Chapter 63
Lin Yi's smile was even brighter, because in the past, when he opened the killing spree, the things he got were very powerful or very practical.This time, another promotion package came, and Lin Yi was looking forward to it.

"Master System, my happiness depends on you! You have to work harder!" Lin Yi prayed in his heart to open something good, and then he said, "Open the upgrade gift package!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the supernatural power: one knife."

Lin Yi was very excited when he heard the pleasant voice of the system. He was looking forward to what the system would say next.

But the system didn't sound the notification tone again, and only got one supernatural power for a gift package for upgrading.

"I..." Lin Yi opened his mouth, wanting to yell at the system for defrauding people, but he didn't say it.No way, the system can warn Lin Yi by downgrading.Lin Yi had been warned many times before.

"If the host has any questions, feel free to ask them. This system knows everything."

The system seemed to be mocking Lin Yi for not having the guts to curse out, and a voice sounded after Lin Yi said the word "I".

Lin Yi shrank, and said with a bitter face: "My heart hurts a little..."

"May I ask if the host has learned the supernatural power: one knife?"

The system prompts.

Lin Yi has come to the spirit, and his supernatural powers are in vain. If you don't learn it, you won't learn it.


"Congratulations to the host for learning the supernatural power: one knife."

"Description of supernatural power: Everything in the world can be killed with a single knife, and the knife will kill the enemy. The cooling time is one day. Note: There is no level for this supernatural power."

"I'll fuck you!" Lin Yi became excited and killed the enemy with one knife. This is so handsome.The only thing that makes Lin Yi unhappy is that the cooling time is one day, otherwise Lin Yi will cut out an enemy with one knife, one knife will kill each person, isn't that the existence that countless girls worship madly?

"Heaven-defying magic!" Lin Yi remembered the swordsman in the novel of his previous life, Ximen Chuuxue.He kills with a single blow.It's just that Ximen Chuuxue used a sword, while Lin Yi used a knife.

Lin Yi murmured: "Then should I change my name to Lin Men Chuuxue?"

"Brother is not blowing snow, but blood."


Lin Yi couldn't help laughing out loud, he didn't have the slightest sense of being a thief.

Sure enough, Lin Yi heard footsteps in the next moment.

Putting away his excitement, Lin Yi squeezed the Dragon Killing Saber, ready to leave here.

He is naturally not afraid of fighting, but if he attracts other undead, Lin Yi will not do so.After all, as long as there is a war, the mine owner will naturally know.Lin Yi can't see through the mine owner's strength at all, and he has a strong soul power, which can kill Lin Yi completely, and he can't even recover his immortal body.

Although Lin Yi now has the supernatural power of a knife, he has not used it yet, and he does not know whether it is what the system said.So Lin Yi chose a more stable path without even thinking about it.

"Escape the Earth!"

Lin Yi's earth-escaping technique from the mine owner's illegitimate son finally came into play. Lin Yi went straight into the ground and escaped ten meters away in an instant.The escaping technique has also entered a 1-minute cooldown.

But when Lin Yi got out of the ground again, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Because he was so desperate that he happened to hide among a group of guards, and he was a stranger standing among a group of undead, and the group of undead guards just happened to see Lin Yi.

"Mamaipie!" Lin Yi screamed in his heart, never expecting that he was so unlucky that he originally wanted to avoid the battle, but he ran directly beside the guards.

At this moment, Lin Yi wanted to slap his two big ears hard, what's wrong with it, must he use the ground escape technique?

"I'm most afraid...the air is suddenly quiet." Lin Yi sang his favorite song weakly with a hoarse throat.


The guards reacted, and instantly pulled out a long knife from their waist, and slashed at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also lost his temper at this time, he shouted: "Damn! I don't want to fight and you still want to fight? Are you courting death?"

"I'll fuck you to death!"

Immediately, Lin Yi also ran towards a guard in front of him holding the Dragon Killing Saber.A knife directly pierced the guard's chest.

"Congratulations to the host for beheading the guard of the mine owner's mansion, and gaining a point of rage, a handle of a refined iron knife, and 21 experience points (the increase of the unparalleled jade pendant and double experience card has been calculated)."

After being promoted, Lin Yi lost more than 2 experience in beheading guards.However, his physical body has undergone a strong transformation, including an increase of almost three times in strength.With these increases, it doesn't matter if Lin Yi's experience is reduced a little.The guards who used to use martial arts to kill with one blow now only need Lin Yi's sword.

As a result, Lin Yi became more and more excited as he fought, and he was not as weak as before.

The battle lasted only a few minutes, but the surrounding area was full of blood.

More than 20 guards were all beheaded by Lin Yi.

With more than 400 million experience points in hand, Lin Yi left here with a knife in hand.Now that he has been discovered, he will no longer hide.Even Lin Yi didn't bother to clean up these corpses.

When he came to a relatively empty space in the mine owner's mansion, Lin Yi directly urged his fighting spirit and let out a loud drink.

The voice resounded throughout the mine owner's mansion under the stimulation and expansion of Lin Yi's fighting spirit.

Soon, many guards surrounded Lin Yi.Among them, there are also several masters whose strength is in the Lintian Realm and Neon Realm.However, there is no golden light on these undead, which means that they are not BOSS.

Lin Yi only glanced at these undead, then looked away.He is only interested in BOSS.As for the other little monsters, they can only be turned into Lin Yi's experience points.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to escape."

The mine owner's surprised voice sounded in the void, and it could be heard that he was very surprised that Lin Yi was able to come out of the house.Because it was a restriction he personally placed, and he knows best how strong the restriction is.That is a restriction that no expert in the neon realm or even the psychic realm can break through!
When the prime minister sent Yuling here, Yuling was locked there by the mine owner.One can imagine how severe the restrictions there are.

But the mine owner didn't expect Lin Yi to be able to break through the restriction he had set up, and he didn't feel it at all.

Lin Yi smiled, looked at the void, and said mockingly: "I didn't expect that the restriction you set up was so weak. I just used a trick quietly and came out from inside."

"Boy, what are you crazy about!"

Immediately, the guards clamored to leave.They are all people who have been indoctrinated by the mine owner with many ideas of the mine owner, and they are loyal to the mine owner.

Lin Yi ignored these guards, his goal was to kill the mine owner.As for these insignificant guards, Lin Yi didn't have much killing intent.Although this is a big wave of experience.But it didn't really hit the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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