The strongest undead system

Chapter 575: 11 Million Spirit Stones

Chapter 575 Ten million spirit stones
The magma in the ground finally had a breakthrough and splashed out directly.A few drops of magma landed on the corner of Lin Yi's clothes, directly burning several holes in Lin Yi's dusty white clothes.


After Lin Yi said those words, he started to run up the cave with both hands and feet.

The magma behind him rose rapidly, and in just an instant, it submerged the place where Lin Yi was standing before.If Lin Yi was one step late, he would be buried in the magma at this moment!

"Your sister's!"

"Sword Spirit, take me away!"

Lin Yi's voice echoed in the cave, and gravel kept falling from the top of his head. Although Lin Yi did not cause much damage, Lin Yi was still very worried.If one accidentally slips, Lin Yi can't imagine the consequences.

It was too late and then too soon, the sword spirit directly forcibly occupied Lin Yi's body with his mind at this critical moment.

"Master, don't be afraid, I'm here for everything!" After the sword spirit said something that made Lin Yi feel relieved, he used Lin Yi's Dragon Killing Saber.

"In ancient times, there was a sword god, the sword emperor, who opened the sky with one move, but now I have my sword spirit, who slashes the ground!"

The hoarse voice echoed in this turbulent cave, and the aura of the sword spirit reached its peak.

"Damn it, stop pretending to be aggressive! Hurry up, brother!" Lin Yi's voice urged.

The sword spirit's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he slashed with the Dragon Slaying Saber in his hand, and a powerful saber aura rushed out.

The ground above Lin Yi's head was cut in half by the saber aura, and the saber aura went straight up to 2000 meters!With a single slash, a big mouth with the width of a person's height was finally opened in the ground without seeing the sun, and the stars in the sky came into Lin Yi's eyes.

With a movement of the sword spirit's breath, the sole of his foot stomped hard on the ground.A concave hole was stepped on the hard rock formation, and the sword spirit controlled Lin Yi's body to take off directly, stomping on the rock formation for strength during the period.In just a few breaths, Lin Yi, who was trapped on the ground, returned to the surface!
After escaping from birth, the sword spirit still didn't dare to neglect, it controlled Lin Yi's body to flash away quickly.Because only the sword spirit knows that the magma in the center of the earth will definitely gushes out from the big crack he created!

Sure enough, less than ten breaths after the sword spirit flashed out, he heard a deafening sound coming from the ground under his feet.The earth swelled up, and then a red cloth-like magma emerged!
The sword spirit's thoughts withdrew from Lin Yi's body, and Lin Yi regained control of his body.

Looking back, Lin Yi was afraid for a while that everything he had passed was covered with invincible magma that didn't grow a blade of grass.If he was one step late, he would be buried underground forever.He didn't think that being wrapped in magma, the Immortal Avatar could save his life.

After finding a relatively safe place, Lin Yi finally settled down.It feels like being reborn after escaping from birth, which is really good.

"System, did you just say that the Heart of the Earth can be recovered?" Lin Yi asked the system in his heart.

"Exactly." The system replied.

"What's the price?" Lin Yi's heart moved, and he had this intention.Anyway, the heart of the earth has no other effect on me other than being able to refine weapons, so it's better to sell it for a good price.

"If it is all the hearts of the earth, the system can buy 500 million spirit stones for the host."

"So much?!" Lin Yi's eyes almost popped out. This price is undoubtedly a sky-high price for Lin Yi!

"It was detected that the host is only half of the heart of the earth, so the purchase price of the system is 1000 to [-] million spirit stones."

"System, leave me the heart of the earth that can be purchased with 100 million spirit stones, and sell the rest to you." Lin Yi was delighted, the price is quite good.I didn't expect to get such an opportunity after being trapped underground, after going through life and death. This is really a huge profit.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully selling the heart of the earth eleven-twelfths and obtaining 100 million spirit stones. Please check the host carefully."

The sound of the system sounded, and Lin Yi glanced at the remaining Heart of the Earth in the system space, and saw that it was still the size of a human head.For Lin Yi, it was enough.

Looking at his spirit stone panel again, there are [-] spirit stones!
"It seems that it is enough to upgrade the power of the bloodline to the tenth holy rank!" Lin Yi smacked his lips, extremely satisfied.

However, it is of course impossible for Lin Yi to use all the spirit stones to upgrade the power of the bloodline. Lin Yi has no objection to using a part of the power to upgrade the bloodline.If all of them were used to upgrade the power of the bloodline, Lin Yi would not be that stupid.

So Lin Yi checked the skill column of the system. Of course, before that, Lin Yi also checked the selling price of the heart of the earth in the system mall.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched. The price of the Heart of the Earth that he just sold to the system has increased by ten times. It takes 1000 million spirit stones to buy it!

"Only those who are insane!" Lin Yi rolled his eyes, thankful that he had saved some hearts of the earth for himself, otherwise he would have to pay a sky-high price if he wanted to use the hearts of the earth in the future.

"The Nine Chapters of Heavenly Brahma: The top-level exercises of the holy rank. It is divided into ten levels, and each level can double the life value of the host. Price: 10000000 spirit stones."

"Prajna Sutra: The top-level cultivation method of the holy rank. It is divided into ten levels, and each level can increase the host's armor value by 10000000 points. The price: [-] spirit stones."

"Mantra of the Great Dao: The top-level cultivation technique of the holy rank. It is divided into ten levels, and each level can increase the host's immortal power by 10000000 points. The price: [-] spirit stones."

Lin Yi took a look at these three exercises that were extremely attractive to him, and weighed which one would be more effective for him now: "The Nine Chapters of Tianfan can increase the value of life, and it can make me stronger. Resistant to beating... But I have an immortal body, and now it seems a bit repetitive to ask for the Nine Chapters of the Brahma. Don't!"

"The Prajna Sutra can increase the armor value, which is a good technique. After all, one hundred points of armor value can resist one hundred points of damage from an attack, and there is no upper limit for the number of times of resistance... But I have immortality body, as long as the head and heart are not injured, you will not be afraid of death. For this prajna sutra, let’s forget it and buy it later!”

"Each level of the Mantra of the Great Dao can increase the value of immortal power by one thousand points, which may allow me to perform martial arts many times. It takes 25 points of immortal power to perform a low-level martial skill of the immortal rank, and fifty points of immortal power to perform a medium-level martial skill of the immortal rank. Value, high-level martial arts of the immortal rank need 150 points of immortal power...while the top-level and super-high-end martial arts of the immortal rank require [-] points and [-] points of immortal power. This consumption is terrifying. My immortal power is not It will grow, only [-] points, so it’s not much.”

After weighing again and again, Lin Yi said to the system: "System, buy Dao Mantra!"

(End of this chapter)

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