The strongest undead system

Chapter 457 Spending the First Night

Chapter 457 Spending the First Night

Lin Yi didn't dare to make a sound now, and quickly stretched out his hands to cover his mouth tightly, trying not to make a sound.

He gently raised one foot and stepped on the ground next to the python's body.Then he raised his other foot, so that Lin Yi got off from the giant python.

"Huh! This giant python seems to be sleeping. I stepped on it like this, but it doesn't know." Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief and murmured.

But then Lin Yi felt a chill on his back, and smelled a stench, and a "hissing" sound came from behind him.

Lin Yi frowned and glanced back, only to see a huge snake head spit out a snake letter, and the scarlet snake eyes were staring at Lin Yi.


Lin Yi was so frightened that he ran out directly.

It turned out that the giant python was not sleeping, but that its body was so long that Lin Yi didn't realize that its head was staring at him behind him.

Seeing the prey running away, the giant python stretched its body as quickly as a bolt of lightning, and jumped behind Lin Yi.


Lin Yi's body flashed to the side for a distance of one second. If he was a little late, Lin Yi would definitely be bitten by the giant python. At that time, Lin Yi would have no choice but to die.

"Fantastic Solo Dance!"

Lin Yi once again showed his posture, and ran forward with all his strength in this race against death.

The giant python behind him didn't intend to give up on the human who trespassed into its habitat, so he followed Lin Yi all the time.

"Damn! A monk who thinks I am a dignified Sanxian with perfect strength will be chased and killed by a giant python. It's really shameful." Lin Yi cursed unwillingly while running.

"I'm not running away!"

Suddenly, Lin Yi shouted angrily and stopped.

Turning around, Lin Yi and the giant python looked at each other fiercely.

A golden light flashed in his hand, and the Dragon Killing Saber appeared in Lin Yi's hand.In the other hand, there is also a short dagger, which is the advanced super god blade.That is to say, the God Slaying Edge that can do five times the damage!

The giant python didn't expect Lin Yi who was running to stop suddenly, so it was vigilant and didn't rush to move its mouth, but stared at Lin Yi all the time.

After confirming that Lin Yi didn't have any strength, the giant python opened its mouth wide and approached Lin Yi directly.

Together with the soil under his feet, Lin Yi was swallowed alive by the python.

For people without any strength, this is naturally a devastating blow.But for Lin Yi, this is Lin Yi's opportunity.

"Great supernatural power: Wuji Kendo!"

A dull voice sounded from the belly of the giant python.

I saw the abdomen of the giant python began to bulge, and under the pain of the giant python, its huge body kept rolling on the ground, excruciating pain.


There was a big hole in the python's abdomen, blood flowed out from the hole, and there were still some undigested bones in the python's abdomen.

A hand protruded from the belly of the python, followed by a head, another hand, body, and feet.

Lin Yi, whose body was covered with mucus from the python's belly, spit out a mouthful of saliva, shouldered the dragon-killing knife, and swaggered up to the python's head.

The giant python, whose vitality has not been completely severed, opened its bloody mouth, as if it wanted to swallow Lin Yi, but Lin Yi pierced through its huge head with a dragon-killing knife.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the first-order monster in the Earth Dragon Cave. The demon body has gained 50 experience points and a bit of berserk value."

"Fighters in the trash!" Lin Yi pulled out the Dragon Killing Knife, wiped the slime off the Dragon Killing Knife, and said disdainfully.

Lin Yi was able to cut through the abdomen of the giant python with a single knife. Apart from the effect of the great supernatural power Wuji Sword Dao, it also has the effect of five times the damage of God Slayer's Edge.Otherwise, no matter how much Lin Yi stirred in the python's belly, it would be difficult to get out.

Lin Yi conveniently pinned the God-killing Edge to his waist. As long as the God-killing Edge is not placed in the system space, it can cause five times the damage to any part of Lin Yi's body.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yi glanced around. Since this place is the habitat of the giant python, it should not be intruded by other monsters rashly.Although Lin Yi couldn't wait to gain high experience points from killing monsters, he wisely chose to stay in the giant python's territory before recovering his strength.

So Lin Yi found a pile of firewood, took out a torch and lit the firewood.The first bonfire was born in the Earth Dragon Cave.

Lin Yi changed the clothes that were covered with mucus from the python's belly and dried them by the campfire. He cut off a piece of meat from the python and roasted it on the campfire.

Lin Yi, who had watched several episodes of wild survival variety shows in his previous life, only knew that bonfires can scare away wild animals. As for whether they can scare away the monsters in the dragon's lair, Lin Yi doesn't know.I can only pray that this bonfire will do something.

As everyone knows, outside the giant python's territory, many monsters that were gnawing on their prey raised their heads, and their scarlet eyes looked greedily at the giant python's territory.Obviously it was Lin Yi's rising smoke that attracted them.

Not long after, two tiger-shaped monsters came out of the giant python's territory, but because of the coercion left by the giant python, these two monsters only stayed outside the giant python's territory and did not step into the giant python's territory. middle.

Lin Yi didn't know that the place where he was was already being targeted by monsters. At this moment, he was holding a piece of barbecued snake meat and started to eat it.

"I don't know if Lin Li has returned to the kingdom of the undead." Lin Yi thought to himself, feeling a little worried.

And he was even more worried that the master of the Tongtian Palace would repeat his old tricks and let people pretend to be him to attract Lin Li and the others to die.Apart from Lin Yi in Yanhuang Sect, Yuan Taiji, Wei Changsheng, Minglong and Jia Jiacheng are the four most powerful.But none of the four of them have the strength of Sanxian Mahayana. If they go to Tongtian Temple and are ambushed, it will be more or less ominous.

But Lin Yi had already asked the system if he could go out and report his safety.But the system told Lin Yi that unless Lin Yi cleared the Dragon Cave, the system would not let Lin Yi out.

This news made Lin Yi somewhat unhappy.

There is still a full day and a half before his strength recovers, so even if Lin Yi clears the Dragon Cave as quickly as possible, it will take at least two days or more.

"Damn, the more I think about it, the more worried I become."

In the end, Lin Yi lost his appetite and threw the python meat in his hand into the dust.He stepped on a few feet as if venting his anger before giving up.

"I hope Lin Li won't tell everyone about this..." Lin Yi could only hope that Lin Li wouldn't tell everyone about it.

Probably later Lin Yi also felt that this was impossible, so he sighed quietly and stopped talking and thinking.Just keep adding firewood to the campfire.Use this to pass the time.

Lin Yi didn't know when he fell asleep, anyway, when he woke up, it was already the next morning.Unknown birds were singing in the dense forest of Dilongxue.

(End of this chapter)

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