return to the Yanhuang Sect immediately."

Everyone nodded solemnly.

"Where's that traitor Jia Zijin?"

Jia Zhengqing glanced at the people who flew by, but he didn't see Jia Zijin who made him want to clean up the house, and said coldly.

Yang Tiangang chuckled strangely: "Jia Zhengqing, I think you are so foolish that you even thought of going against the leader. But your third grandson, Jia Zijin, is quite knowledgeable. He knew that his grandfather, you old dog, was dying soon, so he went to join him. Tongtian Temple."

Jia Zhengqing snorted coldly: "Yang Tiangang, you must die today!"

"Anyone can say big things, but it depends on whether you can do it." Yang Tiangang looked at Jia Zhengqing with disdain, and said, "Who doesn't know that you Jia Zhengqing was seriously injured after stopping the lightning for Lin Yi? This battle , Most likely I screwed off the head of your old dog."

"Grandpa, let Jia block Yang Tiangang for you!" A red light flashed in Jia Jiacheng's hand, and Peony appeared in his hand.

Jia Zhengqing nodded slightly.

Yang Tiangang was surprised. He knew that Jia Zhengqing had a grandson who couldn't cultivate and was a cripple. He had seen Jia Jiacheng back then.It's just that he didn't expect that the former useless person has now achieved the power of Sanxian Xiangwang.

"Stop talking nonsense, old dog, let's do it!" Jia Jiacheng held the Peony Sword tightly and looked at Yang Tiangang with cold eyes.

Yang Tiangang sneered: "Little guy, you are no match for me."

After the words fell, Yang Tiangang's figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared behind Jia Jiacheng...

(End of this chapter)

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