Chapter 58 Bet
"Butler, send me a master to kill this person with all your strength!" The mine owner used his grudge to condense Lin Yi's face, and said viciously.

The housekeeper glanced at Lin Yi's appearance, took note of his appearance, and then withdrew.

"Damn human, I would have killed you if I knew it earlier!" The mine owner's face was ferocious, and he was the same giant face that blew Lin Yi off the mining area.


Lin Yi didn't know what happened in the mine owner's mansion. After beheading the messenger guard, he said: "Everyone, get up. From now on, I won't let anyone trouble you."

A group of slaves were delighted, but Li Qing was the only one who cried.Before Lin Yi had time to ask what was wrong, he saw Li Qing kneeling in front of him with his legs bent.

Li Qing cried: "Lord Lin Yi, please save my grandpa!"

Seeing Li Qing's pear blossoms with rain, Lin Yi was startled.Then someone came forward and told Lin Yi what had happened in the past ten days.

After listening, Lin Yi clenched his fists tightly.

"So, if Uncle Li is arrested, if he fails to hand over [-] pieces of ore, Uncle Li will be executed today?" Lin Yi frowned.

The crowd nodded.

"Where is Uncle Li being held?"


Lin Yi's eyes froze. He still remembered that kind old man Li Bo persuaded him to leave quickly when they first met.Such a kind old man was treated like this.Lin Yi was furious in his heart!

"You stay here, I'll go alone." Lin Yi glanced at the slaves here and said.

"Lord Lin Yi, no! The messenger of the undead is very powerful, so don't go to the execution ground." A group of slaves persuaded him. They really hoped that Uncle Li would survive, but if they had to sacrifice other people, they couldn't bear it.Moreover, in their view, even if Lin Yi went, it would be useless.Because the messenger of the dead is too powerful.

Lin Yi was taken aback, he smiled slightly, and said, "Who said I was going to rob the court?"

While speaking, Lin Yi looked inwardly and placed his eyes on the [-] ores in the system space.

"Don't worry, Uncle Li will bring you back safely." Lin Yi said, "And we will all live in peace."

"Lord Lin Yi...can I go with you? I want to see my grandfather." Li Qing looked at Lin Yi and begged in a low voice.

Lin Yi looked at Li Qing's pitiful appearance, and felt sorry in his heart.Immediately he nodded, as long as he was around, no one would be able to touch Li Qing.Unless, stepping over Lin Yi's corpse!
Lin Yi took Li Qing away from the slave's quarters and flew all the way to the execution ground.


After Lin Yi landed, an undead guard guarding the practice field looked at Lin Yi coldly and asked.

"Let him in."

At this time, Lin Yi's familiar voice sounded in the void.It was the voice of the messenger of the dead.When Lin Yi flew here from Yukong, the messenger of the undead noticed it.It's just that he didn't expect that Lin Yi could survive under the deeply buried mine veins.

Lin Yi and Li Qing walked into the execution ground.

Before he could clearly see the scene in the execution ground, there was a strong smell of blood blowing towards his face.

"Boy, you're finally here. I knew that you wouldn't die so easily." The words of the messenger of the undead resounded throughout the execution field, echoing everywhere, and Lin Yi didn't know where the messenger of the undead was.

For Lin Yi, the messenger of the dead had an indescribable feeling in his heart.This feeling doesn't seem like goodwill, but it's not hostile either.It's like how subordinates feel towards their superiors, so the messenger of the undead is very tolerant towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi said, "I'm here to hand over the ore."

"Hmph! Kid, the mine vein you managed has collapsed long ago. Let alone [-] ores, even [-] ores can't be taken out?" A mine guard sneered at Lin Yi.

"I think he's just putting on a show. It's impossible to get [-] ores out of the mine we manage within ten days, let alone his collapsed mine." It was a mine guard who taunted, and he also specially emphasized the word collapse.

"Master Messenger, I suggest that this kid should be executed as well. It is not a small crime to deceive Lord Messenger."

"I agree."

"I agree!"


Voices of agreement sounded one after another.

I saw a movement in the void at this time, and the messenger of the dead stepped out from the gate of the void.Although the whole body was covered under the black robe, all the presences present could clearly sense the fierce aura.

The undead messenger raised his hand, signaling the mine guards under him to quiet down.

Afterwards, the messenger of the undead stared at Lin Yi and said, "Do you have [-] ores?"

"Boy, I want to remind you. Don't try to deceive me, because if you do that, you will not end well."

Before Lin Yi could speak, the mine guards taunted again.

Lin Yi glanced at these people who laughed at him lightly, his eyes were cold, and he said lightly: "If I have [-] ores, what should you do?"

The guards' hearts tightened, and Lin Yi's expression made them nervous.So no one answered.Being able to achieve the position of mine guard is enough to show their care and vigilance.Risky things, they will never do.

Seeing this, Lin Yi's face relaxed.It's like letting go of something in your heart.

Although it was only for a moment, the guards still saw it clearly.Immediately, the guards were filled with confidence again.In their view, Lin Yi's expression showed Lin Yi's worry.

"Boy, if you have [-] ores, we can dispose of them as you like." A guard sneered, "But if you don't have that many, what are you going to do with them?"

Lin Yi's face changed again, and he "showed" a worried expression.Then he "pretended" a tough expression: "If I don't have [-] ores, I can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi sneered in his heart: "Compared with Lao Tzu, a modern person? You are much younger!"

"Master Messenger, the bet has been made. You are a notary, otherwise you may be afraid of that kid cheating later." A mine guard thought he had a chance to win, and said to the Undead Messenger.

The messenger of the undead nodded lightly.

"Haha, boy, you are not far from death! When you die later, I will take good care of that beauty by your side."

All the guards laughed with silvery faces.Li Qing looks very sweet and is a complete beauty.These mine guards are all coveted.

Lin Yi also laughed, his smile was full of killing intent and excitement.These guards will turn into his experience points one by one later.Lin Yi's excitement came from this.

However, Li Qing had no idea, she looked at Lin Yi worriedly, worried that Lin Yi would lose his life if he lost.

(End of this chapter)

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