The strongest undead system

Chapter 641 Weird Girl

Chapter 641 Weird Girl

Under the massacre of the Wuji Sword Master, all members of the Zhang family were slaughtered.If Lin Yi hadn't stopped them, all the women and children of the Zhang family would have been killed by the Wuji Sword Master.

But Lin Yi didn't let Wuji Sword Master do this. The people of the Zhang family are animals, but Lin Yi is not.Even though the lives in his hands may be more than those in the hands of the head of the Zhang family, they are all damned, and Lin Yi still has humanity in his heart.

The Zhang family compound was vacated, and Lin Yi and others entered it.

Yan Wenlin's seven people looked at Lin Yi with reverence. At first, they obeyed Lin Yi's words only because of their status as earth-level seventh-rank alchemists.After this battle, they were deeply impressed by Lin Yi's powerful strength, and they admired Lin Yi from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, the ones who can be respected in this world are the strong.Lin Yi deserved the word strong!

Although Xu Feiyang used Zhaofeng Seal, he didn't collapse into a coma like the last time.He just looked sluggish, walking around with Wan Han's support.

"This family is really rich!" Lin Yi glanced at the luxurious Zhang family compound and sneered.Handing Xu Feiyang a pill to soothe the nerves, Lin Yi looked at the family compound again.

From today, the Zhang family no longer exists.In the future, the northern part of Tianzhu Island and even the entire Tianzhu Island will be spread with Lin Yi and his feats.Especially Lin Yi, who defeated the Patriarch of the Zhang family, and the Wuji Sword Master, who pierced his heart with a sword, will naturally become famous even further.

"Wan Han, you come from a big family, you should know where ordinary families build their treasure houses." Lin Yi looked at Wan Han who was supporting Xu Feiyang, and said.

Wan Han nodded, then he pointed to Dongfang, and said: "The four directions respect the Dongfang, and the Dongfang symbolizes the boss. It is usually the residence of the highest-ranking person in the family, and there must be a treasure house there."

Lin Yi glanced at Wan Han appreciatively, and then led everyone to the east.

Shangguan Wu was very excited in his heartache, the Buddha flower was finally about to be obtained.

When they came to the courtyard in the east, Lin Yi and the others really saw a stone room inscribed with the four big characters of Zhang Family Treasure House.

The instructor punched hard on the door of the stone chamber, but it didn't break a single gap.

Lin Yi laughed: "Since it is a treasure house, it must not be easy to open."

"Look at me!"

The Dragon Killing Saber appeared in Lin Yi's hand, and with a movement of the hand that was holding on to the Dragon Killing Saber, the Dragon Killing Saber fell on the two doors of the treasure house.

But when the invincible Dragon Killing Knife collided with the gate of the treasure house, there were only sparks.After the spark disappeared, only a shallow knife mark remained.

"Huh?" Lin Yi was a little surprised, even the Dragon Killing Knife could not split the gate of the treasure house, leaving only knife marks.

However, Lin Yi was not discouraged, but rather pleased.Since this gate is not simple, it can just be used to be devoured by Qi Ling.

"Qi Ling, you go!"

Lin Yi said to Qi Ling directly in his heart.

With such a good thing, Qi Ling is naturally very active. It has been prepared for a long time, and it immediately moved its mouth when it heard Lin Yi's order.

Lin Yi understood what he meant, and gently placed the dragon killing knife on the gate of the stone room.

In just a moment, the door of the stone chamber was swallowed by the spirit of Qi, revealing the bright stone chamber inside.There are many luminous pearls placed in the stone chamber, so the darkened interior is naturally bright.

Lin Yi's method of directly knocking down the door of the stone room made Shangguan Wushang's eyes widen unconsciously. How many secrets does Lin Yi still have in him!

"Let's go." Lin Yi glanced at the astonished crowd and said with a smile.

With Qi Ling by his side, there is no gate that can stop Lin Yi.This is also the case that Lin Yi's devouring bloodline is only at the middle level. If the devouring bloodline is of a higher rank, Lin Yi can devour the gate without relying on the weapon spirit.

Everyone followed Lin Yi and walked inside.

"Not right!"

Lin Yi walked into the stone room, and after taking a look at the mess inside, Dang even frowned and reminded everyone in a deep voice.

The treasures stored in the treasure house are carefully placed, how could it be as messy as a garbage dump now?
Shangguan Wushang also frowned, he also noticed something was wrong.

On the contrary, Tao Tian said carelessly: "Master, you are being too careful. Everyone in the Zhang family is dead, even if there is something wrong,..."

Before he finished speaking, Tao Tian saw a figure flash by.Even though it was illuminated by the night pearl, he still didn't see the face of this figure!
Even Lin Yi, who temporarily opened the Poor Eye, couldn't capture the appearance of the black shadow, because the speed of the black shadow was so fast that no one could see it clearly.Only a vague figure could be seen.

Only Lin Yi was taken aback, because although he couldn't see the black shadow's face, he could see its figure.

The figure is not big, it should be a human child.

But Lin Yi was terrified. How could a human child have such a speed?

This child must not be simple!
Sure enough, after Tao Tian and the others saw the black shadow, Tao Tian immediately vomited blood and fell to the ground with a muffled groan.

That black shadow appeared where Tao Tian was standing.

It was a little girl with delicate and beautiful features. Judging from her appearance, she should be only eight or nine years old.But Tao Tian, ​​who was able to see the power of the immortal, was seriously injured, which shows that he is not ordinary!
And this is the little girl keeping her hand, she doesn't seem to like killing.


Seeing that the little girl was still thinking of attacking Yan Wenlin after knocking down Tao Tian, ​​Lin Yi stopped quickly.

At the same time, he was also worried that the little girl would not listen to him, so Lin Yi blatantly took the knife!

Lin Yi's worry was not in vain, because the little girl was really not ready to listen to Lin Yi's words.

However, Lin Yi's Dragon Slaying Saber reached the little girl's palm in time. In Lin Yi's opinion, the sharpness of the Dragon Slaying Saber would definitely cut off the little girl's palm.

But since the little girl did not kill Tao Tianxia, ​​Lin Yi was not prepared to be so cruel to her, so Lin Yi withdrew half of his strength.

Lin Yi tried to check the little girl's attributes through the system, but found nothing.All attributes are question marks.

Seeing Lin Yi's Dragon Slaying Saber slashing at him, the little girl didn't dare to shake it forcefully, so she quickly withdrew her hand, turned around and hid in the dark corner where the Ye Mingzhu didn't shine.

Lin Yi and the others were a little stunned. Judging by the little girl's reaction, it was Lin Yi and the others who wanted to commit murder?
"Who are you!" Lin Yi said coldly, not being confused by the little girl's pitiful appearance.

The little girl didn't answer, but looked at Lin Yi with hatred and vigilance.It seems that Lin Yi and the others are the most dangerous existence in the world.

Helping Tao Tian up from the ground, Lin Yi was about to stuff a healing elixir into Tao Tian's mouth.

But when a bottle of elixir appeared in his hand, it was snatched by the little girl.She snatched the pill bottle, and threw it into her mouth regardless of the jade bottle!
(End of this chapter)

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