Chapter 692
"They're all dead." Lin Yi glanced at all the fishermen standing at the entrance of the village, with a relaxed smile on his face.

However, the villagers didn't have any joy on their faces. After all, Lin Yi could stop it once, but he couldn't stop it all the time.Just relying on the kindness of taking them in for one night, they want Lin Yi to solve their problems. These fishermen feel ashamed.

Seeing that none of the fishermen cheered up, Lin Yi didn't care.He walked directly to the entrance of the village, and then squatted down.

"My lord, what are you doing?" The man who took Lin Yi in for a night couldn't help asking when he saw Lin Yi's strange behavior.

Lin Yi took it for granted: "Of course I'm waiting here. If there are other sea beasts coming to provoke me, I don't have to run around."

"It's tiring after all."

All the fishermen were convinced by Lin Yi's words, but it didn't mean they would accept Lin Yi's kindness.After all, in their view, Lin Yi stayed here to help them because he was dragged down by them.

These kind fishermen don't want Lin Yi to offend Sea King because of them.

Everyone started persuading him again, but this time Lin Yi ignored it at all.He simply expressed his position and thoughts with actions, and his squatting body did not intend to move.

Crouching at the entrance of the village, Lin Yi really encountered the attack of two groups of sea beasts again.But they were all killed by Lin Yi, and Lin Yi asked Titan Giant Ape and Master Yi to clean up the corpses all over the ground.

After that, for two hours in a row, no more sea beasts appeared.At noon, Lin Yi heard someone in the village shouting loudly.

He frowned, and exchanged glances with the instructor: "Shall we go into the village to have a look?"

Lin Liu's little girl jumped up straight away, and she couldn't do it if she was bored at the entrance of the village all day.When Lin Yi heard that Lin Yi planned to enter the village, Lin Liu was naturally overjoyed.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yi entered the village and saw that the elderly village chief was frowning at the moment, as if he had encountered some trouble.

The village chief glanced at Lin Yi, and he sighed. Although he didn't want to trouble Lin Yi in his heart, only Lin Yi could solve this matter.

"Young master, the person our village sent out to search for supplies just now came back. He was seriously injured, but the people who went out with him to search for supplies and the supplies they found were forcibly taken away by people from other villages. Give it to the invading sea beasts as food."

This is actually an unspoken rule. Once the sea beast invades, you can choose to hand over some people as the sea beast's food.Let the sea beasts stop attacking that village, but the village where Lin Yi is located did not do so.

What a sick place it is!

Lin Yi frowned: "Where is the man who was seriously injured?"


As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, a man in plain clothes limped out of the wooden house.His face was like gold paper, blood was all over his body, and he was the one who was seriously injured.

"I'm the one..."

Lin Yi glanced at the man, and said, "Uncle, take us there. I'll bring back those supplies and the people who were taken away."

"Young master, be careful. The village head who robbed our village of supplies is an expert." The village head reminded.If Lin Yi and the others were not here, these fishermen would have to endure such an ending at this moment.

So after seeing Lin Yi coming back and asking what happened, the village chief didn't hide anything.After all, we can only rely on Lin Yi now.

"Damn it, you dare to touch people in this village!" Lin Yi gritted his teeth with hatred, "If I destroy my optional mission [-], I will definitely stage a massacre of the village for you, and kill a hundred people!"

Lin Yi is not a good person, he is a person who values ​​profit but also values ​​righteousness.Villagers were taken away, if dead.The optional tasks of Lin Yi's Lingshi task cannot be completed, so Lin Yi is so active.

However, in Lin Yi's heart, he still somewhat didn't want to stand by and watch. Although he valued profit, he was still very humane.Moreover, there seems to be a voice in Lin Yi's heart, which is to ask Lin Yi to save people.I just don't know if this is the voice of the phantom Buddha in the Buddha flower.

After handing the seriously injured man a pill with excellent healing effect, Lin Yi said, "Uncle, take us there."

The man took Lin Yi's elixir, but he was a little reluctant to take it at first.But thinking that only I know where the village is, and only I can lead the way, no matter how reluctant the man is, he can only swallow this elixir to heal his wounds.

The village chief took a step forward and said, "Young master, why don't all the young and strong people in our village follow you? After all, it would be better if there were more people."

Lin Yi glanced at the angry villagers and nodded.He picked out four burly men from the inside, and said to the village chief, "Old man, just the four of them."

The village chief was obviously taken aback, obviously he didn't expect that Lin Yi only wanted these four people, he asked: "Young master, don't you want to bring more people?"

Shaking his head, Lin Yi grinned: "The four of them used to carry supplies. If they want to do it, my companions and I should do it."

It turned out that this was Lin Yi's real thought.

"If that's the case, then there is Mr. Lao." The village head nodded with some concern, and before Lin Yi and the others set off, the village head still worriedly told him again, "Sir, be careful!"

"Don't worry!" Lin Yi replied without looking back. A group of 25 people walked farther and farther under the strong sunlight.

Although it is half a day away from the coast of the East China Sea, it does not affect the salty and bitter taste brought by the sea breeze.Stepping on the soft golden and black soil under his feet, Lin Yi flew into the air under the suspicious eyes of everyone, and picked a blue coconut at random.A hole was poked with a finger, and the water in the coconut flowed out.

He handed the coconut to Master Lin, and Master Lin's expression froze: "Is this something edible?"

Lin Yi was taken aback, it turned out that people in the chaotic world didn't know coconuts.Thinking about it, the shell of the coconut is too hard. In this world where cultivation is the main thing and people are cultivating desperately all day long, no one would be so bored as to study a coconut without knowing whether it is edible or not.

Lin Yi nodded: "Just drink water."

Master Lin didn't have any doubts about Lin Yi's words, she lightly parted her red lips and drank the wonderful water from the coconut.

Lin Liu watched from the side, feeling itchy in her heart. Although she could easily pluck a coconut from the tree, she still kicked Lin Yi in dissatisfaction: "Lin Yi, give me one!"

Glancing at Lin Liu who was acting like a little ancestor, Lin Yi chuckled and took off a coconut and poked a hole in it and handed it to Lin Liu.

The five fishermen in the village were worried. Looking at Lin Yi and the others like this, it was no different from going on vacation.Although they knew that Lin Yi and the others were strong, they didn't know the specific strength.

Whether they can successfully bring back supplies and people really worries the five fishermen.

(End of this chapter)

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