The strongest undead system

Chapter 56 The Slave Crisis

Chapter 56 The Slave Crisis
"Holy Body?" Lin Yi frowned slightly, curiously checking the attributes of the Holy Body.

Special Physique: Eucharist.

Power factor: ten stars (full).

Attack factor: eight stars.

Defense factor: nine stars.

Overall rating: nine stars.

"Is it so powerful?" Lin Yi became excited. If his Eucharist was upgraded to level 100, what kind of strong would he be afraid of?If others hit him, he wouldn't be able to lose much blood at all. On the other hand, he has such a powerful weapon as the Dragon Killing Saber!
Although Lin Yi is only a level 1 holy body, his physical strength has more than doubled compared to before.Lin Yi was able to pat his chest to reassure him that if he used Wushuang Wushuang again, he would definitely not feel the pain!
Now that the physical body has been tempered, Lin Yi also set his sights on Wushuang's cultivation.

"Purchase the qualification for the seven-day advanced arena."

"The system has automatically deducted [-] spirit crystals from the host."

There are still 87 days until Li Chen's soul power dissipates, and now the defense Li Chen has laid down at the entrance of the cave has not disintegrated, and Lin Yi will not be able to get out for a while.No matter how anxious he was to revive Li Chen, it would not help.

With a thought in his heart, Lin Yi's figure disappeared in place, and he entered the arena to practice Wushuang.

One hour in the high-level arena can gain 84 proficiency, twelve hours a day, twelve days in the arena is equal to one day outside.Calculated from the seven days outside, it is equivalent to 100 days in the arena.That's [-] points of proficiency.

The proficiency required to upgrade from level 100 to level 1000 is exactly [-] million. According to the law of skill proficiency improvement, Lin Yi guessed that the proficiency required to upgrade from level [-] to level [-] is [-] million.

Seven days passed, and Lin Yi's figure also appeared in the place where he disappeared seven days ago.

"Haha! 64 times the attribute increase. This time, even I have the power to fight against the man in black." Lin Yi laughed excitedly. He didn't want to be beaten without resisting Strength.

"Boss, why have these seven days passed so long? I feel that what has passed is not seven days, but several months." Yuan Long asked suspiciously in the battle pet space.

Unlike Lin Yi, battle pets cannot enter the arena.But they can sense the slowing down of the arena's time.

So as soon as Lin Yi returned to the outside world, Yuan Long asked suspiciously.

Lin Yi smiled, but did not answer.The system is his biggest secret, and no one can know it.

Immediately, Lin Yi looked up at the sealed hole, and sensed that the protective power above it had disappeared.With a movement of his feet, his body flew directly into the air.

Only those with the strength of the Void Transformation Realm can fly in the air, but this method consumes a lot of battle energy.Fortunately, Lin Yi's flying in the sky does not consume battle energy, so he can fly without fear.

"Wow! I'm going to heaven!" Lin Yi was excited.

Lin Yi stopped when he flew to the rock that sealed the entrance of the cave.A golden light flashed in his hand, and the Dragon Killing Saber appeared in his hand.

Immediately, Lin Yi swung the knife, and the knife energy instantly split the rock into two halves.Lin Yi inserted his hands into the gap and moved the rock away. After ten days, Lin Yi finally saw the sun again!

A ray of warm sunlight shone on Lin Yi's resolute face. Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment. This place is completely closed. How did the sunlight come in?

So Lin Yi raised his head and looked along the light, only to see a huge cave appearing above his head.Covered by collapsed rocks, the cave was tens of meters thick, but it was unexpectedly broken open by the man in black.

Lin Yi's heart tightened, and his vigilance against the man in black rose again.He thought that after his Wushuang reached the sixth level, he would be qualified to fight the man in black.But now it seems that he is still far behind!

With his mind back, Lin Yi moved his feet, and his body soared into the air.Go out from the cave.

Taking a breath of fresh air outside, Lin Yi's whole body trembled.There was nostalgia on his face, no one knew what he had experienced in the mine.I have narrowly escaped death several times, this feeling is really bad!Whether it is the mine beasts, trolls or black-robed men in the mine, they are all existences that can easily crush Lin Yi to death.

It's good that he has an immortal body, but he can't run away after being resurrected. What's the difference between that and being dead?Even, life is worse than death!

"Oops!" Lin Yi slapped his forehead suddenly. Uncle Li told him that three days later ten days ago was the day to pay tribute to the ore. Now seven days have passed, and Lin Yi didn't know what happened to Uncle Li and the others.

But one thing Lin Yi can be sure of is that the amount of ore is not enough, coupled with the collapse of the vein, even if Uncle Li and the others are not punished to death, life must be very difficult!
So Lin Yi flew towards the slave quarters where Uncle Li and the others lived...

"Everyone, think of a way. It's the seventh day now. If we fail to hand over [-] pieces of ore, we will not only be punished for not having enough ore, but also for the collapse of the ore vein." A middle-aged man said with a sad face .

Even a young man said: "It's useless for us to worry now, the vein has collapsed, and we can no longer dig the ore. We have tried everything we can to dig out the rocks that buried the vein in the past few days."

"Oh! Uncle Li was also taken away by the envoy, and we don't have the strength to rescue him." Another young man sighed.Although it has reached this point, everyone still has no complaints against Lin Yi.Because in their hearts, Lin Yi is a member of the same clan, a family member.

The slaves here are very united, and they are completely different from the humans outside!

"The messenger guards have arrived!" At this moment, a figure rushed in from outside the dilapidated gate, his voice was urgent, revealing the fear in his heart.

Everyone's face changed, the guards around the undead messenger were very strong, and their methods were extremely cruel.Now that the envoys and guards came to the door, it was probably not a good thing.

"Congratulations, Master Guard!"

A group of slaves hurried out to meet the messenger guards, all of them looked cautious.I'm afraid that if one accidentally offends the messenger's guard, he will suffer misfortune.The messenger of the dead is not a bloodthirsty and cruel person, but the guards around him are extremely cruel.Because these guards were directly trained by the mine owner, and inherited the bloodthirsty will of the mine owner.

There was once a slave who accidentally uttered the wrong words, and was skinned alive by the emissary guards. Later, his bloody body was hung on a wooden stake and tortured by the emissary guards for three days and two nights. Die free.

So when they heard the arrival of the messenger guards, these people became worried.

The envoy's guard looked at the man kneeling before him with a cold face, and glanced around.

I saw that one woman did not kneel down.

He shouted coldly: "Why don't you kneel?"

(End of this chapter)

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