The strongest undead system

Chapter 434 Slipping Out of the Dungeon

Chapter 434 Slipping Out of the Dungeon
Two hours passed before Lin Yi slowly opened his eyes.The iron chain specially made for him by Tongtian Temple is really extraordinary. Even if Lin Yi untied the shackles of the iron chain to imprison his strength, it took two hours.

However, Lin Yi regained his strength, while Yuan Taiji and Wei Changsheng did not.

Seeing that Yuan Taiji and the two were still cross-legged and adjusting their fighting spirit, Lin Yi didn't make a sound to disturb them.After another hour passed, Yuan Taiji and Wei Changsheng woke up from the adjustment of their internal breath.

"How is your recovery?" Lin Yi asked.

Yuan Taiji shook his head and said: "I have been restrained for too long, even if I break free from the shackles of the cage, my strength will not return to the peak in a while. Now my strength has only recovered to less than [-]%."

Wei Changsheng also said: "I am the same way, the recovered strength is less than [-]%."

Lin Yi subconsciously used the system to check the strength of the two of them, and saw that the strength of the two of them had only recovered to less than [-]%, and they were still clearly at their peak.

No wonder the two were able to be imprisoned in the dungeon for such a long time, but the master of Tongtian Palace did not attack them. It must be that the master of Tongtian Palace wanted to recruit them, so they were imprisoned and forced to
It seems that those locked in the dungeon are not ordinary people.

Lin Yi secretly said in his heart.

"Brother Lin, when will we leave the dungeon?" Yuan Taiji couldn't help asking, after all being imprisoned for so many years, Yuan Taiji naturally missed the outside world.

Wei Changsheng also looked at Lin Yi, expecting Lin Yi to give him a time.Although he had a heavier personality than Yuan Taiji, he couldn't help getting excited before he was about to leave the dungeon.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Leave when there is a chance."

Although Lin Yi's Poor Eye has the ability to destroy all illusions, it cannot penetrate the gate of the dungeon.Now that Lin Yi's strength has recovered, he naturally infiltrated the outside of the dungeon with his divine sense, perceiving everything outside.

The two dungeon guards stood motionless outside the dungeon like a wooden stake.

"Will the guards guarding the dungeon rotate?" Lin Yi asked.

Yuan Taiji said helplessly: "Brother, Gujiazi and I stay in the dungeon every day, how could we know if they will take turns?"

Lin Yi nodded speechlessly.

That being the case, it is naturally impossible for Lin Yi to wait in the dungeon foolishly.Originally, Lin Yi wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the dungeon guards' rotation to leave with Yuan Taiji. After all, if he walked out swaggeringly, it would definitely attract the attention of the people in Tongtian Palace. It would be bad if the escape plan was ruined.

So Lin Yi said: "I can leave the dungeon without anyone noticing, but I can't do it if I want to take you two with me. Well, I will leave this dungeon later, and I will return after I finish the matter." Come back and knock out the dungeon guards and let you two out. Okay?"

Lin Yi used a discussing tone.

Moreover, Yuan Taiji and Wei Changsheng didn't have a bad impression of Lin Yi. In addition, the prison door that trapped them was opened, and the two of them could be said to be half free, so naturally they would not object to Lin Yi's words.

Yuan Taiji said: "Brother Lin, don't worry. We brothers believe that you will not really leave us behind."

Gu Jiazi did not disagree with Yuan Taiji this time, he quite agreed with what Yuan Taiji said.

Seeing that neither Gujiazi nor Yuan Taiji objected, Lin Yi nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I will definitely come back."

In the darkness, Yuan Taiji and Wei Changsheng looked at each other, then nodded to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi wanted to go out, naturally because of the task of killing the dragon knife.This time being captured by the master of Tongtian Palace, it can be said that it is the only time that Lin Yi has been closest to the Dragon Killing Sword in Tongtian Palace.So Lin Yi couldn't let this opportunity pass away from him.

So Lin Yi quietly walked to the wall of the dungeon, took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted in his heart: "Flash!"

Yuan Taiji and Wei Changsheng only saw a golden light appear, and Lin Yi's figure disappeared the next moment.

"What kind of method is this?" Yuan Taiji's eyes widened, he had never seen such a miraculous method.After reaching a certain level of strength, he can teleport, but this method of teleportation that can ignore obstacles is unheard of by Yuan Taiji.

Wei Changsheng was also extremely surprised, but then he said, "Why are you surprised? Brother Lin's ability to get the key from the guard without anyone noticing proves that he is extraordinary. Otherwise, why would he only have the strength of Sanxian Tongyou? Locked up in this dungeon and banned from power like us?"

It is not surprising that Lin Yi, who has the strength of Sanxiantongyou, is like a pedestrian all over the street in the eyes of the two of them.

Yuan Taiji nodded thoughtfully, and then a playful smile appeared on his face: "Master Tongtian certainly didn't expect us to have a chance to escape with the help of Brother Lin."

"It's been seven years, and this continent may have forgotten my name, Yuan Taiji. This time I escape from the dungeon, and I, Yuan Taiji, will definitely upset Tongtian Palace!"

Wei Changsheng laughed: "In the past, I was proud of my talents. I never knew that there were people outside the mountains. That's why I was imprisoned in the dungeon for more than six years by the master of Tongtian Temple. Now that I see Brother Lin, I understand the saying that there are people outside the mountains." . When I was his age a few years ago, I was a little bit lower than him."

"Bone frame, this is the first time I've heard you praise others like this." Yuan Taiji laughed.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, we both speed up our recovery progress. We will try to recover to the peak before Brother Lin comes back and let us go." Wei Changsheng said.

Yuan Taiji shut his mouth, and really sat up cross-legged.

Lin Yi has appeared in the passage of the dungeon at this moment.

If he walked around in Lin Yi's appearance, he would definitely be discovered.So Lin Yi took out the "disguise puppet" that he got from blasting an elder of Tongtian Temple.

"System, how do you use this disguised puppet?" Lin Yi hid in the shadows and asked the system in his heart.

"The host can hold a disguised puppet, think of a certain person in his heart, and then inject grudge into the disguised puppet, and the host's appearance can become that person. Please pay attention to the host, the disguised time of the disguised puppet is one day, and the camouflage effect is invalid for human immortal masters .”

"Well, I see." Lin Yi was overjoyed, and was quite satisfied with the effect of pretending to be a puppet.

Immortal master?How could there be in the Tongtian Temple?

Since there are no immortal masters, as long as Lin Yi pays attention to his words after pretending to pretend, he can get away with it.

So Lin Yi took out a puppet with a blank face from the system space. At the same time, he thought about the face of an elder of Tongtian Temple, and then injected his fighting spirit into the pretend puppet.

Lin Yi only felt a burst of warmth all over his body, especially his face, as if a hand was touching Lin Yi's face, which made Lin Yi feel very comfortable.

Lin Yi couldn't help moaning.

This groan alarmed two dungeon guards who didn't know that Lin Yi had slipped out.

(End of this chapter)

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